takealive-blog · 5 years
travis listens exclusively to vocaloid songs, anime ops and videogame soundtracks
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takealive-blog · 5 years
&. how trav feels about slvia is – complicated ?? he hates and loves her at the same time. he misses her a lot, and while he’s aware that she’s a total bitch and could absolutely live without the constant belittling and tearing down his self esteem, there were times she was nice & acted like she loved him, and he’d take her back in a heartbeat if it meant she’d act like that all the time. really, all it would take is a few sweet words and a half-hearted apology and he’d be putty in her hands again.
he feels guilty when he sleeps w other people because he feels like he’s being unfaithful, despite the fact they were never really ‘together’ and she was married the whole time they had a thing. like! there’s a scene where she comes across as ridiculously possessive towards him?? IF i remember correctly the line is something like “you better not be sleeping with anyone else” and it’s lie…. ok sylvia……… ur married and have a child with henry who is literally his twin brother but go off i guess???? idk where im going w this i h8 sylvia
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takealive-blog · 5 years
we’re travis stans first and roleplayers second
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takealive-blog · 5 years
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takealive-blog · 5 years
travis, realising he’s gonna get laid again:
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          vince:  so, travis is on my multi because i miss h
           me, crying and shoving skye towards him:  SKYE MISSES THEIR BOYFRIEND.
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takealive-blog · 5 years
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nebula: soft bitch extreme
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takealive-blog · 5 years
@soulstcne gets some extremely soft ashula.
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YOU CAN FIND HER gently running a robotic hand through Ashley’s soft locks of her, gazing intently at the way her   ( robotic, artificial, cold )   fingers interact with something so organic, so beautiful. A few months ago she would have cursed herself for thinking something so soft & weak, but it seems Ashley brings out the organic in her. The majority of Nebula is made up of cold, calculated and near-emotionless metal, but Ashley breaks through that, reaches right to her very core. Nebula thinks she might love her for it, though she daren’t admit it out loud.
“Once, when I was younger, I wanted a hug from my father. He told me he’d hug me when I win,” she muses, and though it’s a particularly sad story to anyone listening, to Nebula it’s just part of her life. “I never did find out what such an embrace feels like, until I met the guardians. Until I met you.” There’s a touch of fondness to her tone, and if you look closely, you’d see the corners of her lips quirk upwards into the smallest, softest smile. “I like it.”
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takealive-blog · 5 years
ace visconti
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takealive-blog · 5 years
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ace visconti moodboard
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takealive-blog · 5 years
ace & kate:
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takealive-blog · 5 years
hey… listen…  ace is italian-argentine. his first language is spanish and he’s fluent in english. he knows italian but doesn’t necessarily consider himself to be fluent in it. his dialect is rioplatense spanish nd if he’s speaking spanish he has a habit of usin slang & colloquialisms that r exclusive to that dialect. fuckin uhhhh i’m doing more research into this culture bc i dont wanna do him dirty on this nd i just wanted to talk abt his languages & how he speaks!
he talks in english more often than not since he moved to the USA and like… almost every person he’s known since then has communicated w/ him in english, but like? still loves spanish very much, loves & misses his home, & also talks to his partners in spanish. also! absolutely switches languages to talk shit about you in front of you. if he starts talking to you in spanish out of nowhere he’s almost definitely insulting you.
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takealive-blog · 5 years
another thing about ace is that he just straight up loves himself & not even in the ‘ act like i love myself but secretly hate myself ’ way. while he is capable of acknowledging that certain personality traits may not mesh with others & can be surprisingly aware of his own flaws, he still maintains that if he were to meet himself he would be really good friends with himself. he just doesn’t have anything that he particularly regrets, because every hardship he’s been through has made him who he is & has always ended up fine in one way or another.
in general he can be very self aware but doesn’t bother to change anything about himself that he deems unnecessary to change. he likes himself, & can’t think of anything he’d change. that said : he does not consider his gambling addiction to be a flaw or problem in any way, & does get particularly defensive when confronted about it. so there’s that.
also the obvious vanity. thinks he’s gorgeous, knows he’s gorgeous, absolutely considers himself a silver fox and has, in fact, aged very gracefully. like fine wine.
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takealive-blog · 5 years
i have too many headcanons about ace & absolutely nothing from canon to back it up with but you know what that means ? that’s right lads. vince has another oc.
anyway, the entity’s realm is a very interesting thing to ace in that he can’t… really die. of course he can go through the motions: trying to escape from a killer, being torn down by a chainsaw, being hung on a hook & left to die. that’s real, & it’s painful, & it’s a terrifying ordeal to have to go through over & over again. but at the end of the day he gets sacrificed & wakes right back up at the campfire, ready to start all over.
the first few trials were terrifying, but once he got used to them, & did them enough times that he could easily prepare himself for the pain … he came to the conclusion that things can always be worse. pain is temporary for ace & always has been, & he firmly believes that when such pain comes to an end, good things are waiting. in a small way the trials have proven this: every time they end & he wakes up feeling fine, he finds himself surrounding people who he never would have met otherwise, yet considers them to be good friends. he enjoys the company of the other survivors & the promise of seeing them again at the end of a trial is what keeps him hopeful.
the entity feeds off hope, & it’s probably having an absolute feast with ace. he really, truly believes that there is good waiting for him at the end of this — because everything has always worked out fine for him before. why should that stop now ? you can go on & on about how terrible the realms are, how awful it is to be there, yet ace will always, ALWAYS, see light at the end of the tunnel. it’s going to be a very long time before he’s corrupted, i think.
with that in mind: i’m very interested in seeing what will break him. the obvious is perhaps his friends being killed permanently. he has … a few issues when it comes to being alone. he can’t stand it & as such surrounds himself with as much company as he can. to be well & truly alone is ace’s greatest fear, to the point where he’s held onto relationships that did more harm than good, simply because he doesn’t like people leaving. this pretty much ties into my hc that he grew up not knowing his father, so. y’know. issues.
ace is capable of making friends with anybody because he’s very open & accepting no matter what. like, he draws a line at some things, obviously, but considering the majority of company for most of his life has been criminals & gangsters, being a murderer doesn’t really put him off. & being stalked & hunted by killers is absolutely terrifying, but at some point he did start making conversation with them, just because he can’t stop himself lmao. very few indulge him. he’s usually talking to himself.
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takealive-blog · 5 years
quality ace hcs
does not shut the fuck up even when the killer’s nearby & everyone hates him for it
once raised his glasses to wink at freddy & then got absolutely destroyed
“at least buy me dinner first” - a line frequently dropped whenever he’s being carried by a killer. it wasn’t funny the first time and it still isn’t
he’s just so chill about this whole thing honestly. probably one of the most hopeful survivors there is simply because of his own belief that everything will turn out okay eventually. its very hard to shake this belief
literally can’t help but whistle tunes when working on generators
always carries a deck of cards on him
he wears sunglasses in the fucking dark because he thinks they look cool so that’s basically the type of guy he is
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takealive-blog · 5 years
hang on i have a fuck ton of ace headcanons to rb from his old blog
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takealive-blog · 5 years
#later on in their relationship nebula quite literally only wants to kill thanos to protect ashley. #because her link with the soulstone paints her as a target. #and nebula refuses to let thanos take anything - anyONE - else away from her. #she loves ash. they're so gay. thanks for reading.
i have a bad headache so this is all im doing tonight but do you ever think about how ashley is perhaps the only person in the galaxy who ever saw nebula as something more than thanos’ daughter, or a walking weapon, or something to be discard or replaced at a moments notice ? do you ever think about how nebula had never experienced true kindness or what it’s like to have someone truly care about her until ashley ? and how about how the more time they spend together, the more nebula believes she is worth more, that she can be more than just someone looking for revenge. ashley gifted nebula with hope, and she has no idea what to do with it.
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takealive-blog · 5 years
if you’re nonbinary and are just dumb as fuck slap that rb button
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