tahshigi · 2 months
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ElecTRONica: End Of Line - A Final Night Fanmix
The short time I attended ElecTRONica was the best time I have ever experienced, and being there on the final nights broke my heart. That is why I have created this fanmix.
Recognizer / Armory Played one after the other on a loop, these two songs built the suspense as the crowd waited for Eckert’s opening act, Power Surge, as he enticed the crowd first in the daytime to stick around until night fell, and later at duskto enter the Portal.
Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) The theme of Power Surge’s first act, featuring Users in 80’s fashion playing and dancing around the old Tron arcade game.
The Game Has Changed/Fall opening of the second act, as the Users are replaced by the Programs, and a choreographed dance/disk battle takes place.
Aerodynamic/Superheroes/Crescendolls Eckert arrives, to one of three themes, to rile and rev up the crowd with his usual enthusiasm and flair. When I attended, it was usually Aerodynamic in the pre-show, Superheroes in the night show, and then Crescendolls as the crowd left to enter the portal.
Technologic Time to teach you Users a dance. This is the only song Eckert teaches you a dance to that isn’t also used at some other point in this tracklist. It wasn’t used on the Final Night, but I included it anyways. The other two songs to dance to are Around The World and One More Time.
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) Not technically used on the Final Night, but still an important song for Tron fans - it’s the song that plays when Sam discovers the laser lab in the basement.
Party Rock Anthem Eckert’s favourite song - only not really; he thinks shuffling is a dance for Users, not programs. It was played often enough to include it on this mix.
The remaining songs are what was played during the last night’s final half-hour/20 minutes. Cinema (Skrillex Remix), followed by Shotgun. There was a momentary break in the regular music for interactive dancing to Around The World. Then it was back into the music, with We Found Love, Levels (Skrillex Remix), and Starships (Cosmic Dawn Club Mix).
Amidst tears and sobbing and exuberant cries from the audience, screaming NO and ONE MORE SONG, Program DJ Michael Paul whipped up a special mix for One More Time. And Users and Programs danced together, one more time. And suddenly, the music began to warp. The screen on the wall began scrolling command lines, shutdown procedures. A countdown began, as the MCP’s booming voice counted down from ten. Everyone was distracted by the wall. I happened to glance back at the dais - all the programs had vanished, even the ones on the platforms! A great beam of white light, the Portal, was shooting up into the sky. With finality, the lights began to shut off, one by one.
End of Line, growled the MCP, and the Portal went dark.
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Anyways. If you like this fanmix, try putting it together yourself and getting a taste of what the final night gave us.
Tron, Legacy, Eckert, ElecTRONica belong to Disney, the music belongs to the assorted artists, the photo is from Flickr and the crowd vector I used in the front cover is from All-Silhouettes.com.
NOTE: I tried to make this into an 8tracks playlist for everyone, but it wouldn’t let me save because there were too many Daft Punk songs. ;-; Sorry.
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tahshigi · 7 months
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it’s been a minute since I made something huh? Any free time I have I spend it on Genshin, and Animal Crossing LMAO- Any who I thought it was time for a new planner to keep myself motivated and to stay organized ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
The planner is the same format as the Fruits Basket one just made some minor tweaks. I forgot how hard and exhausting making a planner from scratch was, so I was relieved when I found the file for my first planner. But I hope to come up with a new format for the next planner…once I have to inspiration and motivation to do so asfdghjkfg ANYWAYS hope you all enjoy the using the planner!
Monthly Schedule Overview
Weekly Schedule w/ small important and note section
Habit tracker you can list
Mood Tracker w/ key section to label your colors
Note section w/ graph paper for any extra notes
If you any questions or concerns do let me know!
                                   DOWNLOAD HERE!
**Please do not claim or steal this planner as your own!!**
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tahshigi · 8 months
I like the nice connection Zoro has with his swords, he is always very attentive and caring for them.
But his favorite sword is the Wado Ichimoji, for too many reasons, even the most significant one: the promise he made to his Best Friend: Kuina.
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This chapter was very nice, because of the memories of the past, -overriding the fact that I liked much more the animation of 23 years ago than this one-, even so, it was nice to see that at the moment Zoro takes Sandai Kiketsu, he immediately remembers Tashigi's voice.
What called my attention the most, is that Emma still recognizes Oden's favorite song, through Hiyori's instrument, and that makes me think that the swords have a soul…. Because if we go to manga 97 of One Piece, Tashigi makes a very trivial statement, and it is that "The swords are crying", and seeing Emma as she reacts to the melody that Hiyori plays, it is because she recognizes that sound.
I guess we still have a long way to go to know the world of swords and their meaning, although I think Tashigi's dream has a lot to do with that.
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Another thing I noticed is that in the One Piece: School manga, released on February 17th of this year, there are some panels where Tashigi wants to touch the sword Ichimoji, in the first instance, Zoro notices her approach and gets nervous, so he takes it… but then he turns to see her looking to touch Wado, which for me is a very significant panel: the simple fact is that Wado is Zoro's most precious object and symbolizes Zoro. It shows that Tashigi really does want to protect the swords, and more as they make it look in these chapters, she feels a connection with Zoro and his swords, especially Wado, maybe the symbolism is that she wants to get much closer to Zoro and get to know him and his past.
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tahshigi · 8 months
Tashigi y Zoro, dos espadachines de ideologías y lealtades diferentes, desde sus primeros encuentros se mantuvieron ajenos del uno hacia el otro, por la intensa rivalidad que ha persistido a lo largo de sus creencias. Tashigi, un marine, que se enorgullece de su inquebrantable sentido de la justicia, mientras que Zoro, un pirata, que a pesar de todo valora la libertad y sus promesas. A pesar de sus diferencias, sus habilidades con la espada los hacen cruzarse más de una vez en un mar tan inmenso como lo es el nuevo mundo.
En su último encuentro, Tashigi y Zoro se encuentran en un acalorado enfrentamiento. Ambos decididos a salir victoriosos, se enzarzan en una feroz lucha de espadas que dura horas. A medida que avanza el enfrentamiento, se hace evidente que su rivalidad no sólo se debe a sus diferencias de lealtad, sino también al respeto mutuo por las habilidades del otro, más que un encuentro entre dos corazones que danzan al mismo ritmo, al par de un sentir que llega a nublar sus juicios.
A medida que la batalla llega a su fin, Tashigi y Zoro se miran, golpeados y exhaustos. En un momento de incertidumbre, comparten sus sentimientos, y logran confesar que detrás de su rivalidad existe una profunda atracción que ambos han negado desde su primer encuentro en Loguetown.
A pesar de las posibles consecuencias de su relación, Tashigi y Zoro deciden seguir adelante con lo que sienten el uno por el otro. Reconocen que sus lealtades pueden impedirles estar juntos abiertamente, pero se niegan a que eso les impida explorar su conexión.
El amor que sienten el uno por el otro no hace más que intensificar su rivalidad a medida que se cruzan en sus caminos, cada uno compitiendo por superar al otro tanto en la batalla como en el amor.
Pero con cada encuentro, también se encuentran cada vez más cerca, aprendiendo a confiar el uno en el otro de formas que nunca pensaron posibles.
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La historia de amor de Tashigi y Zoro es un testimonio del poder de la atracción, incluso frente a diferencias aparentemente insuperables. Su viaje nos recuerda que, a veces, las cosas que nos dividen también pueden unirnos de forma inesperada.
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tahshigi · 8 months
We ZOTASH carriers are not alone.
I was shocked to see this video from the OFFICIAL ONE PIECE YOUTOBE account, the official content creators of One Piece Youtobe, analyzing Zoro's ships:
Robin --- They just admit that the moment Robin is attacked by Enel and she falls to the ground, and how Zoro holds her with his swords and arms so as not to hurt her is cute of Zoro who at first didn't like her at all.
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Hiyori --- they talk about her being Momonusuke's sister, she is very cute, and Zoro realizes to keep her safe by keeping her away from the enemies, so he doesn't have to owe anything to Momo, just like, he leaves the perverted cook Sanji in transparency, letting him see that Zoro knows how to treat and carry a woman. Something that they affirm that Hiyori very lovingly entwines her arms around Zoro's neck, already trusting him. The part of Zoro lying with Hiyori seems to him simply, Zoro is lucky to sleep with a woman next to him without even realizing that he is next to her >.<.
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TASHIGI -minute 12:24 to 14:07- IMPACT ARE TRANSPORTER ZOTASH. The moment Tashigi appears, everyone gets excited ❤.
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First his impact on their relationship in Punk Hazard.
Then, to further elaborate on their relationship he starts talking about their first meeting relationship of Tashigi's resemblance to Kuina, then their fight, enemies and rivalry as a pirate and marine.
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Then, when Tashigi is fighting with Monet and Monet hurts her, Zoro gets angry and decides to attack Monet.
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What I liked the most is that they say that after they finish with Monet, they say that their fight is a flirting fight. Zoro and her flirting with each other.
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They also say that Zoro giving her the nickname "Captain Fours Eyes", is a nickname straight to the heart.
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Then the moment that Zoro he was worried about her health is Romantic how embarrassed they both are.
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Then the meeting with his subordinates and how amazing they look together. But anyway, what an amazing and embarrassing relationship for Tashigi.
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What I also liked is that they state this, "Zoro seems to be a woman-conscious person after all." Zoro is attracted to women, a point that many One Piece fans don't want to accept.
Yesterday another video was released from the same Official One Piece channel that they are playing a game, and just another moment of Zotash sending:
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Zoro meets Tashigi and has to fight her, HAHAHAHA the producers are laughing their asses off because Zoro runs away from the fight stating, "Shit, she's the only person I can't fight". They admit, Tashigi is the only woman that ZOro doesn't dare to cut ❤💚❤
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Minute 20:25 to 20:59
(for the moment one of the best information I've gotten)
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tahshigi · 8 months
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Fanart again, of the two... Tashigi went ahead and got into a fight way over her paygrade again. Zoro is about to slice someone open.
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tahshigi · 8 months
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The Oni and Lady Justice. Enemies to lovers. Pirate and Marine.
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tahshigi · 8 months
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I love all these official designs of Tashigi, I know they are sketches but, I love that in the first and fifth picture they have made her so cute. Now she wants those official sketches.
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The official design was this, I like it, AND, now I want the novel, if anyone knows where to get it please write me. Thank you.
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tahshigi · 8 months
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by Jinzo1993
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tahshigi · 9 months
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Punk Hazard Character Sheet - Tashigi
Released to users of one-piece.com as part of the Treasure Collection, circa 2016
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tahshigi · 9 months
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I got my copy of One Piece Magazine 13 today (I only bought it because of Tashigi hehe) so I’m sharing the illustrations in her story.
I will probably have to wait until it comes out in French or any other language I know before I can understand what the story is about though :(
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tahshigi · 9 months
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tahshigi · 9 months
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tahshigi · 9 months
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tashigi the goat
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tahshigi · 10 months
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Sporty Captain Tashigi? Gotta keep up to her man ;)
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tahshigi · 10 months
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tahshigi · 10 months
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ep. 53 (2001) vs. ep. 613 (2013)
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