tanyapiankova12 · 5 months
Car ride home:
So I had to pee. But not so much I am leaking. Just getting there. I was managing to hit every bump on the rode feeling the pee swish around in me. I was looking for a bathroom, but I couldn’t find anything. I didn’t want to do a hold today, so I was getting kinda frantic. Every bump made it worse. I was on a highway so I couldn’t just get out and pee. Then it started to rain. I usually don’t respond to water sounds that well, but today was different. My urge was about at 7.5/10 and the rain made it 8/10. The bumps made me moan loudly every time I reached one. I grabbed my crotch and crossed my legs together praying that I made it to a gas station before I leaked. The overstimulation made me feel kinda dizzy. When I got into traffic I was potty dancing and frantically looking for a gas station near me. I found the nearest one 45 minutes away. I groaned. Then, when I hit a really bad bump I dribbled into my pants. My bladder wasn’t like so bad I could barely feel the pain anymore, I felt everything. The pee swirled around in me making me moan. At this point I was dribbling at every bump. My goal transformed into just getting to the gas station as dry as possible. When I reached a hill, I wanted to cry. The up and down movements of the urine made me leak. Then about every 4 minutes I was leaking a little. Now my leaks are very different from my dribbles. I can barely feel the dribbles, but the leaks feel so nice, reliving, and warm that they encourage more. Now a blushing, moaning, potty dancing mess I was sitting in the seat begging for the remaining 10 minutes to go by faster. My pants had a wet patch the size of a baseball, and it was slowly getting bigger. My seat was getting wet too. With 3 minutes left, it suddenly got a lot worse. I was stuck in traffic again. I took my hands off the steering wheel and slid them into my underwear. My bladder was bursting. I was leaking slowly onto my hands. Until I just couldn’t hold it anymore. With a loud moan and sigh, I peed myself completely. And it felt like heaven. It was so nice and humiliating at the same time. I didn’t stop at the gas station btw.
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tanyapiankova12 · 5 months
The One Week Bladder Challenge.
Hello! This is a challenge for people who really want to test out your bladder. I suggest you read the whole thing through first so you have all the things you need in advance!
Objectif: get through the whole week without peeing yourself more than 3 times! Btw even if you lost, you can still continue with the challenge. Also there are ways you can get more lives. Good luck!
You have to follow every thing.
Make sure to shower every night so you don’t get an infection from being in your pee.
You have to do the days in the correct order.
As always, if you feel unwell, stop the challenge! This is just for fun!
DAY ONE: This is gonna be an easy day, since we are just starting. Or not. First thing you are gonna do when you wake up is avoid peeing like the plague and drink 1 liter of water. Then you have to put on some nice clothes (which you don’t want to pee on) and make yourself some breakfast. After you are done with the breakfast you can pee. Then you are gonna want to bring 2 litters of water with you and then go out (for work, school, or just to the mall or cinema, doesn’t matter. Just make sure you are spending the whole day out there). You have to spend at least 2 hours there, if you spend 4+ hours, you get an extra life. You have to finish all your water there. You can only pee when you get home.
DAY TWO: This day is gonna be more challenging, so get ready. When you wake up, pee. Yep. Then you are gonna hydrate until your pee turns clear. Want to know the catch? You can only pee once you start leaking ON ACCIDENT. Then go to the toilet and pee for 15 seconds. Then you are going to finish in your pants. Make sure your pee is always clear on this day, so drink water. You have to spend at least 5 hours in public today.
DAY THREE: Today we are limiting your toilet privileges to only once a day. Also make sure you are drinking at least 1/2 litter every hour. If you are drinking for than that, you get an extra life. Even at night. Instead once you feel the urge, hold it until your urge is a 9. Then you have to finish a bottle of water and then pee into it. If you are a girl, things are gonna get messy. During nighttime, you have to drink 2 liters before bed. Same rules for when you have to pee. Good luck!
DAY FOUR: Rest day today, you can use the bathroom as much as you like. What’s the catch you say? It has to be a public restroom. Even at night. It also has to be a new one every time too. No friends bathrooms, hotels, bushes, or family bathrooms. Just public ones. Also make sure to stay as hydrated as during the previous days. Good luck!
DAY FIVE: This day is gonna be bad. Again, hydrate yourself as well as the other 4 days, but this time you can’t use the bathroom at all. You just have to wet yourself. It has to be an accident too. Like you cannot go into a bathroom and wet yourself there whenever it’s bad, you have to hold it doing whatever you were doing before until you lose control. Every time you pee during this day doesn’t go into the total. So yeah you can kinda wet yourself without affecting the score. But you have to spend at least 6 hours in public. If you spend more than 6 hours, you get an extra life!
DAY SIX: Basically, you are gonna hydrate yourself today as well as the other 5 days, and you can pee as much as you want! With one exception, you can only pee for ten seconds in the toilet per 2 hours. Sounds difficult? Good luck!
DAY SEVEN: The last day! It’s gonna be hard. If you haven’t peed yourself yet, this day you will. Just no peeing. 24 hours. You can drink as much as you want, wear what you want, just don’t pee. Good luck!
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tanyapiankova12 · 6 months
The Ultimate try not to pee dice challenge!
Rules: role a dice and match up the number to the category. Then in that category role again and find out what you have to do. You can end the game when you get told to do so or by simply wetting yourself. There is a punishment for peeing and leaking (for which you will role too). BTW the category worsen is basically really hard challenges or new rules. I’d recommend reading first then trying. You will need water and probably a timer!
Relieve pressure
Drink 1 cup of water
Drink 1/2 cup of water
Unlucky! Drink 3 cups of water
Drink 2 cups of water
Drink a diuretic (tea, coffee, soda)
Drink a diuretic and a cup of water
Wait 5 min
Wait 10 min
Wait 5 min completely still, no moving even if you start peeing (you’ll have to stop the stream by yourself teehee)
Wait 20 min
Wait 30 min
Wait 40 min
Do 30 jumping jacks
Do 15 squats
Squat for 1 min
Jump in place 40 times
Stretch and spread your legs for 30 seconds
Do 10 sit-ups
Listen to water sounds for 3 minutes
Sit on the toilet fully clothed for 2 minutes
Press on your bladder for 30 seconds
Stand still for 4 minutes
Run warm water over your hands for 2 minutes
Put on tighter clothes or take off all of your clothes altogether.
You can no longer cross your legs or hold your crotch.
You have to put on tighter clothes or just layer them
Put a piece of ice on your bladder, don’t continue until it melts
Listen to running water sounds for the rest of the challenge.
Between rounds, drink 1 glass of water.
No potty dancing!
Release for 10 seconds in the toilet. If you go over, you have to drink 1 glass of water.
Release for 15 seconds in your pants. If you go over, you have to wait 10 min.
Put on short shorts or a short skirt and leak for as long as you like, but if the stream touches the ground, you have to do this challenge until you completely lose control.
Get a bottle cap and pee in it. If you overflow, drink a glass of water
Instead of relieving the horrible pressure like the others, listen to water sounds for 2 minutes.
Pee! Or not. If you want to keep going with the challenge, then skip this and roll again. You can pee right now in your pants, or run as fast as you can to the toilet. You’re freeeee!
Tape your undies to you (you can’t take them off for the rest of the challenge)
Double the water and waiting time.
Half the water and waiting time.
Go to pee.
Drink 1 glass of water.
Stay in your clothes for an hour.
Try this challenge again or with a a friend
You can’t use the toilet to pee for 2 days. You have to pee yourself. You can go in public and stuff, but you can’t pee in the toilet. It has to be an accident too, like you have to hold it till your breaking point.
You can only pee when you start leaking for 2 days. You have to hold it till you basically start having an accident. You have to relax and start peeing your pants, then without stopping the stream pee in the toilet for 15 seconds. After 15 seconds finish in your pants. If the stream stops before you can take off your pants, start over.
Try not to pee for a day. Just straight up not pee. Hold it until you just burst.
Nothing you’re lucky.
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