palehorsemen · 28 days
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Little posters to cdramas/cnovels 2
-Immortality (Erha) still hoping to see it 😊
-My journey to you
Part 1
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cerulianvermillion · 9 months
I'm sorry nothing can push me away from yun weishan and gong ziyu they're just Too Good together
They way they compliment and match each other and fit like puzzle pieces despite the whole secret assassin thing hdgfjdsfshsjk they're everything to me... Him being thrust in a position he never wanted while being inexperienced and her being jaded and dangerous on her final mission and yet they're both so fundamentally kind and that's how they bond??? He might not know all her secrets, but he has already stolen her heart... The way Yun Weishan is already falling So Hard and is in a battle of constant denial within herself... The way Gong Ziyu is already so Down Bad from the start and has Never Faltered even when he suspected betrayal... The way they're tiptoing over a very thin line for each other....THE CLOUD THING?????? THE WAY THEY'VE SUBCONSCIOUSLY ALREADY CHOSEN TO LOVE EACH OTHER WHICH MAKES THE ENTIRE SITUATION TRAGIC BECAUSE THEY'RE FUNDAMENTALLY ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF A BATTLE THEY CANNOT LET GO GSJGDJHS I'M ROOTING FOR THEM THEM THEM THEM
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jianghuchild · 1 month
Yueque edit! Tumblr hates letting me embed videos. This edit was inspired by this much better one, so everyone go give that one a ton of love as well.
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tantai-jin · 6 months
tag game: 9 questions for 9 people
tagged by @yuebings xiexie :333
last song: this one 庸人自扰 by xian zi, discovered today while listening to a spotify playlist called 周末清听, v nice acoustic tracks
currently watching: 一念关山 a journey to love (yngs), but i'm kinda only half watching it rn bc i zone out whenever a scene does not involve li tongguang or yu shisan. unsolicited opinion and i'm in the minority here but the main cp has largely bored me since ep 12 bc i'm not a fan of how the show is writing their relationship development now even tho i liked their initial dynamic. ANYWAY i am also thinking abt rewatching some episodes of story of kunning palace since there is a canto dub out now hahaha
three ships: from my most recent fandom acquisitions. li tongguang/ren xin from yngs (bc he is pathetic and full of yearning and toxicity) jiang xuening/zhang zhe from story of kunning palace (bc again another pathetic and yearning man. but jxn is also yearning. and they have so much reincarnation food and potential) gong shangjue/gong yuanzhi from yunzhiyu my journey to you (YET AGAIN another pathetic yearning scrunkly but w a more mischievous and forbidden-ish flavor. this year has been such a good year of fictional yearning characters for me)
favorite color: the spectrum of lavender and lilacs (pink-leaning and blue-leaning tones all welcome <3) is #1 for me but i have also been loving greens so much. and reds. and yellows esp the rich golden tones u would see at sunset. i LOVE COLORS
currently consuming: hot green jasmine tea.. earlier today i got a chai latte on my walk and i also had a matcha cheese tart saved from yesterday :)
first ship: in terms of actual fandom engagement it would be exo kaisoo lol... i'm not really sure what was First Ever In My Life but i think when i read fruits basket i was more partial to tohru/kyo, though i was not super invested overall
relationship status: single and unlikable
last movie: the boy and the heron
currently working on: trying to make a sweater to wear for christmas family dinner but i am not sure i can finish it bc i am just barely splitting for sleeves. in my gdocs, i have pathetic gong yuanzhi dreamfic that is also kind of a canon divergent character study, which i have 5k+ written of but i need to write prob at least 2k more if i finish the remaining scenes i want to include. also i have to cook dinner today but i do not want to killing the chain bc tagging ppl always makes me nervous bc what if i am bothering ppl or what if i accidentally forget someone. so i will just not do it this time sorry for being a killjoy or whatnot
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be-bi-do-crime · 1 month
may we hear any extended thoughts you have about yunzhiyu/my journey to you?
anon, i feel like the fact that i had to start writing a fix-it fic right after i finished and i'm currently 40k/60k+ words in, that already says a lot about what i think... 😭
you have opened a can of worms really. you asked for this
THE SHIPS: i have to start with this, sorry. neither of the two main ships compelled me. gzy/yws was alright, i could see the appeal, and i mean i do like them enough. they're good for each other, i'm glad they're happy. as for gsj/sgq i will just say concisely: no. jf/gzs were very cute and i enjoyed them, yun que/yue-gongzi as well!
THE DYNAMICS: now here is where yzy NAILED IT!! i may not have liked gsj/sgq as a ship, but as a DYNAMIC? amazing. perfect. all the two of them are is a game of weiqi and a guilt-ridden tragedy. lovely stuff. juezhi? absolute gold. the family dynamics? so complex and tasty. the hanyas, dianzhu, zhuo mei in relation to yws and sgq? i could go on forever. and any dynamic with sgq makes me insane.
THE PLOT: started off strong and ended........ well. see above (my estimated to be 60k fix-it fic). some parts definitely could have been cut or made more concise. there are... a lot of holes to patch. some lore really should have been used better too.
THE DIALOGUE: good at some parts and too direct at others. a lot of telling and not enough showing.
THE AESTHETICS: 100000000000000000/10 NO NOTES
THE ACTING: 100000000000000000/10 NO NOTES X2
THE OST: 100000000000000000/10 NO NOTES x3
OVERALL THOUGHTS: this is definitely an interesting drama to rewatch because for all the scenes you sped through before, you learn several pieces of information you missed 😂 i rated this drama 8/10, which was carried by its production, cast and characters. my biggest issues were the plot holes and main ships, but otherwise, it's a worthwhile watch. i don't regret watching it for sure- i can't imagine how empty my brain would be without shangguan qian (and yun weishan) haunting it daily 😂
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yueqingyuan · 8 months
what is it with zhang linghe and how gufeng dramas are terminally incapable of styling him to actually look good
come on yunzhiyu did it we know its possible plus he's usually fine in modern style photoshoots
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cerulianvermillion · 9 months
Wufeng and the Gongs are a lot more similar than they initially seemed- perhaps this is why the Gongs fall for Wufeng Assassins so often- because even if they don't know one another, they get each other. For better or for worse.
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cerulianvermillion · 9 months
Enjoying all this shangjue and qian development we're getting. And the twist ohhh brings me back to that bracelet.... yun que... is she and weishan actual sisters, is yun weishan her actual name? it seems like the same surname, so what does it mean? Next spill the gong ziyu lore pls mjty he's so suspicious to me I truly doubt his character is the simple role he seems to appear as... Learning those moves that quickly + being always cold + the tattoo thing on his back that he got as soon as he was made sword wielder....Though, I do love that they take sweet time developing all these characters
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cerulianvermillion · 9 months
I am a yunzhiyu defender until the end idc idc
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cerulianvermillion · 9 months
I continue to be immensely impressed by the depth of the characters in Yun Zhi Yu
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cerulianvermillion · 9 months
You know what Yunzhiyu has always impressed me on? Whenever I feel, "oh, something is lacking about a certain aspect," somewhere in the next couple of episodes, they actually deal with that.
"Oh, we haven't seen Shangguan Qian and Shangjue yet," They start living together.
"Oh, we don't have enough on wufeng's schemes" Wufeng schemes.
"The Gong Family seems really lacking right now" Gong Ziyu talks of how he feels the family is lacking + Scenes of the Gong family doing Their Thing.
"Yun Weishan and Gong Ziyu lack something together," First trial scenes and romantic development.
"Gong Shangjue and Gong Yuanzhi are so annoying" We get their backstories.
"what's up with Jin Fan?" Jin Fan lore.
"The plan is so weird," The plan gets explained.
Yunzhiyu is, in my opinion, exciting because it gives us just enough room to breathe, to theorize and make guesses about all the machinations. They treat all the characters with what I feel is great level of affection, letting them shine and giving us glimpses of their depth. Theorizing just makes the experience better for me.
The second half just started, we'll see what they have in store.
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