tarat76 · 2 years
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Pretzels from Heaven
If you look closely, one of the panels in the stained glass at St. Jakob’s Kirche portrays the manna from heaven account of the exodus… but with a twist (pun intended) because it shows pretzels falling from heaven. It’s a great illustration of the importance of contextualization but also of the personal nature of the Gospel. Jesus calls to us in ways which are intimate and familiar. This is a good reminder when we are tempted to default to a “one size fits alls” ministry style or limit our efforts according to our own personal preferences.
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tarat76 · 2 years
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“When You guide us on unknown paths, let us believe in Your grace! If Your goals we cannot see, let our trust in You set us free!”
I was struck particularly by this quote in the play. When you stop to consider the history of the village of Oberammergau and the Passion Play, it is hard not to marvel at the hand of God. For centuries the people of Oberammergau have continued to keep the promise and commitment of their ancestors by telling the story of Christ. It is awe-inspiring to contemplate the families represented on the stage and to think their lineage could have been destroyed centuries prior by the plague in 1632, except for a prayer of faith answered by a God of love… This theme was beautifully conveyed throughout the production as the story of Holy Week was interwoven with key events from the Old Testament and Jesus’ own teachings. Often in life (and on the stage) the path is unclear and God’s purposes seem obscured. And yet the grace of God and trust in God’s character compels us forward. Jesus, the thread woven throughout the pages of Scripture, is the same thread woven throughout history and woven throughout our own stories — the thread of love and life.
There is a powerful scene in the play where the betrayal of Judas is juxtaposed with the denial of Peter. Judas is plagued with guilt and despairs to the point of suicide. Peter also is plagued with guilt but ultimately finds solace in the love of Jesus. Judas could not forgive himself while Peter received Christ’s forgiveness. WOW! Do we receive Christ’s forgiveness or are our failures the story we tell ourselves?
May we be guided by grace and trust in Jesus, the One who sets us free!
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tarat76 · 4 years
Go before your servant this day, O Lord. If you do not go with me yourself, then do not let me go. You, who guided the Israelites by an angel, the wise men by a star, who preserved Peter in the waves, and Paul in a shipwreck:
Be present with me, O Lord, and order my way. Go with me, and lead me out, and lead me back. Amen.
— Lancelot Andrewes
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tarat76 · 4 years
“For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.” - 1 Corinthians 13:12
A clergy colleague recently expressed to me her curiosity about what God was up to in the midst of the current pandemic and social unrest as well as her desire to not miss what God was doing at this time. I know she isn’t alone in wondering how to interpret current events.
The question which seems to be on most people’s minds lately is: How do we make sense of these times in which we are living?
What we really are asking is: Where is God in all of this?
We want to understand how God is at work in the midst of all that disappoints and hurts. Ultimately, we are asking to see God, to know He is present and in control. And in some ways, we are asking for a sign, some glimpse of supernatural activity, to reassure us that our faith and hope have not been misplaced.
Unfortunately, the apostle Paul tells us, on this side of eternity, we will not see completely or understand clearly the full picture of God’s activity. And that is okay, because as N.T. Wright puts it, what matters at the moment is not our knowledge of God, but God’s knowledge of us.
The one thing we can be certain of in all seasons of life is that God is love and love never fails.
So, the next time you feel like you are left with more questions than answers remember this:
God knows you.
God loves you.
God is at work.
It is my prayer that you will be rooted and grounded in Christ’s love and that this love would be reflected in you, bringing hope and peace to those around you.  
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tarat76 · 4 years
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” - Matthew 11:28
These days it seems everyone is tired. The new realities of everyday life combined with the constantly changing landscape of COVID-19, politics, and social unrest seem to be taking its toll on most folks. A recent Church Pulse weekly poll revealed that only 18% of pastors feel completely competent to lead in this moment. I suspect this rings true for many others as well. We are tired; I am tired…
I am tired of wearing a mask. 
I am tired of other people not wearing masks in public.
I am tired of not being together.
I am tired of Zoom meetings.
I am tired of all the online ranting.
I am tired of not being able to travel.
I am tired of everything being turned into a political war.
I am tired of conflicting reports about the virus.
I am tired of not knowing what day (or month) it is anymore.
I am tired of a lack of common decency.
I am tired of everything taking longer than it should.
I am tired of dusting.
I am tired…
What about you? What makes you tired? Where are the places which find you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or fed up? It’s okay to name them. The reality is a lot of these things aren’t going anywhere; at least not for a while anyway. But the good news is Jesus has not and is not going anywhere either!
Jesus is still here with us.
Jesus is still inviting us into relationship with Him.
Jesus is still loving us.
Jesus is still guiding us.
Jesus is still making all things new.
Jesus is still renewing us.
Jesus is still… Jesus!
My prayer is we won’t lose sight of this truth, that in the moments when we feel at our wits end, we will cast all of our cares and concerns at the feet of Jesus and find our rest in Him. For indeed, He is willing and able to lighten our burdens and restore our souls. Thanks be to God this day and forever!
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tarat76 · 8 years
People offer themselves to Christ by offering Christ to others.
Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations
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tarat76 · 8 years
We are servants of Christ... And because we are servants and stewards our task is to be faithful. Not to give thought to our legacy, apart from asking: are we bearing faithful witness to Jesus Christ?
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby
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tarat76 · 8 years
The biblical truth is that the church was never meant to live as a subculture, and our witness is not to a religious formula for fulfillment and happiness.
Craig Barnes in Yearning: Living Between How It Is & How It Ought To Be
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tarat76 · 8 years
Funny because it's true!
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tarat76 · 9 years
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tarat76 · 9 years
When there is kindness, there is goodness. When there is goodness, there is magic.
Cinderella (2015)
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tarat76 · 9 years
ten life lessons from hiking el camino de santiago.
1.       It is vital to live in community.
We were not made to do it alone.
2.       Words matter.
It was encouragement that motivated us. I cannot imagine how much harder the trip would have been with companions who complained and focused on the difficult aspects.
3.       Prayer is for always.
Anytime, anything, large or small.  It leads, encourages, brings us near to God.
4.       Do what you are afraid of.
Examine the reason you do not believe you can achieve something, and then try anyway. Let fear be a loose guide of where you need to grow.
5.       Hard is good.
It is good to do hard things, teaching one to depend on God and that you can do more than you think. We limit God and ourselves when we shy away from hard things.
6.       Keep truth and water close.
Water is as vital physically as truth is mentally. My water bottle broke after the first four hours, and I had to carry it in my hand for the rest of the journey. Without it, I wouldn’t have made it. Without truth, we will never make it out of the confusion valleys in life.
7.       Try.
If you never try, you’ll never know.
8.       Everyone has a story.
If you take a chance to invest and ask, people will surprise you by willingness to share their hearts and lives, even if only for a moment.
9.       Sharing is caring – and more fun.
Share knowledge, snacks, and humor with others.
10.   Take care of your body.
Be kind to it. You only get one. And if you are hiking, buy Smart Wool socks or blister.
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tarat76 · 9 years
We must not mind insulting men, if by respecting them we offend God.
St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople and Church Father (349–407)
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tarat76 · 9 years
If we are not focused on growing a new thing in an old place, it is very easy to become simply a caretaker of a church in decline.... We are invited to choose life, to be servants of life. We are invited to refuse, ever again, to be servants of death.
I Refuse to Lead a Dying Church! by Paul Nixon
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tarat76 · 9 years
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Tom: Behold my latest attempt to drag this department into the 20th century! Jerry: Tom, it's the 21st century. Tom: I know; I'd settle for getting you into the 20th...
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tarat76 · 9 years
Apostles in mainline churches sometimes come to believe that they made a wrong career choice.
I Refuse to Lead a Dying Church by Paul Nixon
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tarat76 · 9 years
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New life isn't just a future reality.
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