tanjacket · 10 years
this is my personal blog btw
Iggy is gunna drown if she thinks she can stay in the fast lane from LA to Tokyo
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tanjacket · 10 years
wait fric k this is n't my personal blog woop
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tanjacket · 10 years
im also really hungry
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tanjacket · 10 years
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tanjacket · 10 years
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HE IS HOLDING A CAT - a playlist to take down your local dystopian corpocratic regime to
radioactive - imagine dragons // run boy run - woodkid // iron - woodkid // high tide rising - fox // the phoenix - fall out boy // freedom fighter - lorne balfe // who we are - imagine dragons // hey brother - avicii // bring it (snakes on a plane) - cobra starship // the ballad of fiedler and mundt - disparition
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tanjacket · 10 years
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I don’t know whether this was anyone on Tumblr but it needs to be highlighted.
The people behind Welcome To Night Vale aren’t a big production company, they’re not very well known, they don’t make that much.
Putting their work on Youtube - and making money off it - is art theft.
Joseph Fink has shown that he’s not okay with this, so can we please respect his wishes?
Thank you.
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tanjacket · 10 years
I’m 95% sure that Cecil re-entered his booth like:
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tanjacket · 10 years
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tanjacket · 10 years
Sandwiches were fine by him. It would be easy to eat, and easy to make. He nodded, peering into the fridge behind Z. "There should be ham in there." Most of it had been going to Wright, since he hadn't really finished a meal in...a long time. But there still aught to be ham still in there. And probably cheese but he wasn't sure. He knew there was lettuce in there, that was one thing he'd been able to eat without being nauseated.
Though he really really really didn't want to let go of Z he slipped over to the bread drawer (it was almost physically painful to do so) and grabbed the last half of the loaf of bread that was in there and brought it back over. The pain (psychological) faded as soon as his hand found Z again, and he sighed in relief. 
The Long Way Home || Closed with TanJacket
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tanjacket · 10 years
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For more posts like this, follow the Ultrafacts Blog!
The whole compiled list of useful links. More is to come! Follow today!
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tanjacket · 10 years
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Alright guys, so my best friend’s family needs help. For the sake of their privacy and general wariness of revealing personal information, I’m not going to post names or faces. But recently, my best friend’s younger brother came out to his family that he’s a boy, and though they may not have completely understood everything, they’re helping him to transition from life as a little girl to life as a little boy. They’re actually doing REALLY AWESOMELY with it, and I’m really really happy that they’re such an accepting family, because all of them are doing their best to make sure he feels safe and respected! I’m super excited, and they’ve even extended it to me, so we’re all going through all these gender things together, and go to groups and read books and explore medical options to make sure he grows up with the proper hormones.
But their dad, who is divorced from their mom, is being really really horrible about all of this, and his new wife is absolutely awful. I won’t talk much about her, but we had to restrain ourselves from punching her lights out in the waiting room of a children’s hospital when she told us to stop “trying to make her into a boy because it’s not right”. Basically, their dad and his wife are horrible about this, and so their mom is trying to get sole custody of them.
They don’t have all that much money, but this is really really important. If you can’t donate, please pass this along, because I really don’t like the environment he goes to when he has to go to his dad’s house.
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tanjacket · 10 years
He knew that Z had only missed him for a few hours, compared to several months, so he felt pathetically like a child as he gratefully took Z's hand. Pulling them into his arms he buried his face into the being's hair, taking a deep breath and feeling himself settle into a peace he'd missed for far too long. This was right; this was much better. More than just 'much better'...but that description was the most accurate, if grossly underestimating the feeling.
Now that he felt things slowly settling back into place, if not into what was regrettably known as "old times," he felt hungry. Really fucking hungry. And the previous mention of food didn't help that hunger. Food was definitely the second priority on the list of 'things that need to happen'...though the first thing was touching Z. 
That was obviously not an issue though, seeing as their hands were still entwined. With a tired, but pleased, hum, he gently tugged his lover into the kitchen. Fortunately for both of them, he had managed to keep things somewhat stocked...since going out to eat wasn't much of a thing. Aside from the bar, but that wasn't really to eat anything. He didn't trust any of the food unless he tested it with what they had in the bunker himself...and though he didn't eat much he still did eat.
"There should be enough for some sort of meal for the both of us." And of course, there was plenty of cat food. The stupid cat had definitely not gone hungry.
The Long Way Home || Closed with TanJacket
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tanjacket · 10 years
"I...I don't know." He admitted, a bit sheepishly as he leaned into Z's fingers, almost bursting into tears again. But as his mind started to come around so was his pride, and he wasn't about to sit here and cry like a baby. "Several months. I'd have to look at a calendar...I don't even know what day it is."
TJ wasn't mad at Z, not by any stretch of the word. All he cared was that Z was back, than Z was here. And their uniform's shoulder was cried on and his knees were really starting to hurt. With a wince, he rose to his feet and offered his hand to Z for them to do the same.
"All I care about is that you're here again. But..." he trailed off, trying to think of how to come about the whole 'Night Vale is actually Desert Bluffs now' thing. "A...a lot has happened. None of it good." After another pause, he shook his head. "I can fill you in later though. They still don't know anything about this place and we have time now." Sort of. He was more interested in getting something to eat. And cuddling mercilessly with Z. He'd probably not let the being out of his sight for eons.
The Long Way Home || Closed with TanJacket
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tanjacket · 10 years
Z's voice wouldn't have been enough to convince him. Auditory hallucinations were just as convincing as visual ones. And he knew Z would say exactly that. So no, it wasn't the words that convinced him. It was the kiss. The kiss, the touch...and the damn cat.
"Z...oh void above Z...it's you, I..."
Later on he was pretty sure he'd be embarrassed twelve times over to admit he was crying pretty pathetically as he kissed his lover, on their lips, face, hair, everything. Desperately trying to believe it despite...despite all the evidence. He buried his face in Z's shoulder when he completely fell apart, the pain of the countless months alone mixed with the overwhelming feeling of joy and love and being complete again leaving him completely unable to do anything but embrace his lover and cry. 
It took a long time for TJ to gather himself together, but by the time he was finally calming down he realized they were still kneeling on the ground and he was cold and stiff and tired and damn hungry. "I love you." Was the first thing he said. Then, "You...have been gone a lot longer than a few hours."
The Long Way Home || Closed with TanJacket
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tanjacket · 10 years
Touches, touches, could he hallucinate touches? His eyes were blurry with tears as he felt Z's hands on him, and he squinted his eyes shut and let them fall. After all, he was alone in a house where all his memories haunted him, a time where he and his lover were invincible that tortured him like the voice promised to do to whoever had 'done this' to him...
"You're gone." he croaked, tightening the grip he had on himself. "Night Vale doesn't exist anymore and I don't care because you're gone."
This sort of dialogue was old and worn in his head but hearing it come out of his mouth made it feel even more real, and he hated it. But like the wall of a dam, once it began to come down nothing could stop the flood. "My every reason to fight or breathe or smile or live disappeared with you ...I don't have anything left except what you left behind and with each passing day I give up a little more that you might come back and I need you to come back to me I need you to live I need you more than my own heartbeat."
A hiss broke through his thoughts and immediately his eyes snapped open - Wright didn't ever hiss and - Z's face was very close to his. Red and teary eyes widened as they flicked from the bristling cat back to Z. Cat's didn't react to hallucinations...
...did they?
Shakily, he brought his hand up to touch Z's face, afraid that it would vanish if he tried, but his hand met flesh. "Z...?"
The Long Way Home || Closed with TanJacket
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tanjacket · 10 years
hey hey hahaha <3 yeah I'm back kind of a little bit a lot's happened
shut the fuck up anon mose is hella
jESS IS BA CK!!!!!!!!!
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tanjacket · 10 years
TJ had...well, he had more or less wasted away to almost nothing. For weeks he had been in a panic trying to find his lover, trying to figure out where they had gone and why. But no one had known anything about their disappearance. Hell, they still didn't know anything about their disappearance. 
As time worn on he became more and more lethargic. Portions of his meal went uneaten until he hardly ate at all, he stayed away from the house longer and spent more time at the bar, he slept little and often woke up screaming from a nightmare ending in yet another way his lover had been killed. The only reason he came back anymore was to spend time with Wright, who had gone from 'huge annoyance' to 'only source of comfort'...and in comparison to TJ (and the house itself) the cat was very well taken care of.
Though he'd never admit it, he cried a lot. It wore him down, made him tired, made those nightmares far too close for TJ's liking.
At least he tried to keep himself alive, if barely. While the hope was slim, he still desperately hoped Z was still alive somewhere. The idea of Z being as broken as he felt was almost worst than the idea of them being...gone.
He had been at the bar, but due to being broke and disgusted with himself, had only drank water in the hopes that someone might buy him a few drinks. Of course, no one did. No one remembered him after they glanced away. With a sigh, he lumbered out and headed grudgingly home again and pushing the door open and -
"No." Z was on the couch. He was picturing Z on the couch. The lack of sleep was making him hallucinate and that was probably the cruelest thing his own mind could have done.
"No, no no no that isn't fair," he didn't realize he'd sunk down to his knees until he felt the soreness in the joints from the impact. Grabbing his head, he curled in on himself, shaking. "No, no, no, no. no...."
The Long Way Home || Closed with TanJacket
Z should have known. They’d been careless, and stupid. They should have been alert, making sure that nothing was amiss. But they were tired, so tired, after staying awake for uncountable hours trying (and failing) to hold back Strex. They’d been in a haze, not really noticing that the door to the rest of the home only had one handle, and not thinking much of it until it was opened.
Beyond the door was not any part of their home. It was a strange and terrifying place, one that felt wrong and greyed-out, a rocky landscape with a mountain rising to the east. They hated to admit it, but they panicked, whirling back towards the door that they’d come through, pushing and pulling and straining to open it. Z really had focused on technology, preferring computers and programs and the odd gadget to most everything (and, let’s be honest, most everyone) else, but they knew a little magic. They knew how to clumsily force power that wasn’t theirs through the door, using simple markings in their blood to direct it. With about as much elegance as finesse as using a sledgehammer to put a screw in a wall, they shoved the door open for just long enough to slip though, worn out and shaking.
Their living room stood in front of them again, feeling almost imperceptibly different, as if someone had come in and moved all their furniture an inch to the left. It smelled different, too- a small change they couldn’t quite put their finger on. It felt wrong.  But they walked forward anyway, because they were so, so tired, and collapsing onto their couch face-first was all they could do. Besides, of course, wondering absently where their boyfriend was. After a hard day like today, they just wanted to cuddle. (It was a testament to how exhausted they were that they actually thought that without trying to deny it.)  
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