#you do get like a limited amount of brushes unless you subscribe to them(understandable. gotta finance the upkeep of the site somehow)
fate-defiant · 1 year
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Doodled this in aggie.io to try it out. Would anyone be interested in doing a drawing collab sorta thingy sometime?
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dorothydelgadillo · 6 years
The 3 Conversion Amigos: Heat Maps, Analytics, & Recordings
Wherever there are low conversion rates, you will find them.
Wherever visitors are suffering through broken links and ineffective call-to-actions, they will be there.
Wherever visitor and customer satisfaction is threatened, you will find… The three (conversion) amigos!
(My apologies to the true three amigos - Dusty Bottoms, Ned Nederlander, and Lucky Day of the 1986 classic, “¡Three Amigos!”)
Right now, there’s a marketer starting at the company website with frustration building.
By all standards and best practices, the website looks amazing. It’s aesthetically pleasing with SEO-centered copy and mobile-friendly design.
Despite being set for a digital win, however, the website analytics tell a different story. The conversions just aren’t there.
What went wrong? Why aren’t visitors turning into customers?
Was it the call-to-action color? What stopped the visitors?
Of course, our marketer isn’t alone in this scenario.
You could even replace “marketer” with a myriad of other positions, but the result would be the same. Just because a website looks good doesn’t mean it works well.
It takes deeper insight to understand visitors and their interactions to unlock the secret to explain why they aren’t converting.
Of course, we’re not talking about just any insight. We’re talking insight gleaned from these helpful amigos:
Dynamic Heatmaps
Google Analytics
Visitor Recordings
These three conversion amigos come together for the ultimate trifecta of insight to give your website (or a client’s) the help it needs to fight against low conversion rates and save the day for visitors everywhere.
How Do You Know You Have a Conversion Issue? (a.k.a. Finding Your Website’s “El Guapo”)
No western, whether it’s a comedy or not, is complete without a ruthless bandit to ruin everyone’s day, and El Guapo was the perfect infamous villain in “¡Three Amigos!”
Your website even has its own digital “El Guapo” -- a pain point or flaw standing in the way of its success.
It could be a cluttered landing page, confusing navigation, poorly written copy, or a broken call-to-action that prevents anyone from converting. Maybe it’s a website that isn’t mobile-friendly or bloated with too much information and large, slow-loading images.
These issues may be staring you straight in the face or hidden by vanity metrics such as page views or email subscribers.
While these metrics are often used, they can’t explain how users are engaging and interacting with your website and are often easily manipulated.
Ignoring the issues can have serious consequences. If these issues are enough to turn away potential customers, it’s losing you (or your clients) money.
“But how do I know if my website has an ‘El Guapo?’”
Here are a few red flags:
>> Your conversions and conversion rate are lower than you expect.
To be clear, there is a difference between conversions and conversion rate. Your conversation rate is a great gauge of what your traffic is doing on your website while conversions are your ultimate measure of success.
Tracking both conversions and conversion rates can be the so-called canary in your digital mine.
If the conversion rate seems lower than average or a sudden drop in conversions, you know there is something either scaring away visitors or stopping them from completing the conversion, and that something can have serious implications on your bottom line.
>> You don’t really know what visitors do on your website.
If you don’t know what they do on your website, how do you know what it needs to be done? Where are visitors clicking, and how are they navigating through your website?
Let’s say your boss or client asked you tomorrow what visitors are doing on the website.
You could show the more popular web pages and how much time was spent on each page, but you could not – without any question – explain how they were clicking or scrolling on each page using traditional analytics alone.
>> Your customers express frustration.
Customers love to make their opinions known. Whether it comes through an online review, email, or a social media message, if a customer has expressed frustration with your website, consider it a waving red flag that something is wrong.
Be mindful not to brush off complaints or assume it’s limited to one region or browser. Keep in mind that negative word-of-mouth can reverberate beyond the disgruntled customer to an entire network of friends and acquaintances.
Helpful tip between friends: I would highly suggest using Chat and Surveys to help collect visitor opinions about your website, products, or services. For example, asking “Is there anything preventing you from checking out today?” can be particularly helpful. I have a list of 25 survey or poll questions you may want to consider for yourself.
>> You don’t analyze and test on a regular basis.
There are two billion websites online, and a large number of them are created once and never touched again other than updating the copyright date every so often.
Maybe someone did check and analyze how the website was doing at one point, but now it’s a lost habit.
The same goes for testing. A/B testing is an incredible tool, but it’s not a common enough that everyone knows what it is, let alone, do it.
Always put aside time to experiment with things on your website, but don’t just run the test.
If you don’t analyze your results on a regular basis, you don’t know how deep your problems may be in the near future.
Whatever it is, you need to address your “El Guapo” now.
Enter The 3 Conversion Amigos: 3 Tools to Help You Combat Your Conversion Woes
Before we dive in, I have to be clear on several things.
First, if you are looking for a magic checklist to fix a website’s conversion woes, you are going to be disappointed. Checklists are meant for packing, not optimizing a website.
Every website’s issues are unique. Even if you check the box for a specific task, doesn’t mean that it solves for your specific pain point. In the same thread, just because something worked for another website doesn’t mean it will work for you. You need to test analyze your website’s performance in order to diagnose and treat it effectively.
Finally, I am a firm believer that conversion optimization isn’t about changing your call-to-action or font type. While these issues may be turning away some visitors (unless all of your copy is in yellow Comic Sans), it’s highly likely that there are other bigger problems just below the surface.
In the words of Larry Kim, stop “rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. We need to move past this mentality to big tactics and optimizations that will dramatically change your performance and fortune.”
Now the “ugly” is out of the way, let’s get to the good news – our amigos:
1. Dynamic Heatmaps
As the newest “kid” on the block, dynamic heatmaps are more than traditional static heatmaps that simply capture a screenshot of the website with limited data available.
Dynamic heatmaps make data come alive by visualizing visitor click, move, and scroll data for elements such as a drop-down, hamburger menu, or pop-up, automatically as you navigate through a website.
For a moment, picture your own website.
If I asked you, could you tell me the top three elements on your most popular page?
What about your mobile version? Could you tell me your most popular hamburger menu option for tablet devices? Or if there’s a difference between how traffic from Facebook interacts and engages differently than Google PPC ads?
Lucky Orange asked those same questions, and in 2016, we realized that, as websites become more dynamic, heatmaps needed to as well.
Our dynamic heatmaps function as an overlay on your website updating data as you navigate through your website.
You can see data for everything visitors see, including hover-over and drop-down menus. It also enables you to see how visitors on mobile devices and tablets see and utilize the website, too.
Basically, your website’s “El Guapo” has no place to hide. Since every click, scroll, and move can be visualized, issues can be quickly spotted.
For example, this dynamic heatmaps is showing the precise clicks of visitors to the Lucky Orange pricing page.
It can also be combined with visitor recordings and A/B testing services like Optimizely.
2. Visitor Recordings
If you want to understand visitor engagement, nothing beats Visitor Recordings.
These recordings are a special kind of amigo best known for being the fastest playback this side of the Mississippi River.
Okay, so fun Western descriptions aside, visitor recordings explain what happened before and after a click was made.
You can actually watch visitors and customers interact on your website, seeing where they spend the most time, where they go to when, and a host of other behaviors.
You can watch it live or stored and tag it to certain behaviors, like checked out or signed up, to better understand the middle and bottom of the conversion or sale funnels.
In other words, you can watch visitors on your website kind of like a DVR of their experience.
3. Google Analytics
Let’s just cut to the chase - Google Analytics is a powerhouse of analytics. In the wild west of conversion, it is like the John Wayne of data.
Sure, it may be a little older, heavier, and slower than newer “data slingers,” but it has a reputation that reaches a wide range of professionals and websites.
Consider this: An estimated 56% of all websites use Google Analytics. 
Whether it’s a new website designer fresh from college or a seasoned marketing professional, Google Analytics is the “it” analytic tool in their arsenal.
With its incredible amount of raw data, it can be intimidating. When used correctly, however, this data can be dissected down to micro- and macro-level reporting for phenomenal details and insight.  
How to Use Google Analytics, Recordings, & Heatmaps Together
When dynamic heatmaps, visitor recordings, and Google Analytics combine, these amigos become the trifecta of unstoppable conversion rate optimization prowess.
Together they make it easy to dissect useful patterns or visitor behaviors.
No marketer, agency, or client will have to guess if what they’re doing is effective; they’ll have the data to show them!
1. Make Sure Lucky Orange and Google Analytics are Installed on Your Website.
The sooner both are installed, the more insight you will have at your disposal. Google Analytics will help you identify the pages that need your attention then Lucky Orange will provide the dynamic heatmaps and visitor recordings to take insight up a few notches.
Without Lucky Orange, Google Analytics misses on telling what happened in the middle of the visitor journey. Without Google Analytics, you may not always know where to start looking for problems areas.
2. Identify Problem Areas in Google Analytics.  
I’ve found that since Google Analytics is such a standard for so many people, it’s better to stick with the habit.  
Look for red flags such as low Time On Site or a high Bounce Rate (tip: RocketFuel suggests a bounce rate over 90% should set off your alarm bells). Also watch your traffic, popular posts, and sources.
These metrics are common indicators of problems on your website. Because you’re focused on spotting potential problem spots, using this data helps lay the foundation for a better overall insight and direction from dynamic heatmaps and visitor recordings.
Think of it as a compass. You may not know what errors or issues you’ll find, but at least you’ll be headed in the right direction.
3. View Dynamic Heatmap of Problem Area.
Google Analytics ear-marked pages to question, and now it’s time to go one step further. Dynamic heatmaps open the door to better analyze potential issues or take a 30,000-foot view of the bigger picture.
Example: if Google Analytics showed a low conversion rate, you can follow dynamic heatmaps in Lucky Orange to isolate which webpage(s) may be causing the issue. You can then segment data to further isolate and identify the problems.
4. Segment Dynamic Heatmap Data as Needed.
Segmenting works by filter data through specific data ranges, browsers, devices, locations, and behaviors. To continue our example, I may find that conversion dropped off on Product A’s webpage.
If I narrow it down by device to mobile users, I could see that the webpage’s mobile version is cutting off a call-to-action.
Segmenting can also help narrow down to behavior from specific sources, such as those from Facebook or Google PPC, to drive better landing pages and changes to creative that are directed for specific traffic.
5. Follow-up with Visitor Recordings of Problem Areas.
Sometimes looking at dynamic heatmaps will be enough, but at others, it will be prudent to learn more about which elements were more or less popular than another, such as one call-to-action compared to another.
For each element, visitor recordings will be available to show recordings of visitors actually clicking on it, as well as the rest of the visitor’s journey.
Visitor recordings can also be accessed via the “Recordings” or “Live View” tab in Lucky Orange for a wider view of the website.
As you watch these recordings, you can see where visitors are clicking, how they scroll, how they move from page to page, and what they are doing on your website in general.
There will be little doubt left after watching select recordings to see what is turning off a visitor, such as a broken link or overpriced shipping.
6. Combine the Findings to Suggest Changes.
Folks, this is where the real magic happens. Google Analytics led you to the pages in question, dynamic heatmaps led you to uncover trouble spots, and visitor recordings let you watch as real visitors actually click, move, and scroll.
There’s no guesswork or assumptions. It’s clear what’s working or what’s not and opens the door for the team to discuss short-term (new copy, working links, better CTAs) or long-term solutions (website redesign, landing pages, new marketing strategies).
For example, one Lucky Orange user had a banner at the top of his homepage promoting a discount. By using Google Analytics, dynamic heatmaps, and visitor recordings, he could see that visitors weren’t clicking on the call-to-action or other links.
Visitors were clicking on the banner that wasn’t linked. Adding a link to the banner increased conversions from 3% to 8%.
(Note: If you’re on a budget and worried about cost, don’t. Google Analytics is “free” and Lucky Orange starts at $10 per month and according to WordStream, conversion optimization tools like Lucky Orange have an average ROI of 223%.)
Win the Battle, Continue the War
As you grab the tequila to celebrate conversion victories, keep one eye on the horizon.
The digital world is constantly changing, and your visitor expectations are only going to continue to increase. As you validate and prioritize the next redesign or updates to your website using Google Analytics, visitor recordings, and heatmaps, remember to never forget to keep your visitor’s experience as a priority.
Shayla Price, a B2B content marketer, and SaaS expert said it best: “It’s imperative that more companies take a customer-driven approach to conversion optimization.
Following someone else’s best practices may guide your team; however, it’s all about your customers’ interests and behaviors...[F]ocus your attention on gathering customer data through one-on-one interviews, on-site surveys, and analytical tools.”
Don’t let your website’s “El Guapo” win. Your website will not “die like dogs.” It will “fight like lions” to win the conversion battle!
from Web Developers World https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/conversion-tools-heat-maps-analytics-recordings
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takecarehair · 6 years
How to maintain little girls natural hair | Butterfly
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How to maintain little girls natural hair | Butterfly 4.5
SUPPORT BY SUBSCRIBING http://bit.ly/nb8yIb ORIGINAL MUSIC for your YouTube videos – sign up here http://bit.ly/zlps1C
GET MY BOOK! http://www.10EasyStepsToGoNatural.com
Watch me freshen up Butterfly’s hair in 2012! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsB10Uxah5g
➡ FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/inikscott ➡ TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/inikscott ➡ INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/inikscott ➡ SNAPCHAT: https://www.snapchat.com/add/inikscott
________________________________________ FTC: I am not representing being paid by or endorsing any of the products or clothing in this video & I purchased everything with my own money – UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. ________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a trained/practicing stylist, cosmetologist, beautician, dietician or medical professional. All suggestions, tips, prizes, techniques and advice given are for informational purposes only and should be used at your discretion and best judgment. I highly recommend conducting strand tests when trying or using new products, hair appliances and product mixes. I am not responsible or liable for adverse or undesirable affects including hair loss, hair breakage or other hair/scalp/skin/body damage as a direct or indirect result of the suggestions, tips, prizes, techniques and/or advice given. ________________________________________ The complying with web pages will definitely stroll you with obtaining dreadlocks the DreadHeadHQ way. It is actually crucial to understand that dreadlocks are actually certainly not a one measurements accommodates all kind-of-thing. The strategies I make use of and also educate on this website will enable you to earn limited fears of any sort of measurements as well as shape, but I desire to allow you know that these are actually certainly not the only strategies that exist … they are actually only the most effective I’ve discovered. There are considerable amounts of various other tips about just how fears ought to be actually grown … as a matter of fact, what comprises “excellent appearing” fears differs from team to group. I don’t often tend to take edges – I don’t think it’s my spot to, as well as I presume everyone is actually entitled to their own desire.
The concentration of this particular web site is to aid you accomplish whatever kind from fears you prefer. I‘m thinking you have some tip from just what you will like your hates to appear like -dimension, shape etc. I’ll provide you the resources as well as you may use all of them to create your masterpiece. There are actually those that pick not to take part – they permit their hair perform whatever that really wants rather than belonging to the method. Naturally you possess that possibility too. I can’t predict the results you’ll receive, however I recognize that if your major concern is that your dreads develop (or somewhat form) by themselves, with no help coming from you, then you’re essentially restricted to simply hanging around … I thought that was actually necessary to develop a post along with a small amount from info that might be crucial for you before you start. If you’re on the fence, this should help you make a decision.
Dreadlocks, initially, could be a great deal of work. They’re visiting perform just what they wish to do and if you attempt and also fight all of them, well … really good fortune with that said. I’ll clarify – every set of dreadlocks is various, you can easily receive dreadlocks, yet you could certainly not acquire dreadlocks exact same to a musicians, celebs or even buddies set. This is actually just not achievable. Every person has other coloured hair, other thickness, curly, direct etc and so on. You possess some management over just how fat they’re visiting come to be if you start with a strategy apart from the neglect method. (If you go forget at that point the only thing you can possibly do regarding shaping them is actually tearing the fibers apart to cease massive hates establishing). So, you understand you do not possess as a lot command over all of them as ‘typical’ hairstyles, as they’re mosting likely to latch as well as develop however gravitational force as well as numerous abrasions regard as fitting.
Backcombing Conveniences: Hair seems like dreads the exact same day and also achieves maturation much faster in comparison to other procedures. You can easily regulate the dimension and design from the apprehensions, anywhere from excessive as well as soft to slim as well as gorgeous. It is a natural method. Backcombing will certainly work on all hair lengths 3″ and also a lot longer. Downsides: The preliminary fearing takes a few hrs and also is rather work demanding, nothing at all a buddy or 2 can not handle. The most ideal method to support comb is actually to take your opportunity as well as make the dreads as soft and strict as achievable. Instructions: 1st area the hair right into squares. Square parts make round fears. Between 1″ and 2″ squares functions effectively for lots of people. Smaller sized parts make thinner fears. The parts could be secured briefly with rubberbands. After the hair is actually sectioned use an apprehension comb to brush the hair back. Begin near the scalp, certainly not greater than an inch out. Comb repeatedly in the direction of the scalp. Ultimately hair will definitely begin to evacuate at the roots. It is certainly not required to bent the hair. That is practical nonetheless to roll the hair you are holding between your fingers a little while you are actually backcombing. Continue backcombing, gradually functioning towards the ends from the hair, making the fear as tight as feasible as you go. When you get to completions you may get the fear along with a rubberband. An additional rubberband on the origins are going to assist the dread keep tight at its foundation. The rubberbands could be cleared away after the fear has a possibility to mature. After the rubberbands are related to each apprehension the dreads need to be actually waxed along with a hate wax that does not have oil. An excellent fear wax will tame loosened hairs and help the hair fear much a lot faster.
The post How to maintain little girls natural hair | Butterfly appeared first on Black Hair Talk.
from Black Hair Talk | Black Hair Talk http://www.blackhairtalk.com/styles/how-to-maintain-little-girls-natural-hair-butterfly/
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takecarehair · 7 years
How To: Natural Hair Sew-in Weave Start to Finish
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How To: Natural Hair Sew-in Weave Start to Finish 4
Helloooooo, babes! I’m here to show you how I do my kinky curly sew-in weaves on my natural hair. I hope you enjoy this sew in weave tutorial! SUBSCRIBE ▸ http://bit.ly/thebrilliantbeauty *Help me reach 300K on my birthday (January 8 – TODAY)!
How to Style This Hair ⇢ https://youtu.be/0ZsWl0r0yoc How to Do a Sew-In w/ Straight Hair ⇢ https://youtu.be/HOwWSH2nj6k
GIVEAWAY WINNER: Please message me within 24 hours to claim your Outre Baby Soft hair package! Congrats, babe  — Welcome to my channel! I’m Jodian, and I share my creative ideas through TheBrilliantBeauty by uploading hair tutorials, makeup looks, and fashion videos. My hope is to inspire you to try something new and be confident in the process. — I looove crochet braids, but let’s get back to basics with a natural, traditional sew-in weave. I don’t do them often, so installing this hair was the perfect opportunity to show you guys a tutorial of how I do a sew in weave on my natural hair using kinky curly extensions. I wasn’t feeling well throughout the first half of the video, but at least you get to see the REAL – I was totally out of it and wasn’t even paying attention to the camera. I was just trying to get this hair in! #filmingproblems
Okay… so! A few things you should know: I am not a professional hairstylist………………………yet I didn’t cut the wefts unless necessary for the hair to lay flat ✔️I used the foldover method with the wefts in the back of my hair I didn’t wash the hair beforehand, b/c I’m using a trusted BSS brand ✔️I need to re-dye my hair, so it can be an exact match #itwasstillcutethough ✔️Maintain this hair! Twist it up at night, do a pineapple, whatever is necessary. I used conditioner and water to detangle & define the curls every few days to keep the curls poppinnnn’ ✔️I wore this hair for about 2 weeks.
HAIR INFO Outre Purple Pack Baby Soft 14″ x 4
WHAT YOU NEED Weaving net (optional) C needle Hair thread Scissors Towel or t-shirt for wet hair Good conditioner for maintenance – my favorite right now is Aussie Moist http://amzn.to/2j4lH0x
PRODUCTS USED Creme of Nature Leave-In http://amzn.to/2i2ba9h
Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie http://amzn.to/2jgnPS4
As I Am Curling Jelly http://amzn.to/2j4plHQ
EcoStyler Olive Oil Gel http://amzn.to/2j4jlPg
My fave conditioner right now http://amzn.to/2j4lH0x
CHECK OUT MY PLAYLISTS: CROCHET BRAIDS http://bit.ly/2gGxn7H WIG TUTORIALS http://bit.ly/2ggWlOi DIY HAIR COLOR http://bit.ly/2gDkFdz KINKY STRAIGHT HAIRSTYLES http://bit.ly/1MmkRqs —
⇣KEEP UP WITH ME INSTAGRAM: @thebrilliantbeauty SNAPCHAT: brilliantb3auty TWITTER: @BrilliantJodian FACEBOOK: The Brilliant Beauty PINTEREST: The Brilliant Beauty
–MY FILMING SETUP– Canon 80D http://amzn.to/2a3vnHQ Ring Light http://amzn.to/2arNbfA
— BIZ — For business inquiries only, I may be contacted at [email protected] *I don’t take hair appointments
*Video is not sponsored. The following webpages are going to walk you with obtaining dreadlocks the DreadHeadHQ way. That‘s significant to know that dreadlocks are certainly not a one measurements suits all kind-of-thing. The methods I make use of and also instruct on this website will certainly allow you to create strict apprehensions of any sort of measurements and also shape, yet I intend to allow you know that these are actually certainly not the only strategies that exist … they are simply the most effective I’ve found. There are lots of various other concepts about how dreads need to be actually expanded … actually, what makes up “excellent looking” fears differs from team to group. I do not have the tendency to take edges – I don’t think it’s my spot to, as well as I believe every person is actually qualified to their very own inclination.
The concentration of the website is to aid you achieve whatever kind of hates you wish. I‘m thinking you have some suggestion from what you would certainly like your hates to resemble -size, shape etc. I’ll give you the tools and you could utilize all of them to generate your masterpiece. There are actually those that opt for certainly not to get involved – they allow their hair perform whatever it prefers as opposed to being actually component of the procedure. Of course you possess that choice as well. I cannot predict the end results you’ll get, but I understand that if your principal top priority is actually that your hates create (or partially kind) by themselves, without any help off you, after that you’re more or less limited to only waiting … I presumed that was needed to make a message along with a small amount from relevant information that might be essential for you before you start. If you’re on the fence, this should aid you choose.
Dreadlocks, to start with, could be a great deal of work. They’re visiting do just what they would like to perform as well as if you make an effort as well as battle all of them, effectively … all the best keeping that. I’ll clarify – every collection of dreadlocks is actually other, you can easily get dreadlocks, but you may not get dreadlocks identical to a musicians, personalities or close friends specified. This is actually merely certainly not possible. Everybody has other coloured hair, various density, curly, straight etc etc. You possess some command over exactly how body fat they’re heading to end up being if you begin with a technique apart from the overlook method. (If you go forget then the only thing you may do as for shaping all of them is actually tearing the fibers apart to quit huge fears creating). Thus, you recognize you do not possess as much management over them as ‘normal’ hairdos, as they’re visiting secure and increase nonetheless gravitation and several abrasions regard as fitting.
Backcombing Advantages: Hair resembles dreads the same day and gets to maturation quicker compared to various other methods. You could regulate the dimension and form of the fears, anywhere from thick as well as hassle-free to thin and alluring. This is actually an all all-natural method. Backcombing will definitely operate on all hair lengths 3″ as well as much longer. Disadvantages: The initial fearing has a couple of hours as well as is actually very labor extensive, nothing at all a friend or 2 cannot handle. The most ideal method to back comb is to take your opportunity and create the fears as smooth and strict as feasible. Guidelines: Initial segment the hair right into squares. Square parts make round fears. In between 1″ and also 2″ squares operates well for many people. Much smaller segments bring in thinner hates. The sections may be gotten momentarily along with rubberbands. After the hair is actually sectioned utilize an apprehension comb to brush the hair back. Beginning near the scalp, not over an inch out. Brush consistently to the scalp. At some point hair will certainly begin to evacuate at the origins. That is certainly not required to turn the hair. It is practical nevertheless to spin the hair you are storing in between your hands a while you are backcombing. Continue backcombing, slowly functioning in the direction of the ends of the hair, creating the dread as tight as achievable as you go. When you get to the ends you can easily get the apprehension along with a rubberband. One more rubberband on the roots will assist the apprehension keep tight at its base. The rubberbands could be actually gotten rid of after the dread has an odds to grow. After the rubberbands are actually related to each apprehension the fears need to be waxed along with a hate wax that carries out not consist of petroleum. An excellent hate wax will certainly tame loosened hairs and help the hair hate a lot a lot faster.
best dreadlocks
The post How To: Natural Hair Sew-in Weave Start to Finish appeared first on Black Hair Talk.
from Black Hair Talk | Black Hair Talk http://www.blackhairtalk.com/weave/how-to-natural-hair-sew-in-weave-start-to-finish/
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