#you know how people say that chunky yarn is hard to work with? i'm the opposite
uncanny-tranny · 5 months
You know how some clay artists make a little kiln god to protect their pottery? I need to crochet a little yarn god to make sure my projects always have good omens near them because I think I need that 😭😨
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peachyteabuck · 2 years
Hi peachy, how is the reading going? This is going to be a random question but hope this is okay to ask. When you quilt or sew I'm assuming you use wool perhaps? I was wondering what kind you might use or have a preference? I work in the arts and crafts section so we sell wool and it's so many colours and types (chunky, multi colour, glitter etc) but I wonder if there's a difference between 100 percent wool and those that are part synthetic.
If you don't use wool you can ignore this but I thought you might have some knowledge on it. Hope little Cowboy is all good and the others x
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Reading is good! I can taste both defeat and victory, which is Really Something. It's just rly hard to finish a book when life keeps trying to kill you, but we're working on it
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Cowboy is also good! We're waiting on blood test results from the vet to determine what sort of supplements he needs going forward. He's doing really well on the pain meds he's on now (see: him conked out on my dirty stone floor and not his many beds). He does act offended and surprised every time I purrito him to give him his meds but that's expected given his general aura.
RE: wool:
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I don’t work with wool a ton for a lot of reasons - mostly because it’s expensive (i am...so broke) and the majority of what i do is quilting (and wool is a very, very heavy fabric and not the best for quilts). i also have a very, very cheap sewing machine that i don’t think could handle wool tbh, even if i made clothes i’d probably stay away from it because of the texture. 
i will say in my experience there’s no difference between wool and synthetic wool - the only thing i can think of is that wool is naturally water repellent and can keep you warm even if it gets wet (that’s why a lot of rowers/outdoorsy people use it) and synthetic wool (afaik) doesn’t have the same properties. 
synthetic wool may also be cheaper? depending on the fabric content and what is being supplemented. chunkier wool, maybe, is slightly more malleable if the fibers are spun more loose. i know a lot of knitters use chunky wool yarn, but i’m not sure what the difference is when it’s spun into fabric. 
i’ve never heard of glitter wool, though? again, i’ve seen it in yarn form but never fabric. i’m not a huge fan of glitter yarn because a) environmental impacts b) it’s just. the thought of glitter *and* wool, even as i type this, is sending my sensory issues into Turbo Mode. 
(this is nothing against glitter yarn as a concept, i’m sure it can be used to make things that are lovely. i am just autistic) 
i’d love to see what kind of varieties you have, though! if you can snap a pic the next time you’re at work i’d love to see what kinds y’all got. 
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