tarcil · 2 years
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W. K. Haselden’s ‘The Pocket Telephone: When Will it Ring?’ was first published in The Mirror on March 1919. This is eerily prescient.
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tarcil · 3 years
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tarcil · 3 years
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Black Rock, Tom Killion
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tarcil · 4 years
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tarcil · 4 years
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More facts at NowYouKno.com and don’t forget to Follow NowYouKno for more like this on your dash
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tarcil · 4 years
Another school teacher here. We've been warned not to just start reading storybooks on You Tube willy-nilly, that we'll be finding out, soon, how the copyright issues will work out. Can we have your permission to read your books online to our classes? (Thanks!)
Yes. I'm giving blanket permission to teachers and educators and librarians (and to anyone with a loved one or child at the other side of a screen who needs to read to them). These are weird times. We should hang together.
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tarcil · 4 years
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Frank Dicksee  La Belle Dame sans Merci, 1902
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tarcil · 5 years
Important Warning Please Read and Share
So Scientology has recently been purchasing ad spots on social media sites including Twitter and Facebook. Scientology has always worked hard to recruit young people it seems like they’re investing in social media as well now. I know most people think Scientology is a joke but it’s a seriously dangerous cult which uses fear, extortion, violence, vandalism and various other unethical actions against those who oppose them both inside and outside the church. Here is key information on the abuses committed by Scientology: 
•Scientology uses a form of pseudo-therapy called auditing which focuses largely on embarrassing and traumatic memories. Scientology collects the information you share and uses that information to threaten you if you oppose the church. They also charge huge amounts of money for auditing sessions (which is why they really are doing all this).
 •They are extremely anti-psychology and psychiatry and pressure you against taking any antidepressants, anti-anxiety medication or any other drugs for mental health.
 •They believe homosexuality can be “cured” and are blatantly homophobic. •Enemies of the church are labeled “suppressive persons” and it is forbidden to communicate with such people. This isn’t just to limit the negative press they receive but also is a manipulative tool. If you are in the cult and decide to leave or criticize the church you stand the risk of being completely cut off from your friends and family. “Suppressive Persons” are often also harassed, stalked, or threatened. 
•If you’re new to Scientology and your family or friends are worried about you being in a cult you’re instructed to cut them out of your life, increasing your reliance on the support system (though there’s nothing supportive about it) the church give to you. 
•Scientology’s doctrine includes the concept of “Fair Game”. This basically says that those who are judged a threat to the Church can be punished and harassed by any and all means possible.
 •Because of this, they have no moral qualms about having their members lie in court which they use to defend themselves from lawsuits or charges that they’ve broken the law and also to help win lawsuits against their enemies. •They essentially spied on and stole information from the IRS and tried to frame the mayor of Clearwater Florida for a hit and run. 
•Scientology filed 50 different lawsuits in one year against the Cult Awareness Network, an anti-cult organization. Using false testimony they won one of the suits and because the organization couldn’t pay the fine Scientology took the organizations name and logo so if you were calling to get out of Scientology you’d be unknowingly telling Scientology of your intentions. (For full transparency my mom was a member of the Cult Awareness Network before it was taken over and was sued individually by the Church of Scientology) 
•Scientology has an official branch known as the Sea Org, a mixture between a paramilitary group and slavery, comprised of their most dedicated members including many children/teens who’ve been raised in Scientology. This is where some of the most rampant and terrifying abuse in Scientology occurs. 
•Sea Org members often work over 100 hours a week for Scientology for around 2$ per hour.
 •Sea Org member’s living conditions are terrible; they live in overcrowded communal rooms with up to 12 other people, are not given healthcare unless there is a free clinic in the area, often are forced to miss meals or sleep in order to successfully completed their work. 
•Several former Sea Org members have accused the church of physical abuse. •Sea Org members may not have children and women who have become pregnant have reportedly been forced/coerced by their higher-ups to have abortions. 
•Leaving Sea Org without permission automatically makes you a suppressive person, so young adults who’ve been raised in Scientology who want to leave are cut off from everyone they’ve ever known with no money or job and getting permission to leave can require 3 years of hard labor, social isolation, and group pressure.
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tarcil · 7 years
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:/  [FlyAshComics] 
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tarcil · 7 years
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Is this you? [@scienceshenanigans]
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tarcil · 7 years
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This weeks theme: PRODUCTIVITY! All entrepreneurs need some tips and tricks to keep us on top of our game!
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tarcil · 7 years
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Study hacks backed by science: https://youtu.be/p60rN9JEapg [Reddit]
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tarcil · 7 years
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tarcil · 7 years
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You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain 
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tarcil · 7 years
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tarcil · 7 years
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Did you know that we almost didn’t make it? Earth froze-over about 140,000 years ago making us an endangered species. Learn more in our NEW VID: youtu.be/T_UPnh9nLkg [Comic via sketchingscience]
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tarcil · 7 years
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Plant spa. [Via @awkwardyeti]
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