#you cant see it since shes emoting but she has a greatsword :]
commanderjuni · 5 months
my latest gw2 project.......
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meet kathrine brilhart!
she's a human (ascalonian-canthan) warrior and will be my commander. i've mainly stressed myself out about everyone else having commanders that have already hit all their pivotal arcs and feeling like i was "left behind", but with kathrine i'm going to just take my time and see how it goes!
anyhow! kathrine comes from humble, commoner origins. her family isn't poor, but they aren't rich either. she comes from a family of people just trying to get by in a tumultuous world.
in terms of personality, kathrine is sort of like.. an orange cat. she's a little weird, and she sort of just does things. where she is now, she hasn't really hit any significant "if you dont do this the world explodes" plot points, so she's sort of just chilling and running errands around kryta. in terms of age, she's only in her early 20s.
she's also the "hero of shaemoor" but she isn't really interested in that sort of title. she just did what any good civil militia member did.
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happyloudmers · 7 years
84 with tallith
Aaaaa thank you friend. (This turned out long omg im sorry)
“What have you got behind your back”
With a roar, Taliith bent her legs and leapt forwards in an almighty charge, her body manifested lightning as she charged her greatsword with the elemental magic she was now made of. Her foe was a sole remaining dark seducer. The mad god had never forgiven Taliith for saving Valaste from him, or that they were now happily married, and every now and then he sent small squadrons of his elite dark seducers and golden saints to attack Taliith, knowing full well she couldnt be slain.
There had been 10 of these foul daedra to start with. They had attacked Taliith as she was ordering a drink from a dunmeri tea stand . She had reacted quickly and killed 2 before the attack even begun, but unfortunately this dark seducer, strongest of the force, had savagely killed several nearby innocents purely to infuriate Taliith.
This memory guided her now, as she slamed her weapon into the unusually tall seducer’s shield. The shield shattered, and after a brief but fast exchange of blades, Taliith found an opening and punched her foe with a lightning fist. She punched clean through her opponents stomach and threw her to the ground.
“Our master enjoys your frustration. If he cant have valaste or you, he can at least ruin the lives of the innocents you protect…” The seducer said with a bloodied smile. Taliith replied as she executed her foe with her blade “when you form a new body for yourself, tell sheogorath im coming for him, his mindless slaughter and ruination of mortals will not pass without consequence. Ive killed him once, I’ll do it a thousand more times if required!”
With the last of her attackers gone, Taliith let out a frustrated scream, and kicked a helmet on the ground. It was then that she heard a tiny grunt of fear. Following the direction her ear twitched to, she found a small guar, no more than a few weeks old.
Taliith picked up the cowering creature, and as soon as it was within her arms, it seemed to relax a bit. Taliith could see amongst the bodies of dunmer, there were guar’s also. She knew instantly that these were the guar’s family. Playing with its nose, her mind was made up. She was brining it home. Summoning a portal with her free hand, Taliith started to think of an excuse for brining yet another guar to her guarden back home on eyevea.
As soon as Taliith stepped through the portal, the warm breeze hit her, well she assumed it was warm. Some of her senses had been dulled since her resurrection as the vestige. She could feel pain, happiness and the physical and emotional love from valaste, but that was most of it.
It was then that Valaste appeared, and jumped at Taliith into a hug. It always warmed Taliith’s heart seeing how happy her wife was these days. Taliith hid the baby guar behind her back with one arm, as she hugged her incredibly tall wife with the other. It was the sound of a tiny raw that gave it away.
“What do you have behind your back my dear?” Valaste asked with a very knowning smile. Taliith panicked “uh…nothing. That was my stomach. Yes, slaying daedra is hungry work” she replied. Valaste saw through this and laughed, before kissing Taliith on the cheek, and enjoying the sight of Taliith’s altmeri ears twitching in response.
“You found another guar didnt you my love?” Valaste asked as she guestured to Taliith to bring the guar foward. It wagged its tail as it saw valaste, before curling up into a ball and falling asleep on the pathed floor.
“The poor little guy has had a long day. The madgod’s minions attacked me whilst i was returning from a battle against the wormcult just outside of deshan, and several people and guars got caught by the daedra’s attacks. Hes a good guar my kind pure wife, he is also pure! He needs a home and the guarden is perfect for him!”
Taliith had spoken with the tone of voice she always made when talking about guars, a kind and excited tone. Valaste smiled again and placed an arm around her wife, as the two of them walked away and towards their tower. The guar was safe here, infact other guars were already coming over to care for him
“Of course we can keep him my darling loudmer. Your kindness, you desire to help everyone who deserves it, no matter the calibre of foe, this is why I love you with all my heart. Now come. Whilst he sleeps, i think we can move my workbooks out of the bedroom and then how about i bath all of the dust off of you. It will be a, hmm, pleasurable bath I can promise you this”
Taliith’s eyes lit up and she let out a sort of happy scream as valaste winked at her and grabbed her hand. As long as they had each other, Taliith would alwayd have the strength to keep on going. But for tonight, it was her wife’s turn to get all of her attention and affection.
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