#you should be banned by the geneva convention if you want to yell at people who like fictional characters
yeehawfolk · 4 months
Jesus, nearly a decade since the show aired and so much of the SU fandom still can't understand that Jasper wasn't an antagonist simply because she was the most evil Gem in existence, but rather she was ALSO victimized by the Authority and traumatized by the "death" of her Diamond. Like you can't tell me her whole thing when Steven offers to help her when she is corrupting and she says he comes to people after they've failed, because doing so makes them feel like less of a failure wasn't directly inspired by Diamond leadership, lmao. White even says something similar to Steven in Change Your Mind. "You like surrounding yourself with inferior lifeforms so that you can be the best of the worst."
Yes, Lapis and Jasper were in a toxic relationship in the form of Malachite. No, Lapis was not UNIQUELY victimized by this and Jasper is pure evil. It's been said many times by Rebecca Sugar that Lapis and Jasper had a mutual toxic relationship going on with Malachite, and that this was equally bad for both of them; this doesn't make Lapis completely innocent, nor does it make Jasper completely innocent. It's two abuse victims going at it with one another because its the only coping mechanism they can afford at the moment. It's messy, its ugly, and so many people only want to talk about how horrible Lapis had it because she's a more palatable character than Jasper.
I'm not saying what Jasper did wasn't awful. It was. But you also have to look at her character and realize that a lot of it came from being under the Diamonds. Jasper is also a victim of the Diamond Authority, but because we don't see her resolution with it all on screen like Lapis, lots of fans gloss over the fact that she's also a victim, and isn't uniquely evil.
Like. Can y'all please use nuance when talking about Malachite, Lapis, and Jasper instead of jumping to "OOOOOHHHHHHHHHH LAPIS WAS JUST AN INNOCENT UWU BABY ABUSE VICTIM AND JASPER IS THE MEAN EVIL TOXIC ABUSER" because that's absolutely not accurate and even Rebecca Sugar has said this isn't an accurate portrayal of what happened with Malachite. Rebecca Sugar herself said that they were in a mutually toxic relationship, and that that was by design on the part of the crew.
Jasper isn't uniquely evil and people defending her aren't abuse apologists, or trying to frame it as JASPER is the innocent person in the equation. Most people defending her are instead saying "Yeah, she's a shithead, but she also had her own issues that caused a lot of it, like Lapis."
And before anyone tries to come for me in the comments/reblogs: I'm also a victim of abuse. I know at least a little bit about what I'm talking about. You don't have to like Jasper, just don't show your ass when someone defends her or says they like her, or get rude about abuse apologism when someone points out that they were, in fact, in a mutually toxic relationship.
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adhdanalogbrain · 4 years
Hi! Do you have any tips on how to make new routines? With the covid-19 quarantine stuff, all of my normal routines are gone and so, due to my awful executive dysfunction, I can’t get ANYTHING done. This morning it took me 2 hours just to get out of bed and I keep skipping meals bc I can’t get myself to just physically eat even though I want to. I know I need new routines, but I don’t know how to make them bc of the executive dysfunction. I can’t even get myself to make a schedule or a plan
So, I’m going to try and reblog some more specific stuff in response to this later tonight so that you have more resources. For now, I’m going to give you some ideas, and then I’m going to ask you a big big question.
Creating a new routine out of thin air is really hard, especially when you don’t have any external factors (work, school, etc) driving it. However, once you get settled into your new routine, you’re going to start feeling a lot better, and it WILL get easier over time. This is not forever! You are not stuck like this permanently! Here’s some things to try:
Plan out your day ahead of time
Whenever your brain is Working Best, sit down and figure out a realistic routine - Then write it down and put it somewhere you can see it first thing in the morning when your brain is still all sleep-drunk and muddled. 
You may need something sketched out in broad strokes, such as: 1. Get out of bed, 2. Shower and get dressed, 3. Breakfast and coffee
Or you might need to go super detailed: 1. Wake up, 2. Drink water, 3. Take morning meds, 4. Get out of bed, 5. Stretch, 6. Pee, 7. Shower, 8. Brush teeth, 9. Get dressed, etc
It will take some trial and error to figure out what works best for you, so don’t stress about getting it perfect the first time.
Prepare for your day ahead of time
Look at the list you just created, and envision how you get from steps 1 to 2 to 3. Then arrange your environment to create the smoothest transition between each step. 
For example, in step 2 of the second example above, you need to drink water. If there’s no water on your bedside table when you wake up, you’re going to stall out. So fill a glass / bottle and put it there. (You can also do this with plain coffee or tea - it’ll be room temperature but it’ll be caffeine in your face before you need to brain how to make caffeine)
For step 3, same thing - set out your morning meds in a pill case, or even a cup or a small bowl, and put them next to your bed so that you don’t have to do any kind of braining while you’re still half asleep. 
Work through the whole routine and set up your space to have the bare minimum of obstacles to completing each task and moving to the next one.
Set alarms. So, so many alarms.
To wake up in the morning, set 5 different alarms 3 minutes apart with 5 different obnoxious ringtones. Set them to have the shortest snooze and the largest number of repeats.
When you wake up, roll over and drink your water. Take your meds. Flop back down and let out the BIGGEST ANNOYED GROAN that you possibly can without alarming the neighbors. Say, “I don’t WANNA get up!” Grumble about it annoyedly.
And then say to yourself, “Once I get my feet on the floor, I’m going to feel SO. MUCH. BETTER.”
And then GET. YOURSELF. UP. 
(Listen it is truly awful and terrible that NT people are always like “Just power through it! Mind over matter!” because that is just a ridiculously obtuse suggestion and should be banned by the Geneva Convention. This is not what I’m telling you. What I’m telling you is that sometimes getting out of bed takes all the effort you have, but you can do it if you make that effort. Yell and grumble and groan and whine as much as you need to wake yourself up and get your feet. on. the. floor.)
Get a buddy. Get a bunch of buddies.
You know other people in this same situation. Get ahold of someone. Get ahold of several someones. Create a group chat where you all text every morning with, “I’m up. You up?” 
Accountability buddies are win. Let other people help you. Let yourself help other people.
And then...
Once you’ve got your morning figured out, you can proceed to use these strategies to set up the rest of your day. If it helps to plan your meals and set alarms for mealtimes, do it. If you can set up a video get-together every day at lunchtime with your accountability buddies where you all eat lunch together, do it. 
And if it takes a while to figure out what will work and what won’t - that’s okay. That’s okay.
The big big question at the end of this post
Go re-read your message. Does that sound like executive dysfunction.... or does that sound like depression?
If you are able, check in with your doctor / therapist / whoever and let them know you’ve been having trouble. Describe what’s been happening. See if they have any more ideas / advice for you. It is ok to ask for help. It is good to ask for help!
Hang in there, buddy <3 You can get through this.
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