#you can precive it as either platonic/romantic
kingudon · 2 years
Then Do It Yourself
I'm totally projecting onto Logan here. Written in the span of a day btw.
Tw: yelling
Words bounced across his skull. He couldn't focus. He had to focus. They were counting on him. They always were though.
A knock followed by a gentle call of his name grabbed the man's attention.
"Come in," he calls back.
Another slips into the room, "I was just wondering if-" the other cuts himself off "Oh, I see you're busy. I'll come back later."
Logan sighed, "You obviously came by for something, so please Patton just spit it out."
Patton was shocked. Logan hardly snapped at anyone unprovoked. Granted Logan hadn't meant to snap at Patton in the first place. It just happened,,,
A tension filled the air and Logan was getting more frustrated as the seconds passed.
"Patton," He pressed.
"Right," This brought him to, " Roman and I wanted to know if you'd be available to look over something we wrote?"
Logan simply nodded; not fully conscious of his actions. He really wanted Patton to leave and be left alone.
Patton beamed, "Thanks Lo, you're the best!"
You're the best.
The best..
Then how come he didn't feel like he was the best? How come anytime they proclaim such it feels like a lie? And how come he still CAN'T FOCUS?!
"Perhaps a break will do me good," Logan mumbled to himself.
He makes his way to the kitchen, leaving the sanctuary of his room. He could Virgil curled up in a corner of the couch, a book in hand. Patton and Roman excitedly talking about their project. Roman spots Logan.
"Oh look who left the lab!" The jab didn't make Logan feel better.
"Not now Roman," He mumbled.
"You ok, kiddo?" Patton's voice full of concern.
"I'm merely tired."
Virgil hadn't said anything, but he to looked to Logan with concern. He really did want to say something, but he also knew Logan. Pressing the matter won't making it any better.
All their eyes stayed on him. The feeling made Logan want hide. He could. He could sink back down to his room. If they stared a second longer, he just might. Unfortunately before Logan had the chance to escape he's being summoned elsewhere.
He reappears to find Thomas in front of him. Logan can feel the frustration building. All he wants is to be left alone. Is that too much to ask? Yes, because when you this bunch you're always needed. Logan puts up his best facade and greets Thomas.
"Salutations Thomas."
"Hey Logan, you got a minute?" Thomas asked.
Logan sighed, "I believe I didn't have a choice in the matter."
A nervous chuckle left Thomas, "Sorry that's the fastest way I know to get you here."
"What was it you needed?" Logan questioned.
"Oh yeah, I wanted to know how next week's filming schedule is going?"
This simple question irked Logan more than it should've. He works on the schedule all the time. This time shouldn't be any different, and yet it is. Logan looked anywhere but Thomas. A new feeling rising under all the frustration and sadness. Guilt.
"I still have yet to finish it," he mumbled.
"How come it's not done? Thomas asked, "You know I need it by Thursday night."
The dam broke.
Logan's attention snapped towards Thomas. His eyes burning with rage, glowing a brilliant amber. A scowl replaced the neutral expression.
"Then why don't you do it yourself?" Screamed Logan.
Thomas shrank, "Aren't I technically-"
Logan cut off the shakey reply.
"No, you are not. I may be a facet of your being, but you are not me. I'm my own person for fuck's sake. Not a robot either. I have feelings, damn it! Just because I say they're the bane of my existence doesn't mean they're there. Why can't any of you see that? I am sick and tired of not being listened to. I deserve respect all the same!"
He was screaming now. Unfortunately, Logan was too blinded by his emotions he didn't notice he was drawing in a crowd. Those who came up to check up on them were horrified. Never has he acted out. Never has Logan cried,,,?
"Are you crying?" Virgil finally spoke.
He stopped. Bringing a hand to his cheek, Logan could feel them. He shocked even himself. Logan doesn't cry, he's never cried. But things always change, don't they?
Orange eyes land on the forgotten project. Anger flares within Logan. A roar escaped him as he swiped desk clear. Locking on the half finished schedule again, Logan snatched it up. His hands worked feverishly to tear up the past work. With a huff, the shreds fall to the floor.
Anger subsidies and gives way to the sadness he felt. Tears streamed down his face like a waterfall. Logan sinks to his floor and sits with his back against the bed.
"FUCK!" He screamed.
Sobs racked through his body as more tears fell.
Knock knock knock
Please go away, Logan enternally begged. The intruder didn't get the hint. A figure entered the room, and surveyed the scene. He let a small hum, but payed no mind to the mess. The snake took a few steps and sat next to Logan. Logan kept his head down, and the other did nothing to force his gaze.
"Would you like me to finish the schedule for you?" He spoke.
"That'd be much appreciated," he sniffles, "Thank you, Janus."
Janus hums again. They both sat in comfortable silence. Logan felt the waves of exhaustion crash into him. Maybe a nap wouldn't hurt right? He leaned to his right, landing on Janus' shoulder. He glances down at Logan, but says nothing. He'll let him have this. Not even ten minutes later and soft snores can be heard from the jam loving man. Janus softly smiles, removing his glasses and tucking them in a breast pocket. He examines the mess around him.
Suppose I can get started on that schedule while I wait, Janus thought. He summoned the necessary tools and gets to work.
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