#you're SO close dan. you really did 🫵
enniewritesathing · 28 days
memory management (preliminary)
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Charles: "Tonight's the night."
Daniel: "Hm."
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Charles: "I'll be candid for just a moment. There were times I thought I wouldn't get this far, but it pays to have patience even if there is none." (He adds a small chuckle.) "...and of course, there's the question of a little persuasion."
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(Daniel doesn't respond, and lets the low hiss of the ventilator be his answer.)
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Charles: "I'm curious, Daniel. You've been quieter these past few days. More... pensive than usual. Did anything happen between you and Jordan?"
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(Daniel blinks as the question snaps him out of thought.) "What? No, we're fine. Charles, I'm gonna be blunt; I have a bad feeling about tonight."
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Charles: "A 'bad' feeling? What do mean by that? Speak your mind."
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(Daniel takes a deep breath and sighs. This is going to be the only time he'll have an opportunity like this.) "I have a bad feeling; if we do this, John will die."
(He feels Charles' cold stare.) "I'll explain. He's been showing signs of strain for a while, a couple of months, a year at the most, but they're there. We know that his healing ability can be passive but I believe it's being broken down. Slowly, like a leak."
Charles: "Go on."
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"Putting him on this regimen is accelerating it. He may be fine now but his heart is not going to be able to handle the trial. If, if, he survives, I don't think he'll live long after."
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Charles: "Really? And what are you basing this off of? One of your 'hunches'?"
Daniel: "I've never been wrong when I get them."
(Charles eyes narrow. Of all the things to say... but he did allow him to speak. He'll entertain.) "You're doubting me."
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Daniel: "What I'm saying is we have to call this off. We've done enough to try and help John and we haven't gotten anywhere near the goal. The data that we have right now is already invaluable and we should be looking at that instead."
(He shakes his head.) "Say we press on anyway? And then what?"
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(Daniel jabs a finger at Charles.) "Everything will land on you when the trial goes sideways. He dies, Charles, and then what? How will you explain yourself to his loved ones?"
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(Charles stares down the barrel of Daniel's finger and rolls his eyes with a scoff.) "Please cut the theatrics out; it is not your strong suit. You can keep the honorable act while you're at it."
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"May I remind you that you are in this as much as the rest of us; you've been here the whole time. If you were actually honest with your feelings of morality, then you should have excused yourself well before now, Daniel."
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(Daniel falters and Charles heaves a long sigh as he shifts his attention.)
"Have a little faith! You must remember we're trying to give Johnathan total control; he knows the costs and risks involved. The poor boy truly wants this."
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(Charles regards John as he strokes his hair. Goodness, it's soft.)
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"You're underestimating him. He's very strong and he's grown into a fine young man. Everything that we've done, every possible solution may have garnered less than ideal results, Johnathan has surpassed my expectations in every way. Even if there is damage, it's nothing he can't handle; he will heal in due time."
Daniel: "The only reason why John's alive is because he's a werewolf."
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Charles: "Perhaps you are right. He is quite stubborn as well."
(He laughs to himself.) "Ah, that wolf. I can't tell you how many times I've seen that murderous look in his beautiful eyes. First chance he has, he will kill us. We've all heard his declaration. He is a threat to us, to all of us."
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(A gleeful smile spreads cross his thin lips.) "All the more reason to get this dog under control! If we don't stop him, who will? We don't want him to be running wild, now do we? We have to put him in his place!"
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(Daniel flinches. Something rises from his stomach and before he knew it, words he's held back comes out of his mouth.)
"You're mad, Charles! I know what you're doing now... you're running out of options and this is your last ditch effort! If you fail tonight, the werewolf wins and you can't fuckin' stand that possibility!"
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"You have tortured him and John for years but not once, not fucking once, has he ever bend to you! This isn't going to work, Charles; deep down you know this. Your pride is blinding you! He dies, you fail. He lives, you fail and you'll have nothing to show. Just like you're a failed va--"
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(Charles straightens up. His voice is cold and flat.) "I suggest you choose your next words very carefully. No; I won't tolerate what you said."
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"Don't you ȩ̪͛v̘ͤ͝e̡͎͗r͙̓̀ speak like that to me again. I will determine the outcome of this trial. I will succeed. Do I make myself clear?"
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(Daniel stares at a lost of words. Did the room temperature drop for a moment?)
Charles: "I will not repeat myself."
Daniel: "Yes, sir."
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(Charles takes a meaningful look at John before turning away from him.)
"Understand, Daniel, that I will not stop until I get what I want. This is for the sake of Johnathan and I will exhaust all options available to make sure he is cured from his devilish affliction. Until then, he is mine."
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"If you know what's good for you, don't get in my way. Is that clear?"
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Daniel: (mutters) "...crystal."
(Charles takes a cleansing breath, smoothing out himself out. As he begins to walk away, his demeanor shifts to something that resembling pleasant.) "Good! Prep Johnathan for transport and report to the lab. You have two hours."
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(Daniel didn't move for a while. Whatever Charles did, he didn't want to see that again; he wasn't expecting the mask he wore to slip like that. No doubt that the cost will be astronomically high, if he could even quantify it, for everyone involved. He hates that Charles was right.
He looks down at John and almost feels sorry for him. He is clueless about what's in store for the night ahead of him.
Daniel can't shake that bad feeling. He's always right when it came to that.)
// Next ⏭️
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