taylorchristenscn · 4 years
emily walsh.
Where: The Park 
With: Open @devinstonestarters·
With all that Emily had going on in her life at the moment, she truly appreciated the few free hours that she had to spend at the park with Gemma. She was growing so quickly and loved exploring new things, which Emily was fully supportive of. She couldn’t believe her baby would be two years old this year. Of course, as soon as Emily briefly looked away to put one of Gemma’s toys back in the diaper bag, the little girl toddled towards the nearest person and started to get in their personal space. 
Once Emily noticed, she quickly followed after her daughter. “Gemma, leave them alone please. We shouldn’t bother people,” she said, scooping the baby girl up into her arms. “I’m so sorry! She’s quite a curious child and doesn’t have a good concept of boundaries yet,” she laughed. 
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Taylor watched the toddler in what seemed a mixture of curiosity and cool emotional distance. Children didn’t stir any innate instincts in him to protect them or care for them at all, which was just another reason why he was glad to be able to opt-out of having any of them. Perhaps it was the baby’s try to destroy just that lack of instinct or just the present eye-contact with the rusting noise of his newspaper that lured her near him now. “My son does not know boundaries either, it’s a nuisance when you cannot just pick them up, though,” he answered, the words flowing so freely that Taylor caught himself only after speaking them in how he’d called Oscar. Not entirely accurate but easier to explain a highly complicated private family history to a stranger. The blonde produced a smile, soft and warm like the summer weather before adding, “It’s nothing I really mind unless I have to pay property damages.”
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
you love hoodies.  you love shorts.   dogs are better than cats.  it’s hilarious when people get hurt.   shopping is torture.   sad movies suck.   you own a car racing game.   you played with hot wheels cars as a kid.   at some point in time you wanted to be a fire fighter.   you owned a ds, ps2, n64, or sega.  you used to be obsessed with power rangers.   you have watched sports on tv.   gory movies are cool.   you go to your dad for advice.   you own like a trillion baseball caps.   you used to collect hockey or baseball cards.   baggy sweats are cool to wear.   it’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.   green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favourite colours.   you love to go crazy and not care what people think.   sports are fun.   you talk with food in your mouth.   you sleep with your socks on at night.   you have fished at least once.
you love to shop.   you wear eyeliner.   you wear the color pink.   you go to your mom to talk.   you consider cheerleading a sport.   you hate wearing the color black.   you like going to the mall.   you like getting manicures and/or pedicures.   you like wearing jewelry.   you cried watching the notebook.   dresses are a big part of your wardrobe.   shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.  you don’t like the movie star wars.   you are/were in gymnastics.   it takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up.   you smile a lot more than you should.   you have more than 10 pairs of shoes.   you care about what you look like.  you like wearing dresses when you can. you like wearing high heel shoes.  you used to play with dolls as little kid.   you like putting make-up on others.   you like being the star of everything.
i am shorter than 5’5”. i have scars. i tan easily. i wish my hair was a different color.   i have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.  i have a tattoo. i am self-conscious about my appearance. i’ve had/have braces. i’ve been told i’m attractive by a complete stranger. i have more than two piercings. i have/had piercings in places besides my ears.
i’ve gotten lost in my city. i’ve seen a shooting star. i’ve wished on a shooting star.  i’ve seen a meteor shower. i’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. i’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.  i’ve kicked a guy where it hurts. i’ve been to a casino. i’ve been skydiving. i’ve gone skinny-dipping. i’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. i’ve crashed a car. i’ve been skiing. i’ve been in a musical. i’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue. i’ve seen the northern lights. i’ve sat on a rooftop at night.  i’ve played a prank on someone.  i’ve ridden in a taxi. i’ve seen the rocky horror picture show. i’ve eaten sushi. i’ve been snowboarding.
i’ve done something i promised someone else i wouldn’t. i’ve done something i promised myself i wouldn’t. i’ve snuck out. i’ve lied to my parents about where i am.  i’ve cheated while playing a game. i’ve ran a red light. i’ve witnessed a crime. i’ve been in a fist fight. i’ve been arrested.
i’m afraid of dying. i hate funerals. i’ve seen someone/something dying. someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. i’ve written a eulogy for myself.
i can sing well. stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. i open up to others easily. i watch the news. i don’t kill bugs. i sing in the shower. i am a morning person. i paid for a cell phone ring tone. i am a sports fanatic. i twirl my hair. i care about grammar. i have “?”’s in my screen name. i’ve copied more than 30 cds in a day. i bake well. my favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, blue, black, purple, or orange. i would wear pajamas to school. i like martha stewart. i know how to shoot a gun. i laugh at my own jokes. i eat fast food weekly. i’ve not turned anything in and still got an a in a certain class. i can’t sleep if there is a spider/cockroach in the room. i am ticklish. i love white chocolate. i bite my nails. i’m good at remembering faces. i’m good at remembering names. i’m good at remembering dates. i honestly have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
georgina wallace‌.
“That is fine. You just looked very focused on what you were doing.” Georgie pointed out, giving Taylor a small, gentle smile. The fact that he was standing in her store by himself for the first time she saw in so long was a very strange occurrence and if Georgie was being honest with herself, she honestly didn’t know what to say to him, so this was definitely one of the most awkward encounters she had in her store – that even saying when Rupert felt like being the guard dog for her – But as he explained his real reasons for being there, Georgie curiosity perked when there was a mention of a mission of sorts, making her mind just go to all kinds of places with what could the right answer possibly be. “Mission? Is he a super-hero and I wasn’t aware of that fact until now?” She questioned, joking in manner as she looked at him, brow raised and a small smirk gracing her lips. Looking at the comic he picked, Georgie knew that Taylor probably was a bit unaware of his cousin’s taste when it came to comics, but she was sure the gesture would be appreciated and the younger boy definitely could find interest in a different gender and hero than the ones he was used to read. “That is very nice of you! I am sure he will appreciate the gesture. But yes! There is one that came just early this week that I was saving for him, so this is the perfect opportunity to give him,” she said excitedly, moving to a different aisle to retreat the comic from it’s shelf. “And you underestimate me being his favorite. You just say that because I spoil him with the things he like,” she chuckled, walking towards him handing him the comic. “Anything else I can help you with today?”
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These days, he was more inclined to be what colloquially would be called an asshole. And while Taylor didn’t have the best impression of Georgina, he could appreciate her being friendly, forthcoming even, so much that he’d try at least. “It is usually how I like to work.” His hand lowered the comic again, taking another look at the flimsy cover and back but taking next to nothing from the colorful exterior. “Not that it changes anything on my knowledge or competence in here.” The smile from before extended a moment’s worth longer, almost unusual in how peaceful it rested there compared to how she’d be used to its fleeting position there. It was replaced, though, with the more rare expression of true surprise crossing over Taylor’s features, in awe of her and that his cousin hadn’t told her what he so freely gave up as common knowledge between the two. “He’s on a mission with his-- our church,” he paused for a second, recollecting himself after that revealing faux pas about his lack of participation in the formation of this stupid idea. “It is for two years, which is why I assumed you would know.”    And there it suddenly was again: the so seldom not awkward silence as she already pressed on to another shelf of geeky booklets -- possibly to escape the very situation -- and Taylor stood left behind if only for a little while, as he’d decided to follow her chattering noise through the aisles. “Oh, I really do think so. There is just something in me that cannot pretend to take an interest in these things, so it is not as much spoiling as escaping my critique.” The nonchalance in his voice was about as fake as the ease in which the blonde moved to lean slightly but carefully against the shelves as he accepted her pick with one hand, but for the greater good of a relaxed mood. “I don’t suppose you have comics explaining corporate governance or insolvency lying around somewhere so that I would not have to explain that stuff later today myself, huh?”
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
joia mccord.‌
She wasn’t entirely sure what Taylor was planning or how he was going to figure out how to deal with situation, and she didn’t envy him. Joia hadn’t felt this feeling, it nauseated her, for the most part, in many months. And, she was glad of it. Her husband didn’t really react as well as she made out he did but, he still knew how to handle the situation and get her under control before things happened too quickly and she said something that might jeopardize their entire family. Joia gave a nod and leaned a little against the counter, hoping she could calm herself, or put herself in some compartment to cool off within her own mind. Finally, she turned to Taylor and nodded, “I– thank you. That hasn’t happened a lot since we moved here. I guess, just sometimes I get overwhelmed. New place and all.” The redhead offered.
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Calmer, that look having seemingly disappeared out of her eyes the next time Taylor let himself see right into them, his hand slowly dropped back to his side. Knowing neither where or why the sudden rush of emotion had found its way to the surface of the familiar woman, the lawyer had learned to never probe and poke situations that had absolutely nothing to do with him and would, if not let alone, change that state entirely. “I can grab your order if you would like” His eyes hushed to the expensive watch attached to his left wrist, “I’m in no hurry, so it’d be no problem.”
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
                       I got my mother’s good looks & my father’s GREAT RAGE
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
death: what are three things you want to do before you die?
Is it kind of sad that there’s no immediate thing or goal that would be as simple as “travel the world” or “find someone to be happy with”? Maybe, but not so to Taylor. His mind is set on other things, mostly ones that he knows he will achieve. Firstly, he wants to get back to his righteous place in the family empire. Whether that just means getting back his position of CLO or doing something greater is still open for debate, but what isn’t is that blood and tears (of others) will be invested in getting to this sooner rather than later. Somewhere down the line, he also wants to get involved in politics again. His real passion. There’s no incentive on his side to change or leave parties, so until some people get lost real quick, there’s no rush for Taylor to embark on this poject. He knows that as the exact opposite of an opportunist with a remarkably low tolerance for idiotic circle-jerking and incompetence, right now is not his time to pick up any kind of office. Lastly, and most specifically because he doesn’t have any kind of plans of “finding someone and setting down”, he wants to help and have a path for his cousin, Oscar, planned out to succeed. He’s as close as it is going to get for Taylor to have children and, though cursed with the family trait of unattainable high expectations, he truly only wants the best for him. That one’s a touchy one, so it’ll ironically take a lot more care and crafting than the other two.
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
the world, the tower & justice !!!
the world: do you like waking up early?
He’s mostly indifferent to it, but Taylor does follow his strict regime of waking up at 5:30 am almost every day, except for the weekends. It stems from his former jet setting habit, getting up in the earliest hours of the morning to catch the early flights and be home at a somewhat Christian hour still. Nowadays there’s no need to wake up that early anymore, but he still does filling the hours before work with running or some other sport. 
the tower: favorite colors to wear?
His favorite color overall is black (and yes, Taylor knows it’s not a real color), and, as he lives in suits, they are also often kept in black or navy blue. Dress-shirts are always white, except for the very few occasions where it could be acceptable to be wearing something all-black. All in all, Taylor is averse to wearing bright colors in general and does not, if there isn’t a way around it, even in casual wear. 
justice: favorite color of rose?
Everything but pink and white, because then he can be sure that they are not Damask roses. Taylor doesn’t particularly like the fragrance of roses, so whichever ends up having the least fragrance he usually chooses. They often end up either yellow or orange-red for most occasions that he buys them, though very much in line with traditions his ex-fiancé used to get the deep blood-red roses by the bunch quite regularly.
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
☀️🌙✨ tarot questions ✨🌙☀️
the fool: do you have any nicknames? the magician: have you ever written a poem or song about somebody else? the high priestess: what is your dream date? the empress: do you think you will ever get married? the emperor: what are some names that you like? the hierophant: do you believe in ghosts? the lovers: do you have a crush? the chariot: thoughts on astrology? strength: what is your dream occupation?  the hermit: what is your favorite soda pop? wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle? justice: favorite color of rose? the hanged man: favorite movie soundtrack? death: what are three things you want to do before you die? temperance: can you describe a strange dream you’ve had? the devil: do you enjoy thunderstorms? the tower: favorite colors to wear? the star: have you ever seen a psychic? the moon: have you ever written a love letter? the sun: do you believe in magic? judgement: do you enjoy school? the world: do you like waking up early?
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
alana maverick‌.
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               Miss. In a rather very unattractive fashion, Lana snorted. Without a doubt he was being mannered and polite given that he didn’t have her name. It just seemed an odd choice considering her state. A mess that really had no business being out in public and disturbing the peace with her wallowing and self pity — something that she’d no doubt inflict upon the unsuspecting stranger in no time. Especially now that he’d opened up a line of communication, no account for how small it was, and also offered to purchase her current medicine of choice. “Lana.” Decidedly she’d scratched out the title in place of a pronoun, even she knew she couldn’t hang onto something so proper and poised. Or, at least that was how she interpreted that addressing. “Just… Lana. But uhh… tell that to Bertha here. I’m not even drunk so why cut me off, you know?” Because in time she would be, and that was a mess that no one should have to pick up off the floor like a fallen dirty rag. 
              “What — why isn’t it worth it?” Doing shots, having drinks at a bar was great, especially if your drink of choice was the beer they had on tap for the night. But the quality of what was within the glass definitely mattered. Not that she was some connoisseur, just — well, it was easy to tell the difference between good tequila and shitty tequila. If the only goal was to get fucked up, then sure, don’t kill your wallet and drown in the cheap stuff. Otherwise? Try to tell a wine drinker that the bottle wasn’t worth it, or even the whiskey buffs. That’d be a lecture and potential debate that could leave you schooled and wondering what the fuck just happened to you at the bar. Curling her fingers to stir Bertha’s movements and make the cold hearted woman come hither, the brunette ordered her vodka. “What about ‘em?” Did curiosity get the cat? Yes, it did. Lana also supposed there was no harm in chatting about it. Perhaps that was needed, anything to keep her mind off the ache in her chest and punishing thoughts in her head.
Sometimes, without even consciously intending to, Taylor looked at people in a way that warranted the comparison of a biologist deciphering the behavior of another species. There was never quite such a case where it felt as fitting though, as it did now. The way she acted and spoke, to say nothing of the monstrosity of ink on her that peeked into his vision, seemed further away from himself than any Darwin illustration could grasp into the visual. His clear mind reported that it would have been best for him not to throw himself into looming trouble; he’d be better off defending unwinnable mens rea cases from criminology 101 but his mouth reported otherwise and before his brain could catch up to throw in Jon or any other variety of his names in the sorts. “Taylor,” he answered, knowing that from now on he had to rely on her mind to fog up over the course of the night, enough to forget it and maybe whatever else he would stupidly but voluntarily offer up in information along with it or have absolutely no care in the world about it.
   Sitting in a bar, almost ringing in happy hour, and buying others drinks did not bode well for the argument that the lawyer was no habitual drinker, but it didn’t change the fact that he wasn’t, nevertheless. Today was an off day, to say the least. His shoulders hinted at the motion of a shrug without much of any movement. “Cannot tell me there is too much enjoyment found at the bottom of a bottle,” he paused, looking towards the stacked rows of their topic of choice, “I get college students wanting to get drunk for the first couple of times but everything after that,” he stopped, again, before the truly dark thoughts came tumbling out, before he couldn’t take them back anymore. It was smarter not to elaborate and instead, take a drink from his glass as an elongated and artificial pause that served just well enough to move onto her other question that he’d somewhat rather answer. “I don’t dwell much on the past. Forgiven but not forgotten or some of that crap. Just reminds me why I am not the drinker in any relationship. Messy people make messy choices and some of them just love blaming it on the tequila, instead, no?”
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
I scream god forgive me please 
because I want you on your knees
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
georgina wallace‌.
Taylor was the type of costumer that Georgie had a hard time trying to figure out. He definitely didn’t look like any of her regulars and sometimes never portrayed himself as one, making the woman wonder if the fact that he was around was merely just to go along with Oscar. Too many unsuccessful attempts of holding a normal conversation only added to boost her suspicious that the man definitely wasn’t interested in the comic world as much as she or his cousin were. But that was fine, because Georgie wasn’t one to judge people on what they did with their lives or what they enjoyed to do, no, far from it, she respected everyone and tried her hardest to respect them all together as well.
But on that particular day Taylor entered the store on his own, making Georgie question some of her doubts as to why he would even show up in the first place, even so, she greeted him as she normally would have and watched, by her place near the counter, as he silently made his way around the shelves seeming to be looking for something in particular. She wasn’t one to keep tabs on her costumers, but this time she was curious. “Do you need some help?” She asked politely, frowning when there was no response from the man making her wonder if he wasn’t listening on purpose or he was just too focused on the comic in his hand. 
Stepping out of the counter and getting a bit closer to him, stopping a few feet from him, she offered him a small smile as he finally looked up at her. “I do believe so, because I asked if you needed some help looking for something.”
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“Oh, I am sorry about that,” he answered, almost to his own surprise with the actual sincerity that defined the statement. Whatever she said, their history of half-conversation monopolized to the solidified assumption that she wouldn’t just talk to him in self-perseverance of an awkwardness between them. There had been a strange disconnect of Georgina’s knowledge of Taylor and his life, and what the rest of the world knew and saw from the day they met in just the same place that they were now. It didn’t matter in the grand scheme of their relationship -- if one might go as far to call it that -- but it loosened the blonde’s tongue to let some truth out instead of keeping his public secret. “Thought of sending Oscar some of these while he is away on his mission. I am not quite sure if they will let him read them, but I guessed I would try first.” The comic book in his hand was raised as though to prove his point, the slight frown in his brow from before now fully replaced by a mild-mannered expression and smile. It was best to keep her knowledge of his intent to surely just waste time on the less abrasive reasons in his life, no break-up, no moving around town and definitely no different job within the four walls of her store. “If you want to include a suggestion before I buy them, I will write the note that they are from his favorite.”
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
adrienne acosta‌.
Adrienne allowed her gaze to course over the male as he mentioned that whether or not he could pay was no her worries. He was right but as a regular who helped keep the bar afloat with her reoccurring business meetings — she wanted to ensure that both the bartenders and bar owner were treated with respect. Not left with a mess because some male wanted to pretend to be something he was not. Frankly, she hadn’t taken a straight look at him. However, as dark hues began to lower over the male and she caught glimpse of his attire and watch — she concluded that he was well off. She knew her luxury items and they were all over the male. “To each their own, but I’ll be sure to have a drink since you’ve reassured me that you can afford it. Perhaps I’ll even have from the top shelf while I’m at it.”
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“I am not going to stop you, and judge says my word should be as binding as a contract can be,” he spoke as an unsure smile appeared, not because he wasn’t able to produce a better one for her but the uncertainty which held it there for even just a moment longer. Taylor had not turned to his sudden act of generosity for the company. Not quite fond enough of solitude to be called a loner, he did avoid common town folks for the lack of better interest-- there was rarely ever something interesting in a housewife with her third child on her hip or the broker that had never seen a transaction with more than five zeros to it-- but apparently, so did the brunette. Or so it was told from the other eyes in the room that still loomed on her but never came close to approaching them when the two of them were tangled up in their loose conversation now.  “Not that I would like to make any of it my business, but am I not an unfitting drinking partner given the situation?” This time around, Taylor did not even feign the decency to be subtle in the gesture he fulfilled with his hand, still holding onto his glass but moving to the wider opening of the room. 
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
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# when you’re trying to convince everyone that you’re perfectly fine 
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
elliot davies‌.
It wasn’t unusual to find Elliot wrapped up in the comforting arms that were King’s Head. For only being in Devinstone for thirty days, he found himself clinging to this particular bar for relief. He wasn’t dressed like he should have been, and he knew this. His days were filled with odd jobs around town that he’d pick up in the local ads, handyman work or carpentry. He had a gig fixing the outdated washers and dryers at the laundry mat in Lockwood - and he wrote down for them countless times they just need new machines, and there was nothing he could do about it. But, he figured it was good gig, and dropped the whole thing, since he was able to wash his clothes for free there.
With his dirt stained hand cupping the beer mug, he took his last sip, letting it coat his mouth before swallowing. It was at that moment that Elliot closed his eyes. Jesus, fuck. He wasn’t in the mood for some rich bastard (he might be deaf, but he wasn’t blind) to waltz in thinking everyone would just crawl out to him from the gutters for a chance at a free drink? No. The man reminded him of his brother (if you would even call him that), Phillip - and he hated Phillip. 
He regretted making eye contact, because as he watched the words leave the man’s mouth, Elliot sat up with his hands balled together, then wiped his upper lip. He was quiet, then shook his head no.
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It’s not quite clear what moved Taylor to do so -- was it that the boy (not that he could call the other anything else) looked barely old enough to be allowed to be sat there, properly looked the part that he shouldn’t be here, at least or his non-response to Taylor’s words -- but his look zeroed in on him in a fashion that was almost tangibly going to be uncomfortable for the boy. Though faintly reminding him of a family member more closely related to his heart, the softness in eyes and voice did not translate. “I’d advise not to stare. It’s rude.”
Taylor, ever the son of his lovely mother, usually and purposefully avoided conflict with the graceful ease granted to him by the power of a $300.000 degree. But as his eyes finally trailed away from the boy’s face, they landed on his hands-- all tense-- his self-perseverance started dwindling. Weeks of walking on eggshells without an imminent ending in sight had groomed a feeling close to cruelty. How little would it take for the boy to blow up in this state? Maybe an aggression problem here or there; Taylor couldn’t blame him when there were parts of himself that too struggled with that part of himself, but something itched in his fingers to incense him like he couldn’t the people that were the root cause for Taylor’s miserable mood. “Then again, what do I expect of a half-grown kid.”
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taylorchristenscn · 4 years
theodora spencer‌.
          Luck — oh, she wanted to laugh. Luck had little to do with what was happening at that particular moment. Theodora held her tongue and her primal reaction to be blunt to the point of actually telling a complete stranger what had happened to make her end up there. Hey, so, my father died and I completely broke down and then my husband killed himself and I just simply shut down from the world, now I live in the town he grew up in completely haunted by the ghost of his memories and my therapist said talking to new people would be a good way to bring myself out of the hole I dug. What an ice breaker, right? Maybe if she was indeed honest with the man, he would only see that luck didn’t have anything to do with the fact that she had ended up picking up his wallet from the floor, anyone could have done it if she had chosen to simply turn the other direction. Luck would be not having gone through anything she did. Luck would be not having people saying that suffer and hurt built were there for her to make them useful, that her experiences made her stronger, they were constructive. She didn’t see it— she refused to anyway.   
          The way she saw it this could develop in one of two ways: she could, on the flip of a dime, revert back to her old self, smile and pretend to have fun, engage in conversation that could be interesting and could also not be. Maybe flirt a little if she was feeling it, after all, Taylor was a good looking man, was he not? Or, she would introduce the person she was now. The shy and awkward, who was bad at making conversation because she much rather be left alone with her thoughts and maybe a bottle of tequila. There was the option of a middle ground. Something between her two personas, but that was rare to come by. It took a level of comfortability that this encounter would have to progress towards. Sucking in a breath, the blonde nodded in agreement. “Well, lucky me indeed,” she said, a small smile that didn’t reach the eyes, “you don’t have to pay for mine though, I, uh— anyone would have given you your wallet back, I’m pretty much sure of it,” was she? Definitely not, but paying for her coffee seemed like a stretch. “Taylor Johnathan…” Theo said his name again, more to herself than to him because it had a ring to it… almost familiar. “That’s quite a name… rich name too and I’m sorry if you’re not, I just spent enough time around rich people to kind of get caught on these expensive-sounding names. It’s a good one, too.” Her curse was internal, she couldn’t believe she was babbling about the man’s name, just downright shameful. “I’ll have a latte.”
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Was it him or did she seem... off? The man knew that his presence unsettled the many rather than just a few without a clear divide between strangers or acquaintances in the target line, but it usually only did because he wanted it to do so. Theodora had caught him in about as good as a mood as one could given the circumstances of his state of life at the moment, and yet Taylor saw himself drawn to soften his voice forcibly in what edged into the unnatural to those who heard him speak in a rasp force when careless. “It’s nothing to me. Take it as a parting gift from a former resident here, and, by any means, you won’t have to sift through coffee shops to find another good one around after.” There was no telling if she did truly live somewhere around or just sauntered in the wrong neighborhood, but if were the former Taylor at least knew to a definite that she had not been there before. A near-perfect neighbor wouldn’t have missed a newcomer. 
   “Thank you?” Not a full statement nor question, the words mixed with the sound of his chuckle. He had never been too fond of being a two-name person; though he would often still introduce himself by full given name, his tongue wouldn’t wrap around the sound of his middle name quite the same. Oh, the irony that the less rich name was the generational commemoration, after all. “One could say the same about Theodora.”  He narrowed his eyes at her in an almost playful manner as he shifted his body weight from one foot to the other where he stayed for a second or two, elongating the moment. “You’d have a field day with the relatives of mine that love to recycle their names enough to get out the roman numerals.” Neither confirming nor denying her suspicion (as he'd learned so well to do) Taylor gave a lax shrug of his shoulders before extending a hand to gesture towards their intended way. “Shall we, then?”
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