#yup...I’m truly the greatest gamer of all time! I’m just that pro.
croakiemoo · 3 years
Hey, have I ever told you guys how totally awesome I am at Smash and MK? ‘Cause I’m totally awesome at Smash and MK! 😎✨
Oh and uh...if you ever find people interacting to this post trying to say otherwise? Don’t believe ‘em, Kay? They’re just jealous of all this poggyswag energy I have and all the W’s I’ve ever earned. But I don’t blame ‘em for hatin’, after all I’ve got a collection of THOUSANDS of W’s of all my years of bein’ an alpha gamer.
Oh? What’s that? You said I’m totally amazing and the best gamer known to man and everyone who doesn’t think so is just a liar and a total loser at games. Why, I couldn’t agree more bro. I’m glad we see eye to eye. uvu ✨
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