#you can't nobble them
kiwiplaetzchen · 7 months
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eviltothecore13 · 1 month
PSA (look at me using Americanisms even here):
The US is not currently being colonised or oppressed by the UK. If you're a white American (note: please do not take my words out of context and act like I'm attacking Indian people or other groups with a legitimate history of suffering because of the UK for making some snarky comments about us!), comments about British people (that aren't specifically about the royals, the government, or JKR) are very likely NOT punching up. Comments about how we "talk the language wrong" or other cultural mockery is in fact very likely to be punching DOWN because US culture is incredibly globally dominant--what you're essentially saying is "why can't these silly foreigners talk/eat/live the American Way which is clearly superior and which everyone in the world should follow?"--or at least, it will invariably come across that way.
If I responded to a post mentioning Tootsie Rolls with "haha that can't be real, this has to be a troll post, I know America is a stupid dumb country with a stupid language for babies but they can't possibly have a sweet called Tootsie Rolls, that's too ridiculous even for the ridiculous Americans", I would at bare minimum get the response "how tf have you never had a Tootsie Roll do you live under a rock", probably also "your country doesn't have Tootsie Rolls? you must all live sad lives!", and very likely someone would get offended by my mocking language (to be clear I would never actually phrase a comment so rudely! it's not a pleasant way to talk to people, even to Americans!).
But a post mentioning some British brand names (some of which sound funny, yes--but that's not "proof the UK is a silly fake country where everyone speaks in babytalk"--it's proof that these brands are aimed at kids so have childish names--the US has Tootsie Rolls, the UK has Nobbly Bobbly ice creams, Spain has Chupa Chups [which we have here too, but it sounds even sillier in Spanish when you know it means Sucky Sucks], etc) gets a lot of people going "lol what a ridiculous country, everything is babytalk", and a ridiculous number of people going "this has to be a troll post, these names must be made up", without considering A) other reasons why you as a USAmerican might not have heard of foreign things (such as, because you mostly interact with USAmerican media because most media that gets big IS USAmerican--combined with them simply not existing in your country so of course you don't see them every day!), B) why anyone would go to the trouble of making all this up, C) you can in fact google things and find that they exist.
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five good things
Because I really really need one of these today. Been a Day, for no particular reason (well, I've had to go in to work today when I don't usually work Fridays, having had Monday off to compensate, and now this weekend is looking short as fuck, yes I know this is a ridiculous problem and I should stop being such a wuss but I'm thoroughly out of the habit of having to Do Things on Fridays let alone be a Grown-Up about it...) so I am grumpy and tired and in need of cheering up...
The utterly legendary Ray Zell is following me on Instagram! *flails* I found his account the other day and followed, and he followed me back, I just discovered!! (He is a cartoonist and all-round rock n' roll legend who has been drawing the extremely kick-ass Pandora Peroxide, and later her niece Pandora, for the UK metal magazine Kerrang! for nearly 40 years, and I swear to god, PP was a huge influence on me in my formative years, I ADORE her. He also used to hang around with a lot of the bands I love, including Hanoi Rocks, and still occasionally draws my absolute hero Michael Monroe, and I absolutely idolise him) I'm going to have to think of something to post, since the last time I posted was Michael Monroe's 60th birthday gig in Helsinki this time last year XD
The reason I was working today was because we were having a special open day for county councillors and council employees at job number 1 - we are the archive service for the county and for the council, and we have been keeping a low profile for years because if we made a fuss about ourselves it was highly likely the powers that be were going to notice us and start wondering why they were spending money on us, but we are in a rather better position now, and so we've had this little jamboree to invite people over to see who we are and what we do (we are across town from the main council offices so most of them have no idea we even exist). So because I and my work wife Helen have done the most work on the council's own archive over the years, we got nobbled to sort out a display of relevant documents, come in on the day we don't usually work, talk to people, etc etc etc...and it went really well! The document display went over really well (we got out all sorts of random stuff showing the breadth of things the county council does, and the breadth of things we do and what we look after) and everyone was really interested. So it was worth hauling myself out of bed this morning. XD As much as I complain about it, I do actually quite enjoy showing people what we do and why we're so incredibly awesome, so...yeah. Just...my introvert-batteries are completely drained now. :D
Last Cat Standing is still doing really well, considering his overactive thyroid. His vet has left the practice we've been taking him to since he was a baby kitten (when he developed the thyroid issue we decided to have him only see one vet because having him passed round whoever happened to be on duty at our huge practice wasn't conducive to good treatment, and it didn't work for Faerie, our very lovely girl who we lost first, at the end of 2020), and we're almost certainly going to jump ship and follow her to her new place as it's still within reach and she's absolutely lovely and understands him so well. We sent her flowers for her last day and she sent us a really lovely text to say thank you so...yeah. Can't quite imagine taking him to see anyone else so I think we'll be heading to her new place.
I am in the pub with a very nice G&T and doing a little bit of writing, mostly working on my Innumerable Stars assignment (nearly done oh god) and a prompt the lovely @scary-grace sent me yesterday :D :D :D
There is a very distinct prospect that I might be able to get my original bike, my much-beloved and in-a-million-bits Kawasaki ZXR-400, rebuilt and restored - our friend who works behind the bar at t'pub is married to a guy who a) is a mechanic and b) adores ZXR400s, having had one himself in his younger days. We've been talking about the two of them coming over one weekend and digging it all out of the garage so that her fella and my missus can sort it out while she and I sit on the sofa and drink prosecco till we pass out, and we've not managed to sort it out so far because she's always been working weekends, but hopefully we'll be able to get it done soon. I am so excited, I can't even begin to tell you, I bloody LOVE that bike. I only got a new one because he had serious engine trouble that I didn't have the money to sort out and I could get finance on a spanky-brand-new bike that wouldn't break down on me at random intervals, and that bike was all wrong for me so I was off the road for six years until I got my current bike...anyway, this little fella was absolutely my first love, and I am so very excited at the thought of getting him back! (very entertainingly I had a marketing email from Triumph earlier, suggesting I "find my one and only with the Bonneville Bobber", which made me laugh, because I did exactly that SIX YEARS AGO XDDDD )
Right. Usually I come up with more than five but I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel a bit tonight so five will have to do.
As always, if you see this and think that posting about five (or more) good things might do you good, please feel free to take the idea and run with it! The daily delight thing took off, it would be lovely if this could too.
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Me closing Dragon Age Inquistion 5 minutes ago after thinking I was going to go on a pretty easy going quest then got smashed in the head by hordes of infected monsters and knights in an endless tirade around a keep then it culimated in a fight with a demon who kept changing his form into different demons including the bastard Pride demon who I hate as he is a cheat who laughs at me when he suddenly armours up and I have to wittle that down before I’m allowed a go at his energy bar but enough about those my arms are tired so anyway I claim the keep and then because I’m stupid I walked all the way back down to tell a hot knight the demon was dead now when all I had to do was fast travel down there but it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t play the game with the life essence of a himbo in a 5ft woman’s body:
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I'll be honest I forget about Lie Swatter all the time. Like I don't even REMEMBER that it was hosted by Schmitty. I played one game and it was nice to look at (I liked the designs of the flies) but it was boring as hell, and I also got to hear Schmitty say "sexy sexual sexy sex sex" or smthing like that. Its cool I guess, but I'll be honest I literally can't imagine a world where people make him a fly dude with fly kids. I literally just cant. Half-fly Schmitty scares me (/lh)
Lie Swatter question prompt: people remember this game exists [Lie]
I think Schmitty earned the right to say "sexy sexual sexy sex sex". He's gone through a lot. ...wait that was like the first thing he did after Jellyvision. No he didn't. Anyways, therapy and anger management taught Schmitty that being mad all the time isn't helpful, and sometimes what we need to cope is to say "sexy sexual sexy sex sex" ad nauseum.
And don't worrrrrrrrry, he wouldn't have to be half and half fly to human. I could see him with the little nobbly antennae poking past his hair, two wings, an extra set of arms, and sunglasses that look like compound wings because no I don't want to imagine Schmitty being able to see in that many directions, thank you. Oh and huge knockers because every fly-human had them when I looked up "fly anthro" /hj
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