Dashcon is BACK!
Hello everyone! I am so very pleased to announce that we are now collecting funds for Dashcon 2021!
That’s right! Coming March 2021, we will be holding the second official Dashcon in Schaumburg Illinois, featuring panels such as:
Love Wins: Destiel is Canon
An Introduction to ABO
Activism and Kpop: How Fancams Fight Fascism
Bernie, AOC, and other Woke Baes: Why We Love Them, and What They Mean for Our Ships
a 72-hour Hamilton sing-a-long all weekend
and acting lessons with special guest Jensen Ackles!
Donate here to help make Dashcon the best it can be! 💜
*Masks will not be required anywhere besides the ball pit.
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Gays be like: *yearns for so* *daydreams about a roadtrip* *thinks about hands* *imagines leaving the small community they grew up in* *yearns for so* *daydreams about a roadtrip* *thinks about hands* *imagines leaving the small community they grew up in* *yearns for so* *daydreams about a roadtrip* *thinks about hands* *imagines le
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Landlords really don’t be giving a shit. Electric chair. Now.
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PSA: if you ever see me do a tag and I say “tagging whoever wants to do it,” and you think “she probably doesn’t mean me, though.” I do. I mean you. Say I tagged you. I want to read your stuff, I promise. Tagging people just takes Energy that I don’t always have and am not always sure who wants to be tagged. But please, if you ever see me do a game, and you think “wow I want to do that!” Even if I do tag other people, just do it. Say I tagged you. I will not mind, in fact, I will be happy to see your stuff. Ok? Good. That is all. Carry on.
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this quarantine, we’re bringing tumblr back! I’ve tried the other social media platforms, and I hate them! they make me use my real name! they’re always trying to sell me things! here, the mean users are random antis or racist bone thieves. on twitter, it’s the actual president of the united states. don’t you miss reading 1800 word rants about the way two characters looked at each other in a three second scene? wouldn’t you rather be looking at a gifset of katara right now? fuck instagram. I’m crawling back to my hovel.
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It���s nice to know that this blog still gets attention even if I don’t post but once every 9 months, maybe I’ll start posting more? (This might be @ the person who followed me a few days back )( ily btw)
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my oc: hattie lua lovegood , she's from a Marauders fanfic, for reference. 
what’s the most fun part of writing for you?
Seeing people fall in love with my writing!
is there anything or anyone that inspired your ocs? if so, who / what and why?
With my ocs, they're mostly based on songs/movie characters, like my current oc i'm basing off a song called flapper girl by the lumineers 
what scares your oc the most?
Being abandoned by those she loves
who is your oc’s role model and why?
freddie mercury, she loves his style and his attitude 
if your ocs could kill without being caught  punished, would they? if so, who and why?
Depend on who shes killing. An innocent?definitely not, but an evil person? Definitely. 
are there any personality traits your ocs absolutely cannot stand, either in themselves or others?
She cant stand entitled people,at all.
what’s your oc’s favorite genre of music and favorite song?
She likes rock/classical, and stairway to heaven 
what are the best parts of being a friend of your oc’s?
She's honest with you, and she'll always help you,even if it's not what you asked for
what hobbies / activities are your ocs worst at?
She cannot dance,normally, cause she grew up irish step dancing, so went it comes to normal dancing, she sucks. 
does your oc like rules, and do they follow them?
Hattie, hates stupid rules, and will break them if she can get away with it.
what is something your oc would never do?
She’d never abandon someone who needs help, even if she doesn't like them 
ayyy so 11 questions
1.if your oc could be in a band, what band would they be in?
2. quick! your oc is trapped in a room with a window, a locked door, and unlocked hatch to the attic. in the room is a hammer,an air horn and a lighter,what do they do?
3. if they could own a pet, what would it be?
4.do they get along with their parents?
5.do they like kids?
6. what do they do when they have to pee?
7. on a scale of virgin mary to loki, how much of a slut are they?
8. do they have a kink of some sort?
9. what is their greatest fear?
10. fat cat or muscular dog? 
11. how do they pronounce carmel?
and uhhh
@dontshootmespence @illfoandillfie @dwaynepride @vitaminfinn
i couldnt think of any others, oops 
11/11/11 tag
this tag is so cool! thx @writingfyis for tagging me ;)
Rules: answer 11 questions, write 11 questions, tag 11 people
1) Which OC naps the most?
I’m going to have to say Andrea. She lives in a haze of lofi playlists and muji notebooks, after all, and someone like that’ll take dream life over real life any day.
2) What are your OCs favorite colors?
Olivia sees the world through metaphorical rose blush-coloured glasses, and she must really like that colour to love the world as much as she does. 
Lizzy likes the colour of starry night sky right after sunset. Lewis reminds her that that’s more of a gradient of a few colours, and she dares him to look at a starry night sky and try and separate into several colours without losing its magic. He concedes the point. 
Andrea loves pastels the same way she loves her favourite songs, which is precisely why she never wears them. She’s afraid that if she has too much of them, she’ll get tired of them and start liking something else. Pastels don’t really fit into her aesthetic at all, but they do complement it in light touches.
3) How would your OCs react if they woke up in the 1900s?
Lewis’d like nothing better. Of course, that’s because he’s completely impractical. Lizzy’d be quick to bring him down to earth, and then he’d just be cautiously optimistic. 
Lizzy’d look for a way to go back, and if none were found, she’d roll with it. She’s a total history nerd, after all, and the 1900s are her favourite, so she knows exactly how the system works in most regards.
Andrea’d be thrilled, because she’s always dreamt of going back in time to the 1900s and being a Force For Good. She’d enlist Lizzy’s expertise and they’d start a safe home for women and POC. 
Olivia’d be completely helpless, but she’d tag along with Andrea and Lizzy and bake cookies for everyone who came to the safe home. She’d also cross-stitch, like, a lot. 
Patricia would go full Anne Lister and cross-dress the hell out of the century. She’d invent her own new mix of dinner jackets and dresses and be absolutely scandalous while not giving a single fuck. She’d get herself a newspaper advice column and give advice so epic it’d turn up on one of those tumblr yesterday’s-print blogs in the future.
4) Who’s the most flirtatious OC?
Lewis, by complete accident. He’d totally pick up someone by complete fluke and ask them on a platonic date and be the smoothest motherfucker ever, and then tell Lizzy all about this great new friend he’s made. Because of this, Lizzy is constantly forced to reverse-wingman him to make sure he doesn’t accidentally get into a romantic relationship. (He once accidentally ended up with a romantic partner and didn’t know it until they broke up with him)
5) Do you ship any of your OCs?
With each other? No. they’ve got off-the-charts platonic chemistry, and I’m not throwing in a dopamine-serotonin-oxytocin-endorphin cocktail to mess things up. With others? well. no spoilers.
6) What would you say your OCs’ “symbols” are? (ex: an arrow, the moon, the sun, etc.)
Andrea’s symbol is an acoustic guitar. She doesn’t play guitar, though. 
Lizzy’s symbol is a denim jacket. 
Patricia’s symbol is a pinstriped blazer.
Olivia’s symbol is an enamel pin of a cat inside a teacup with the words “catpuccino”. It’s cute and vaguely Italian, like her. 
Lewis’s symbol is a breakfast burrito bc he’s a morning person and a snack
7) When are your OCs’ birthdays?
Sometime in the same year. None of them really know each other’s birthdays, so they have surprise birthday parties for each other on random days of the year with no prior warning. It’s super fun. 
8) What element do you associate your OCs with?
Air, because they breathe it.
9) Do your characters portray the pieces of your personality?
Lizzy is me and the rest are just based off tumblr aesthetics and tropes tbh
10) How would you react if you woke up with your OCs in your room?
Were they just, like… watching me sleep? That’s kinda weird. I don’t think I’d like that. I don’t think I want to meet my OCs. I don’t think I want them to know I exist. 
11) What’s your favorite book?
Ugh, there are so many. i’ll just recommend a few: The House at Riverton, The Signature of All Things, How to Stop Time, The Apothecary (which was a big influence on September Magic BTW
11 QUESTIONS that may or may not be inspired by this
1) Can your OCs use chopsticks?
2) Which of your WIPs is easier to work on?
3) How are your OCs at grocery shopping?
4) Which of your OCs have green thumbs? Which don’t?
5) Are your OCs cat or dog people?
6) Are your OCs gamers? 
7) What are your OCs’ favourite genres of music? Favourite songs, artists?
8) How do your OCs act around children? 
9) Do your OCs prefer crewnecks, hoodies or zip-up sweaters?
10) What rumors have your OCs heard about each other?
11) Which of your OCs is most likely to do a 4th wall break?
Tagging @flyingfalconflower12, @writeness, @writeworld, @writingburrito, @tenacious-scripturient, @lottieiswriting, @the-melissa-mckinnon, @ambientwriting, @very-serious-writing-blog, @elaynab-writing, @writing-whos-she. Apologies if you’ve already been tagged!
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Lazy Sunday
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader
Summery: You and Roger have a full day just to yourselves.
Warnings: Fluffy, soft smut!, Implied oral (m receiving)
Words: 5667
A/N: I know I promised the next thing I posted would be some filthy filthy smut but the last couple of weeks were a bit rough and I was having so much trouble writing it I needed to give myself a break with something softer. So have this fluff instead. Hopefully it’s sweet enough to give you toothache!
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(him soft)
Taglist: @idontbelievethiss @somekindof-cheese @dtfrogertaylor   @ezmina98  @vee-ndetta @atomic-watermelon​ @kellypenac​ @labessieisallama
Keep reading
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Ok but cleaning Gibbs up after he gets into a fight on the job, that's one of his favorite things about your relationship. Like it's so intimate but not necessarily in a sexual way. He just cant believe he has someone who wants to clean his knuckles and ice his cheek for him. He'd never admit it, but it makes him get a bit weak in the knees. Not to mention that when you're done you always ALWAYS give him a gentle forehead kiss
oh i can definitely see that
Gibbs isnt the type for hospitals. he only really goes for immediate emergencies but for everything else?? a glass of bourbon and some bandages will do. maybe an ibuprofen if it’s really bothering him. 
so he’s not used to having somebody there who will sit his stupid ass down and actually take care of him. cleaning his cuts and icing the swelling of his bruises and putting a pillow under his foot when his knee is acting up after he went too hard chasing a man down. for the first few times, Gibbs isn’t accustomed to having someone around who gives enough of a damn to make sure he’s healing properly. he gets a little annoyed by the constant vigilance and nagging about keeping his bandages on.
but once he gets used to it, he can’t live without it. alright, yeah, maybe that makes him soft. but Gibbs really loves it when you baby him JUST a little bit. asking him if he’s comfortable, getting him some more beer because his body aches too much to move, making him dinner because a good meal goes a long way for a speedy recovery and you really hate looking at all his bruises.
his favourite thing that you do? definitely the kisses. you usually kiss his bandages afterward to speed up the healing, or press a very gentle little peck on whatever bruise stains his skin. but when you put a hand in his hair and carefully kiss his forehead, Gibbs can feel every single ounce of love and care that you have for him. it makes him feel a little bad every time, because you’re obviously worried about him.
but he can’t deny that he loves when you play nurse for him.
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tips for writing bilingual characters
there are different types of bilinguals
the All Around: speaks, reads, and writes both languages pretty well
the Conversational: one language is stronger than the other; can speak the other language a lot better than they read/write it (a lot of kids of immigrants are this type)
the High Schooler: understands what’s being said to them in the other language, can’t really speak it
don’t have your characters randomly drop words from their other language mid-sentence around people who don’t speak it lol
languages are a mindset thing. like personally if i’m around english-speakers, i’m speaking english and i don’t really switch to my other language (which is portuguese)
so like if you’re writing a bilingual character who speaks spanish and have them say something like “hey chad let’s go to the biblioteca” to an english speaker i’ll probably spend 5 minutes laughing and then close your story lmao
exception: the character is speaking in their weaker language and forgot a word (”where are the…? uh… llaves…. keys! keys, where are they?”)
otherwise really the only time your character should be randomly switching languages mid-sentence is if they’re talking to another bilingual
like i don’t speak spanish but i’ve legit never heard a spanish speaker say “ay dios mio” to gringos lmao
conversations between two bilingual people can take a few different forms:
Pick One: they pick one language and kinda stick with it for the whole conversation (a conversation i might have with my portuguese-speaking mom: ”you okay?” “yeah, i’m good. how’re you?” “i’m fine, but your dad-”)
Back-and-Forth: someone says something in one language, the other person replies in the other (”tudo bem?” “yeah, i’m good. how’re you?” “tou bem, mas o seu pai-”)
Combo: they speak a combo of the two languages, a popular example being spanglish, though basically every bilingual has their own combo language (”tudo bem?” “sim, tou bem. how’re you?” “i’m fine, mas o seu pai-”)
when in doubt: just ask a bilingual to look at your stuff and tell you if anything sounds weird
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ok but this hoe y/n is living her best life in all these fics. can I be her
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With nothing but a broken mp3 player, 18¢, a “fun-sized” bag of M&Ms, and a wallet full of gift cards that may or may not be expired, describe how you saved humanity from extinction.
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A powerful witch runs away after the villagers try to execute her, couple years later children randomly start disappearing. She’s taking abused children away from their parents and raising them in the woods. But once they grow up and leave, they forget how to get to the witch’s house and their memories of her become blurry.
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Everyone knows Zeus’ schtick, coming down to earth and generally trying to get laid, but that was thousands of years ago, there hasn’t been a sighting of Zeus. Things have changed and gods aren’t as well known, barely seen as real gods any more in the face of more prominent religions and other forms of gods. You’re not really all that well read up on gods in any way shape or form either, so why the hell do you feel like your blind date is Zeus in human form?
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You’re the type of person that is skeptical of angels and demons, dismissing them as fantasy. One day, your best friend, who is literally the opposite of you, trying to perform spells, accidentally summons a succubus. Turns out that she’s actual a sweetheart, who is the daughter of Lilith and Satan. She is determined to protect you at all times, and calls you her beloved, and likes to bake heart shaped cookies.
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