tearsinmysoupp · 5 years
Hey all,
I wish I could be a little less cliche with the whole tumblr thing, but this is what it is, and this is where we are, soooooooooooooooo sometimes you have to take a deep breathe and say “yolo I am making a tumblr.”
Where are we today? My Dad’s at this very moment. But sheesh. To tell everyone the truth, I have no fucking clue how we got here. And by “here,” I mean HERE. (RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW.) 
Life is feeling very strange right now and I am sorry this is in blog format instead of LIVE on periscope. I suck. I know, ok? So try to forgive me. 
So let’s just talk here, and catch up on WTF is newwwwwwwwwwwwww
Well things have been CHAOTIC to say the least. I have every middle aged person who attended my graduation (with the exception of my mother) at my Dad’s house breathing down my neck, so I know what you must be thinking: “TARYN!!!!! NOOOOO, WHAT IS IT LIKE TO NOT HAVE THE SPACE NEEDED TO FULLY EXPRESS YOURSELF ON PERISCOPE?!?!HOW ARE YOU SURVIVING WITHOUT YOUR ART?!?!?” 
GUYS, let me tell you THIS: it has been incredibly challenging not having the proper space or time to CREATE my art. It has been hard having people come to basically babysit my 22 year old ass. Pathetic, I know. 
But sometimes you have lupus and a weird tick borne infection (BARTONELLA) that impact your mental health come up and you need the extra help, so you just have to pat yourself on the back and remember that BENJAMIN BUTTON had it worse than you. (spoiler alert: the guy literally is born an old man and reverses as he ages and eventually becomes A BABY!!!!!! which totally sucks. I feel for the guy.)
Sorry for the caps guys.. Really just trying emphasize how humiliating this is in a semi-humorous/self deprecating way. But in all seriousness, this EXPERIENCE has been so humbling. From panic attacks in parking lots to not being able to talk to crazy hives, I have been living it up in ways I hope to never live through again.
So what have I been doing with all of my time? Now that I am officially unemployed or #takingaleaveofabsencefromwork, I have been feeling pretty fucking weird. No school, no work, just me. WOW. And my family .. wooooo. turn up. 
Last couple days has been managing my allergic reaction and I had to go off my antibiotics, so that was damage control and as a result I felt foggy and weirdly more depressed than usual, so that SUCKED. 
Yesterday, things got back to normal as far as feeling like myself even though my right eye was still a little puffy from the allergic reaction from hell. Things being better as far as my mental health goes were a result of me taking my antibiotics, which is pretty crazy when you think: “my anti-FUCKING-biotics” are making me SANE. And let me clarify, these antibiotics are not just making me SANE, but I haven't felt even a little bit of anxiety while on them, which would lead one to suspect that my issues with my mental health were not rooted in my “psyche,” instead, these issues were part of a disease process #TURNTHEFUP !!!
Ok but continuing.. WHAT DO I DO??!?!?! 2 days into this thing so far. Today, I found myself being fucking furious with pitchfork. I hate to say it, but pitchfork is the worst. They do album reviews where they rate an album 0-10, which is problematic, because art, music, whatever IS SUBJECTIVE, and it is based on who is fucking consuming it, so to RATE something 0-10 is so backwards and stupid that UGH!!!!!!! 
And this is not even the worst part... JUST wait for it guys. So I kind of lost my shit when I saw this: Avril Lavigne’s album Let Go in 2002, the one with Sk8r boi, complicated, I’m with you, ECT was rated a 6.6 by some girl in DECEMBER 2018..... I know guys. Try to contain your rage, because I know this is complete bullshit. 
For some reason, Pitchfork feels the need to have an opinion on everything, so it is reviewing influential albums of the past and rating them NOW? There is so much wrong here that I need to stop talking about it because my BLOOD PRESSURE IS THROUGH THE ROOF!!!!!! (jk but I am getting heated) “LET GO by AVRIL WAS THE BEST ALBUM OF ALL TIME”-KANYE
But seriously, someone on Pitchfork gave Greta Van Fleet a 1.6, which to be real was a unfair rating of their album, but yeah, Pitchfork can be the kiss of death to smaller groups who are just getting started. Good news is that Greta Van Fleet had a solid fan base who rejected Pitchfork’s review, so they are all good. Also, things really do not get scored at like a 1.6. Like Pitchfork sucks but not THAT BAD, so I wouldn't be surprised if the author of that review did that to personally spite that group or someone in that band lmao. DAYM #DRAMAALERT
Moving on my friends, I got lit off of that. So I hate Pitchfork. THE CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG. 
Talking about something I do like: James Blake’s new album “Assume Form.”   Prior to this release, his albums focused on feelings of isolation or alienation whereas this one centers on intimacy, so unsurprisingly it is unlike anything he has put out before. QUITE THE PLOT TWIST. Would highly recommend “Power on.” Blake is able to capture a feeling or situation that feels familiar while also having vocals that sound like butter.
“I thought I might be better dead, but I was wrong I thought everything could fade, but I was wrong I thought I'd never find my place, but I was wrong And where I least wanted to look, it came along I thought sex was at my pace, but I was wrong I thought it mattered more I'd say, but I was wrong I thought you were second place to every song I thought you'd overstayed your welcome I was wrong, power on, power on
Have you ever coexisted (Power on) So easily? Let's go home and talk shit about everyone Let's go home, finally”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZe3mq9EJ90 -------------------
RELATABLE?!?!?!? let me know WTF IS UP fam. HMU tearinmysoupp on insta/twitter. Email is [email protected] ily
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