#you know whats better than wearing a boys jacket..... wearing their battle vest *dreamy sigh*
ofdreamsanddoodles · 11 months
its funniest to me if i view hobie's relationship w gwen & miles as him going "is anyone going to fucking help these two?" and accidentally stumbling onto what appears to all outsiders as a love triangle. unfortunately what they don't know is that what him & gwen have going on is not actually a romance so much as it is a codependent teenage friendship where the similarities in their neuroses are actually making their mental health issues ping pong back & forth between who is leading who into a panic attack (but on the plus side, gwen is absolutely getting radicalized into defunding the police) until gwen finally goes home & just becomes hobie's go-to multidimensional friend to ask for shit when he can't get stuff on account of being homeless & the fact that gwen gave him permission to insult her dad bc he has the higher ground & one day he's like "hey we were kinda messed up a while back huh. do you want to maybe kiss."
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