zz0nie · 6 months
Genshin Hcs
Neuvillette & Wriothesley
note; this is my first time writing (after like 2 years, so much improvement I'd like to hope :0) just thought I would start it easy with Neuvi and Wrio, much loved Fontaine boys <3 (Suggestions are always welcome!!)
Neuvillette would never EVER bring it up to you; however, he is a man who loves his hair being played with or brushed to pass time. If you bring it up he will give you a surprised look, maybe bringing out a response from you, "Don't give me that face, Neuvi." As you're holding a hairbrush in one hand. He will silently work his way to you, in fact he is extremely attentive to how you are carefully brushing around his horns to make sure you don't hurt him. So soft in general, he loves you.
Neuvillette's favourite drink is water - as we know with his idle lines, suggesting each water from each nation is different - if you suggest to him to try some tea, he would say he does not enjoy it. However, give it a large ratio between more water less tea? You may catch him having the occasional "tea" (An extremely diluted tea, keep in mind. Maybe enough to consider it flavoured water.)
Figuring he has helped the Melusines find a safe second home inside Fontaine, he has become a parental figure to them, and as he has given them jobs often if you walk into his office while it is a relatively calm time you may happen to see a small melusine tucked up on his sofa with a large blanket suited for a human wrapping their body up. He will take it with care and duty to take care of that melusine. If he is busy he will have them escorted to their home safely though. He is a worried father, leave him be.
He is extremely quick to pick up on items or things you like or dislike. Very minimal change in your body language can tell him everything, as he does in fact notice the way you stare longingly at an accessory of clothing that would go perfectly with your outfit. If you enjoyed flowers he will go out of his way to pick you or buy you your favourite flower(s) and make sure you receive them. (Most of the time he's extremely busy and gets a melusine to go to your door, he's trying his best. :(
Neuvillette has little time to enjoy things, however, while figuring court cases inside his office, you may walk past slowly and hear the hum of his record player playing some classical music. Maybe one day you'll walk in and ask him to take your hand, you'll sway together in his office, just the two of you as you sweep him away from work and to you.
At the start of your journey together, sitting in silence was not something that was sought out from either of you as it felt awkward between you. Neuvillette isn't the best at small talk, so if you aren't either it may take a while to get this going. However, when you grow closer there will be a time where he will come to seek you out, just to sit and do his own thing while you do yours, simply enjoying your presence.
He loves like old people do, the small things mean a lot to this man. Remembering small things and going out on a walk somewhere - heck, when you help him with washing his hair when he has had a long, tiring day - between you in that moment, there is no lust or hatred, just pure love for each other. Neuvillette bathes in your sweet affection during these moments, he loves you so much, even if he cannot find the words to say it.
Like Neuvillette, loves a specific brand and way of tea being made, if he teaches you how and you pick up and make it for him like that u are probably one of his most favourite people. Definitely prefers his tea on the stronger side, this man needs his energy somehow.
Children love him, even if he is this big scary dude that controls the prisons in Fontaine they see him as an extra father - especially orphaned kids - and he treats all children with such respect, he's so sweet to them. You look at him when a young girl comes up to him, holding something behind her back: Some handpicked flowers. She holds them out to him, all shy around such a pretty older boy. Of course, he accepts them and thanks the young girl as she giggles and runs off, he watches her with a small smile - if you point it out the man will throw you a frown. "Can't a guy enjoy the little things in life now? Why don't you get me flowers?" Uh oh, he's got you there.
I believe when this man decides he is done being the ward of the prison in Fontaine, he finally relaxes in a home with you - and a potential child - he cares less and less on physical appearance, obviously tries to keep up but as age comes so does laziness. So beware he may begin to grow a dadbod, he would rock it though.
Ticklish on his stomach, don't know where it came from or how you found out, maybe it was your hand brushing against it while he was stretching and his shirt came untucked. Don't play with the fire though, this man does not like being tickled. Though, he has the most gorgeous laugh, maybe it would be worth it.
Wriothesley takes his sweet time petting animals on the street and taking care of any he may come across - I mean, when does he EVER get to see a pet while stuck at work? It's always something that makes a mans heart swell with joy. However if you were to ask if he is a cat or a dog guy will be admitting he is much of a dog guy. Though, dogs aren't at all interested in him which makes him sigh in defeat, yet cats just seem so in love with him (me too) when they come running up to him. He doesn't mind it though, in all honesty he would prefer having you holding onto his arm as you both walk.
He absolutely loves it if you show off any clothes, or general items you have recently brought to him. Especially the clothes, he would REALLY love it if you treated his office like a mini walkway, strutting and turning with however much confidence you have. He loves it. The way you talk, walk, smile, everything. He loves whatever you do, he just loves you.
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lozoodisimona · 4 years
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Diciamo che i miei 14-16-17 anni penso siano stati il periodo più brutto della mia vita. Ma un ricordo bello che ho della mia adolescenza paninara e inadeguata, era - dopo le camice e le borse Naj Oleari - sicuramente uno dei Dj più gettonati e belli che c’erano in giro allora: @alessandro_alex_j_mazzoni. Se c’era una festa che andava di moda, c’era sicuramente lui ed il suo Scott di pelle scura ed il Rayban d’osso. Dopo trent’anni mi ha chiesto un quadro per la sua collezione privata, ed io rispondo con “Miao-zzoni”: mètà micio, mètà Alex J. Nel frattempo ho sostituito l’inadeguatezza ed il fuori-postismo con una forte presa di coscienza, nel presente. Miao 🙏 (presso Buona A Nulla Ma Capace Di Tutto) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCKrhNcFDHY/?igshid=1ak451d6pxomo
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cminoldo · 4 years
El municipio recuperó un espacio que tenía cedido a Puerto Caroya y anunció que una empresa multinacional ya mostró interés por instalarse en el futuro Parque Industrial. El intendente Gustavo Brandán promulgó esta semana la ordenanza que ratifica el convenio de restitución de alrededor de 11 hectáreas que estaban concesionadas a la Asociación Civil Puerto Caroya. Paralelamente, se anunció que se pondrá en marcha gradualmente el Parque Industrial y Tecnológico para la ciudad en el predio de Ruta 9 Km 747. De la firma del decreto y del anuncio participaron también la secretaria de Gobierno Paola Nanini, el secretario de Administración Miguel Pérez, y el director de la Agencia de Promoción y Desarrollo Martín Pia- zzoni. Las hectáreas para el emprendimiento se encuentran ubicadas al Norte y Este del edificio de Puerto Caroya. Están divididas en 25 lotes de diferentes dimensiones para la radicación de industrias relacionadas a la alimentación, la construcción y la tecnología. El proceso de creación del Parque Industrial continuará con la presentación del expediente ante el Ministerio de Industria de la Provincia para que incluya este proyecto dentro del plan de 60 Parques Industriales anunciado por el gobernador Juan Schiaretti y así obtener financiamiento para las obras de infraestructura complementarias. Paralelamente, en los próximos días ingresará al Concejo Deliberante de la ciudad un proyecto de ordenanza para crear el Ente Promotor del Parque Industrial y Tecnológico que tendrá la responsabilidad de administrar y definir los beneficios para los emprendimientos que decidan invertir en ese sector, ubicado sobre el inicio de la autovía Caroya-Córdoba y a 25 minutos del aeropuerto. “Es una pena haber tenido semejante infraestructura sin uso durante 25 años. Cuando asumimos, lo primero que hicimos fue reconciliar a la Municipalidad con la comisión y lo logramos a través del diálogo. Luego, llegamos a este convenio para dar nacimiento a esta apuesta que, ojalá, pueda generar hasta 500 puestos de trabajo”. El jefe comunal destacó que una empresa multinacional ya mostró interés en instalarse dentro del predio y que de concretarse el convenio podrían generarse alrededor de 50 puestos de trabajo. La empresa vendría de la mano de Luis Carrizo y la conversación está avanzada.
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