#you lot will only ever praise cuti when he has good performances while the rest are shite
southstand · 1 month
i’m not being funny when i tell people who say sonny’s ‘too soft’ to be captain and that he’s half the player without kane and that other players deserve the captaincy more than him to get the fuck out of my club and the fanbase like honestly fuck off
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arvandus · 3 years
Congrats on 750. May i have Aizawa and/or Hizashi(Present Mic) headcanons?
Of course! I’m gonna go with Hizashi because I haven’t written for him before, so I think it’d be fun. :)
Hizashi x Reader (SFW & NSFW)
🎵 Not one to shy away from his feelings; as soon as he realizes he’s crushin’ on you, he will immediately start courting you. Flirting with you at your desk, asking you out on dates, buying you little gifts, and surprising you with lunch.
🎵 Loves to take you out on fun dates. Carnivals, open-mic nights (ha ha), obscure/indie music performances at hole-in-the-wall dive bars… he’s very into the arts and loves having someone to explore them with. Not so big on the nature activities though… this man is a city guy 100%.
🎵 However, that doesn’t mean he can’t also have the occasional stay-at-home-and-veg date, either! He works a LOT, so there will be times that he’ll be tired and not want to go anywhere. His has a huge social battery though, so it’d take time for it to get to that point. And once he’s recharged, he’s back out on the town.
🎵 Favorite home activities would be watching movies with you (preferably something lighthearted) or one-on-one game nights. Will also sometimes just lounge on the couch, making up songs to make you smile. Maybe they’re sappy love songs. Maybe they’re funny songs with toilet humor lyrics. Either way, fiddling with his guitar is an excellent way for him to relax.
🎵 Loves to dote on you. Nothing makes him happier than seeing your face smile at him when he does something nice for you. He’d definitely be the type to leave little love notes on your desk and to send you random silly pictures of himself or of memes that he knows you’d enjoy.
🎵 Enjoys annoying you with silly nicknames. It’ll start off somewhat normal at first. “cutie pie,” “sweet cheeks,” etc. But it’ll just get worse and worse. “Boo,” “cuddle cakes,” “muffin,” “Sugar-baby-honey-love.” He loves when you glare at him and roll your eyes. Beware if you try to do the same to him… it’ll turn into a never-ending game of who can come up with a worse nickname for the other.
🎵 This man loves praise, both giving and receiving. It’s so validating for him. Not just because of the attention aspect, but because he desperately wants to make you happy. The surest way for him to know that he does, is for you to tell him so.
🎵 He strongly values open communication. If there’s an issue, he wants you to be able to tell him about it. He’ll do his best to work through whatever problem you two might be having.
🎵 If his extroversion and companionship starts to become too much for you, you can always tell him so. After all, his best friend is introverted, so he’s used to it. He’ll miss you, but he won’t take offense. Just make sure you reciprocate by showering him in appreciation once you’ve recharged your own batteries.
🎵 Is 1000% committed to you. Loyalty and honesty will never ever be an issue with him.
🎵 That doesn’t mean that he’ll dump all of his past trauma and stuff onto you right away, though. If anything, he might refrain from bringing up topics about himself that might be upsetting. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you with them or anything. It’s that he doesn’t want to make you feel sad, especially over things in the past that can’t be changed.
🎵 If you ask him about his past though, he’ll answer honestly. And when he’s able to open up and talk to you about it, it’ll leave him feeling relieved and so much closer to you.
🎵 I definitely see Hizashi as the type to say he wants kids, whether his own or adopted, even though he’s around them 24/7. But it’s something that’s always “in the future” for him, since he’s still enjoying his artistry, his friends, and his job.
🎵 If he ever does become a parent, he’d be such a fun dad. But he’d also be a complete sucker for his kid(s). They’d have him wrapped around his little finger. You’ll probably have to be the responsible one most of the time (unless it’s something very serious, of course.. he’ll know when to put his foot down).
🎵 If you don’t want kids, that’s okay too. Hizashi is all about flexibility and going with the flow. As a teacher, he understands the level of responsibility that comes with children and would never ever pressure his partner into it if they didn’t want it. If anything, he’d have a lot of respect for you because you’re honest and you’ve thought heavily about it. Besides, there’s plenty of other things that can be enjoyed in life that don’t involve kids. And the most important thing to him is that he’s able to do those things with you.
🎵 Would be open to a polyamorous relationship, but he’d be very responsible about it - there’d be a lot of talking and hashing out important details, like ensuring that trust is established as well as important ground rules. And once you’re in one with him, the communication wouldn’t stop. He’d always make sure to check in from time to time, and make sure that everyone is happy and getting their needs met (including himself).
🎵 Hizashi has zero problems with PDA (as long as you’re okay with it, of course). That won’t be limited to just kisses and hugs, though… He will thoroughly enjoy grabbing a handful of your ass and whisper dirty secrets in your ear before giving your earlobe a small nibble. He’ll be sneaky, about it though, doing these dark little deeds when no one is looking and watch as you try to save face when the other person turns back around. LOVES to see you get flustered.
🎵 He’d be a very sweet lover. He’d whisper sweet praise in your ears, cover your body in kisses. He’d be a gentleman, making sure you’re feeling your best from start to finish. 100% will always make sure you finish before he does. He will straight up worship you.
🎵 He LOVES giving oral. LOVES. IT. If you let him go down there, you better buckle up and make sure your schedule is cleared for the next few hours. He literally wants to live between your thighs. And dear GOD is he good at what he does.
🎵 Favorite position is when you ride him, preferably facing him so he can see your face. It’ll start with him leaning back against the pillows, one arm propped behind his head while the other hand rests on your waist. He likes giving you the reins, watching you work yourself on his long cock. He’ll have the most languid, serene smile on his face, his eyes drinking you in. Seeing you enjoy yourself so much only riles him up more, and at some point he’ll forgo his relaxed posture in favor of placing both hands on the meat of your hips, guiding you up and down on his hard cock. When you’re both close to unraveling, the tension wound and ready to snap, he’ll sit up from his pillows and wrap an arm around your waist and begin pounding up into you as his other arm keeps him propped up on the mattress. He’ll definitely take your nipple in his mouth during this final sprint and will cum with a groan, his breath hot against your skin.
🎵 Afterwards…? So much aftercare! There will be cuddles, pets, massages… he’ll sing to you softly, the tenor of his voice vibrating against your ear as you rest your head on his chest and his fingers stroke your hair. If it’s a particularly long session, he’ll bring you a platter of snacks and something to drink. If it’s a particularly messy session, there will be a bubble bath together (and don’t you dare doubt that he’ll have a bathtub big enough for the both of you!).
🎵 He’s definitely got a mischievous, kinky side. He’d enjoy sex in public places. Bathrooms, dressing rooms, empty hallways, stairwells… places that are mostly private but still have a risk of getting caught.
🎵 Will totally buy you lingerie to wear for him; or better yet, take you shopping (and find a way to secretly join you in the fitting room….)
🎵 Definitely has switch energy. Would enjoy being blindfolded and teased. Can absolutely be reduced to a begging, whimpering mess if you want him to be.
🎵 He trusts you completely to take care of him just as he takes care of you.
🎵 Your sex life with Hizashi will never be boring.
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pashpops · 3 years
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nation's girl group, Swee-T! Well, nowadays... not so much. Oh, they still have a huge fandom, despite having as many lineup changes as hits (A Lot), but said fandom can't let go of their cutie image from their debut over a decade ago no matter how many new concepts they try…
Members: Soojin, Eve (leader), Mindeulle, Yesarang, Sunhee, Juliette (maknae)
Fandom name: Ices
Stage Name: Soojin Birth Name: Han Soo Jin Position: Rapper Birthday: 1989 Zodiac: Libra Height: 165cm Weight: kg Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Purple Favourite Food: Roast sweet potato Least Favourite Food: Chewing gum Hobbies: Taking selfies, listening to music, shopping
 Facts: - One of the three remaining original members along with Eve and Yesarang. - Even though she doesn’t get many lines, she says she doesn’t mind because she gets a lot of screentime and that’s more important. - Started a youtube channel where she uploads skincare and makeup tips, though it’s mostly popular for the guest appearances of other idols. - Originally the most popular member, but she lost a lot of fans after she got into a dating scandal with LVLMAX’s Duyeon. She’s still mad about it because 1) they never dated 2) she thinks Duyeon is ugly and 3) if she was going to date someone from LVLMAX, it would be Jintaek, anyway. - Ideal type at debut: Someone tall and handsome with a pretty smile. Ideal type now: The same.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - Updates her face every comeback, but her fans will rip you to shreds for mentioning it. - Really wants to be “the sexy one” but has virtually no charisma whatsoever. - Over the whole idol thing in general but has no ambition to do anything else, so she just puts in the minimum possible effort, and because she’s one of the original members, she gets away with it. - Spends most of her time taking selfies and spends the rest of her spamming the group chat with very mundane conversation topics which the members barely reply to. Really is quite a boring person.
Stage Name: Eve Birth Name: Min Cho Rong Position: Leader, Visual Birthday: 1989 Zodiac: Scorpio Height: 170cm Weight: kg Blood Type: AB Favourite Colour: Mint green, pastel pink Favourite Food: Peach sorbet Least Favourite Food: Milk coffee Hobbies: Being beautiful
 Facts: - Princess disease, vanity, overconfidence, conceit… whatever you want to call it, she’s very confident in her beauty, and so charismatic that she’s impossible to deny. - Nation’s first love, largely considered the prettiest idol ever, and if you don’t believe it, she’ll tell you. - Genius-level IQ, which she mentioned off-hand during a comedy talk show so everyone assumed she was joking, but she later revealed on Swee-T’s fancafe her perfect marks on her college exams, and later, actual IQ test results. Went back to the comedy talk show to prove herself, but ended up talking about the struggles of being so beautiful again, so the public still thinks it’s a joke. - Impenetrable wall of confidence, knows she gets a lot of hate comments but doesn’t care because she gets way more love from her fans and the general public. - Aspiring actress, though she’s only had guest and supporting roles so far. - Wonderful cook, likes making desserts most of all. - Ideal type at debut: someone wealthy, good-looking, tall, smart, and worshipful. Ideal type now: the same, but ideally they also have a holiday house overseas and know the stock market well.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - Unlike CiCi, who kind of adopted the “princess disease” concept as a defence mechanism, Eve lives it. As in, yes, that is her real personality, and no, she doesn’t care if you don’t like it. - She really is a genius, she’s just vain foremost. - Only child of poor parents. Her paternal family used to be quite wealthy but fell into poverty after the war, so her father insisted on raising her to be an ideal wife so she would get married to someone rich and restore his family’s name. Her mother was aware of this, and didn’t mind until he started telling his coworkers, all in their 40s and 50s, about his beautiful teenage daughter who would be old enough to get married soon, and she started pushing for Eve to find work away from home. Eve was discovered while training to become a hairdresser, and when she told her parents that she had been cast in a girl group, her father immediately told her to quit because only whores become singers, and that was the final straw for her mother, who left him and came to support Eve in the city and taught her to be more confident so she’d never be a downtrodden woman like she was. - Very, very wealthy because she invests most of her earnings (her reasoning is that she already bought houses for her and her mother, and “I get paid to wear beautiful things, why would I pay for them?”), not to mention the fact she had her contract lawyer of a best friend go over her contract and tweak a few things to make it much more fair than most standard idol contracts.
Stage Name: Mindeulle Birth Name: Lee Min Ji Position: Rapper, Vocalist, Dancer Birthday: 1991 Zodiac: Aquarius Height: 167cm Weight: kg Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Cobalt blue Favourite Food: Jjajangmyeon Least Favourite Food: Grapefruit Hobbies: Writing music, cycling, travelling
 Facts: - Joined the group with Juliette after three of the original members left. - Originally had a soft and pretty “cute little girl” image, but she cut her hair short for a comeback a few years ago, and has stuck with the “bifauxnen” look ever since. Her fanboys hate it. - Although she mostly raps in Swee-T songs, she has a sweet and mellow singing voice, and originally auditioned to be a vocalist. - Often can be seen cycling around the city and has participated in a few charity races, although she’s never won first place. - Ideal type: Someone with a lot of natural cuteness.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - Super duper gay. The only thing stopping her talking about it is that she’s simply not one of the members who gets invited to talk shows and she’s too much of an outdoorsy type to really get on social media unless she’s been specifically directed to in order to promote a new single or something like that. - Of the members, probably the least popular with the public, no doubt because of her masculine image. - Despite this, she has a strong contingent of superfans who are always rallying for her to get more singing parts. - Has a really tight relationship with Juliette, who she joined the group alongside and who is also very into girls. However, their tastes are very different (Juliette likes strong girls who can care for her, Mindeulle likes… well, Mindeulle likes all kinds of girls, but especially gentle and cute ones who don’t have so much the idol look) so they don’t actually talk about girls together very much. Probably just as well, because neither of them have actually realised they’re each other’s ideal types...
Stage Name: Yesarang Birth Name: Lim Ye Sarang Position: Power Vocal Birthday: 1993 Zodiac: Pisces Height: 166cm Weight: kg Blood Type: A Favourite Colour: Black Favourite Food: Sashimi Least Favourite Food: Banana milk Hobbies: Playing piano, hairstyling
 Facts: - Was the maknae of the group at debut, but now Juliette is the maknae, she takes her role as unnie very seriously and treats her very well. - Has always had sharp features even as a young teenager. She’s not angry, that’s just her face! - A perfectionist. - Has been trying to write new songs for Swee-T, but she always gets stuck on the lyrics, as she’s not a very poetic person and all of her lyrics end up sounding stiff. She and Mindeulle collaborated for a special stage during a Japanese tour, but so far, that’s the only self-written track the fans have heard. - Ideal type at debut: none. Ideal type now: still none, too busy to think about romance.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - Real leader of Swee-T, as Eve is generally uninterested in any leaderly activities other than leading group introductions or accepting awards, while Yesarang is very involved in all of the behind-the-scenes. - Really only cares about Swee-T and tries her absolute hardest to make sure the group is a success. - Still very bitter about the other members (1 before they got popular, 2 after their popularity started to wane… thus accelerating said wane) leaving, and has made some really quite petty comments about the latter two’s departures and how she felt like they used the group to get themselves famous then abandoned her-- the group-- once they felt they were famous enough. - Due to her strong loyalty to the group, she’s kind of bought into their own hype and thinks anything Swee-T deserves all the praise in the world, and whenever their singles flop (well, they always sell, some just not as much as she might be used to), it’s obvious, to her, that they’ve been set up/ripped off/there’s someone actively working against them. - Very standoffish towards rookies, especially ones with more creative control than Swee-T have. - Very standoffish in general, really, and doesn’t trust new people easily because she’s been burned too many times by people who she thought were her friends.
Stage Name: Sunhee Birth Name: Kim Sun Hee Position: Romantic Vocal Birthday: 1993 Zodiac: Taurus Height: 164cm Weight: kg Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Pink Favourite Food: Chocolate (white, milk, or a little dark, but not too bitter) Least Favourite Food: Asparagus Hobbies: Watching dramas, writing love songs
 Facts: - The newest member, added recently. - Her voice was specifically chosen to contrast with Yesarang’s and Juliette’s. - Hopeless romantic, every day is Valentine’s Day for her. - She’s still very new to being an idol and performing on stage, but she’s trying her best, so she wishes that everyone can support her in Swee-T and that they can make love-love memories together! - Ideal type: a tall fairytale prince, with wavy hair and a pretty smile.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - The story about her being chosen for her voice is only a half-truth. Her voice is good, but the company saw how naturally flirtatious (and busty) she is and decided she’d be a good addition to Swee-T’s stages. - So focused on her new dream job with a group she’s been a fan of for years that she hasn’t quite realised that she’s being used for sex appeal. - Would she mind once she realised? Probably not, but she wouldn’t be trying so hard to impress everyone with her hard work if she knew that all that was really required of her was to show up to record vocals and wear tight tops when in public. - Her bias when she was a fan was Yesarang, and she’s still a little starstruck despite the fact they’ve been working, sleeping and eating together for a while now. - The fandom LOATHES her for “replacing” the original main vocalist (even though really, Yesarang took that role), often posting hate that she only got in because of her boobs (not entirely wrong), that her boobs aren’t even that big (also not entirely wrong), that she must have slept her way to the top (if she did, she should have kept going, because she’s nowhere near “the top”), that she’s not even talented or pretty (obviously false, but butthurt fans are butthurt fans) etc. - The general public, however, have no interest in her whatsoever, as she blends right into the original member-line the way Mindeulle and Juliette certainly do not, and thus don’t realise she’s new.
Stage Name: Juliette Birth Name: Sang Juliette Position: Vocalist, Dancer Birthday: 1996 Zodiac: Scorpio Height: 172cm Weight: kg Blood Type: A Favourite Colour: Pink Favourite Food: Strawberries Least Favourite Food: Bitter food Hobbies: Customising clothes, makeup, swimming
 Facts: - Joined the group with Mindeulle after 3 of the original members left. - She’s fully Korean, her parents just named her after the Shakespeare character because they thought it’s a pretty name. She is very aware of how that story ends, and has heard every joke there is. - Her lips are real, though people doubt it no matter how many predebut photos she shares. - Debuted at only 15 years old and used to be quite small and a little chubby-cheeked, but had a huge growth spurt and lost weight while the group was on hiatus for a few months and quickly became a trending topic when Swee-T came back, as people couldn’t believe how much her looks changed and how long her legs now were in the tiny shorts the group wore for their comeback promotions. - Among all the members, she’s the one who takes the longest getting ready, as she won’t go anywhere unless she’s done her hair and makeup and has a cute outfit on, not even just to practice. - Ideal type: someone strong and cool who can look after her but is also cute and funny.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - ADHD as hell, and quickly becomes overwhelmed by schedules and criticism. She has a bit of a reputation for being difficult to work with because of this, but she really does try extra hard to keep up with everyone. - A bit shy and introverted around people she doesn’t know, which, especially alongside the very focused Yesarang and the vain Soojin and Eve, can come off as similarly elitist and snobbish. However, she’s actually very nice, if a little innocent. - Not innocent as in unaware of her own sex appeal, though. She’s very aware of her own sex appeal, and while she’s repulsed by the more ribald comments she receives, she does like the attention a lot. - Constantly going back and forth between flirty and reclusive, constantly begging for attention and then not knowing what to do with it. - Not only did she become a trending topic, but she also became a bit of a meme, with people photoshopping her legs to look even longer, or to look shorter, or as elements in other memes, with the tagline “amongst trees, the redwood, amongst girl group’s legs, Juliette Sang” - Although her old social media has been wiped to the best of the company’s ability, it has already leaked that she used to date girls pretty much exclusively and was in a relationship with an older girl who was fairly well-known in goth circles at the time of her debut. The company quickly denied it, and Juliette was scolded heavily for it and was told to break it off immediately, but they still continued to date until eventually Juliette’s schedules caused them to break up naturally.
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p101recaps · 7 years
Broduce 101: Episode 8 First Half (Quick Livestream Recap)
Since I missed the first half of the livestream, here’s a quick recap off the raw. I’ll link this to the second half recap too.
Before elimination heartbreaks, they’d served some fanservice to numb the pain with a bit from when BoA came to visit before position evals.
She brought them pizza! The boys had a collective breakdown of food appreciation, and we see a brilliantly photoshopped press picture of BoA holding up pizzas like an angel, like Kim Youjin clearly imagines.
Jung Jung, at the brink of tears: WHY IS IT SO DELICIOUS
They’re just happy to be around her, which is fully understandable. She does a little happy dance as they chant for her, and mingles with the trainees (there’s a nice shot of the Amazing Kiss group talking to her) before leaving them to their food.
Sidenote: the cameras always catch Noh Taehyun in the background, and he’s always unintentionally pulling the ugliest faces possible, unaware he’s in the shot.
Cube Chick Yoo Seonho is by far the happiest, putting away as much pizza as he could to compensate for only getting three meals a day at dorms. He’s obviously at that age where you eat everything in sight, it reminds me of my brother.
Cut to eliminations day and shots of tears. Okay, the warm and fuzzies have disappeared.
The trainees all do their entrance into the Ceremony Hall of Crowned Chairs.
Kim Donghan did a move from Shape of You, then a heart and wink combo.
Starship boys did something weird, ofc
Brand New trainees did the point choreo from Twice’s comeback song, Signal. Cute. 
My man Ong-ssi transitioned from a very stiff and formal bow to his high note meme face from Get Ugly
FNC Yoo Hwiseung did his lip-swipe
Cube chicks, whose backstage hwaiting needed to be redone three times for them to be in sync, did the Shugo Chara frame.
Pledis’ Nu’est boys did hearts and more Twice references.
Hashtag that Twice relevancy
Bae Jinyoung did the ear flapping move too
So did Maroo Park Jihoon. I suddenly miss Kwon Hyeob, seeing him up there alone.
ONO Moonbok, who looked ridiculously pretty btw - I hope they stick to styling him like this, did something that looked like Red Velvet’s Rookie or Lovelyz’s WoW, and held up his lovely hair in two pigtails. Adorable. The trainees were KO’d
Star Empire Takada Kenta looks more like a puppy than ever.
The Yuehua kids shot hearts and Ahn Hyungseob acted like he got hit by one
S.How trainees used their minimal screentime references - Namhyung did his finger to the lip with elevated pinky detail that had impressed Lee Seokhoon, while Dongsu did the plucking from the air bit from the Amazing Kiss stage.
MMO trainees, extra as always, integrated Auntie Jisung’s clapping move with Twice’s Signal. 
Baby maknae Lee Woojin did his meme face and finger heart from the Be Mine stage. A worldwide cutie.
C2K Kim Seonglee did finger hearts with the Very Very Very head bobbing
YGK+ Kwon Hyunbin tried a headstand before just rolling over like a cat in a blanket
Real Performers Ardor and Able Noh Taehyun and Ha Sungwoon did a finger point choreo before moonwalking off the stage in sync
RBW puppies referenced fallen trainee Dongmyung by doing his warm up flapping dance and hearts. 
Protect Them.
Tension building and then cut to concept evaluation song distributions.
They keep playing up the fact that Jihoon dropped ranks...are they egging the fangirls to have a flatout fight?
This way of arranging missions, with distributing trainees into teams and then shuffling after half of them leave is stupid and could be avoided if they split up the mission footage better. The show could fully have filler episodes between missions at this level of popularity so the vote timing and mission preparation could be allocated efficiently. 
Imagine working at a song and then having to start over a few days later. It’s ridiculous.
Songs are introduced by their producers. The viewers have been voting to match the songs to their favourite trainees for this mission. 
I’d said earlier that the idea was just going to incite some kind of fuckery, with fans not used to this amount of legitimate power. Sure enough, there was cheating involved so Kang Daniel, Lee Kiwon and Kim Dongbin were banned from their leaked song preferences.
Honestly, the cat emoji morse code was great. It’s one of my top controversies this season. 
First up is my personal favourite of the song concepts, I Know You Know, produced by heavyweight producer Joombas (who is famously responsible for Exo’s Growl, SHINee’s Dream Girl and also apparently worked with HOTSHOT). I’m all about the funky R&Bish vibe: not the kind of song that tops charts, but probably stays there a while. Watch this song be ignored though lol
Second is Oh Little Girl, a name even the producer draws quote marks around. This is the song for the hip-hop concept, and has a jazzy easy listening feel.
Next is Showtime, coming from a trio of newer or less popular producers. This seems catchy, but it sounds very familiar - not a song I’d remember. The choreo looks fun though, and they reference Dongmyung’s warm up! The trainees love it, cracking up as they mimic the move.
Fourth are another famous producer group, Devine Channel, who I believe do a lot of SM’s songs. They’ve also done a lot of very trendy title songs, including BTS’ Fire and VIXX’s The Closer. I think the English title for this song is Open? Correct me if I’m wrong. It sounds great, oddly like something I might have heard from Nu’est. I’m looking forward to this too, the choreo looks great.
Fifth song is from the producers that get the most hype, Hyuna’s new charity project from Cube, Triple H’s Never. Auntie Jisung decides he wants the song because Hyuna is involved, which, honestly, same. The EDM structure also feels overdone but I have a sneaking suspicion this is going to be the song that gets maximum hype since there’s no ballad.
Trainees get allocated their songs in envelopes and have to go to wait in separate practice spaces for the rest of their team.
Jaehwan doesn’t want to be in same team as Hyunbin, which I understand, considering that he’s had to carry him twice already. Like the other trainees, he wants to work with GodJonghyun. 
Pretty boys Bae Jinyoung, Park Jihoon and Ahn Hyungseob get sorted together. Maybe their fans have been working in sync. They also get excited puppy Gunhee, which means their vocals will be taken care of. 
Once the trainees all gather, their songs are revealed. Byun Hyunmin decides to rip the sticker for his room and accidentally pulls off the whole thing. 
Byun Hyunmin: :O
Noh Taehyun: Everyone, we’re not singing.
Hyunmin retries.
All the trainees: cAREFULLY 
The group gets Showtime, which was Samuel’s pick. He’s ecstatic.
Minhyun’s room has their sticker peel by Emperor Hwang to reveal Never, which pleases most of them. 
Park Jihoon’s room has a breakdown before Dongbin peels the sticker to show Oh Little Girl, a song I can see Sewoon do well in. The Yuehua trainees are all in this team too.
Moonbok has a braid in his lovely hair this segment, it looks fire emoji.
Hyunbin’s room has I Know You Know. Taedong, who has a lower range than the song needs, is nervous.
Baekho’s group gets Open, which most of the trainees are excited about. Seunglee in particular is relieved, since it was one of his picks. 
We go into centre struggles for the killing part.
Oh Little Girl has Jihoon battling Euiwoong and Minki. They all demonstrate, and vote Jihoon and Minki as their preferred centres. 
Euiwoong is getting worried. He’s one of the only initial popular trainees that seems to be dropping down ranks every week. Kahi gives him a much needed confidence boost at dance check in, and Don Mills praises him at vocal check in too.
Product placement break.
Open team wants a dance focus trainee as leader because of the high level choreo and elect Daniel, who now probably understands what he needs to do to lead his group after faltering last mission. 
But the team has so many people that they split into two halves while leaning choreo and one team falls behind since Daniel doesn’t split his attention between the two initially
Kahi calls them out on the distinction, with one group lagging while the first one does great. The second half, which has Park Sungwoo, who we know needs a lot of focused help, starts to catch up after the whole team gets scolded.
There are so many trainees in this team that won’t survive eliminations, oh god. 
Kim Seunglee, you deserve better.
Showtime group has a lot of strong singers. Woodam wants to be main vocal, and Yoo Hwiseung needs that vocal hype boost since his rank is risky too. 
Auntie Jisung: I want to try to do it too.
They start talking about the need for facial expressions and singing, Samuel wants to lowkey be centre. They need to have impact to bring the concept across, they decide.
Auntie Jisung: I still want to try though!
They ask the trainees to sing and do some face expression to pick centre and main vocal. Jisung and Samuel share centre while Woodam and Hwiseung share main vocal.
Coach Shin Yumi likes Hwiseung’s control over the notes better. He’s a lot more stable than Woodam, maybe because his natural tone is stronger?
Yoo Hwiseung gets some screentime for the first time.
Far out, Mnet. You really annoy me.
Never team has Ha Sungwoon being worried about being in a team with high ranking trainees, most of who want to be centre. 
They all battle with facial expressions but the trainees vote for Guanlin and Minhyun as centre.
At dance check in with Dabbing Ajusshi Kwon Jaesung, however, Sungwoon is the first one to volunteer to dance. 
He gets some well deserved praise for it, which honestly, the kid needs. Being in a group of trainees that are all popular is awful enough, but he’s a true all rounder. Without enough screentime or helpful editing, he’s been fading despite being good looking and a consistent performer. 
More product placement.
I Know You Know team has the underdog feel straight up, with the lower ranking trainees. I called the song as not being the kind to be popular.
Appealing time for the centre spot. RBW Hwanwoong stands out. Ah, my heart. Donghan and Hwanwoong get centre.
Dance check in with Kahi has her appreciating their hard work. Hyunbin’s dancing seems to have improved, I guess being cyber bullied has that effect on you. She also thinks Hwanwoong is a good centre choice, which is some well deserved praise. 
Tears and mournful instrumentals are abound as the low ranking trainees recount their experience before for upcoming eliminations. We get flashbacks for some of them, which should prepare you for what’s coming.
We all know where this is heading. The rest of the recap can be found here.
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