taiyoheishi · 2 years
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|| im over here activating my rukia account and i literally forgot about my golden boy. so he is under construction as well, once i get @howaitomun running and redone, will work on ichi.
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
“ im guessing you need a baby sitter ? “
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ichigo wasn’t totally annoyed, he didn’t have much to do anyway, but if nel was here, he was sure her two counterparts would make their way here eventually.
ichigo stood to his feet, moving nel to her place on his shoulders, he thought it might be better to make their way to urahara’s instead of sitting in the middle of the sidewalk.
“ i was in the middle of a patrol, if any bad guys show up you have to help me now . “
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@taiyoheishi / continued from X
“Heh heh~” 
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Nel giggled watching him sputter, clinging to his midriff even as he made to pry her off. “But ‘den how else would Nel keep ya on yer toes?”
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
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the one (1) acceptable mullet, by peppertea
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
❝ ichigo... ❞ && shirosaki's climbing through the youth's bedroom window and flopping down on top of him. silvery irises gleam with amusement as he buries his face into the other's neck. ❝ i'm home~ ❞
“ where have you been . “
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its not new for his counterpart to be going where he pleases and returning in the dead of night. the teen rubbed the sleep from his eyes, adjusting his body has shirosaki snaked his way on top of him and cradled into him.
“ do you know what time it is ? “
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ichigo wrapped an arm around his torso, other hand going to his hair.
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
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the small infant was a 10-pound steel bullet right in his gut, he could feel this morning breakfast ready to come up. how she managed to find him anywhere, blew his mind.
now finding himself on the ground, he picked the child up off of him,
“ a simple hello is good, nel . “
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
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(side blog to @howaitomun)
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
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Unsure what the madman is thinking, the look on his face was alarming but was quickly dismissed as he picked him up in a fell swoop.
At first, he was panicked, soon that panic left and Ichigo felt a hot emotion cloud his senses. He was breathless as Shirosaki left traces of his lips on his nose, the insane bastard was playing a game with him, and Ichigo was going to let him.
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“Let’s not get technical.”
Kurosaki didn’t have an exact answer, but for the time being, he felt like being whatever the hollow wanted him to be.
Leaning up in his arms, he leaves a kiss on his cheek, trailing lightly to his ear, nibbling softly to tease him.
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With his own, he returned the kiss with a bite on the hollows lower lip, drawing blood. Tugging on Shirosaki’s hair once more, he lugged him off of him.
“Get off of me.”
Turning him away before it got out of hand, but he knew he would keep bullying him until he gave in, but Ichigo didn’t mind a little tease and fight from the bastard.
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“I’m not in the mood to play.”
the sensation of ichigo’s blunt human teeth biting playfully into his bottom lips sends a shiver of warmth through the normally dead-and-empty hollow. it shocks him for a moment—as most human feelings did—and as silvery irises widen slightly shirosaki’s leaning in another kiss—
only to be twirled away from ichigo. a scowl of indignant annoyance comes to his face. how dare ichigo think he could just TEASE HIM like this and not face some kind of PUNISHMENT? the hollow can’t help but grin in a sadistic manner as he backs off from the shinigami… for now.
he licks his lips, savoring the taste of his new king on them. ( his imprisoned and not-yet-forgotten KING is kept in the back of shirosaki’s mind; perhaps he would give him a visit soon… when ichigo decided to no longer grace him with his presence ). the mental image of the strawberry ( not unlike the one before him ) on his knees, battered and bruised, those normally bright, vivid brown eyes growing dull and empty…. it sends a THRILL through his blood and flesh.
it’s then that he realizes he’s staring at ichigo like some kind of a madman.
it takes a moment to wipe that wild, unstable grin from his face. ivory hands reach for the youth again, picking him up bridal style. looking down into those chocolate orbs, shirosaki can only place another, soft, butterfly kiss directly onto ichigo’s nose.
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                  ‘   king…? what are we?  ‘
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
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With his own, he returned the kiss with a bite on the hollows lower lip, drawing blood. Tugging on Shirosaki’s hair once more, he lugged him off of him.
“Get off of me.”
Turning him away before it got out of hand, but he knew he would keep bullying him until he gave in, but Ichigo didn't mind a little tease and fight from the bastard.
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“I’m not in the mood to play.”
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He bared his teeth and narrowed his glare as Shiroaski placed his hands on his tan flesh, his ivory skin contrasting against his own, but he didn’t stop him from letting his hands roam his body, it brought goosebumps to his skin and electricity down his spine.
Keeping him around wasn’t his favorite idea, but it was the only way to keep him from being seen by anyone who didn’t know him.
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With a blink of his eyes, the bastard his turned him around, pinning him between the wall and his body. He wanted to punch the grin off of his face. Reaching behind Shirosaki, he grabbed a fistful of his white hair and pulled his head back, he leaned over him, speaking into his ear with a low roar,
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“I’m not your babysitter. If you want someone to watch you, I will gladly have Rukia do so.”
his internal amusement and desires keep that thin grin plastered along his fair visage. one eye closes as ichigo takes hold of his hair and hisses in his ear. did he forget who he was talking to? had ichigo forgotten who he was? had he forgotten that shirosaki could snap his neck in less than a second? spirit pressure seeps from the hollow—tinting the air crimson as he jerks his head from ichigo’s grasp.
teeth appear as he gives the youth a shark’s grin: too many teeth, too little humor. emotions rise within the unstable hollow and he’s no longer certain if he wants to knock ichigo’s lights out or violate him in more fun ways.
those strange irises flash, darkening to a grayish hue. he wants ichigo to shut his damn mouth. the redhead talked too much, tried too hard to be intimidating. there was only one way to shut him up, it seemed. that grin shifts into something akin to a kittenish smile… digits tug on those jean belt-loops one final time.
…and… he’s leaning in to capture those scowling lips with his own.
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          ‘ shut up, ichigo.   ‘
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
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He bared his teeth and narrowed his glare as Shiroaski placed his hands on his tan flesh, his ivory skin contrasting against his own, but he didn’t stop him from letting his hands roam his body, it brought goosebumps to his skin and electricity down his spine.
Keeping him around wasn’t his favorite idea, but it was the only way to keep him from being seen by anyone who didn’t know him.
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With a blink of his eyes, the bastard his turned him around, pinning him between the wall and his body. He wanted to punch the grin off of his face. Reaching behind Shirosaki, he grabbed a fistful of his white hair and pulled his head back, he leaned over him, speaking into his ear with a low roar,
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“I’m not your babysitter. If you want someone to watch you, I will gladly have Rukia do so.”
@reiatsuspewed liked for a starter !!
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“What the hell is wrong with you?”
His limber fingers dug into his white counterpart’s shoulder as he held him against the wall, his maleficent grin made his blood boil, everything was so funny to him.
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“My sisters are not your jokes, stay in here, and don't leave this room.”
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fair digits come up to cup the sides of ichigo’s face—lips are stretched into an amused grin—and then they slide down to wrap loosely ‘round the half-inch taller male’s waist, thumbs hooking into the belt loops of his jeans. a soft, musical chuckle escapes shirosaki at ichigo’s simmering, boiling rage.
all he’d been doing was playing a GAME with yuzu and karin. and teaching them how to draw inappropriate things, when ichigo had caught him. it’s been a month or so since the kurosaki’s had taken him in, and… he still wasn’t used to HAVING A BODY OF HIS OWN ( even if he’d stolen it from his eternally imprisoned ichigo and still made it a point to torment him ever so often ). the human sensations, the simplistic things like showering, or eating food, was all shocking to him.
shirosaki tugs ichigo forward, and switches the position; slamming the redhead against the wall. he tries looming over the substitute shinigami—halting an inch away from his scowling face…
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               ❛  only if you stay with me, king~ ♥                ❛  i want to play too! it’s not fair!
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
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Immediately offended at the short-shits remark, he began frantically looking himself over. The teens’ outfits was very normal, basically the same clothes he wore every day, and today wasn't really anything to dress to the nines for.
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“You’re going to wear that?”
Ichigo mocked, pointing at her attire.
“Do you get that from Yuzu’s closet or something?”
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          “ you’re going to wear that? “ / @taiyoheishi
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
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The fact that all Momo had to do was search Rangiku’s and Torshiro’s office to find an empty sake bottle, was truly astonishing.
Ichigo was in the Soul Society visiting and decided to spend the day with Rukia, he gets dragged into some craft day with the Shinigami Women's Association. Now being sent with Momo to gather items for the projects, which he was not informed about.
Stepping over to the desks, she looked over Rangiku’s desk and immediately finding a bottle in the trash underneath.
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“Eh- Somethin’ like this?”
Ichigo held the bottle up to show.
@hanayomemomo liked for a starter !!
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“Are you sure Toshiro won’t mind us in here?”
The orange haired teen looked around the midget captains office, a hand went up to scratch his head. “What exactly are we looking for, Momo?”
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
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|| PSA:
This muse is a side blog of @howaitomun !
Sorry for any inconvenience !
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
@reiatsuspewed liked for a starter !!
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“What the hell is wrong with you?”
His limber fingers dug into his white counterpart's shoulder as he held him against the wall, his maleficent grin made his blood boil, everything was so funny to him.
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“My sisters are not your jokes, stay in here, and don't leave this room.”
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taiyoheishi · 6 years
@paranoidtitties liked for a starter !!
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“Orihime, seriously!?”
Amber eyes skimmed over the rain-soaked girl. 
It had been storming all morning, the walk to school was least pleasant but, most people knew to leave with an umbrella.
“You have got to pay attention more. Were you in the big of a hurry to get here?”
Ichigo took off his school uniform blazer and held it out to her,
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