#you could probably free ball it without a vpn but you will almost certainly get an angry letter from your internet service provider so
stanfordsweater · 2 years
omg that'd be so sweet if you add some tuts! and sure go ahead and post and i'll watch your blog like a hawk to make sure it's not up for long :) also i dont have utorrent but im familiar with it so if you have links for that too that'd be helpful
okay bestie here's my torrenting tutorial! i put it on my side account because i don’t care if that one gets terminated 
 i'll post some links to actual giffing tutorials later on!! send me an ask on this account once you’re finished with the tutorial so i can delete it <3 happy 🏴‍☠️ing
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artsychica2012 · 7 years
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(via How to Hide Your Browsing History From Your Snooping ISP)
Congress has moved to dismantle some Obama-era rules that would have protected the online privacy of everyday Americans. This sucks. The deregulation means it will be easier for huge telecom companies to track and sell their customers’ browsing history. This sucks! But not all is lost.
Regardless of what the Capitol Hill-based wrecking ball does to the FCC’s online privacy rules, there are still steps you can take to protect yourself on the internet. The new era of anti-privacy policies in Washington does mean that companies like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast can collect data about your everyday internet usage.
“Your ISP can sell your traffic without any permission, and it’s unclear if they would even have to tell you they were doing it,” Jeremy Gillula, a senior staff technologist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), told Gizmodo.
The White House has already said it “strongly supports” the repeal of the Obama-era rules. Trump is expected to sign the bill into law in the coming days.
Without the FCC’s privacy rules, it’s not just information about web pages you visit that service providers can collect. Your ISP can now track your activity any time your computer accesses the internet. If you check the weather on your phone, your ISP could know that you’re worried about the rain and serve up ads about umbrellas. More realistically, they could sell the data about your daily habits to a marketing firm so that they could serve you more relevant ads.
However, you can still go dark, if you don’t want big telecom peering into your private life. There’s a chance that your ISP will let you opt-out of certain types of data collection, although it’s unclear if they’re specifically required to do this in the absence of the privacy rules. The FTC does recommend that service providers off an opt-in option, although ISPs could just decide to ignore that recommendation. Your situation will inevitably depend on how your particular ISP decides to exploit the lack of rules. Otherwise, protecting your online privacy in these grim times essentially amounts to putting up a barrier between you and the prying eyes of large telecom companies. Let us show you how.
Use a VPN
Our first recommendation is the best one: pay for a VPN service. Using a virtual private network (VPN) is the only way to ensure that you’re accessing the internet through an encrypted, private channel. Your browsing habits can still be seen by the VPN service—and law enforcement, if it comes to that—but you’ll be safe from a spying ISP since it will see your traffic as coming from a random server instead of your house.
You can subscribe to VPN services for both desktop and mobile. But as the word “pay” implies, any decent option will cost you a few bucks a month. (Read that as: do not use a free VPN service and expect privacy at the same time.) Finding the right VPN for you can be an odyssey, although our friends at Lifehacker have this handy guide and this detailed spreadsheet that show the upsides of various services. If you’re tech savvy, you can also set up your own VPN, although the server space does cost some money.
There is some bad news, too.
“A VPN won’t protect you from all of the creepy stuff that ISPs will be able to do,” Evan Greer at Fight for the Future said in an interview with Gizmodo, noting that ISPs can still install secret traffic software and inject ads into web traffic when a VPN is in place. That’s part of the reason why the FCC passed internet privacy rules in the first place. Although they are the most comprehensive defense against snoopers, the fact that VPNs still won’t completely protect internet users highlights just how badly America needed those privacy rules.
“Without these rules, ISPs will be able to monitor, collect, and store almost everything you do online and sell that information to advertisers and data mining companies—and use it to build an almost complete profile of your online activity,” Greer explained. “In the end there are steps you can take, but also it’s the responsibility of our legislators to protect us.”
Use Tor
Now let’s get serious. If you really want to keep your browsing habits away from the prying eyes of corporations and the government, Tor is the best bet. It is not, however, the most convenient option nor is it the most comprehensive. (Using a VPN is the most comprehensive, even though it won’t protect you entirely.)
You’ve probably heard of Tor. Tor is everybody’s favorite free anonymity software and is relatively easy to install on a desktop. Tor is also available for Android through a package called Orbot, which is slightly more difficult to install. Once you’re up and running, you can browse the web anonymously, and even weasel your way into the edgy corners of the dark web, if that’s your thing.
There are a couple of major downsides to using Tor all the time. One, it only protects you from snoopers when you’re surfing the web in the Tor browser. Any other internet-connect apps, like email clients or chat apps, will not be anonymized. Two, Tor doesn’t work well with sites that run Cloud Flare’s security software, which is the majority of sites on the web. When you visit these sites, you might have to type in a captcha to prove you’re human which is fine from time-to-time, but Tor users often find themselves typing in captchas every time they visit a new domain.
Tor is not a perfect solution for browsing the web privately. It’s certainly much better than using incognito windows in Chrome or private browsing tabs in Safari. As Gillula explained to Gizmodo, these features don’t protect you at all if you’re worried about obscuring your browsing habits from an ISP or the government—not one little bit.
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bp-mikey-blog · 7 years
How you can Win More Coins In 8 Ball Pool! (No Hacks.
Many people are not offered to investing lots of money on gas hence to their car. When the entered the username under where is entered Username", larger an individual want: jewels, potion and gold. However we'll up date that split. Various cyberpunks try to modify it to enhance access, equally as the website is undoubtedly prominent. Within tension, you'll discover is safeguarded and genuinely safe. Furthermore, the hackers are ranked through Cnet as safe. Individuals who wishes consider in us believe in them. Consequently, after you conserved Clash Of Clans Split, open and also use it! With the help of hack tool you'll to produce your demands in 8 Ball Pool hacks secs. In a cut shot you just hit a slice of the object Ball instead of producing full contact. Many gamers choose much reduced percentage bank shots that allow them to strike the things Ball squarely, creating a quit shot, since aiming cut shots is international to them. Cutting the Ball additionally necessitates discovering how to regulate 8 Ball Pool coins hack the course of the cue-ball, because it will take a trip further after the accident. Evasion will not aid you get any far better. Begin try out little cut angles and also you'll see that they're simpler to pocket compared to a lot of banks and also give you with the flexibility to send the cue-ball to numerous places on the table. Plan your video game also placing. Bear in mind that 8-ball Pool is not practically filching the rounds, in addition it is about appropriate positioning of one's sign Ball to design your next shot as easy as feasible. Additionally it is essential in playing barricade. There might be times that as well as Ball and taking these types of hard that will certainly help you likewise want to play protection. You could position the spheres or 'hide' the cue Ball such that your opponent could not have the ability to get his shot quickly. English describes the spin you place on the cue Ball when taking your shot. Occasionally you'll have a tricky shot where the Ball you wish to sink is dangerously close to the pocket. Instead of shooting with minimal power, tap on the sign Ball switch in the top right edge of the display. From below you could cover right away you wish to make contact with on the cue Ball. Touching near all-time low includes backspin, which is handy if the Ball you're aiming for is close to the pocket. Touching near the top adds front spin, propelling your Ball ahead even after it strikes your target Ball (helpful for damaging). Touching the sides could help the cue Ball relocate a preferred direction after you strike your target Ball, setting you for your next shot. To appreciate endless factors, gems, coins or sources, you need to download the Clash of Clans 8 Ball Pool hack by clicking within button. Depending on the computer system that tend to be making use of, you will need to run the downloaded and install documents as manager. Give the log in ID and also pick the procedure. Then, you are need participate in the related to gems or coins might want to obtain. There is the opportunity he forfeited, yet why would a person do that when he has a match factor? We have actually experienced this precise same problem before in Golf Clash, however the designers of that video game are working on fixing it. Currently prior to you really begin the installation process you will have to allow from unknown sources" in your Gadget Setups. Typically, as human habits, our confidence tends to obtaining shattered when we acquire 2 or 3 succeeding defeats. So to safeguard on your own from that shameful loss and confidence smashing. 8 Ball Pool hack gives you a solid grip so that you can get your ownership over the video game once again. 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The quantity of power you utilize on your shots is almost as vital as how properly you intend them. The harder you struck a shot, the more probable it is that it will certainly avoid. In many cases a soft touch will certainly offer the Ball a far better chance of going down into the opening. When trying to pot in those complicated center pockets, this is particularly vital information. Be careful not to use inadequate power, though! You don't want to miss out on a simple shot due to the fact that you strike it too delicately. Don't really hope and hit"; judge just how much power is needed for every shot as well as adjust as proper. Our finest choice of 2pc Pool Signs. We supply Pool signs for Pool gamers in a wide variety of styles as well as cost arrays and also Blue Moon Pool cues offer wonderful worth for loan. Our 2pc Pool cues are offered in equipment mated Pool cue and also handspliced Pool hint formats along with our telescopic Pool hints which are just offered from us direct. Tiny 8mm tips and also 8.5 mm suggestions for English 8 Ball Pool.
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