techaid · 7 years
The Drop: Novos Jogos PlayStation para 14/02/2017
Um cataclisma trouxe a ruína para as civilizações do mundo, trazendo a humanidade à beira do fim. Das terras queimadas das antigas grandes nações, três facções surgiram para clamar sua glória: os cavaleiros, os vikings e os samurais da antiguidade. Prepare sua lâmina; For Honor chega na próxima semana ao PS4.
For Honor foi criado com um combate brutal e intimista em mente. Escolha um herói único de uma das três facções em guerra e torne-se mestre em suas habilidades e armas de escolha para dominar o campo de batalha. O Sistema Art of Battle dá ao jogador um nível incrível de controle sobre as ações de seu herói, e é o combustível que dá suporte às grandes batalhas que se encontram nos modos competitivos de For Honor.
Para uma lista completa de jogos PlayStation chegando esta semana, continue lendo. E aproveite The Drop!
Lançamentos: Semana de 14 de Fevereiro de 2017
ACA NeoGeo Neo Turf Masters
PS4 — Digital (Disponível 16/02)
Neo Turf Masters é um jogo de golf lançado pela SNK em 1996. Jogadores podem escolher de um total de seis golfers com diferentes habilidades e jogar em pistas localizadas ao redor do mundo, como na Austrália ou Alemanha. Jogadores podem testar suas habilidades de golf contra amigos com modos de jogo como Stroke Play e Match Play.
Battle Islands: Commanders
PS4 — Digital
Domine o campo de batalha! Dos criadores do popular jogo de estratégia da Segunda Guerra Mundial Battle Islands vem um explosivo jogo de combate! Faça parte das maiores batalhas da Segunda Guerra em Battle Islands: Commanders, das dunas de areia do norte da África ao frio intenso da Fronteira Leste!
Bridge Constructor
PS Vita — Digital (Cross-Buy)
Torne-se um engenheiro de pontes e arquiteto em Bridge Constructor. Crie suas próprias construções e observe os carros e caminhões passarem por ela — ou veja-os caindo conforme suas construções inferiores se desfazem por causa do peso e das leis da física! Seu orçamento é seu único limite.
PS4 — Digital
Flywrench é um jogo de ação frenético dos criadores de Nidhogg sobre pilotar uma espaçonave pelas profundezas da galáxia.
For Honor
PS4 — Digital
Entre no caos da guerra como um Cavaleiro, um Viking ou um Samurai, três dos maiores guerreiros das lendas. Em For Honor, lute com sua lâmina como nunca antes, com o inovador sistema de combate Art of Battle, que o coloca em completo controle de seu guerreiro.
PS4, PS Vita — Digital (Cross-Buy)
iO é um jogo de plataforma e física que o coloca em controle de uma bola. Ao aumentá-la ou diminuí-la, você pode influenciar sua velocidade e peso. Use estas mecânicas para ganhar momentum e passar pelos níveis. Brinque com as leis da física, resolva puzzles e alcance a saída o mais rápido possível.
Monster Loves You!
PS4 — Digital
Viva a vida de um Monstro, do nascimento na gosma à velhice e além, tomando decisões que afetam o mundo dos Monstros e Humanos nesta aventura de história intensa.
MX Nitro
PS4 — Digital
Cheio de adrenalina e velocidade: bem vindo a MX Nitro, um mundo de grandes corridas de motocross. Arrisque seu pescoço em manobras para conseguir o Nitro que precisa para vencer. Vá rápido e alto, e conquiste combos de manobras que desafiam a morte. Pegue sua moto, aprenda seus controles; você entrará numa jornada por muitas pistas em locais de tirar o fôlego.
Ride 2
PS4 — Digital
Descubra, transforme e teste as mais rápidas e icônicas motocicletas da maior garagem digital do mundo! Mais de 170 bikes, novos modelos e categorias. Colecione todas! Viaje o mundo em uma inesquecível e extraordinária sequência de eventos.
PS4 — Digital
Semispheres é um jogo de puzzle 2D que coloca duplicidade de realidades no coração de seus desafios. Cada controle analógico controla um avatar diferente em ambientes duplos e interconectados. Usando portais e outras habilidades para evitar sentinelas, desvie e execute seu plano, reunindo os paralelos do mundo das Semispheres.
Sky Ride
PS4 — Digital (Disponível 15/02)
Um jogo de ação em que um jogador irá manobrar uma moto de alta velocidade e derrotar um grande grupo de inimigos. O jogador irá voar acima do chão, no céu e em vários campos e lutar utilizando 4 armas.
Sniper Elite 4
PS4 — Digital
Descubra liberdade sem paralelos no maior e mais avançado shooter da Segunda Guerra já criado. Experimente o combate tático de terceira pessoa, escolha de estilo de jogo e épicas batalhas através de gigantes níveis conforme você liberta a Itália das garras do Facismo.
Starry Nights Helix
PS4 — Digital (Disponível 16/02)
O shooter side scroller em estilo retrô com uma história vívida que retrata as vidas de quatro protagonistas.
Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found
PS4 — Digital
Toy Odyssey é um jogo de plataforma e ação no estilo Metroidvania que o traz de volta para um mundo feito de pesadelos da infância. Junte-se à Brand, um boneco trazido à vida, em sua luta contra a escuridão para salvar seu dono, Felix. Pesadelos são apenas o começo de seus problemas…
Vertical Drop Heroes HD
PS4, PS Vita — Digital (Cross Buy)
Vertical Drop Heroes é um jogo de plataforma procedural misturado com RPG e elementos no estilo rogue, onde seu herói se aventura por estágios gerados aleatoriamente. Armado com uma variedade de habilidades e características, você deve usar sua esperteza e reflexos para sobreviver aos perigos de cada estágio, até que enfrente o chefão final e descubra a verdade por trás do jogo!
Esta informação está sujeita a mudanças sem aviso prévio.
The Drop: Novos Jogos PlayStation para 14/02/2017 posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
The Drop: New PlayStation Games for 2/14/2017
A cataclysm has laid waste to the world’s civilizations, sending humanity hurtling towards total ruin. From the charred remains of once great nations, three factions rise up to reclaim their glory: the knights, vikings, and samurai of old. Ready your blade; For Honor launches next week on PS4.
For Honor is designed with brutal, intimate combat in mind. Choose a unique hero from one of the three warring factions and master his skills and weapon of choice to dominate the battlefield. The Art of Battle combat system gives players a remarkable level of control over their hero’s actions, and fuels the exhilarating battles found in For Honor’s competitive modes.
For a full list of new games coming to PlayStation next week, read on. And enjoy the Drop!
New Releases: Week of February 14, 2017
ACA NeoGeo Neo Turf Masters
PS4 — Digital (Out 2/16)
Neo Turf Masters is a golf game released by SNK in 1996. Players can choose from a total of six golfers with different abilities and play on courses located around the world such as Australia and Germany. Players can test out their golf skills against friends with game modes such as Stroke Play and Match Play.
Battle Islands: Commanders
PS4 — Digital
Dominate the battlefield! From the creators of the popular WWII strategy game Battle Islands comes an explosive, head-to-head combat game! Take part in major WWII battles in Battle Islands: Commanders, from the sandy dunes of North Africa to the bitter cold of the Eastern Front!
Bridge Constructor
PS Vita — Digital (Cross Buy)
Become an appraised bridge engineer and architect in Bridge Constructor. Create and design your own constructions and watch the cars and trucks pass over them — or see them fall and crash while your inferior creations collapse due to weight and the laws of physics! Your budget is the only limit.
PS4 — Digital
Flywrench is a frenetic action game from the makers of Nidhogg about piloting an aerobatic ship through the depths of space.
For Honor
PS4 — Digital, Retail
Enter the chaos of war as a bold Knight, brutal Viking, or deadly Samurai, three of the greatest warriors of legend. In For Honor, wield your blade like never before with the innovative Art of Battle combat system that puts you in total control of your warrior.
PS4, PS Vita — Digital (Cross Buy)
iO is a physics platformer in which you control a ball. By growing or shrinking the ball you can influence its speed and weight. Use these mechanics to gain momentum and make your way through the levels. Toy with the laws of physics, solve the puzzles, and reach the exit as quickly as possible.
Monster Loves You!
PS4 — Digital
Live the life of a Monster, from birth in the slime vats to elderhood and beyond, making decisions that affect the world of Monsters and Humans in this story-book adventure.
MX Nitro
PS4 — Digital
Adrenaline overload, break-neck speed: welcome to MX Nitro, a world of thrill-ride motocross racing. Risk bone-breaking stunts to get the Nitro you need to win. Ride fast and high, rack-up death-defying trick combos. Grab your bike, nail its controls, you’re on a journey through tons of tracks in breath-taking locations.
Ride 2
PS4 — Digital, Retail
Discover, transform, and test out the fastest and most iconic motorbikes in the world’s largest digital garage! More than 170 bikes, new models and categories. Collect them all! Travel around the world in an unforgettable and extraordinary sequence of events.
PS4 — Digital
Semispheres is a unique 2D puzzle game that places dual realities at the heart of its challenge. Each analogue stick controls a different avatar in dual, interconnected environments. Using portals and other abilities to avoid sentries, devise and execute your plan, reuniting the parallel worlds of Semispheres.
Sky Ride
PS4 — Digital (Out 2/15)
An action game in which a player will ride on a high speed bike and defeat a large group of approaching enemies. The player will fly over the ground, in the sky and various fields and fight utilizing 4 weapons.
Sniper Elite 4
PS4 — Digital, Retail
Discover unrivalled freedom in the largest and most advanced World War II shooter ever built. Experience tactical third-person combat, gameplay choice, and epic longshots across gigantic levels as you liberate wartime Italy from the grip of Fascism.
Starry Nights Helix
PS4 — Digital (Out 2/16)
The retro-style, side scrolling shooter with a vivid storyline depicts the stories of four fully realized protagonists.
Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found
PS4 — Digital
Toy Odyssey is a Metroidvania style action-platformer that takes you back to a world made from the nightmares of your childhood. Join Brand, an action figure come to life, in his fight against the darkness to save his owner, Felix. Nightmares are only the start of his troubles…
Vertical Drop Heroes HD
PS4, PS Vita — Digital (Cross Buy)
Vertical Drop Heroes is a procedural platformer RPG hybrid with roguelike elements, where your hero adventures through randomly generated stages. Armed with a variety of skills and traits, you must use your cunning and reflexes to survive the dangers of each stage, until you face the final boss and uncover the truth behind the game!
Tina Guo – Game On
Rag N Bone Man – Human
Rationale – Vessels
Doctor Strange (plus bonus features)
The Walking Dead- February 12 at 9/8c (AMC)
Humans- February 13 at 10/9c (AMC)
Planet Earth II- February 18 at 9/8c (BBC America)
The information above is subject to change without notice.
The Drop: New PlayStation Games for 2/14/2017 posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
A Closer Look at the Menacing Machines of Horizon Zero Dawn
Horizon Zero Dawn presents a distant future in which pockets of humanity survive in primitive tribes, while strange machines hold dominion over the Earth. Only the bravest of tribespeople dare hunt these machines – and only the finest hunters live to tell the tale. In the following vignettes, four of Horizon Zero Dawn’s larger and deadlier machines are explored in detail:
The combat-class Thunderjaw is one of the deadliest machines encountered in Horizon Zero Dawn. A formidable beast equipped with cannons, disc launchers and a mouth laser, its powerful ranged attacks will quickly cut down any hunter foolish enough to alert it. Space permitting, it can also unleash with a devastating range of melee attacks such as charges and tail swipes.
An acquisition-class machine, the Snapmaw is frequently found basking in or near bodies of water, where it gathers valuable minerals from the sediment. It can move with surprising ferocity when alerted, lashing out with an array of melee attacks that include powerful lunge bites and tail swipes. For ranged attacks, it fires off cryo mortars that freeze the target on impact.
Soaring through the sky at high altitude, the fearsome Stormbird is a combat-class machine that can swoop down and attack its prey with tremendous force. It is just as dangerous on land as it is in the air, with a variety of swift and powerful attacks that range from wing blasts to claw slashes. Its enormous metal wings are capable of collecting and discharging the electricity in the air.
The Behemoth is a huge, rugged transport-class machine that uses anti-gravity technology to transfer precious cargo from smaller acquisition-class machines into its stomach container. When provoked, it may charge at the enemy or use its anti-gravity unit to hurl heavy objects. It is also equipped with a set of grinding drills that allow it to grind and propel rock projectiles.
Do you think you’ve got what it takes to be a machine hunter? Find out when Horizon Zero Dawn launches on February 28, and stay tuned to the official PlayStation Blog and Guerrilla’s own Facebook and Twitter pages for all the latest news on Horizon Zero Dawn!
A Closer Look at the Menacing Machines of Horizon Zero Dawn posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
PlayStation Blogcast 237: Andromonauts
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Mass Effect Andromeda and Psychonauts in The Rhombus of Ruin for PS VR take center stage on this week’s show! Special guests include Bioware General Manager Aaryn Flynn and Double Fine’s Tim Schafer and Chad Dawson. We also discuss all the finest things in life: Darkest Dungeon, OLED TVs, and PlayStation VR.
Stuff We Talked About
Mass Effect Andromeda
Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin
For Honor
Sniper Elite 4
Sid’s impossibly thin new OLED TV
John Wick: Chapter 2
Recent Episodes
236: Hashtag Jacket Cat
235: Born to be Wildlands
234: Demolition Men
The Cast
Sid Shuman – Director of Social Media, SIEA Justin Massongill – Social Media Manager, SIEA Ryan Clements – Sr. Social Media Specialist, SIEA
Send us questions and tips! [email protected] Leave us a voicemail! (650) 288-6706
Thanks to Cory Schmitz for our beautiful logo and Dormilón for our rad theme song and show music.
[Editor’s note: PSN game release dates are subject to change without notice. Game details are gathered from press releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]
PlayStation Blogcast 237: Andromonauts posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
Mass Effect: Andromeda teams up with European Space Agency for real world astronaut training
The Andromeda Initiative has registered six new human recruits to board the Ark Hyperion, and we’re collaborating with the European Space Agency to let six content creators participate in an authentic astronaut training experience before launch.
Before embarking on this mission to explore a new galaxy, the recruits will have to show their abilities in a series of space training sessions within the European Astronaut Centre, home base for all European astronauts, in Cologne. They will discover the meaning of courage as they prepare for humanity’s journey first-hand.
The six recruits include:
Squeezie from France
TheGrefG from Spain
Pietsmiet from Germany
Jane from the UK
SciFun from Poland
Steffan from the UK
Just like the Andromeda Initiative, the European Space Agency inspires human civilisation to reach for the stars into the Milky Way’s neighboring galaxies. How far will you go?
Mass Effect: Andromeda launches on 23rd March, 2017 in Europe. Sign up for the Andromeda Initiative now to receive pre-departure training information and exclusive in-game rewards.
The post Mass Effect: Andromeda teams up with European Space Agency for real world astronaut training appeared first on PlayStation.Blog.Europe.
Mass Effect: Andromeda teams up with European Space Agency for real world astronaut training posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
A Expansão Star Trek Online: Agents of Yesterday Estará Disponível em 14 de Fevereiro
2016 marcou um momento importante na história da ficção científica moderna, já que os fãs de Star Trek celebraram o 50º aniversário de Star Trek: The Original Series.
Star Trek se tornou um marco cultural para o mundo inteiro, introduzindo termos novos como warp drive, dispositivos de cloaking e transportadores. O título trouxe questões sociais como o racismo, sexismo e guerra para a opinião pública. O tema de um futuro otimista, no qual todas as pessoas da Terra estão unidas em busca da exploração, ressoou nos tempos tumultuados do final da década de 1960 e teve tanto ou mais influência cultural do que hoje em dia.
A equipe de Star Trek Online se orgulha de fazer parte dessa cultura de futuro e da celebração do 50º Aniversário durante todo o ano, com a expansão Agents of Yesterday para o PS4.
Começamos a criar o Agents of Yesterday no início de 2015 como uma versão para o PC que seria lançada em meados de 2016, e a equipe não poderia ter ficado mais animada por mergulhar na era fantástica de Star Trek: The Original Series. Temos pessoas na equipe que assistiam a série quando eram crianças e quando ela foi ao ar originalmente, outras assistiram pelo vídeo e algumas que fizeram uma maratona da série inteira quando ela foi lançada via serviços de streaming.
Quando e como as pessoas assistiam ao show deu a todos perspectivas diferentes sobre quais episódios foram os melhores, quais tiveram o impacto mais social, e quais forneceram os melhores temas para explorar a expansão. Houve muitos debates animados (e às vezes acalorados) sobre quais episódios e locais poderíamos trazer à vida em Star Trek Online, mas no final, conseguimos concordar com alguns dos temas e conjuntos mais icônicos da série.
Selecionar episódios de inspiração foi apenas uma parte do processo de desenvolvimento para a expansão Agents of Yesterday. Star Trek Online se passa no início dos anos 2400. Enquanto nós fizemos algumas missões de viagem de tempo para o período em que Star Trek: The Original Series acontece, sabíamos que teríamos muito trabalho pela frente para capturar a sensação daquela época. Tínhamos ambientes inteiros para criar, desde os interiores da nave espacial, de uma nova doca espacial na Terra, até as montanhas escarpadas de Vasquez Rocks, que são uma parte bastante famosa de Star Trek.
Novas habilidades e armas precisavam de efeitos visuais que se encaixassem com a estética dos anos 60 e que esperávamos capturar. Novas naves espaciais e alguns grupos inimigos tiveram de ser concebidos a partir do zero enquanto ainda tinham de estar de acordo com o material clássico. Todos esses desafios foram cumpridos pela equipe, e além de criar uma grande expansão, sabíamos que estávamos no caminho certo para criar uma homenagem adequada para a série que deu start a um fenômeno da cultura pop.
Para alguns de nós, essa expansão foi como dar asas para um sonho de infância, para outros foi uma verdadeira expressão de nossa paixão pela franquia. Mas para toda a equipe de desenvolvimento, Agents of Yesterday foi uma forma de celebrar o 50º aniversário com toda a nossa comunidade.
A expansão foi incrivelmente bem recebida em seu lançamento para o PC, e eu mal posso esperar para que todos possam curtir muito quando for lançada em 14 de fevereiro para o PS4.
A Expansão Star Trek Online: Agents of Yesterday Estará Disponível em 14 de Fevereiro posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
Star Trek Online’s Agent of Yesterday expansion beams onto PS4 on 14th February
The year 2016 marked an important moment in the history of modern science-fiction, as fans of Star Trek everywhere celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek: The Original Series.
As we know, Star Trek became a cultural touchstone for people all over the world. It introduced new terminology to the cultural vocabulary with warp drive, cloaking devices, and transporters. It brought social issues such as racism, sexism, and war to the forefront of public consciousness. The theme of an optimistic future, where all people on Earth are united in a quest of exploration, resonated in the tumultuous times of the late 1960s and had just as much bearing then as it does today.
The Star Trek Online team is proud to be part of that forward-thinking culture and the year-long 50th Anniversary celebration through our Agents of Yesterday expansion on PS4.
We began designing Agents of Yesterday in early 2015 for a release on PC in mid-2016 and the team couldn’t have been more excited to dive into that fantastic era from Star Trek: The Original Series. We have people on the team that watched the show as kids when it originally aired, others while it was in syndication, and some who binged the entire three-season series when it was released on streaming services.
  When and how people watched the show gave them different perspectives on which episodes were the best, which had the most social impact, and which provided the best themes for us to explore in the expansion. There were many animated (and sometimes heated) debates over which episodes and locations we would bring to life in Star Trek Online, but in the end, we were able to agree on some of the most iconic themes and sets from the show.
Selecting episodes for inspiration was only one part of the development process for the Agents of Yesterday expansion. Star Trek Online takes place in the early 2400s. While we’ve done some time travel missions to the timeframe which Star Trek: The Original Series takes place, we knew we would have a lot of work ahead of us to capture the feel of that era. We had whole environments to create, from starship interiors, to a new Earth Space Dock, to the craggy mountains of Vasquez Rocks that are such a famous part of Star Trek.
There were new abilities and weapons that required visual effects that fit with the 1960’s aesthetic we were hoping to capture. New starships and some enemy groups had to be conceived from scratch while still being true to the classic source material. All of these challenges were met with excitement from the team because, more than creating a great expansion, we knew we were on track to create a fitting tribute to the series that started a pop culture phenomenon.
  For some of us this expansion was the fulfillment of a childhood dream, to others it was a true expression of our passion for this franchise. But for the entire development team, Agents of Yesterday was a way to celebrate the 50th Anniversary with our entire community.
I can’t wait for everyone to enjoy it when it launches 14th February on PS4.
The post Star Trek Online’s Agent of Yesterday expansion beams onto PS4 on 14th February appeared first on PlayStation.Blog.Europe.
Star Trek Online’s Agent of Yesterday expansion beams onto PS4 on 14th February posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
Star Trek Online: Agents of Yesterday Expansion Out 2/14 on PS4
The year 2016 marked an important moment in the history of modern science-fiction, as fans of Star Trek everywhere celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek: The Original Series.
As we know, Star Trek became a cultural touchstone for people all over the world. It introduced new terminology to the cultural vocabulary with warp drive, cloaking devices, and transporters. It brought social issues such as racism, sexism, and war to the forefront of public consciousness. The theme of an optimistic future, where all people on Earth are united in a quest of exploration, resonated in the tumultuous times of the late 1960s and had just as much bearing then as it does today.
The Star Trek Online team is proud to be part of that forward-thinking culture and the year-long 50th Anniversary celebration through our Agents of Yesterday expansion on PS4.
We began designing Agents of Yesterday in early 2015 for a release on PC in mid-2016 and the team couldn’t have been more excited to dive into that fantastic era from Star Trek: The Original Series. We have people on the team that watched the show as kids when it originally aired, others while it was in syndication, and some who binged the entire three-season series when it was released on streaming services.
When and how people watched the show gave them different perspectives on which episodes were the best, which had the most social impact, and which provided the best themes for us to explore in the expansion. There were many animated (and sometimes heated) debates over which episodes and locations we would bring to life in Star Trek Online, but in the end, we were able to agree on some of the most iconic themes and sets from the show.
Selecting episodes for inspiration was only one part of the development process for the Agents of Yesterday expansion. Star Trek Online takes place in the early 2400s. While we’ve done some time travel missions to the timeframe which Star Trek: The Original Series takes place, we knew we would have a lot of work ahead of us to capture the feel of that era. We had whole environments to create, from starship interiors, to a new Earth Space Dock, to the craggy mountains of Vasquez Rocks that are such a famous part of Star Trek.
There were new abilities and weapons that required visual effects that fit with the 1960’s aesthetic we were hoping to capture. New starships and some enemy groups had to be conceived from scratch while still being true to the classic source material. All of these challenges were met with excitement from the team because, more than creating a great expansion, we knew we were on track to create a fitting tribute to the series that started a pop culture phenomenon.
For some of us this expansion was the fulfillment of a childhood dream, to others it was a true expression of our passion for this franchise. But for the entire development team, Agents of Yesterday was a way to celebrate the 50th Anniversary with our entire community.
This expansion was incredibly well received in its PC launch, and I can’t wait for everyone to enjoy it when it launches February 14 on PS4.
Star Trek Online: Agents of Yesterday Expansion Out 2/14 on PS4 posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
7 Videogame Relationships That Were Doomed From The Start
7 Videogame Relationships That Were Doomed From The Start posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
Engendering a Consequence-Free Culture | AT&T ThreatTraq #233
Engendering a Consequence-Free Culture | AT&T ThreatTraq #233 posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
Go ahead, prove you’re not a robot | AT&T ThreatTraq Bits
Go ahead, prove you’re not a robot | AT&T ThreatTraq Bits posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
Get a detailed in-depth look at Horizon Zero Dawn’s amazing machines
Horizon Zero Dawn presents a distant future in which pockets of humanity survive in primitive tribes, while strange machines hold dominion over the Earth. Only the bravest of tribespeople dare hunt these machines – and only the finest hunters live to tell the tale. In the following vignettes, four of Horizon Zero Dawn’s larger and deadlier machines are explored in detail:
The combat-class Thunderjaw is one of the deadliest machines encountered in Horizon Zero Dawn. A formidable beast equipped with cannons, disc launchers and a mouth laser, its powerful ranged attacks will quickly cut down any hunter foolish enough to alert it. Space permitting, it can also unleash with a devastating range of melee attacks such as charges and tail swipes.
An acquisition-class machine, the Snapmaw is frequently found basking in or near bodies of water, where it gathers valuable minerals from the sediment. It can move with surprising ferocity when alerted, lashing out with an array of melee attacks that include powerful lunge bites and tail swipes. For ranged attacks, it fires off cryo mortars that freeze the target on impact.
Soaring through the sky at high altitude, the fearsome Stormbird is a combat-class machine that can swoop down and attack its prey with tremendous force. It is just as dangerous on land as it is in the air, with a variety of swift and powerful attacks that range from wing blasts to claw slashes. Its enormous metal wings are capable of collecting and discharging the electricity in the air.
The Behemoth is a huge, rugged transport-class machine that uses anti-gravity technology to transfer precious cargo from smaller acquisition-class machines into its stomach container. When provoked, it may charge at the enemy or use its anti-gravity unit to hurl heavy objects. It is also equipped with a set of grinding drills that allow it to grind and propel rock projectiles.
Do you think you’ve got what it takes to be a machine hunter? Find out when Horizon Zero Dawn launches on 1st March, and stay tuned to the official PlayStation Blog and Guerrilla’s own Facebook and Twitter pages for all the latest news on Horizon Zero Dawn!
The post Get a detailed in-depth look at Horizon Zero Dawn’s amazing machines appeared first on PlayStation.Blog.Europe.
Get a detailed in-depth look at Horizon Zero Dawn’s amazing machines posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
Little Nightmares New Gameplay - The Creepiest Puzzler on PS4
Little Nightmares New Gameplay - The Creepiest Puzzler on PS4 posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
Project Cars 2 Gameplay - How Does It Compare To Real Life Racing?
Project Cars 2 Gameplay - How Does It Compare To Real Life Racing? posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
Always a Step Ahead: Variant Configuration with SAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics
Always a Step Ahead: Variant Configuration with SAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
PlayStation Store Highlights - 8th February 2017
PlayStation Store Highlights - 8th February 2017 posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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techaid · 7 years
SAP S/4HANA Sneak Preview 1702 – Highlights
SAP S/4HANA Sneak Preview 1702 – Highlights posted first on http://ift.tt/2lpiCJJ
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