tangomango2017 · 5 years
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dota is good again
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tangomango2017 · 5 years
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I wonder who’s this Turath guy and what his skills are.. (This is Valve’s Dota Underlords for mobile)
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tangomango2017 · 5 years
Thoughts on the Chinese DotA Animated Series, The Tower Will Go On, and its two main characters
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It’s been five years since this animated series based on Warcraft 3 Dota was made. The fan forum is still alive, and it’s amazing to witness the fan dedication to this work, in the form of essays, debates and even a ridiculously detailed second-by-second analysis of the opening theme.
But I barely got a glimpse of those essays before they were removed, apparently to be scrutinized by their internet police for objectionable content. The series itself has also been taken off all China websites, such that China’s fans themselves can’t watch them even if they wanted to revisit. Which makes me so glad that I have all the episodes in HD.
Anyway, on to the show itself. It’s divided into two parts:
Season One is about Crystal Maiden forming her rag-tag team of Radiant/Sentinel heroes. It’s light-hearted and full of jokes. The heroes die a lot and revive at the fountain every time. Sniper’s death count reaches above 300 at one point.
Season Two (titled Death for the Reborn) is darker as the team clashes with the Dire/Scourge and the war intensifies. The plot gets more complicated with internal factions, spying and conspiracies. The rules change: the river that revives dead heroes gets corrupted, so deaths are permanent.
One’s reaction to this show would likely be: “No! This isn’t Dota. This isn’t Invoker at all! What travesty is this?!”
But first, let’s consider these two things:
Firstly, the story is set in the game map. All hero skills and items stay faithful to the game. There is no ‘lore’ to speak of, as this series came out before Valve took over Dota. During that period, ownership of Dota was attributed to Ice Frog, who’s referenced in episode 2.
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Eul’s Scepter in the show
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Old Eul’s Scepter in Dota 1
Secondly, it’s fan-made. And as with all fan creations, anything’s possible.
For example,
It’s possible for Bloodseeker to be gay with a jungle creep(centaur) and foster a baby centaur.
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Bloodseeker X Jungle Centaur in the show
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Old Strygwyr in Dota 1
It’s possible for a carry to be so fed, he’s ten times the size of another:
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Daddy Doom and his Little QuoP
Love it or hate it, this fan tribute to Dota is in a class of its own. It’s entertained me for hours, made me laugh, sigh, cringe, think; it was one hell of a nostalgic ride back to Warcraft Dota days. And it will always have a special place in my heart.
And now, on to the main characters…
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The protagonist - a tribute to Support Heroes
‘Little Ice’ (China’s pet name for Crystal Maiden) is a fan-service kind of character whose appeal is mostly sexual and emotional. I won’t talk much about her but I won’t write her off completely either.
So Little Ice starts off with a dream to rise above her destiny as a position 5 support. She’s left her team carry (Dragon Knight) as she resents him for being overbearing and overly task-oriented. (It’s unclear what’s the relationship between the two, though they hug a couple of times). She tries to carve a career for herself, forming her own rag-tag team. But reality is a wet blanket, and like her role in the game, her impact on the story is limited and she ends up having her heart broken several times.
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Old Crystal Maiden from Warcraft 3 Dota
In the show, she is depicted as a klutz with a bad sense of direction and is sometimes impulsive, casting Freezing Field at the most ridiculous, anti-climactic moment and generally doing stuff that would be considered ‘bad decision making’ in the game.
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But despite her limitations, the girl has a mind of her own. She stands firm in her beliefs and is courageous enough to try to protect her male teammates. Even when said teammate is the Dragon Knight being bashed up by Roshan.
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She is also fiercely loyal, refusing to abandon the dying Bristleback and instead managing to persuade DK to risk a Roshan fight to get the Aegis.
Overall, I’d say her character serves two purposes here: as a shoutout to under-appreciated Support players, and as a symbol of innocence. This trait of hers is seen as a weakness and is used to comical effect, yet, at the same time it is also something to be prized and guarded. The Queen of Pain (portrayed as a man-hater with lesbian tendencies) mocks her several times for her naivety, yet she admits that CM represents the innocence that she’s lost and that she needs to protect.
From Zero to (Anti) Hero
The central character, Kael (pronounced Ka-er, I’ll refer to him as Carl since it matches the Chinese pronunciation) appears in the second episode and drives the entire story with his zero to anti-hero arc. The title of Season Two refers to him being reborn from the ashes (he was Doomed and almost killed in a fire). He is the only one besides QoP to have a backstory (both underwent the trauma of having their entire homeland and families destroyed).
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Invoker from Warcraft 3 Dota
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Invoker from Season One of the show
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Invoker from Season Two
While this Invoker is as OOC as he can get, there’s no denying the detail that has been put into his design. For example, in Season 2 his orbs are actually faces, perhaps representing the connection of Invoker’s volatile temperament to his elemental powers.
Just as the two parts of the show are divided into a dichotomy of light and dark, there are two different depictions of Invoker in each part.
Season One Invoker
If you’ve ever played this hero, Season One will remind you of how it felt the very first time you tried him in a game. Clueless, powerless, the butt of your teammates’ jokes perhaps.
Carl first appears in episode two quoting that famous line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It sounds really pretentious (not that surprising for Carl), but considering that Hamlet killed someone by accident in the play, it’s also a kind of foreshadowing of what will happen later on.
So Carl is introduced as a depressed guy trying to hang himself. In a comically tragic manner, he tells his story as a former prince who lost his home, sought refuge with the Dire/Scourge but is constantly scorned for being useless as he hasn’t figured out his spells.
With a background like that, who wouldn’t be damaged for life? But CM sees him as even more vulnerable than her, and he brings out the encouraging and protective side of her. Of course, the naive part of her ignores the fact that he is a defector from the enemy side.
Carl is of course extremely grateful, having found the acceptance he’s always longed for, and one can see the beginning of a pure, somewhat platonic love between the two.
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In China, Invoker/CM are almost regarded as canon pairing, with roots going back to Kael’thas/Jaina from Warcraft.
Initially, she brings out the good qualities in him, such as courage and self-sacrifice. Noob Carl is actually quite lovable, even willing to take one for the team by ‘donating’ blood to the Bloodseeker. He forges a strong friendship with the gang and they have a lot of fun fending off their one enemy in Season One.
Although he’s harmless at this point, his uselessness repeatedly emphasized by all characters, there are glimpses of his more complicated self, such as when he uses his knowledge and cunning to get the team out of trouble. More foreshadowing of who he is to become is given by the Queen of Pain, who tries in vain to warn CM about his potential for evil.
Meteoric Rise to Power
Two events serve as catalysts to the awakening of his powers. First there’s the excessively bloody whipping that Queen of Pain gives him, just because she feels like it. This happens in the middle of a team fight and in his state of desperation, it is his thoughts of CM (whose nickname is literally, Little Ice Ice) that unlocks his first skill, Ghostwalk. At the same time, the sinister side of him awakens as he turns the tables on the Queen and blinds her in one eye before burying her alive.
And then he gets punished by Doom, who’s rather high up in the hierarchy here. Doom (whom everyone calls ‘Daddy’) is furious to find out that his beloved god-daughter, his Little QuoP has been hurt. He finds out about this in an interesting manner - by devouring the jungle centaur that witnessed the incident.
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Tiny, CM, etc: (keeps quiet)
Doom: Very well, I shall find out the truth (devours jungle creep).
(everyone watches on nervously)
Doom: …CARL!
Carl: Yes Daddy?
Doom: How dare you eat my cookies!
Carl: I don’t get what you’re talking about, Daddy
Doom: You’ll get THIS, you little shit.
Season Two Invoker
After being doomed and running into the forest in agony, Carl goes missing for a while. A flashback later shows Dazzle’s saved him and bandaged him up like a mummy. By chance, Windranger finds him when her Powershot arrow accidentally hits him. Probably out of guilt, she brings him home and cares for him for three months. When Ogre Magi harasses WR and sets her house on fire, Carl rises from the ashes with a complete makeover, a costume change, full mastery of magic and a marked change in personality. The change feels really abrupt and I’d have preferred something more gradual. But the writers probably wanted a striking contrast between the two seasons.
So he helps her fend off the Ogre and she falls in love with him. But he stays true to CM.
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Despite what this shot in the opening theme suggests, WR doesn’t force herself on him. She’s really cool.
In Season Two, Carl’s personality becomes much more conflicted, longing to return to CM yet afraid to endanger her with Doom hot on his heels. While she thinks about him in her quiet moments, he watches over her in invisible form. The next triggering event is when the Dragon Knight beats him to rushing to CM’s rescue. He is consumed by jealousy and the fire element comes to the forefront. From then on, his emotional instability deteriorates further, and with some goading from Dazzle, he forms a plan to destroy DK with Ancient Apparition’s Ice Blast dealing the killing blow.
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However that plan goes tragically wrong when his old friend Bristleback walks into the Sunstrike spot. One mistake leads to another, and he ends up killing QuoP as well. That confrontation between the two is one of the most dramatic scenes I’ve ever seen. When the Queen threatens to reveal his bad deeds to CM, he starts grovelling and begging her for forgiveness, but it turns out it’s all an act allowing him to get close to her for a tornado. Despite the cringeyness there is a special kind of satisfaction in seeing one’s favourite video game character display the whole range of emotions, just as it’s satisfying seeing him perform the whole shebang of spells after being abused for the first ten episodes.
Carl’s final move is one that completely breaks CM’s heart. He steals the Aegis meant for saving Bristleback’s life. However, his motivation isn’t very clear and was the topic of much debate and speculation among the Chinese fans at that time. But going by his character’s trajectory, it’s highly likely he’s doing it for self-preservation. After all, Doom’s absolutely livid that he’s killed QuoP and the Aegis is his only chance at standing against Big Daddy Doom. But the ending leaves questions unanswered. Now that he’s pissed off both sides, what’s to become of him? Is his character totally irredeemable? How will the war end? Season Three was supposed to be in the works, but never materialized. 
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tangomango2017 · 5 years
Someone asked me about different roles in Dota 2, I found this...
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Dota 2 Daily
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tangomango2017 · 5 years
I’m bored.
So here is some CM/Invoker.
Best mutual pining scene ever.
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tangomango2017 · 5 years
Completed! English sub of 26-episode DotA animation series (Chinese)
Here it is, for non-commercial sharing purposes.
When I first stumbled upon this series, it was like a breath of fresh air (though it was made in 2014 based on old WC3 DotA). At first I thought it was silly, but being a huge DotA fan I continued watching and I started liking it more and more.
Overall the series has a lot more to offer than bouncy boobs -definitely more than what I'd expected for a game cartoon.
Humor: It's sometimes dark, with plenty of game references. Made me laugh out loud in the middle of the night. Somehow it manages to maintain a balance between being silly and being serious.
Action: The violence/blood can be over-the-top, which isn't surprising for a Dota cartoon. Skills and items are kept faithful to the game. Mentions of 'chick' for courier makes me nostalgic.
Love / emotional scenes: Surprisingly, these are sensitively-done.
Music: Superb, conveys the mood well
Plot: Gets rather complicated towards season 2 with twists, intrigue etc.
Characterisation: Almost all the characters are memorable with their own quirks; some of the bad guys were sympathetic. I didn't expect Invoker's arc to have such depth and complexity, and Bloodseeker's totally threw me off.
Notes on Characters
Crystal Maiden: nicknamed Little Ice Bristleback: nicknamed Piggy Sniper: named Vasily (from wc3 Dota) Carl: Injoker for most of season one Bloodseeker: his model is from wc3 Dota
Other heroes featured: Dragon Knight, Storm Spirit, Windranger, Shadow Fiend, Tiny, Dazzle, Queen of Pain, Doom, Ogre, Huskar, Lycan, Nightstalker, Spiritbreaker, Riki
On Chinese idiomatic phrases:
I didn't translate these word-for-word as they wouldn't make sense in English. China has their own pet names for the heroes. I do recognize most of the game lingo as I listen to Chinese commentaries and sometimes check out their forums. I'm not familiar with the slang from that specific part of China, but I google. I try to be as accurate as possible, just in case anyone checks.
Also, I used a mix of Dota 1 and Dota 2 terms. Probably not that big a deal.
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tangomango2017 · 5 years
My sentiments exactly
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tangomango2017 · 5 years
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Happy New Year~ from snowbunnies
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tangomango2017 · 6 years
Tango my mangos uwu
Sorry I’d missed this question!Sure, why not? *jiggles them*
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tangomango2017 · 6 years
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tangomango2017 · 6 years
You have to RP with @nortromthesilencer
I don’t care, just RP!
im kinda bummed cause after reading my old rps from like 4 years ago I want to write more with that old nightstalker blog but then i remembered that they fell off the face of the earth after deactivating so there’s like, no chance of me finding them lollllllllll
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tangomango2017 · 6 years
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antimage and sliencer doodle
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tangomango2017 · 6 years
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Happy New Year~![4]
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tangomango2017 · 6 years
Sharing tangos makes me happy
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tangomango2017 · 6 years
Dear Abby, When it is late game nobody needs me and I get depressed.
“Don’t worry, I always have a magic wand with me in the late game. You’ll always be with me!”
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tangomango2017 · 6 years
self care is eating mangos
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tangomango2017 · 6 years
What's your sexuality?
“After being sent to the ends of the universe I did nothing but watch porn for eons, then I got bored of it. I’m pretty much ace now.
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