berberanews · 1 year
Midowga Yurub oo 4.5 Milyan ku maalgelinaya deegaanno laga saaray Alshabaab
Bbc-(Berberanews)-Midowga Yurub, ayaa Muqdisho uga dhawaaqay mashruuc ku kacaya 4.5 Milyan oo Yuuro. Mashruucani ayaa looggu talagalay xasilinta deegaannada iyo degmooyinka laga saaray ururka Al-Shabaab. Mashruucan ayaa siinaya deegaannada laga saaray Al-Shabaab dhismaha saldhigyo boolis, qodista ceelal biyoodyo iyo rakibidda layrarka cadceedda ku shaqeeya. Sidoo kale, mashruuca waxaa qeyb ka…
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toku-explained · 1 year
Regulos: Regulos is still mourning his friends when he hears the sounds of devastation from the village, where a group of Magma Seijin are attacking, aiming to sell the Cosmo Beast Fighters as they have the people of L77. They are confronted by Lightning White Tiger Fist Phoros, Leaping Spirit Crane Fist Albeo, Phantom Water Snake Fist Pharood and Rapid Frozen Panther Fist Spica. 2 elites, Yurub and Lava order the rest forward, but the advantage is the Cosmo Beast Fighters even as Dias joins them. Magma Invasion Army leader Volcan beams down, noting the Fighter's strength and beats down Dias as Regulos arrives. Regulos attacks Volcan, but can't penetrate the replica Empera Seijin armour he wears, but Alude arrives and decimates the fleet with the legendary Juggernaut Charging Buffalo Strike, and holds his own against Volcan. Lava attempts to get Alude from behind, Alude blocks but is hit by Volcan's poison strike before the Magma Seijin retreat. Spica informs the trainees that Alude will live, but his cannot use Cosmo Beast Fist anymore, Dias showing interest in his Cosmo Beast. Phoros instructs continuing with training, but Regulos, in anger wants to strike first, Phoros warns the path of revenge will lead to expulsion, as it did to a once promising Cosmo Beast Fighter. Regulos flies off in a rage, and unfocused collides with a wall, falling into an unknown cavern, and is attacked by Gue-Basser until and unknown Cosmo Beast Fighter drives it off, and Regulos begins to make a request of him.
New Generation Stars: Geed reflects on his time with Zero, and manages to activate the Dimensionizer's data on Zero Beyond. He then thinks about his father, activating the data on Belial.
Geats: Beroba is forced to decide to return the Vision Drivers, but first her and Kekera go to the Goddess again with a wish each. Sara and Michinaga both found 33 ID Cores, and in overtime will have an hour to steal from others. Sara agrees with Keiwa they need to restore the DGP victims. Neon is wishing her fans would forget her, when Kyuun approaches, telling her continuing is pointless, her wish won't be granted. As the battle resumes, Neon relates this info to the others before Buffa attacks, he soon has Hakubi overpowered, Na-Go jumps to protect her and both are defeated. He hesitates on destroying the ID Cores when they protest they still have so much to do, but does so, Tycoon grabs the bag is Codes and keeps struggling. Ziin presents the Vision Drivers to Niram, but throws one to Ace until he explains about Mitsume, Ace uses it to go to the Goddess, Niram pursuing. Hareruya is trying to find out how Mitsume had Ace, as Tsumuri notes, the future people lack the capacity to bear children. Suel claims to Ace in the goddess chamber that she has no will of her own, attempting to prove it by presenting a wish of "A world without Ukiyo Ace", but she rejects it, though Suel blames this on her power waning, meaning she shall be disposed of in the Grand End, then tosses Ace to the battleground, where Beroba and Kekera are watching Tycoon and Buffa fight. Hareruya and Tsumuri discover that a player was erased from history for some crime, and a rule added against intimacy between a player and navigator, this was also right when the prize changed from the coin to an ideal world. Buffa grabs Tycoon's core, but Keiwa refuses to give up, still blaming the Goddess. Before Buffa can crush the core, Punkjack interferes, declaring overtime over. Gathering the 4 remaining Riders, Hareruya relates how Mitsume prayed after falling in love with a man from the past, and was miraculously granted a child. Her power to change the world was not based on despair, nor on sacrifice. Is the tool to blame, or those that use it? Suel commences the Grand End, and the crumbling Goddess is lowered in chains into the world, Suel informing Niram they already have a successor for the Goddess. Ace confronts them, and Niram is ordered to eliminate him. Gazer and Geats Laser Boost clash, but Geats starts losing after witnessing the goddess start to crumble, and is overpowered. As a large fragment from her face lands near him, he reaches over to it, and recalls her saying to forget her, something he could never do. By sheer will and rage, he causes a new Raise Buckle to appear, which transforms him to Geats Boos Mk-III, which atomised one of Gazer's drones.
Kingohger: Yanma and Shiokara are trying to interrogate Jeramie on where his Royal Arms came from. Jeremie appears to the still angry Deathnarok and Kamejin, plotting to use the Greater Guardians' bodies and hands over God Hopper's soul, they make a plot using Gerojim. Gira wants to look for the trio of Shugods, as he can't communicate with Sasorin, Himeno has him disguised as Sebastian. Shiokara and Yanma show Jeremie the factory that is the heart of N'Kosopa, after hearing how Yanma built it up thanks to mentoring from Gin, Jeramie allows Yanma to study the Venomix Shooter. Racles contacts Yanma demanding Jeramie, Yanma considers humiliating him, but his whole inner circle onows that is a bad idea, Shiokara then bumps into Gerojim. Yanma brings Jeramie to Racles, Jeramie asking if, as Shugoddom was the first kingdom, if Racles knows of what came before the King-Ohger legend. The others, Gira as Sebastian, arrive in Shugoddom, Gira can hear Sarorin, and Bugnarok attack. Yanma's attempt to humiliate Racles goes as wrong as it can, and Shiokara now turns out to be a disguised Gerojim. Yanma decides to shift blame to the Bugnarok, while Jeramie is angry that Yanma betrayed the trust he showed by using the Venomix Shooter for this, and winds up fighting and defeating all 5 Kings, taking back Scorpi's soul and the Ohger Calibers. His intent in sharing out the Guardian Souls was to establish a peace, but nobody understood his intentions again because he didn't say anything. As Gerojim grows, Jeramie is angry again about continuing to fight, and summons the unknown God Tarantula, which controls Guardian Pede and Guardian Cicada, which Himeno recognises, and snatches God Hopper's soul back, before piloting God Tarantula to defeat the Bugnarok, including controlling the Greater Guardians, once Gerojim is defeated he leaves, Gira hears the trio say they'll follow Jeramie, but Himeno is sure they're being controlled, as inside God Tarantula, it's shown Jeramie actually saved Gerojim, seeing a kindred spirit, who decides he thinks Jeramie should be king.
Metropolis: Some of the jailed AHK members play with the Dogengers sofubi, while Yuz-Yuz plays with I-Doll, but Shaberryman and the rest tell her to leave, possibly concerned about Rookie, and send Hatena out with her. Tanaka is absolutely furious about I-Doll, and rushes out, Akuta is still unwell, but Shiraishi follows, not quite understanding why Tanaka cares so much. Hatena seems a little more on the serious side, a contrast with Yuz-Yuz. The two pairs run into eachother, and Tanaka asks for I-Doll's return, but Yuz-Yuz wants to keep them, and so Rookie starts fighting her and the Toyin, as Hyakutoban fights Hatena. Hatena has a wide variety of weapons in his briefcase, a sword, a whip, a hammer, a polearm, a gun, and even a signal jammer to block Akuta's advice, overpowering Hyakutoban. Rookie defeats the Toyin, but Yuz-Yuz, still wanting the toys, gets serious, overpowering him, but he won't give up, fighting as Tanaka and refusing even after she beats him down, rushing her. Shaberryman interrupts to discuss the way things are going, before we return to Tanaka charging at Yuz-Yuz, when in a flash of light, Insurgent and Doll appear. Tanaka breaks down, hugging them and apologising for letting them get taken, but they forgive him. Yuz-Yuz now really doesn't get it, as all three fight/play until she gets annoyed and leaves. As the three rush to help the beaten Hyakutoban, Hatena sees the tide changing and flees by smoke bomb, Hyakutoban insists he will pursue, telling Rookie to enjoy the reunion. The trio talk together while Akuta regains contact with Shiraishi, who merely says he has failed as a hero and a police officer, and Akuta's not sure his Ohga book has any good advice for this.
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thekaijudude · 2 years
New Regulus Series Information
New characters were revealed for the series
So apparently there's more lore about the Alien Magma invasion on L77, and finally it's revealed that it was an entire army rather than a single Alien Magma that was responsible for its demise. Thank god for this retcon, it literally never made sense to me as a child how a single Alien Magma could doom an entire planet of ultras
And apparently they also targeted D60 as well
1. Volcan, the Magma Invasion Army Admiral
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(Yeah it's literally Armoured Darkness' armor bruh)
2. Yurub of the Inferno Magma Siblings
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3. Lava of the Inferno Magma Siblings
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iirc, 2 and 3 were actually used in stageshow before for Z(?)
More info here:
The series actually looks interesting now, but still no release date tho
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xogsidemedia · 11 months
Qisaska Cafiska iyo Naxariista
Qisaska Cafiska iyo Naxariista Napoleon Bonaparte wuxu ahaa boqorkii Faransiiska 1769-1821 , waxaana uu ahaa hogaamiye dagaal badan oo xoog lahaa qarnigii 19 aad. Waa hogaamiyaha ciidan kuwa ugu caansan uguna xooga badan tariikhada dhow. Qawaaniinta Faransiiska lagu xukumo iyo weliba Yurub inteed badan waa kuwii u dejiyay. Napoleon ayay maalin Islaan da’ ahi u timi iyadoo ilmaynaysa waxayna…
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taariikh24 · 1 year
Taariikhda Wadanka Albania
Taariikhda Asalka dadka Albania si dhab ah looma garanayo, laakiin xogta laga soo qaatay taariikhda iyo cilmi-baadhisyada qadiimiga ah ayaa keentay in cilmi-baarayaasha qaarkood ay u tixgeliyaan Albaaniyaanka inay yihiin farcankii tooska ahaa ee Illiyaankii hore(Illyrians waxay ahaayeen koox dadka ku hadla Indo-Yurub oo degi jiray galbeedka Jasiiradda Balkanka wakhtiyadii hore), Caddaymaha…
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haldoornews1 · 2 years
Xisbiga Waddani oo siddeed wargeys oo midowga yurub ka soo baxa uga waramay xaalka dalka.
Xisbiga Waddani oo siddeed wargeys oo midowga yurub ka soo baxa uga waramay xaalka dalka.
Xisbiga Waddani oo siddeed wargeys oo midowga yurub ka soo baxa uga waramay xaalka dalka.
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ciyaarsame · 2 years
Antonio Rudiger ayaa si xor ah ugu biiray kooxda Real Madrid
ciyaaryhanka Rudiger, oo loo soo bandhigi doono ciyaaryahan Madrid ah 20ka Luulyo, ayaa shan xilli ciyaareed ku qaatay Chelsea – isagoo kula guuleystay FA Cup 2018, Europa League 2019 iyo Champions League 2021 – laakiin wuxuu diiday dalabka kooxda ee qandaraas kordhinta. . Madrid ayaa la dhacsan qaab ciyaareedka daafaca dhexe ee wareega 8da ee Champions League bishii April, markaasoo Rudiger uu dhaliyay gool ay ku badiyeen 3-2 lugtii labaad ee Bernabeu taasoo keentay in Chelsea lagu soo saaro 5-4 celcelis ahaan.  
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Kooxda LaLiga ayaa waxaa la soo xiriiray wakiilada daafaca horaantii xilli ciyaareedka, lakiin waxa ay meesha ka saareen inay u dhaqaaqaan waqtigaas sababtoo ah qarashka ku baxaya. Booskooda ayaa is bedelay ka dib lugtii labaad ee Champions League, waxaana heshiis lagu soo gabagabeeyay si deg deg ah, iyadoo Rudiger uu doonayo inuu u ciyaaro Madrid iyo hoos u dhac ku yimid mushaarkiisa oo loo arkay inay fure u tahay. Saxiixa Rudiger ayaa ah markii labaad ee xilli ciyaareed xiriir ah oo ay Madrid ka faa’iidaysato helitaanka daafac heersare ah oo beeca xorta ah, ka dib markii ay David Alaba kala soo wareegtay Bayern Munich sannadkii hore. Imaanshihiisa ayaa arki doona Rudiger, Alaba iyo Eder Militao oo u tartami doona inay noqdaan dooqa koowaad ee daafaca dhexe ee Madrid, inkastoo Alaba oo boosaska badan laga yaabo inuu sidoo kale u wareego daafaca bidix. Rudiger ayaa u soo ciyaaray kooxda Stuttgart ee ka dhisan Bundesliga ka hor inta uusan ku biirin Roma 2015. Labo sano ka dib, Chelsea waxa ay kula soo wareegtay lacag dhan 35 milyan euro. Waxa uu noqday mid ka mid ah daafacyada dhexe ee aadka loo qiimeeyo ee Yurub intii uu macalin u ahaa Thomas Tuchel, isagoo ku soo bilowday finalkii Champions League ee Chelsea ay 1-0 kaga badisay Manchester City bishii May 2021. 
warbixin dheerad ah ku dhufo linkigan
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gooselacom · 2 years
Kepulan Asap Memenuhi Wilayah Perbatasan Papua
Kepulan Asap Memenuhi Wilayah Perbatasan Papua
Keerom, Goosela.com – Upaya menghindari dan mencegah berkembangnya nyamuk yang dapat menyebabkan Malaria, Satgas Yonif 126/KC Pos Yurub melaksanakan Fogging di Kampung Yuruf, Distrik Yaffi, Kabupaten Keerom. Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Dansatgas Pamtas Yonif 126/Kala Cakti, Letkol Inf Dwi Widodo, S.H., M.Han. dalam rilis tertulisnya di Distrik Senggi, Papua. Minggu (7/8/2022). “Kegiatan Fogging…
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transpublikid · 2 years
Kepulan Asap Memenuhi Wilayah Perbatasan Papua
Kepulan Asap Memenuhi Wilayah Perbatasan Papua
KEEROM | TRANSPUBLIK.co.id – Upaya menghindari dan mencegah berkembangnya nyamuk yang dapat menyebabkan Malaria, Satgas Yonif 126/KC Pos Yurub melaksanakan Fogging di Kampung Yuruf, Distrik Yaffi, Kabupaten Keerom. Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Dansatgas Pamtas Yonif 126/Kala Cakti, Letkol Inf Dwi Widodo, S.H., M.Han. dalam rilis tertulisnya di Distrik Senggi, Papua. Minggu (7/8/2022). “Kegiatan…
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heeso · 2 years
Mursal Muuse iyo Yurub Geenyo - Surbacaadka Caashaqa
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berberanews · 2 years
Dabka ku sii fidaya qaaradda Yurub, daadguraynta dadka iyo dedaallada socda
Dabka ku sii fidaya qaaradda Yurub, daadguraynta dadka iyo dedaallada socda
France-(Berberanewa)-Faransiiska ayaa daadgureeyay in ka badan 14,000 oo qof oo uu cabsi geliyay dabka ka socda Koonfur-galbeed, iyadoo uu sidoo kale dabku ku fiday Spain, Croatia iyo Greece. Maamulka magaalada Gironde ee dalka Faransiiska, oo ah gobol caan ah oo loo dalxiis tago, ayaa ka daadgureeyay ilaaladii xerooyinka – dalxiisayaasha ayaa goor hore ka tagay. Dab ayaa ku fiday deegaanada…
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africazilla · 3 years
Ingiriiska oo Si Rasmi ah uga Baxay Yurub Caawa Saq dhexe: Faahfaahin
Ingiriiska oo Si Rasmi ah uga Baxay Yurub Caawa Saq dhexe: Faahfaahin
London (ElBuur)–Muwaadiniinta Midowga Yurub ee ku nool Ingiriiska waxay haystaan ​​ilaa saqda dhexe caawa inay codsadaan deganaansho. Malaayiin Muwaadiniin reer Yurub ah ayaa la siiyay ilaa iyo dhamaadka bishan si ay u helaan xuquuqda deganaanshaha Ingiriiska kadib Waa inay ku dalbadaan Nidaamka Dejinta EU (EUSS), oo la soo saaray 2019. Tan iyo waagaas Xaafiiska arimaha gudaha ee UK, wuxuu…
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xogsidemedia · 2 years
Suuxdinta iyo Habkii Qadiimka Ah (Qarniyadii 16,17,18)
Suuxdinta iyo Habkii Qadiimka Ah (Qarniyadii 16,17,18)
Suuxdinta iyo Habkii Qadiimka Ah Xogside Qarniyadii 16, 17 iyo 18 ayay dhakhaatiirta Yurub u isticmaalayeen Tubaakada sigaarka in lagu daweeyo qaar ka mid ah dhibaatooyin caafimaad ee bulshada ku habsada. Xanuunada ay ku dawayn jireen ee dadku ka caban jireen waxa ka mid ahaa madax xanuunka, suuska ilkaha iyo bararka xubnaha kala goysyada jidhka, iyo xitaa urta xun ee ka soo baxda qofka…
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saxafimedianetwork · 5 years
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Midowga Yurub Maxaad Ka Ogtahay?
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haldoornews1 · 2 years
Ciidamada Ruushka oo kordhiyay duqeymaha ay ka wadaan gobolka Kherson
Ciidamada Ruushka oo kordhiyay duqeymaha ay ka wadaan gobolka Kherson
Ciidamada Ruushka ee ku sugan Koonfurta dalka Ukraine ayaa kordhiyey duqeymaha ay ku hayaan gobolka Kherson ee dhawaan la xoreeyey. Magaaladu ayaa inta badan koronto la’aan ama biyo la’aan la daalaa dhacaysa. Waxaa markale la duqeeyay, warshadda nukliyeerka ee Zaporizhzhiya ee waddanka Ukraine ayaa ah midda ugu weyn ee ku taal qaaradda Yurub, xilli mas’uuliyiinta Ruushka iyo Ukraine ay isku…
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mrmoeadams · 7 years
' ¥ Walaal talo xumadan daawo: ¥ Intii ay wada #Tahriibtoo ¥ Dalkii Ka tagtoo dareerto ¥ Tacadigiyo baahida Ka yaacdo ¥ Markay tagto #Yurub salkeeda ¥ Canada taageero siiso ¥ Dunidu tabantaabo xoogleh ¥ Taageeriyo nololba siisay ¥ Siyaasad Ku tookhideed iyo ¥ "Hargaysa waa tiriig ifaaya ¥ Muqdisho calanbaa Ka taagan ¥ Tagoo orod boowe daawo ¥ Kismayo jannaa Ku taalla ¥ Garowe tiigso aad hagaagtide ¥ Baydhabaa #Toronto iyo Paris ¥ Tapriz iyo Seoul Ka fiican ¥ Tabtaas kuugu warrantaa!! ¥ Siyaasad tacab khasaartoo ¥ Qabyaaladdu tiir u tahay iyo ¥ Tu aan jirin Kuu billabi!! (Faankii #Hargeysa_Iyo_Koonfurta_Dalka oo fandhaal lagu cunayo!!) +Video-ga waxaa leh #bbcnews)
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