Hi there I love your blog! May I possibly request some headcanons of the process of Hawks falling in love and confessing to his s/o please? Thank you very much for your time. Stay awesome!
Ohhhh hunty u have no idea how much I love to write for hawks 👀 but here u go! Also thanks!!!
Honest to god if this were reality I’d see Hawks only confessing if the hero commission were to collapse (I read this somewhere but I liked the idea so much I stole it rip). So long as he’s under the hero commission, he cannot have an s/o and will actively go out of his way to avoid falling in love.
But let’s say the hero commission didn’t hold him back
You were the sweetest thing he’d ever met. Your smile brought light to even the darkest of rooms and even just being around you, soaking in your energy and vibes, hawks couldn’t help but be entranced by you.
Somehow, you two met, and he found you to be such a cool person!
You two would talk about all different kinds of shit and slowly but surely bond over all the things you two share together.
Here’s where hawks.exe stops working
He slowly notices that you’re brighter than the rest of the world, that your smile is the one thing aside from hero work that matters to him
He gets blushy if you and only you enter his personal space
He will be an absolute gentleman towards you, holding doors open for you and pulling out your seat for you to sit
Something that you may notice is that his wings may puff up at the base when he’s around you and you may even see some feathers pop out if he gets blushy or nervous enough
Will always find an excuse to touch you. Hand behind the back, grazing hands as he passes something to you, brushing you with his wings all sorts of different ways.
Will smile at you with that crooked smile.
No longer feels that he has to put up a face with you so he gets a LOT more comfortable being himself like he’ll show more emotions and shit
Wants so desperately to touch you. Poor mans is touch starved
Pls keep in mind that this is an incredibly slow process too because hawks has endured a lot of trauma growing up and he’s only just learning how to love as an adult.
But hoooo baby when he finally figures it out and he realizes that hey, he’s in love, shit hits the fan
Now accepting it, he goes back more to his usual cheesy self and constantly flirts with you. Flirt or retort something back and he’ll be head over heels for you.
Can be very slow to confess. You’re most likely his closest friend when he falls, and he’s so afraid of ruining the relationship y’all already have
I feel like confessing would happen accidentally
And it could happen fast
As mentioned this mans is touch starved so when he gets the chance to touch you, he does.
So when he discovers your weak spots to tickle, you’re done for.
He lunges forward from his end of the couch and attacks you, tickling you, getting right into all your weak sides, but then he hooks his fingers right there and you let out a moan on accident rip
And you and he are right there staring at each other before dying of laughter
And that’s when it slips out
“Haha, god I love you.”
But the thing is is that you don’t realize what you say until it’s too late as well
“Me too!”
Before you both take a second take at each other and completely blush
“W-wait, you mean it?” You ask him curiously
“Well, I guess I do. Can I, uh..” he coughs, “..kiss you?”
You only respond by pulling him to your mouth and sharing what could have been the most passionate kiss you had ever shared with someone.
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“a-another one?” kiyoomi gawks at you happily placing down a small pot of a green leafed plant by the giant window. he doesn’t know what kind of plant it is, and he can’t honestly say he cares. 
“it’s an english ivy,” you tell him with a grin, glancing around the living room for better possible places for the plant to occupy. you know he’s aware and a bit confused by your plant “obsession.” with him not being home often, it’s only natural for you to buy more living things to keep you company. 
he blinks, hums back in acknowledgment–half thankful you don’t have a pet obsession–and trudges toward the kitchen for a glass of water. “do you want some?” he asks through a yawn. 
“no thanks,” you chirp back, flopping back on the couch with a satisfied smile. “with your mint colored pajamas and water obsession, you’re practically a plant” 
from the living room, you can him snort before gulping down the rest of the his water. “if i was a plant, i’m sure i’d be your favorite one…not that english one” 
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kuroo and his mom doesn’t like you
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you haven’t felt this insignificant in a while.
you're sitting in the car across the street, wiping the tears from your eyes, angry at yourself for letting dumb shit like this even get to you, when you hear the loud slamming of a house door in the distance. looking up to find your boyfriend—no, fiancé—angrily stomping towards your car. he rounds the front and yanks open the driver’s door and climbs in, aggressively slamming it shut. the sound rings throughout the car.
the silence is deafening, and you feel like you should say something. so you settle for words that aren’t right, but are the ones you’re used to saying. “i’m sor—”
“don’t,” kuroo spits, glaring at the wheel, before grunting and pushing the heels of his hands against his eyes, leaning back against the headrest. “fuck. this was a fucking terrible idea.”
your stomach drops, and you stare at your lap. it had been your idea to see his mother, a light nudge for a meal and a conversation since you hadn’t met her yet. what if we invite her to the wedding were your exact words. she’s still your mom. i think she deserves to know.
tetsurō had been skeptical, because he isn’t friendly with his mother. they’re civil; they see each other occasionally and send cards and small gifts for celebrations, but your boyfriend—fiancé—says that they’re all empty gestures. his mom left when he was young, and he and his sister were raised by their dad and grandparents. if she really cared, if she really wanted to be part of the celebrations, she wouldn’t have disappeared.
it might be a juvenile way of thinking, because relationships fail all the time, but tetsurō maintains it. she could’ve left, sure, but she still had children; she could have visited, called, something. he’d said that he only started having dinner with her when he had to move closer to university, nearer to her house. at first he hadn’t wanted to, but he was a broke college student who appreciated a free meal every now and again.
but you’d insisted on the dinner, and tetsu set it up at your pleas. you’d thanked him profusely, assuring his constant warnings, bought your favorite bottle of champagne, and dressed your best to make a fabulous impression. it was a naïve thought to have, but you’d thought that maybe if you made a good first impression, she’d like you, and tetsu and his mom would start talking again. have a relationship.
but the woman was shrewd—critical, haughty, and downright mean. she’d turned her nose at your champagne, gave your dress a scrutinizing once over, and—worst of all—openly spoke of how tetsurō could do so much better, tetsu, she had a business partner who’s daughter was absolutely beautiful. a graduate of tokyo university, too! if he knew what was good for him, he should leave you.
it was like a slap to the face to not only not have the woman’s approval, but to also be told to your face that there were options waiting for tetsurō if he so much as asked. it was one thing to speculate that your mother-in-law-to-be didn’t like you; it was another thing entirely to be told that you were replaceable by the woman herself. 
your heart felt like it shattered into a million hopeless pieces, and you weakly excused yourself from the table, not even bothering to listen to tetsurō calling out for you. you simply marched out of that wretched woman’s house and to your fiancé’s car, and he’d probably unlocked the door before you got there because the handle had some give.
and now you find yourself here.
your sniffling has died down, but kuroo is still livid. he’s glaring at the dashboard like it killed his dog. “she had no right—she had no right,” he spits gripping the wheel until his knuckles turned white.
you remain silent.
“she—she fucking—,” he lets go of the wheel and roughly cards his fingers through his hair. he takes a deep breath and turns to you. “she shouldn’t have said any of those things to you.”
and as much as you want to agree, you can’t. because you’ve always thought that way. tetsurō was an amazing guy, and it was hard to think that you deserved all the happiness he gave you everyday. you know you’re difficult to deal with sometimes, and you’re not that pretty, or that smart. you’re average. and tetsurō was not.
“she shouldn’t have—argh!” he slams at the wheel and the harsh horn makes you jump. “she had no fucking right!
“she wasn’t there when i got fucking fired from my first god damn job, she wasn’t there when my cat fucking died, she wasn’t there when my sister got pregnant, or when i had to look for a different apartment when the landlord got foreclosed on, or when i worked myself to the bone and got myself hospitalized for dehydration. she wasn’t there, for years, and she think she knows what’s good for me?” 
you stare at your lap.
“you know who was there?” he continues angrily. “you! you were by my side when i was broke as shit, when i felt like a complete idiot for not being able to hold a job for more than two weeks, when my fifteen-year-old cat died. you helped me find a new apartment, took care of me when i got sick, and you even fucking helped me get a god damn job. she doesn’t know shit, doesn’t know half of how much you love me, how much you take care of me, and she fucking tells me that i should leave you?
“how dare she talk to you the way she did tonight!” he roars. “fuck her! fucking—fuck! her!”
his breath comes in pants once his rant is over, and it feels like it takes hours before he calms down. he leans his head on the top of his steering wheel. “fuck.”
“i’m sorry,” you squeak apologetically. “you tried to warn me.”
“you just...” he lets out a sigh. “i get it. she’s my mom, and we’re getting married, it’s just... god. i fucking hate it when people talk shit about you.” he slides his hands down the sides of the wheel and reaches to grab one of yours over the handbrake. 
“don’t listen to her, okay? ” he practically begs you, brow furrowed and eyes squeezed shut as he presses your hand against his lips. “i love you. i’ll only ever love you. you have—you have no idea." he looks up at you with pleading eyes. “please. please don’t ever leave me. i don’t—i don’t know what i’d do without you. i’ll do my best to make you happy for the rest of my life. i promise. 
“just, please,” he begs, “please don’t leave me.”
you can’t lie and say that you aren’t devastated that your husband-to-be’s mother thinks you’re not worth his while, but you’ve known kuroo for years. you love him. you know him.
you trust him.
“i’ll never leave you,” you whisper. he lets out a grateful breath.
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astral for saeyoung astral for saeyoung astral for saeyoung oh my god
wooo everyone here is (finally) my first fic for my birthday event!! i apologize for the fact that this has taken 3 days, my work assigned me too much shit this week.
astra | saeyoung choi
warnings: idk man introspection
word count: 853
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He’s gotten into the habit of tracing across her skin. Here she is, bare back beside him, lit up by the faux constellations that dot his ceiling, and his fingers seem to be connected to her in a way that is beyond something he could ever describe. It’s not just a desire to feel her, a yearning to know that she’s physical and there and entirely his—no, it’s something so far beyond that, something that settles into the marrow of his bones and in the movement of his joints; it’s an air that circles around them, one that pushes like the sweet breeze of summer until he can no longer resist its motion; a hum in his blood, a beg and a whine from somewhere so deep within himself that he cannot hear it, can only feel the way it presses him further and closer into her. And so his fingers are inevitably part of her skin, an extension of her as much as they are an extension of him and his body.
She’s quiet tonight, her breath something of phantoms and ghosts that haunt his ears—though both are welcomed gladly into his space. She’s illuminated by the depths of the dusk light, dusted by blues that are entirely fit for her skin, but the constellations upon his ceiling—though never harsh—are enough to provide enough light to make out the patterns that cross her back. Though the real stars are enough to provide him with the shape of her body, with the way she curves and arches and slips into linen sheets, his glow-in-the-dark stars bring out the dimples of her back, the freckles that dot across her shoulder blades and all the way down the rest of her back and waist—the mixture of the lights allows him to examine every part of her, allows him the joy of letting his eyes fall over something that could only be compared to sugared stars and meteorites left to form saccharine constellations that he could almost taste (has kissed and tasted, if he’s being quiet honest, and each time he’s left with that deep whine settling somewhere in his chest, that damn beg for something more as though there’s anything more for either of them to give).
His touch runs up the length of her spine, and she curls beneath him, a sudden intake of breath becoming a sweet melody in his ears. He laughs, a little breathless, and watches as she stirs and turns her head to look at him.
Her gaze is so sweet, her eyes obstructed by both the hefty feeling of sleep and the pieces of hair that have fallen in front of her face. She doesn’t speak, only watches as his fingers continue to trace the orbit of her back, following the way the nebulas of her flesh curl around her body.
He leans down and presses his lips to her shoulder blade—the top of his little galaxy map that he’s made for himself upon her skin—and feels as she hums beneath him, letting her eyes slip shut again as she shifts and turns in her fatigue. Her head now rests on her crossed arms and she faces him, though her eyes flutter open and shut as though she’s trying to stay awake and failing quite miserably. He laughs as he lightly scratches his nails up her back again, and she sighs, arching up into him as he presses another set of kisses to her back.
It’s not uncommon for him to see her like this—for her to have fallen asleep far before he’d ever gone to bed—but it’s rarer for him to see her like this long after he’s climbed between their sheets, long after his hands and his lips have explored every inch of her body and covered her in the kind of love that he can make tangible.
It’s rare for her to be somewhere between sleep and wake, and for him to be able to watch her drift between the two, his hands free to roam as much as she allows them. And though this moment is rare, it is certainly not one he’d exchange for every star in the damn sky. He would live forever in darkness if it meant he could still feel her fingertips upon his skin, accept night as his only home if it meant that her voice could guide him there.
He’s always loved the darkness that can be found in the brilliance of the unknown, anyway. If he had to explore it, he would explore it with her, with her breath surrounding his ears and her laughter resounding deep within his own chest.
She stirs again, an intake of breath as she tries to open her eyes at him. He presses a kiss just behind her ear before speaking.
“No, babe,” He says, near laughter biting at every syllable, “go to sleep.”
“And you, my love,” She mumbles, reaching around him to pull him down into their pillows, pulling them closer and closer in this growing darkness. “Sleep.”
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nanami kento is not a morning person.
the messy hair, grey nightshirt, or even the pinkish tint that doesn’t abandon his face until late noon, all those things that piece him together as a, surprisingly, hater for the mornings.
“i hate waking up so early.” he grumbles, hands suddenly snaking in around your waist as you stand over the kitchen counter.
you didn’t even hear him walk in.
you nod, smiling, “i know.”
“i hate when you leave the bed before me.” he complains again, his voice a bit hoarse, and you let him bury his head in the crook of your neck.
you laugh, “i know that too.”
“have you thought about it?” he asks you, still half asleep against your skin.
“hm,” you hum, your focus set still on the breakfast you’re cooking before you, “maybe.”
see, three nights ago, during dinner, nanami asked you if you wanted to live together, something regarding it being more convenient and it being the responsible thing to do at this point of your relationship.
but you’re not as responsible as nanami — and frankly, you’re unsure if those are the terms you want to move in on.
you know it isn’t like him, but you wanted him to tell you to move in with him because he loves you and he wants to see you all the time, not because it makes it easier for him to go back and forth from work.
“you should say yes.” he says, lifting his head up from your skin, kissing slightly along your shoulder.
you smile, focusing on the food you’re trying to cook, “i should?”
“you already practically live here anyway.” he nods, and his butterfly kisses along with his morning voice makes you smile wider.
nanami smiles against your skin, “make it official.”
by now, you already know — it’s very hard saying no to him.
“well, i don’t know,” you answer him, truthfully, your right hand abandoning the counter to take place in his messy hair instead.
you say, “i want to live with you.”
and nanami interjects, “so live with me.”
and you laugh lightly at his insistence, his tone dripping in impatience, and you wonder if anyone would ever believe you if you described nanami as the man you spend your mornings with.
“i don’t — i don’t think,” you bite back your words, unable to find the right things to say, and you decide it’s best to give up on cooking and just turn off the stove.
you turn around, your back now against the counter, nanami’s hands still sitting comfortably on your waist, and he smiles at you when he sees your face.
“good morning.” he tells you, like you’ve just seen each other for the first time since he woke up, and you laugh.
he takes hold of your free hand, bringing it up to his face, and he places quick kisses on your wrist, then the back of your palm, and finally the back of your fingers.
you tilt your head, eyebrows furrowing with a sigh, “i don’t think i can live here.”
“it’s so…” you raise an eyebrow, “big.”
and nanami doesn’t respond.
he looks at you, not looking even slightly bothered by what you just said, and he spaces off, like he’s taking a few seconds to himself to think.
was that the only reason keeping you from moving in with him?
“i’ll move.” he tells you finally, his voice calm, hoarse, but serious enough to let you know he means it, “problem solved.”
you blink, and you push him off, “you can’t just move.”
and his eyebrows knit slightly, “why not?”
he looks at you with a confused expression — he would live in the smallest apartment in japan if it meant he’d always be able to wake up next to you.
“it’s — it’s just not something you decide to do in one conversation.” you bring your hand up to his face, your palm comfortable on his cheek.
“but you don’t want to live here.” he tells you like it’s a fact.
your shoulders raise, “so because of that you’ll move?”
and his answer is quick, “yes.”
it’s nine in the morning on a sunday, one of the free days you and nanami have to yourselves all week, and the atmosphere is nice, the air is cold, and you both smell like burnt bacon and yesterday’s cologne.
“you’re insane.” you laugh slightly, pushing yourself off the counter to intertwine your hands on his messy hair.
nanami nods, mirroring your smile, “maybe.”
“i burnt breakfast.” you say, still looking at him.
and he tells you, “then we go back to bed.”
and this time when you laugh, he laughs too, and it’s weird because you’re probably the only person in the world that could make him do that.
you’re probably the only person in the world he’d want to wake up to — that’s why he wants to move in with you so much.
not because it’s more convenient for him, not because it’s the responsible thing to do, but because sleeping next to you and waking up to your burnt cooking is probably the only thing he’d ever want to have.
before you — sundays were for coming into work even when he isn’t called in because it’s still an opportunity to make money, and now — his sundays are smelling like you and sleeping in ‘til noon.
“did you intentionally make me burn breakfast so you can drag me back to bed?” you smile, walking away from his grasp.
and nanami looks at you, “i’m sorry, is that a wrong thing to do?”
(you laugh again, and nanami doesn’t know how he’s been able to get by as a jujutsu sorcerer and an ex-salaryman without it.)
he absolutely cannot wait to move in with you.
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i'm just spending too much time watching couple tiktoks grr. don't mind me
genre: fluff, fluff, fluff <3
w/ Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, and Shoto
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this man will absolutely not stand for it
"I'm gonna go on a run with shitty hair, love you."
"mmkay have fun and stay safe babe."
walks out the room but the second he reaches the door he realizes something's missing so he goes back to your room and peeks his head out
you're on the bed looking at him like "what??"
"I said I'm gonna go on a run with shitty hair. I love you."
you furrow your brows, looking around you trying to do your best with ur acting
"And I said to have fun and take care."
Now he's standing at your door with his arms crossed across his chest, frowning at you
"I'll repeat it as many times as you want until I get the reply I want."
he's repeating what he said like five times now and he's stubborn so you know he won't budge
you're lughing loudly and he raises a brow at you, silently asking what was wrong. "I'm sorry, it was for a tiktok babe." You chuckle, crawling towards him at the foot of the bed
"I love you too." You press a kiss on his lips
"that's what I thought." he huffs before leaving
"the squad and I are working out together. I'll bring home dinner. Love you." He kisses your forehead, he always kisses your forehead before he leaves
"Okay, have fun hon."
he straightens his body, looking down at you with blinking eyes as he furrows his brows. you look uo at him like what??
"Love you."
"Okay, have fun."
he's staring you down as you bite your tongue to stop yourself from laughing
he leans back down at you, crushing you under his weight as he buries his face on the crook of your neck
"you didn't say i love you back." he's using his baby voice and you're laughing at how upset he sounds
"I'm sorry, baby. It was for a tiktok." You explain, kissing his temples, "I love you too."
kirishima pokes your sides at your explanation, jokingly sticking his tongue out at you before pressing a kiss onto your lips
"okay i gotta go now bye baby." you kiss your boyfriend on his lips, taking off his headset and putting it on yourself. "bye Jirou! bye Shinsou!" you say into his mic, smiling when the two bid you good bye as well
you put the headset back on your boyfriend before leaving
"bye baby! love you!" he yells, and runs away from the monster he's fighting just to hear you say it back but when he hears his front door close instead, he pouts
"yeah okay guys i'll be AFK for a moment Y/n didn't hear me say i love you." (you did you just decided to ignore it for some stupid tiktok 🖕)
"oooohhh, better offer her your life if you wanna live now." shinsou jokes
Denki runs out his apartment, hoping you still hadn't gone down the elevator
when he sees you just stepping inside it, he sprints towards it, jamming his hand in the middle of the doors before they close and the way he does this is he literally dives onto the floor
"oh my goodness, Denki!" you yell, pressing the button to open the doors as you help your boyfriend up
"what the hell did you do that for?!" you ask
he looks up at you, pouting. "you didn't hear me say i love you? i yelled it before you left my apsrtment."
you break into a smile, stepping out of the elevator as you began to laugh at your adorable boyfriend
"babe you didn't have to swan dive in front of the elevator in your boxer shorts just to say it to me. you could have called me!"
"but you said 'i love you' hits differently when said in person."
your heart breaks at your boyfriend's words and swear to god you were going to ruin the life of whoever gave you the idea to do the trend in the first place
bye bye mina
you know that cop and son scene from spiderman: into the soider verse? the i love you scene? yeah that kind of happened
"hon I gotta go, I promise Mina and the girls we were going to go get drinks today." you kiss your husband on the cheek
"okay you girls have fun, i love you."
you leave his office and he's sitting there like 🧍‍♂️did she just ghost me irl
he waits for you to come back, it probably just processed in your head now cause you were in such a rush but when you don't seem like you were coming back, he jumps out his window and uses his ice to slide down safely
mind you this is a 50-storey building and his office is at the very top. yes at the 50th floor. and he slid down to the ground floor with his ice. yes he's the ceo of his agency.
he enters his building back from the outside. "lock the entrances and exits." he tells the security guard and immediately the building is going on lockdown
his staff don't panic, they just watch in curiosity as their boss stands in the middle of the lobby with his arms crossed across his chest
the click and clacking of your heels echo through the now silent, enormous hobby filled with 80-100 people
you furrow your brows, surprised at the sight of your husband suddenly in the lobby
"shoto? weren't you just in the office?" you ask.
"i was, but you didn't say i love you back."
"sho are you serious-"
"i love you."
"you locked down your entire building-"
"i love you."
"you could have just called me!"
"Y/n I love you."
you hear some women giggling at how adorable your husband was and honestly, you would be too if you witnessed this
you sigh, "I love you too, Sho."
he smiles, motioning his finger up to ask for the lockdown to be lifted. he kisses you on the cheek before heading back up to his office
safe to say you guys made headlines the next day
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Hi!! i was wondering if i could request a bakugou oneshot (or HC might be funnier, it’s up to you) -
BASICALLY do you know the post about a girl pavloving her crush by giving him his favourite sweet every time he saw her and he got confused why he was so happy to see her? yeah can you do that for Bakugou but like, with this?
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like he gets calmer when he sees her (and slightly happier too) cause she gives him his favourite sweet or snack or sumn and he’s just like WTF!!!! (i’m sorry i hope this makes sense and isn’t overwhelming 😅) message me if you need to THANK YOU EITHER WAY
─ sweeter than chocolate
feat. bakugo katsuki
wc : 1,026
warnings : swearing 'cause it's bakugo
a/n : THIS IS SO CUTE PLS DHSJJD anyways i loved writing this so here you go! (btw srry i took a while to finish, my procrastination kicked in)
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The first time you gave Bakugo some chocolate, you didn’t even know they were his favorite sweets.
The whole class was in the common room that afternoon, enduring Bakugo's screams of profanities per usual. You were minding your own business, in the midst of digging through your backpack for your homework, but the blonde’s blaring voice annoyed you to no end. That’s when you spotted some extra chocolate you had in your bag’s front pocket. “Maybe if i gave him some food, he’ll finally shut up,” you thought before grabbing the sweets and heading towards Bakugo.
“Hey!” you yelled over his angry screaming. "For goodness sake, can't you just calm down? Eat this and shut up for once!" you shoved some chocolate into his hand before walking away.
Your actions resulted in a sudden silence. To say that everyone was surprised was an understatement. You yelled back at Bakugo yet gave him some chocolate? And that managed to shut him up? What was going on?
Fortunately for everyone, Bakugo no longer yelled anything at anyone after that fiasco. He instead stared down at the wrapped bar of chocolate you have him confusedly. The thought of throwing the chocolate away crossed his mind. To which he nearly did, until he realized that you gave him his favorite brand, so he quietly put it in his backpack because throwing it away would be a waste (and hey, free food).
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A few days later, Bakguo came back from hero training exhausted and completely drained. He was lowkey craving something sweet. That was when his mind drifted towards his favorite brand of chocolate and he remembered you gave him a bar not long ago. He reached inside the front pocket of his backpack and pulls out the wrapped up sweet. Unwrapping the plastic, he bites off a piece, munching in a satisfactory manner.
Bakugo was shocked at himself for enjoying some leftover chocolate you gave him. He couldn't resist the will to ask for more the next time you saw each other. "I'll give you some only if you're nicer to our class from now on," was your reply to his request. To your surprise, he (reluctantly) agreed without putting up a fight. Huh, who knew he had a sweet tooth?
The exchange of chocolate became a routine after that conversation. It was the fourth time you'd given him chocolate now, but it wasn't because he was angrily yelling at anyone, you just felt like sharing food with him. He was confused at your sudden kindness but accepted the chocolate nonetheless.
You continued to supply Bakugo with tons of chocolate for the next month. You never failed notice how Bakugo always becomes calmer and happier around you. He's never yelled at you and opted to give you small smiles instead. You guys even gradually become close friends due to this exchange.
Bakugo has been trying to convince himself that the only reason he could tolerate you was because of the free chocolate. But he wasn't so sure anymore when he started to hangout with you for reasons other than chocolate. His denial towards the whole ordeal only made his attraction towards you grow stronger.
Bakugo began to notice even the tiniest details about you that even your friends didn't know. He saw how you tapped your foot when you were nervous, he remembered all your favorite dishes and food, he knew a lot more about you than he should have as a friend. There was no way Bakugo liked you than more as friends...is there?
As for you, the situation wasn't any less complicated. After the first month of giving Bakugo chocolate, you began to get easily flustered around him. Whenever he leaned to close to you, you felt your heart skip a beat. You could feel heat rush to your cheeks whenever Bakugo "complimented" you during training.
After hours of staying up late and pondering, you could only come up with one conclusion : you had a crush on Bakugo Katsuki.
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You were both hanging out in your room that afternoon, just chilling on your bed when you decided to tease him a little but. You pulled out some chocolate from your stash and started eating right in front of his face.
When he noticed, Bakugo instantly spoke up. "Give me some," he held his hand out in a demanding way. Usually you would laugh and call him out on his addiction but give it to him eventually. However, today you had different plans. "There's none left," you held a straight face as you shoved the sweets under your bed.
"I know you're hiding it under the bed, dumbass," Bakugo glared at you, annoyed. "I don't know what you're talking about," your poker face miraculously remained under his hot intimidating glare. You nearly missed the way he glances down at your lips when he said, “Well, theres another way to taste it."
You finally notice how close you two are as you stuttered nervously, "W-wha-" Before you knew it, his lips were on yours. Bakugo couldn't help but smirk smile into the kiss as you tasted of dark chocolate. Your eyes were blown wide, unbelieving of what was happening because you were kissing Bakugo. It felt as if a million butterflies were fluttering around in your stomach as you kissed him back.
“Does it taste just as sweet;)?” you asked once you both pull away. “Even sweeter, idiot,” he replied, looking down at you with a strangely soft expression. "So...does this mean...?" you tilted your head up at him, still unsure of his intentions in kissing you (omg why are you like this?). "Be my girlfriend?" Bakugo finally said his long awaited confession. "Yes," you breathed out.
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bonus :
"Hey babe," you looked down at your boyfriend whose head was in your lap, "I never got to ask you this but, who would you choose, me or chocolate?"
"Chocolate," he answered without hesitation. "WHAT-" you push him off your lap. "I'm kidding, idiot!" he yells out after you refuse to let him put his head on your lap again, "I'll choose you, always. Because you're even sweeter than chocolate, remember;)?"
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requests are open!
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bakugou gets drunk and starts texting you crazy. you’ll look at your phone and it’s like .. 
katsuki  💥
12 new messages 
“ur so. fucking, pretty. i hope you die. don’t go outsside and let other people look at you caudse that’s cheatign.” 
“i mss you. say it back.” 
“fuckging send me a selfie right now. RIGHT NOW”
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butterflies εїз
summary xiao realizes he’s in love with you pairing xiao x gn!reader warnings brief mention of making love (still minor friendly!) a/n this is a repost on my new account bc tumblr terminated my old one (@/valberry) without telling me!! please like/reblog/comment if you enjoyed it, even if it’s the second time you’re seeing this 🥺 (also ty @rainity for reblogging this the first time i posted bc that was the only way i was able to get this back lmao)
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xiao fell for you in the way leaves fall from trees in autumn. he fluttered hesitantly through the winds of your love, not quite ready to reach the ground. with every fall deeper, he would pull back a little higher. he was resistant, but with a final nudge of the wind, he allowed himself to be enveloped in the open arms of your love.
xiao leaned his elbows against the railing of the balcony, looking out at dihua marsh. it was an unusually idle day for him and he spent most of his hours on the rooftop of the wangshu inn, keeping watch of liyue for as far as his eyes could see. he would have most likely stayed up there through the night if he hadn’t heard your voice saying farewell to verr. you strolled out of the inn just past midnight, weaponless, and carrying a jar in your hand.
xiao wasn’t sure what you were up to; you rarely ever leave the inn after dark, but if you do, you always ask him to come with you. he thought about whether he should appear in front of you and ask you where you were going, or if he should avoid your attention and silently follow you, keeping an eye out for anything that may attack you.
unsurprisingly, he chose the latter, and teleported a bit behind you, footsteps soundless as he followed in your path.
some time had passed before you reached wuwang hill, the plain grasslands of dihua marsh turning into mountainous forests. it was getting harder for xiao to see you through the thick of the trees and could only rely the ruffling of foliage beneath your feet to guide him.
what are you planning on doing so far from the inn this late at night?
“looks like i have a stalker.” you stopped in your tracks as you heard a loud snap of twigs come from behind you. you had noticed someone following you from the inn, but you couldn’t explain how you knew it was xiao. perhaps it was the way you felt safe, instead of vulnerable, “y’know, for an adeptus, you aren’t really that great at being inconspicuous.” you turned around and strode over to him, a cheeky grin adorning your lips.
Keep reading
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"Why don't you just AKSHDJDJ?!" "Why don't I just AKSHDJDJ what?!" "Take a hint that I like you?!"
—Xiao, Kazuha, & Scaramouche x G/N!Reader
2k smau event
theme: fluff, crack (on scara's part)
warnings: none. some foul language towards scara's part (well yk he's like that)
a/n: i dont like the length of the title. also in kazuha's part the poem is made by my sister @tsuzukiman i have her consent to use and post it
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“close your eyes.”
you do as told, and xiao smooths over your eyelids with his thumbs. he squints when they twitch under his touch. “don't move, i can't do it properly if you're shaking.”
“’m not shaking...” you mumble quietly, heart thudding obnoxiously in your chest. you asked xiao to do your makeup on a whim, but you hadn't expected it to be this nerve wracking. in the first place, you didn't think he'd agree to it; you said it half-jokingly, expecting him to reject your request and call you “too cheeky for a measly human,” and yet here he is, wholeheartedly immersed in enhancing your features with his skills.
obviously, you can't see anything other than black with your eyes closed, but you pick up on the sound of xiao rummaging through his things in search for his brush. he dips it in red pigment — the same one he uses — and he exhales softly, hesitant to do the next step. admittedly, he hasn't done this for anyone else before.
but you bear an expectant expression, and xiao supposes he can't keep you waiting. his hand falls to your cheek, the other enclosed around the brush, and he paints your eyes with delicate strokes.
you stifle a giggle from the ticklish feeling, and he whispers a light scolding for the sudden shake of your shoulders. he moves quickly, though, and he considers it a job well done when he scans his work.
“is it done?” you inquire, still closing your eyes. somehow, xiao doesn't want you to open them yet.
“no, stay as you are.” his hand reaches for another piece of cosmetic, a small container of coral tint to apply on your lips. he picks up a different brush from last time, once again dipping it in pigment, and he tilts up your chin to a more convenient angle.
he neatly draws a line across your lips, doing his best to spread the color evenly. however, such a tiny brush doesn't accomplish much in that regard, so he opts to discard the item and uses his thumb to smear the tint on your lips instead.
you flinch, but you don't dare complain. curiosity stirs within you and leads you to ponder what kind of face he's making right now, and only then do you realize there really isn't any reason for you to continue closing your eyes when xiao's applying makeup on your lips.
your cheeks blossom into pink, and xiao wonders why they appear reddish when he swears he hasn't even put on blush on you yet.
“is it done now?” you repeat your question when his hands finally leaves your face. he hums, examining his handiwork.
“perhaps i've added too much pigment on your lips...”
the shade of coral is much too bright for his liking, and he's sure you'd think so too. his eyes wander around his desk to search for tissues to wipe it away with, when his traitorous brain supplies him with a tempting thought.
“xiao?” you call out, confused by his unresponsiveness. “is something wrong?”
“...no,” he answers after a brief pause. you feel his hand caress your cheek again, and your heart races relatively slower than last time, since you've been growing numb to his repetitive touch. but-
you don't recognize what's touching your lips, but it's most certainly not a piece of tissue.
your eyes flutter open in an instant, but it's too late. the sensation fades as fast as it came, and you don't even catch a glimpse of what happened seconds prior.
xiao audibly clears his throat, busying himself by tidying his desk. “it's decent. i've done your request, so hurry along and leave.”
his voice carries a sense of urgency, and you realize why when you notice the faint traces of coral on his lips.
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“tuna with mayo.” inumaki says, his voice excited to be standing in front of you, and he knows you can’t see it, not behind his mask, but whenever he sees you, he can never hold himself back from smiling.
you blink, quite unsure of what to do with the words just said to you, and you try to keep confusion from arising in your face.
it’s been a really long day, and the last thing you need is this oddly white haired boy (with a very intimidating green haired girl by his side) to actually order fish with mayonnaise.
fish with mayonnaise in a café.
“sorry,” you smile, polite, “we don’t have that here.”
and you watch as the boy in front of you, face covered with a black mask and all, nod his head, the tips of his ears turning a dark hue of pink.
“that’s not what he meant.” the girl beside him tells you, the corners of her lips turning slightly upwards, and you feel much comfortable with her presence.
the two of them — they make an odd pair.
you tilt your head, “sorry?”
and inumaki shakes his head, his eyes intently following your every move, and he says, his voice shy, “shake.”
(now, you’re even more confused.)
“ignore him.” maki tells you, and her attention is all the way back to the menu above your head.
inumaki keeps his glance on you still, the tips of his ears along with the rest of his face stained with an unwashable color of pink, and his eyes perk up when he sees you finally look back at him again.
his voice is excited, “salmon!”
and you look at him, blinking, “this is a café.”
and his shoulders fall again, the smile reaching his eyes dimming, and you honestly feel like those weren’t the words you were supposed to reply with.
you feel like you’re being pranked right now, because what in the hell is going on?
maki nods finally, shrugging her shoulders, and she looks back at you, “he’ll just have what i’m having.”
and inumaki nods, silently by her side, “shake.”
“right,” you jot down their orders, still a bit loopy from the weird conversation, “i’m sorry, it’s just been a really busy day.”
and maki tells you, “no worries.” her voice stoic, but gentle enough to make you feel better.
her friend, inumaki (as she’s told you), has left her side now to get them a table, and a part of you’s relieved that his intense gaze is gone, but another still feels the guilt of having shot him down.
(not that you’d know, he said “shake” and you’re supposed to say what? “blender!”, you’re going to have a headache.)
“he comes here every chance he gets, you know.” maki’s voice pulls you from your thoughts.
“does he?” you smile, keeping polite conversation as you punch in her order, “this is my first week on register, so i don’t really notice a lot of the customers.”
and she nods, handing you a piece of tissue paper with the money to pay for the drinks.
“he’s weird.” she tells you, her shoulders rising.
you laugh, “i think he seems nice.”
“he is.” she nods, “but he’s still weird.”
you hand her her receipt, and she makes her way back to the table where inumaki signals for her return.
you catch his glance by a second, his eyes crinkling with a smile, the edges of his ears still a hot pink, and you think it’s fine when you send him back a small wave.
maki turns to you, “he thinks you’re cute.”
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feat. itadori, gojo, fushiguro, nanami, inumaki
warnings. swearing probably, probable grammar mistakes, a little bit of inumaki slander but with love
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→ yuji itadori always runs hot. he's a human furnace at all times, but especially while he sleeps. during the winter this is an absolute blessing, but it can be hard to be near him sometimes during the summer. eventually, he starts turning the air conditioner up super high so you don't really have a choice but to be near him. if your hands are cold he likes to hold them between his own and blow into them to try and help warm them up. y'know those little handwarmer things that you can keep in your pockets? no need. you have one (1) yuji itadori ready to play the part at whim. if you're both outside in the cold there's a really high chance that his hands are in your pockets. it's a really odd looking position, especially when you're the one standing in front of him, but he doesn't care. as long as you're comfortable he's willing to look as stupid as you'd like :)
→ satoru gojo is disturbingly neutral?? it doesn't matter the time of year or the heat of the room around him, he's never too hot and never too cold. not to worry though, this doesn't stop him from slipping ice cubes down the back of your shirt or pressing cold cans to the side of your neck as he takes them out of the fridge. he does however run a little on the cooler side as he sleeps and he's definitely a blanket thief. you most definitely have to wiggle your way into his little cacoon if you want any sort of warmth because that man has an iron grip on those sheets. on the bright side of things, he's incredibly good at becoming a blanket in bed as well!! there's madness in the way he cuddles, and though you probably can't really breathe, you're warm alright.
→ megumi fushiguro is always cold. there's no getting around it, he just has the most awful chill at all times. you're definitely in the reverse situation that you would be with yuji, but hey, if you tend to be on the warmer side you have an excuse to hold his hand :)) he definitely has a thick ass comforter on his bed and, though he's not actually cold all the time, he feels awful whenever you flinch after he touches you. he wears gloves a lot in the winter and rubs his hands together to warm them up, but in the summer he is thriving. he loves the way you hold his palms to your cheeks whenever you're sunburnt and he likes that you tend to gravitate towards him a little more as it gets warmer. though he'd never admit it, he definitely leaves the air conditioner off sometimes just because he knows you'll get really hot.
→ kento nanami runs warm. he's not nearly as hot as yuji, but he's definitely warmer than gojo, so it's somewhere in between. it's comforting and pleasant and ugh. he holds your hand and runs the pad of his thumb along your cheeks and the feeling is so distinctly him that it's to die for. he'll definitely do the thing that yuji does where he holds your hands between his own, but he also brings gloves because he knows damn well that you're gonna forget. he scolds you as he slips them on your fingers, but there's a little smile on your face and he can't help but chuckle at the whole ordeal.
→ toge inumaki is cold. maybe not quite megumi cold, but definitely cold enough that you'd notice. he's awful and terrible and definitely crawls his fingers under the hem of your shirts just to watch you jump, but as you turn around to ask what the hell he's doing, he just kinda looks at you like 'kelp :).' he never wears gloves and his hands are always red and raw in the winter. he pays really close attention to taking care of his throat, but please god get him some lotion he is in desperate need. he does, however, insist that you hold his hands at all times of the year. in the winter because he's 'afraid he's gonna freeze' and in the summer because he insists that you're about to pass out from heat exhaustion at all times.
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interaction/reblogs are always appreciated!!
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i know who you pretend i am
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loving him was hopeless now that you realize there's no space for you in his heart.
pairings: zhongli x reader, kaeya x reader, venti x reader (separate)
genre: angst
note: hi, im writing again :D i tried to do somethintg different
warning: grammatical and typographical errors
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➜ zhongli.
zhongli had promised that his heart yearns for you only. he promised it, carving his words on a stone that he knows will live in for hundreds and thousands of years more. it years for you, only for you, he says, and you believed every word because it's him and you knew damn well he wasn't the type to lie. you trusted every word he said, every stories he told, every letters he wrote, because it's him and there's really no other reason. it's him, and you believed him, and maybe you shouldn't have. you didn't correct him when he comes home every night with a fully-bloomed glaze lily in hand, adding it to the vase full of said flowers, and smiling at you as if you held the world in your palms. you didn't say you liked silk flowers instead because that means he'll get disheartened. perhaps, you thought, perhaps he just really wants you to like the rare flower, and overtime, you'll learn to love it just like he does. you don't tell him you don't eat a specific dish that he kept bringing home, how you wanted almond tofu instead of mora meat, growing tired of telling him every time that you just learned to gulp it down. he claims he knows your favourites by heart, that he knows you like the back of his hand, that he is yours and you his.
you wanted to believe him. you tried your best to do so. but he's making it hard when you learned that the things zhongli has mistaken you liked was somebody else's. while you listen to the lores from the tea master, liu su, it made you painfully aware of who thus somebody else was.
somebody else zhongli promised the world to long before he did to you.
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➜ kaeya.
the cold cavalry captain never comes home early, spending his night strolling about the city's streets, often with a bottle of fine grape wine in hand. most of the time he's in the tavern, drunk out of his wits. chatting with the bartender while his brother stares at him in disdain, wishing he'd just go away for the night and hopefully, never come back the next day. you would wait for him in the living room, eyes darting from the clock to the door in worry. when he comes home, somewhere around dawn, he will stumble on his feet and onto the couch. he does not bother to give you an explanation nor does he talk, completely passed out on the couch beside you smelling like bitter booze and perfume that's not yours. you'll pay it no mind and take care of him for the night, only to find him gone without so much as a thank you when you wake up to the bed empty of his presence. when he doesn't come home, which happens a lot more than you could count, you will begin questioning your stance in his life as you made your way to the tavern. you began questioning everything and the answers were always thrown at you the moment you open the tavern door to see your man dining with a woman that isn't you.
and it made perfect sense. you realized why he never comes home to you, and it was because he already has one, and it's just not you.
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➜ venti.
venti is poetic, every words that came out of his mouth are beautiful. building a palace inside your heart with his verses alone, building a home inside you with his songs. venti would kiss you and he would go on and on about how your lips tasted like sweet flowers on a sunday morning. he would touch you delicately as if you'd break if he puts too much pressure, and he'll sing about the way your warmth makes him excited for cold christmas. venti is poetic like that, and maybe you've learned a thing or two because you couldn't help but taste catastrophic lies on his lips when he kisses you. it doesn't taste like the soft clouds that hung above you nor does it taste like the calla lilies that decorated springvale. on his lips were hurtful metaphors, lies that you wish you didn't know. his touch against you wasn't warmth that made you excited of the freezing cold in dragonspine or of december, it reminds you of the hot afternoon of april when he chooses to spend the rest of his summer with someone who looks like a sunset. his skin against yours was electrifying because it felt like you've been struck by lightning whenever he promised he'd give you the stars and the whole universe if you ever so wanted it but he has yet to realize the storm he created that wrecked havoc in his home that he claimed to be you.
among all those poetic exchange that you never dared to tell him, you realize his songs never had your name, and that was a dead giveaway of his supposed honesty.
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kirishima eijirou is a man with a will of steel.
he always does the right thing, he does what he believes is right, and he always does so with that smile on his face.
but at this very moment, that will of his didn’t mean absolutely anything. not when you were holding him close to your sleeping form, unconsciously nuzzling your face into his chest.
kirishima knows he should move, that he should get out of bed and get ready for his morning patrol. but when he tries to, he sees your peaceful face, and all his resolve melts away. because, who was he to try and wake you up when you had your first day off in weeks?
he’s too much of a softie, he realizes. well, he’s too much of a softie with you. not that he’d have it any other way, but there are some times when he wishes he could say no to you (whether you were awake or not).
he glances down at your sleeping form, a loving smile growing quickly on his face. he wishes that your days off matched, maybe that way he wouldn’t have to feel bad about waking you up.
“you sure like to cause trouble for me, don’t you?” he whispers, fondness pooling in his eyes. he rubs his eyes. how long had he been awake? he sighs, slowly shifting to sit up. he freezes when you tighten your hold on him.
he quickly looks at you.
“you’re going to give me a heart attack,” he whines, his voice soft, as to not wake you up. he runs a hand through his hair. he softly laughs when he feels you nuzzling your face closer to his chest.
there’s no way you weren’t awake, right? kirishima gently pokes your nose. he narrows his eyes when he doesn’t see you react. so you really were sleeping, he notes.
he slowly tries to loosen your hold on him.
“come on, baby,” he coos, “i know you want me to stay, but i need to go.” he combs his fingers through your hair.
he’s gone mad, he thinks, speaking to your sleeping form as if you’d answer. he knows he’s stalling, but he’s not sure what for. on one hand, he wants to stay with you, to spend your day off together like you’d always wanted to. but on the other hand, he needs to go patrol.
his resolve finally melts away when you smile in your sleep, a soft ‘eiji’ falling from your lips.
“i guess it’s settled then,” he sighs. he makes a mental note to set a reminder to properly apologize to bakugou for not showing up to patrol.
he quickly sends his agency a text saying he’s run into some family matters that won’t permit him to show up for work. not exactly a lie, seeing how you’ve unconsciously made him not want to leave.
he smiles as he settles himself back in bed, wrapping your arms around him in a more comfortable matter.
“you sure are special, y/n,” he yawns. sleep soon takes over him, a peaceful atmosphere settling in your shared bedroom.
kirishima eijirou has a will of steel, but it seemed to vanish whenever you were involved.
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191 notes · View notes
hey!! congrats on 500!! could i get breakfast: ingredient 33 + sugar 7 for nanami kento? thanks!!
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violet; a flower that symbolizes faith and affection — this was simply one of your promises to Nanami.
meal order: 🥞 + 33 (royalty au) + 7 (forbidden relationship) (no warnings, other than this fic is unedited.)
notes: thank you so much for joining the event and requesting! i honestly loved this idea so much, i still remember how happy i was when i first saw it and i looked forward to writing it. i hope this was what you were looking for! i may or may not have been too deep in the feels with this one. anyways, enjoy and thank you so much! breakfast has been served!
word count: 7k+ 
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“Yes, Your Highness?”
You looked up from under the golden roof, a small smile on your face. The sun shone down brightly, the calm, gentle air making the flowers in your royal garden dance side by the side, almost as if encouraged by the soft kiss of nature. In this lightning, all the colors popped out vibrantly, a wide array of splashes of life laid out before you. “It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?”
Nanami, your bodyguard, followed your line of sight. “Yes, Your Highness.”
Stiff and straightforward as ever, you connoted with a hidden smile. “Perfect,” you announced, lifting your gloved hands in a beckoning gesture. “Come with me. I must inspect the garden. I heard from the staff last night that my new flowers have arrived. I shall see to it that it came in perfect condition,” Nanami nodded beside you and followed you as you trudged all the way out in broad daylight, your hair shining from the sun’s rays.
As if noticing the harsh glare of heat on your skin, Nanami was quick to open your parasol, standing at least a foot behind you. Trained to be obedient flawless in their duties, his footsteps were silent behind you, nothing but the tapping of your heels against the ground heard from the open space.
You were shielded from the heat, but you weren’t satisfied.
With a faux, distressed clicking of your tongue, you stopped in your tracks, whipping around to face your black-suit clad bodyguard. His gaze immediately fell down to your feet, back tilted in a perfect bow. You sighed, “Nanami.”
“Yes, Your Highness?”
“Do you want to be fired?”
He froze at your words, momentarily looking up at you for a moment before turning to the ground again. “Of course not, Your Highness,” although monotonous, you could detect the slight tinge of worry in his voice, and you felt a smile crossing on your lips when you saw his brows furrow. “I extremely apologize if I’ve done something wrong. I must repent for it and assess my worth as your—”
“You’re not holding the parasol properly,” you cut him off and stepped forward, reaching to his extended arm and placing yourself right next to him until your shoulders were close enough to brush against each other.
Nanami’s jaw clenched at the lack of space, probably worrying that this was disrespectful, completely unaware you enjoyed every single moment of it, especially now that your senses were clouded with both his masculine scent and the calming aroma of flowers.
“If you keep such a distance from me and extend your arm to hold this, you’d tire your arm, and when your arm is strained, then you won’t be able to be fast enough to protect me from whatever harm comes my way. Plus, holding it in this manner leaves my nose to be burnt under the harsh sun! You wouldn’t want your princess to have sunburn, would you?”
“Definitely not, Your Highness. I would not want any harm or trouble your way.”
“So then step close to me. Like this,” you gestured to the both of you, and underneath the parasol, the hesitance swirled all over those pretty blue eyes of his. It made you want to sigh; he worried too much sometimes. “See? Your arm won’t be tired and my nose is perfectly safe under this shade.”
“But Your Highness – this distance—”
“I shall permit it for now. The situation calls for it,” you waved a hand nonchalantly, moving to where you wanted to see the new flowers. Although you couldn’t see him, the lack of warmth beside you was a telltale Nanami was too stunned to move, and you turned around, head tilted challengingly. “Or you’re still questioning the judgment of your princess?”
Nanami frowned, “I am not, Your Highness.”
“Good. Let’s see the flowers then,” You chirped with a clap.
It was the perfect day for a stroll, a rare day where you basked in not having to worry about your princess duties. The sun was out, the skies were clear, and was that a butterfly happily flying in your garden? Now that Nanami had grown comfortable after mentally reassuring himself it was fine to stick close to you, it honestly couldn’t have been better. But you being the sneaky little princess you were, you still had other plans in mind.
Three maids appeared out of nowhere, carrying a basket, a blanket, and a bottle of wine. They all strolled your way with their heads duck down, wordlessly setting out the white and red plaid patterned blanket on the soft, freshly trimmed grass.
You clapped your hands in sheer enthusiasm, “Oh, how perfect timing! It is quite tiring to stroll around this massive garden, don’t you think, Nanami? We should take a break.”
“A...picnic, Your Highness? Out here? Would you not be more comfortable inside—”
“The dining halls are boring and all the staff would be staring at me as I eat,” you plopped down rather ungraciously on the ground, taking off your heels and planting your sock clad feet on the blanket. On any other normal day, your dear Mother would’ve smacked you with her fan had she seen you act this way, but your parents were out of town, and Nanami was the last person who’d ever judge you. You had every right to be free. “It’s not a very comfortable thing, as you must know, and I’d like to enjoy my temporary freedom.”
A few beats passed as Nanami processed your words. A frown still on his handsome face, he studied the comfort of your body on the ground, already moving to open the basket with a cheerful hum. He supposed it wouldn’t be so bad to let you be this way.
“I will follow whatever pleases you then, Your Highness.”
You hid a smile through sucked in cheeks, pulling out the cake and acting surprised even though you’d ordered this days ago, randomly dragging a servant aside to shyly ask her to get you Nanami’s rumored favorite cake from when he went with you on a trip overseas.
“Oh, look! Fondant Cake from the Kingdom of Cherie. Fine, fine wine too, the best from His Majesty’s collection, if I heard it correctly,” you could barely contain your glee when the slightest light glimmered through his guarded eyes, hands reaching down to pat the empty space beside you. “Sit down. I need you to eat this for me.”
“But Your Highness—”
“Lest you want me to be poisoned, Nanami?” you reeled your hand back, gloved hands placed above your chest as horror filled your gaze. Nanami – bless his sweet soul – quickly bent his knees in half. Slowly, with disbelief still crossing his mind, he allowed you to spoon feed him, the chocolate sauce of the cake staining the tips of his lips. “Well? How is it? Is it safe to eat?”
Nanami moaned; pride swelling up on your chest because finally, you could do something for him. He was still too cautious though, and he concealed his delight with a slight clearing of his throat, palms flat on his muscular thighs as he nodded your way. “It is extremely delicious, Your Highness. I believe it is safe to eat.”
“Did you like it?” You already knew the answer, but it wouldn’t hurt to hear it straight from him.
Thankful that your ears were covered by a frilly bonnet so he wouldn’t see how warmth crawled up at the tips of your ears, you beamed at him, proudly presenting more of the surprised you had in store.
“I have fresh milk cheese from the city of Lein too. Do you know that people travel from all over the world just to visit Lein and have a taste of this cheese? If it were not for our good connections to them, we would never be able to taste this,” you felt Nanami’s curious gaze fall on the delicacy on your hands, a smirk tilting your lips because cheese as quite rare where you were from. Setting it down on a plate, you cut a piece of the dairy, the fork nearly shoved in Nanami’s face. “But just to make sure, of course. We never know people’s intentions – I could be poisoned. You know very well there are plenty of people after the throne and my head.”
Nanami’s eyes widened at your implications, “Princess, please do not speak so lightly of the threats over your life.”
“Why, does it worry you?”
Nanami looked at you like you’d grown two heads. “Of course it does. It is my duty to protect and worry about you.”
“Is it really just a duty?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Nothing,” you said through gritted teeth, pushing the plate towards him again before Nanami could comprehend whatever went on in your head. “Pair it with the cake. Maybe there could be a chemical reaction that is life threatening. Oh, how I fear for my life, Nanami.”
Obediently, Nanami swallowed the food, eyes closed from the flavors bursting through his mouth. It wasn’t too much of a reaction, but there were hardly any when it came to Nanami to begin with, so it was enough for you, and your giggles were stifled beside him. “I believe this one is safe too.”
And so began your spontaneous picnic, with Nanami being flustered the whole time because you insisted on feeding him. He refused many times, claiming that a royal shouldn’t feed a servant, much less spend their time with him this way. Even though you didn’t mean it, you rolled your eyes just to dissipate his worries, lying through your teeth that you were full and you didn’t want to be suffocated in your corset.
You proceeded to tell him of the different ways his precious princess could die of asphyxiation. The more grotesque your storytelling began; Nanami ate everything quietly, still oblivious that you had your eyes on him the whole time.
He ate quickly, not wanting to be rude and take up too much of your time, but you insisted that you didn’t want him to choke and ordered him to slow down. As your lovely and dutiful servant, who was he to defy your orders? So he took his time, and you closed your eyes, leaning back onto his firm shoulders that grew rigid under the contact.
Soon though, Nanami relaxed, and you were about ready to fall asleep when Nanami quietly announced he’d finished his food, thanking you for the meal.
“That was a lovely picnic,” you grinned at him, even if you’d barely eaten anything.
After all, you only asked for servings for one person, lying to your staff that you wanted it for yourself. Should the higher-ups ever hear about you ordering two servants to share it with someone else when it was painfully clear to everyone in the kingdom you had no prince, it would cause chaos.
Nanami followed you as you stood up, the servants taking it upon themselves to clear up the dishes before they left you to your own devices. You walked all the way near the back of the garden, a place private only for the royal members for this was where they kept their most precious flowers. Upon seeing that the ones you’ve ordered had arrived and they were blooming beautifully beside the white roses, you ran to it, gesturing for Nanami to come closer. He leant down to inspect it, watching the way it twirled around your elegant fingers.
“This is called a Violet. It symbolizes faith and affection.”
“It is beautiful,” he commented quietly, his cool gaze sliding over to yours. “It suits you very much, Your Highness.”
Your cheeks warmed at the sudden attention, which was ironic, since wasn’t that what you always wanted? “I think it suits someone else better, if I were to be honest,” you admitted mysteriously, leaving your bodyguard confused for the nth time that day, but as always, he kept silent unless spoken to. Nanami’s eyes drifted to the flowers again, the rule of never looking in the eyes of royals burned right through his head.
Deep down in your heart, you knew it was a bit too early, but you’d always been impatient. You wouldn’t wait for the right time or the perfect opportunity – you preferred to grab moments and create them yourself.
Squeezing the hem of your dress under bundled fists, you finally gained the courage to be as upfront with him. “Nanami, can you promise me something?”
“Yes, Your Highness?”
“Never forget this flower. When you are feeling down, I want you to remember this lives and blooms here, that it was the Princess’ favorite, and she wants nothing more than to have this whole garden bloom with it,” You knew, you knew painfully that Nanami may never understand your garden referred to your heart and that it bloomed with your affection for him, but was it so bad to hope that one day you may show your adoration for him?
You’d prepared for this – for the possibility that maybe you never could – so you ordered these flowers, wishing silently that someday Nanami might understand the things you could never say.
“When the right time comes, I shall pluck a flower and give it to the person that receives my faith affection, and I’ll create an entire garden for them.”
Nanami absorbed your words, processing them seriously just as a servant should when it comes to their master’s words. A moment later, Nanami nodded once, head bowed in respect. “I’m sure whoever Prince is lucky enough to get your hand in marriage will be absolutely delighted, Your Highness.”
“The person I long for is not a prince,” you hinted, “He sure is charming, however, much to his ignorance.”
Nanami peeked at you under his blond lashes, the confused pout on his face worrisome yet adorable. It made you want to step forward and capture those red lips in a kiss, but you were still his Princess, and he your bodyguard. You couldn’t do it – not now, at least – for his sake. “I am not sure it would be ideal that you marry a non-royal, Your Highness.”
“Tell me, Nanami,” you began, voice turning serious that his ears perked up at the sudden firmness compared to your usually lilted self. “Do you believe love should be constrained by rules and traditions?”
His answer came in an instant, making you wonder if he would still keep to his words if he found out everything. “No, Your Highness.”
You smiled at his answer – longingly, proudly, and at the same time sadly. “And I wholeheartedly agree with you on that.” Without another word, you turned your back on him and walked back inside the large castle, his footsteps finally audible as he followed you.
Funny it was, that you, a royal-blooded woman found so much comfort in the sound of someone’s breathing and footsteps.
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“Yes, Your Highness?”
You sighed and placed your book down your lap, playfully glaring at the stiff bodyguard who hadn’t moved a muscle ever since he accompanied you in your private library. “You are causing me an uncomfortable amount of stress. I do not like it.”
“What have I done wrong, Your Highness?” his voice trembled again, his back forming that straight, perfect bow that you knew took him years to practice. It probably caused him a lot of pain if his head guard slapped the other servants’ backs just to straighten their spine, and you winced at the idea of it. No one had ever even dared laid a finger on your hair; not without your permission, anyway.
“I sincerely apologize for my shortcomings. I hereby vow to do better in my duties to serve you.”
“As you should. Now come here,” you beckoned him to come closer, sighing louder when Nanami sat a foot away from you, lips pressed into a tight line. “Closer, Nanami.”
Biting his lip – and you nearly couldn’t tear your gaze away from the sight – Nanami inched closer to you, his back still perfectly straight, eyes staring straight ahead, and he was so rigid you wondered if he even breathed at all.
You shook your head with a stifled smile, soft, tireless hands bunching up to release the tight knots of his firm, broad shoulders. You weren’t surprised he felt this hard under your touch; he was a bodyguard, after all, the Princess’ personal one, at that. It made sense he kept himself trimmed, but it didn’t stop the heat spreading all over your skin anyway as you imagined just how firm he was under his clothes.
Eager to get rid of such inappropriate thoughts, you huffed through your nose, continuing to roll your fingers over his back.
“You look so stiff that I cannot focus on this novel I’m reading. Heavens know how shameful it must be that we are getting scholars to study with me this weekend and I am not even halfway done with this classic. It truly bothers me, Nanami.”
“Your Highness,” Nanami’s voice was hushed, his eyes staring directly into yours. “What are you doing?”
“Giving you a massage. If you keep up being this rigid around me, I will lose focus because it makes me uncomfortable, and if I lose focus, I can’t perform my duty well as the princess, and if I am unable to do that, I lose respect, then my title stripped away from me. Terrifying, Nanami. Terrifying, indeed.”
Nanami was silent for a while, his gaze not leaving your focused face. Then, he turned away, his shoulders deflating as he gave in to the pleasure of your surprisingly expert hands. “I am extremely sorry.”
“As you should be,” you commented sarcastically, “Now relax. Pick up a book you like and have some of the biscuits, tea. I cannot focus with you standing around me like a statue. The stone gargoyles do that for us already,” when Nanami didn’t budge a muscle even after you’d finished massaging him, you waved a hand in the air, brow raised challengingly. “Well? Are you defying my orders?”
Nanami shot up from his seat in an instant, “Of course not, Your Highness.”
You pulled the book up higher to hide the wide grin on your lips, watching his curious and slightly dazed staring at the walls upon walls of books stacked upon one another. His wonder of the sight left you wondering just how you managed not to kiss every part of him senseless, for he was so fascinating and far more intriguing than any other universe written beyond these pages.
Nanami’s long, slender fingers finally plucked out a rather thick novel he seemed to find interesting, making his way back to you. He still sat on the other end of the couch to respect your space, and you kept silent this time, not wanting to cross the line.
He may be comfortable around you now, but you knew Nanami better than anyone, and he still held his orders and duties close to his heart that he would never break them no matter what.
It was a compelling quality of his – one you had no idea whether to admire or be irritated of.
Your twinkling eyes studied his stunning features; from his slicked back hair, to his sunken cheeks, all the way down to the sharp point of his nose and to the plumpness of his lips. He was too beautiful that you wondered how he hadn’t managed to be snagged away yet when you were reminded that Nanami was too busy in his duties of protecting you to have time for romance – and for the first time, you felt thankful for the fact you were a royal.
“That is a good one,” you piped up as you read the title of the classic novel. It was a classic about the variegated realms between dreams and reality, one you haven’t read but always wanted to. “Do you mind reading it to me someday? I love the sound of your voice.”
Nanami’s cheeks flushed a bright red at your unexpected compliment, but he nodded anyway, clearing his throat before he spoke. “S-someday, Your Highness, if your schedule allows it so.”
It sounded so much like a promise – and you looked forward eagerly to it.
Finally gaining your focus and determination to study and perform your royal duties now that Nanami had finally taken some time to relax, you did the same, leaning back onto the velvet couch and crossing your legs over the other. “Someday it is.”
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“You have to be prepared for your coronation ball,” Rubine, one of the assistants of your dancing tutor made known, snapping her fingers in front of your face when you’d unknowinfly spaced out the window. “Now, up on those toes, back straight and head held high, Your Highness. Let us see if you’ve mastered your dance routine. You must understand it is the most crucial part of the ball and all eyes will be watching you. You cannot afford to make a single mistake.”
Suddenly remembering of why you were spacing out, you winced at the previous phone call prior to Rubine’s arrival. “I am well aware of that, Rubine, but...”
“My dance partner, Philippe, just called to say he’s fallen ill and cannot make it today.”
“Ah, Philippe!” Rubine tugged at her hair, dramatically bending forwards to groan, “This is the final rehearsal! Your coronation is so near!” She sat up straight and paced back and forth, her long locks jumping and bouncing as she chewed at her nails. “Well, what shall we do now? We don’t have anyone else to practice with you and I’m only here to substitute for Madam Tee. She’d kill me if she finds out you didn’t rehearse, and I doubt any of the boy servants would know anything about the dance.”
“If I may,” Nanami suddenly spoke up from the corner, tentatively approaching the both of you with one of his hands laid flat on his abdomen. You and Rubine fell silent, his eyes flitting over yours for a moment. “I’ve been with the Princess from all of her dance classes. I know the routine very well,” his tongue darted out to lick at his lips, sending both your mind and heart into a frenzy overdrive. “If Her Highness is comfortable with it, I may be her dance partner for now.”
“That works, I suppose.”
“I’d like to see you dance, Nanamin,” you teased confidently, but no mistake, your heart drummed wildly in your chest at the idea of dancing with the man who’d unknowingly captured both your eye and heart the moment you met him. “Let’s see how good you are then. I warn you though; I’m a very skilled dancer. But please, don’t fret, I won’t criticize you.”
You expected Nanami to at least go along with your lighthearted teasing, but he was Nanami Kento; a very dutiful servant who lived to please and serve his master.
He simply pressed a polite kiss to the pads of your knuckled when you offered it, his eyes still unreadable as he praised, “You are a very good dancer indeed, Your Highness.”
You already knew that, but hearing it fall from his lips hit differently. It suddenly got harder and harder to remember the routine, your confidence slipping into thin air the moment his warm hands wound around the curve of your waist, flattening at the small of your back.
Your breath hitched as you looped your fingers through his larger, calloused ones, and your heart absolutely melted because you fit just perfectly in his hands. Considering that you’d taken off your gloves, you could feel ever callous and scar in his hands, a huge contrast to your soft ones that had never known a day of manual labor.
Nanami was close enough you could feel his breath warm your cheeks, with you staring up at him with wide, blown out eyes. He was still expressionless as ever, jaw tight and brows dipped low, but you could see the softness in his gaze – nearly bordering on adoration.
In that moment, you felt yourself falling harder, and soon, you were both lost in the music.
Nanami was right – he did know the dance. For such an unyielding protector, Nanami danced extremely well, his turns and guidance to your twists flawless.
He caught you in his arms each time, his hands slipping back to hold your waist as if it was second nature for him to hold you like this, to dance with you like this. Everything faded into nothingness at the background, both your gazes captured and enamored by one another. Somewhere in the climax of the dance, your chest pressed flush against his a little tighter, your hands squeezing his a little harder, and you both danced like you were the only ones that mattered in each other’s world.
And in that moment, it felt like you did.
When the music slowly faded out to its ending, you and Nanami were both breathing hard from the strenuous performance that required the utmost elegant execution. Still, his hands remained on your waist, your hand holding him in such a manner that you almost refused to let him go.
But you had to – you knew you had to – and with a broken smile, you pulled away from Nanami.
“Wow,” breathed out Rubine “Princess, I am blown away. You’ve danced better than you ever did with Philippe. You two have got amazing chemistry,” she rubbed her chin at the observation, but you and Nanami were turned away from each other, both of your hearts more conflicted than ever. Rubine, however, remained unknowing of this all. “I guess being around each other all the time adds in to that fact too. That was a very mesmerizing and intimate performance – I actually felt a little guilty that I’m witnessing such moment.”
“I am glad I could be of service to Her Highness.”
Your gaze cut through his, the heat in your eyes loud enough that he was compelled to hold your stare. You immediately softened at his expression; giving in to the pleads of your heart that you were and always will be, utterly and hopelessly in love with him – even if it was impossible he’d ever feel the same way.
Surely, though, it wouldn’t be so much of a sin for a princess to be selfish in a while. “I look forward to dancing with you on the ball, Nanamin.”
“I highly doubt that, Your Highness,” Nanami’s eyes blanked out into an unfathomable expression again, making you wonder if the fondness he held you with when you danced ever existed. “You would be swarmed and surrounded by royals and elites – and I shall be watching out for you from the distance, as always. It’s going to be a crucial event and you have duties to fulfil; a dance with your bodyguard would only ruin the importance of the event,” he reminded you, his words like a slap to your face.
You didn’t have to be scholarly enough to interpret the meaning of his words; Nanami was reminding you that he was servant as you were master, and it simply would not happen. “Who knows what people would say...I only worry about your reputation, Your Highness. Words cut deeper than a knife.”
“I know that,” you agreed with a shattered heart, “I guess I’ll just dream then.”
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The coronation went smoother than expected. Until it wasn’t. People from all over the world came, chatting with you about the latest political trends and plans on how you wished to broaden your territories and expand trading systems.
Everything went fine and accordingly to plan until the marriage talk was brought up. Before you knew it, princes and dukes, along with equally socially powerful men came flooding left and right, pressing kisses to your (thankfully) gloved hands and spewing out poetry as if it would impress you. In a way, it did, at least most of them had good taste in literature and were actually well-read, but your eyes kept searching for a certain blond in the crowd, that sinking feeling only growing in the pit of your stomach.
Eventually, it became too much for you.
A neighboring prince asked for your marriage and announced he was good friends with your family, and that about crossed the line and tipped you over the edge until you excused yourself. Growing too tired with all this unnecessary “royal duties”, you disappeared from the crowd, running to the nearest desolated terrace and crying your eyes out.
You never wanted to be a princess.
You never wanted to be born with such luxury, only to pay a price that you couldn’t even choose your own future.
You lost track of time and you no longer questioned why no one looked for you. With each passing second, the crown above your braided hair grew a lot heavier and you slumped across the pillar, burying your tear-streaked face behind your arms. You just felt so tired you wanted to rest – wanted to see Nanami, to run away, to tell him that you loved him.
But he wasn’t there. You hadn’t even seen him the moment you woke up, servants flocking you at every corner as they prepared you for the event.
Your heart ached and you called out for him in broken whispers, wishing that he’d be there to comfort you. “Nanami,” you cried out softly. It was pathetic, really, that the newly crowned queen was crying like a child who lost their toy as you hid from the crowd. “Nanami, where are you, Nanami—”
A pair of arms tugged you into a solid chest, your cheek pressing on top of a rapid heartbeat that raced to no end. Warm, strong arms engulfed you in a hug, a heavy head with a familiar scent falling on the sides of your head that was free from the tips of the crown.
“I thought I lost you, Queen,” Nanami panted, his hold on you growing tighter. Your tears stopped flowing as you fisted his shirt, weakening in his arms and he let you – he knew even the Queen of this prosperous kingdom was still a person and you allowed yourself to grow vulnerable, because this was Nanami and Nanami always caught you.
Before you could stop yourself, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his, the salt of your tears passing to his cheeks.
Nanami stood frozen solid for a second before he kissed you back, taking your breath away because his lips held the same wanting as yours did. Soon, his large hands cupped your face as he pulled you closer to him, sighing into your mouth as if he’s dreamed of this moment as long as you had. Nanami kissed you with so much love pouring from his lips that he didn’t have to tell you for you to know, prompting the dam within you to break.
You were crying – the happy tears flowing endlessly – while his thumbs wiped the tears away.
“I love you,” you confessed as you both pulled away, foreheads pressed against each other. This time, there was no more fear or worry as love shone in both your eyes, your hands still helplessly clinging on to him for dear life. “I love you, Nanami, I’ve always loved you. Please don’t leave me – please don’t.”
“I wasn’t going anywhere, Your Majesty,” he addressed you according to your new title, but nothing has changed for him. “I have loved you too long before, and I’ll still keep loving you if you’ll let me.”
That night, you both shared a plethora of first. The first kiss. The first dance. The first I love you’s that wouldn’t stop spilling from your lips, the confessions accompanied with laughter. It was only the beginning of a wonderful yet unforgettable memory, and you abandoned all the riches and gold in the world because this, right here was your real treasure, and you sealed your promise of your faith affection to him with one last kiss.
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Ever since you and Nanami had established your relationship, you felt like you were on cloud nine.
Being Queen didn’t seem too much of a grueling task anymore, not when Nanami was grazing his thumb over your knuckles under the table when you were doing paperwork, not when work days and boring, dreadful meetings always ended with him pulling you aside as everyone left for a quick kiss that soon turned into a heated lip-locking.
This was bliss – to have him right here, to finally be able to express how much you loved him – and you couldn’t get enough it.
You still had no king despite the number of suitors that visited every week, so much so that the maids have grown weary of cleaning up your trash bin filled with unopened love letters. Quite frankly, you couldn’t care less because you already had the love of your life within your arms. You turned everyone down, and it wasn’t a huge deal because you were just crowned Queen and surely you had far better things to do than worry about bringing about an heir, but it had already been a year and your advisors were mad.
They’ve informed you that several cities and kingdoms were losing trust over your reclusiveness, the diplomatic relationship turning strained thanks to your eagerness to deny everyone.
Your tongue slipped inside Nanami’s, his hands crawling under your night gown as his body crawled between your legs, with you sighing romantically into his mouth.
“Your Majesty,” he mumbled through stuttering kisses, his fingers deftly pressing into your curves. Despite your insistence that he addressed you by your name, Nanami requested that he still keep his duty as your bodyguard, and you were too soft to deny him this. “Your Majesty…I think we should put an end to this.”
You stopped kissing him.
Hands falling from his neck, you pulled away from him, eyes hardened into a glare. “What do you mean we should put an end to this? Are you suggesting we break up?”
You gritted your teeth at how he said this so easily. Before you could open your mouth to retort, Nanami beat you to it, distracting you by pressing soft kisses on the column of your neck, always so gentle and careful to not leave marks where the maids could see.
“I’m only worried about you,” he whispered, “I am ruining your reputation because I am in love with you. Your Majesty, I promise to still serve you and be loyal to you,” Nanami pulled away after leaving one last kiss to the sensitive area of your neck that always had you whining in his arms, but this time, you whined out of desperation, nails digging into his bicep as he stared at you apologetically. “We cannot keep doing this, Your Majesty. We both cannot be selfish enough to abandon the future of our people.”
“Well, what about my future?” you banged your fist on your chest, “What about my happiness, Nanami, ever think about that?”
Nanami wiped away the tears streaming down your cheeks, pulling you into the comfort of his arms instead. He understood your pain better than anyone for he, too, shared your longing.
“I don’t want you to go,” you cried into his shoulder, gripping his shirt tightly that it crumbled beneath your grip. “It’s not a life if it’s not with you and just tell me what I have to do, I’ll abandon my title and I’ll stay with you, we don’t have to—”
Nanami silenced you with a kiss, this one more ardent than the others.
He whispered sweet nothings into yours, broken promises that he’d stay, that you didn’t have to change anything and that you could work it out. You believed him, or at least you fooled yourself that you did, because your hold on him was regretful, angry, begging.
The next morning, Nanami was gone from your chambers.
The next night, Nanami was gone from the servant chambers.
The next week, you were married to Prince Satoru from a Kingdom you’d never even heard of.
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Nanami resigned. As per rule of the kingdom, staff didn’t need the monarch’s permission to be dismissed from their post. He wasn’t there in your wedding, and he wasn’t there for the next few days to come. These days stretched into weeks, and two months have already passed before you were silently staring out at your window, wondering what Nanami was doing.
The last thing you heard from him was that he went back to his family’s warm, living a peaceful life and bowing one last time to you before he completely disappeared.
His letter remained in your drawers, his neat cursive informing you that he was a lowly servant, and didn’t deserve you, that he didn’t want to ruin your future and only wanted the best for you. You wanted to hate him for it, wanted to curse him for it – but you only tossed and turned in your bed, staring at the ceilings as you pictured his rare smile over and over again.
You wondered how he was doing.
Was he happy? Was he okay? Did he think of you night before he slept? Did he miss you the same way you craved his touch, his voice, his laugh – everything about him and himself?
A loud rattling caught your attention, your head turning to see Prince, or rather, King Satoru saunter in. He was popular in his kingdom and even rumored to have a harem, which you could see happening because he was flirty and shameless.
It was clear that this was a loveless marriage and he only agreed because he had good ties with your family, also adding in to the fact he was the richest and most powerful out of all your suitors. You weren’t too friendly with him, but you weren’t treating each other like strangers too. You both acknowledged each other according to the title, but it never stretched to the fact he was man and you his wife.
Satoru had never talked to you before other than the common pleasantries, so it surprised you when he sat across you, mirroring that familiar torn and forlorn feeling as he stared at your kingdom.
“You and I,” he began quietly, “We both want what we cannot have, don’t we?”
“I know you’re in love with someone else,” Satoru smiled, and your eyes widened when he only chuckled knowingly. “It’s okay, Queen, I promise I don’t mind. In fact, I’m just the same as you – I’m madly in love with my butler you won’t understand.”
You nearly toppled over your seat at the sudden confession that Satoru laughed as he helped pull you up, but it didn’t stop you from blabbering.
“You-you’re in love with Geto Suguru?”
“That I am. I’ve been in love with him since we were kids, to be honest, but people had different expectations and plans for me, as you can see.”
“I,” your throat ran dry, your palms growing sweaty. Surely…you could trust him with this, right? “I’m also in love with my bodyguard, or former bodyguard, anyway. His name is Nanami Kento and he’s currently at his farm and I-I—”
“You want to see him and break this marriage?” Satoru didn’t even have to hear the words come from your mouth before he’s pulling you up to your feet, crystalline blue eyes as vivid as the sky. “Well, what’s holding you back, Queen? Let’s go look for him.”
Satoru dragged you along the hallways, liberated laughter echoing in the large space of the castle before you two saddle up your respective horses, shouting for the gate guards to move away. You’ve never felt this free – and Satoru shared the same glee as yours when he stretched his arms beyond the sky, whooping as he smacked his horse to go faster.
By the time you’ve made it into Nanami’s farm, it was nearly sunset, and both you and Satoru were drained from the long journey.
Nanami was dressed in a plain shirt and worn-out sweatpants, dirt caked on his sunken cheeks when he turned at the sounds of horses galloping, you perched on top of your white stallion proudly. “Nanami!” his eyes widened and he dropped the bucket he was holding, the breath taken away from his chest when you jumped off your horse, crashing him into a huge hug.
“Your Majesty,” he spoke breathily, hands coming up to caress the back of your head. “What are you doing here? And King Satoru? What’s going on?”
You answered him by dragging his collar down until his lips danced with yours. Just like that, all your worries and previous sorrows washed away into nothing as his hands gripped tightly at your hips, kissing you back just as eagerly that even he was crying. This time around, you reached to swipe your thumb over the warm tears, kissing him over and over again to remind him your feelings hadn’t changed.
“Let’s go home, Nanami. I promise I’ll do everything right this time around – just please, come home with me.”
You’ve lost count of the times you’ve prayed to the divine beings over and over again to give you one last chance, fearful that maybe Nanami would still be firm in his belief that he wasn’t good enough for you when he was perfect the way he is.
But then he kissed the crown of your head as a silent form of affection, staring deep into your eyes as he smiled, “Your wish has always been my command, Your Majesty.”
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Nanami had his back turned to you, his slender hands plucking the violet flower. Upon hearing your not so sneaky footsteps, he whipped around and laughed just as you roared, making the little girl in his arms giggle, copying your greeting as she hissed her fangs.
“Aw, you’re so adorable!” you pinched her little cheeks before peppering them with kisses, your precious daughter laughing at the sudden shower of affection. Nanami laughed, too, the deep sound vibrating from deep within his chest. He held up your baby to kiss the left side of her cheeks while you squished her right, your baby’s cheeks smushed between the adoration of her parents. “You’re so cute – just like Daddy!”
“I am not cute,” he protested dejectedly, although the small smile on his face told a different story.
It wasn’t easy – none of this ever was, but you didn’t regret a single moment of it. The old school traditions of your kingdoms were abolished due to a long, hefty process of appealing to the public and proving that love should never be constrained by rules and traditions, and now Satoru was also happily married with his husband, Geto Suguru. The last letter you got from him informed you they adopted a two baby boys named Megumi and a feisty little girl called Nobara, and you were excited for the children to meet and play again.
Safe to say, it was all worth it. All the moments led up to this were painful and filled with longing, but you’d do it all over again if you could.
Because this was what you promised him – endless faith and affection – and you sealed this lifelong promise with a kiss.
“I love you, King,” you mumbled through his lips, and he laughed as he rocked the baby side to side. The kiss was slightly awkward since her grubby hands were trying to clutch both of your chins, sending you both into fits of laughter.
“I love you too, Queen,” he kissed the top of your head and your crown with it – for you were his woman, his wife, and the Queen who ruled all of his heart – leaning down to kiss his baby’s cheeks before he pulled you both in for a hug. The atmosphere that day was similar from when you first forced him to have a picnic with you; warm, sunny, with the wind encouraging the flowers to dance in sync like how you danced with Nanami when you were younger. Your baby gurgled nonsensically, Nanami smiling to himself as you both stared at the bundle of joy in his arms. “I love you too, Violet. Mommy and Daddy loves you a lot.”
To love him, to hold him, to cherish him – it was a promise you held deep within your soul.
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total opposites
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You and Toge swap bodies after encountering a fairytale curse, and similar to its origin, it also takes a fairytale method to break it.
REQUEST. body swap au + best friends to lovers
CONTENT/WARNINGS. slight crack fic, some cursing, implications of nsfw but nothing explicit, just Toge being a not-so closet pervert, usual best friend bickering, reader is fem bodied, unedited story (I should stop saying this, everyone knows I don’t edit my stuff)
NOTES. I enjoyed writing this, tysm for the request anon, this was really cute! definitely this is shooting up in one of my fav works ever (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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