#you can choke for 30 minutes with those mfs
rainysofsunshineao3 · 4 months
No but the California gang, the Hawkins gang, and the Alaska adults kicking ass and taking names for the whole freaking finale and then we have these mother fuckers who were doing this for half an episode.
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vestirkano · 5 years
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01. Tell us about your character’s name. Was it given to them or chosen? Does it hold any special meaning? If your character has aliases or nicknames, how did they get them and what do they mean?
CONTENT WARNING: kidnap mention ///  his real name is vaestkyrn nakos tenua. when he was kidnapped, nobody wanted to pronounce his name vaestkyrn. everybody called him by a bastardized version of it. his real name meant radiant and gentle. over time, he adopted the name vestir which resembles most closely to the zelosian name that means radiant and victory. he doesn’t actually know this fact. he did intentionally pick the surname of his mentor on the pirate crew because she was the only one who showed him kindness and warmth. possibly even more so than his parents who never came to rescue him.  
02. What is your character’s relationship to their homeworld? Do they hold fond memories of it, or do they hate it? Are they still here, and if not, do they miss it?
vestir has not gone back and refuses to go. no matter how much money may be offered, he will not return to zelos ii. despite any fond memories he may recall, there is a caustic taste left in his mouth. he holds a deep resentment towards his “big and powerful” senator parents. 
03. Describe your character’s relationship with those who raised them. Was it positive? Negative? Neutral? What sorts of ideologies were they raised with, and do they still stand by them now?
his birth parents are dead to him (his father is actually dead). they were very active in the politics scene. they were excellent economists. they wanted to reinvigorate zelos ii’s economy by pushing for less strict trade regulations but were unsuccessful in putting their foot down in other matters. their military forces were often sent to follow plans proposing by other neighboring planets’ senators to “benefit” the republic as a whole. their gaping hole in security allowed pirates to infest the planet. vestir still remembers a variety of their capitalist driven values. he doesn’t care much for their teachings about integrity and service though.
his mentor, mykana, was a middle-aged woman who wasn’t a conventional maternal figure. but she did do her best to keep vestir alive, even going so far as getting hit in vestir’s place by the captain. he did pick up his temper from her but he also retained her work ethic, selective & fierce protectiveness, and tendency to be emotionally distanced.
04. What is your character’s relationship with the Force? Is your character Force-sensitive? Whether or not they are, do they believe in it? Do they lean more towards the dark or the light or are they somewhere in between?
it’s like vestir has a chronic disease that isn’t properly diagnosed. the force tries to speak to him but he was never taught to decipher it so it feels like a pressure building in his mind. he describes it as a cross of a migraine pain and white noise that he can ignore for the most part. sometimes it’s much worse than others. if he was any more sensitive to the force, maybe on the same level as his baby brother, he might’ve gone completely lost to the pain.
05. What three word would you use to describe your character? What three words would your character use to describe themselves? What three words would someone close to them use?
i would use: stubborn, selfish, arrogant
vestir would say: strong-willed, opportunistic, handsome
he has exactly one person who’s close to him... and that person says: “late for dinner”
06. Describe your character’s aesthetic. Do they tend towards fashion or function? Do they like to accessorize? How does this extend into their own personal spaces, such as their home or their workspace?
vestir's way of dressing himself is borderline homeless chic (it is a real thing, and yes, high fashion really found a way to commodify this) and actually looking homeless. it’s almost genius the way he always looks like he has nothing valuable on him at all times. but in almost every pocket is a mf KNIFE or something. his ship looks the same way on the inside. it’s all pretty neat and modest looking, and it’s because he’s hidden stuff everywhere. 
07. What are your character’s vices? Guilty pleasures? Bad habits? Weak spots?
he’s hot tempered. his indoor voice is still him yelling. he wakes up and sits in bed, frowning for a good 30 minutes. he cuts his own hair. pick ass eater. he thinks white lies are fine. he shoplifts; not because he has to but because he can. sometimes he steals from his paying clients too. fights any mandalorian on sight.
he has a weak spot for sugar water. it’s the only thing that gets him drunk. alcohol has no effect on him so he does tend to hustle people into drinking contests. naturally money is a huge weak spot as well. 
08. Tell us about your character’s relationship with food. What are their favorites? Do they enjoy cooking? Are they adventurous? Will they eat absolutely anything or are they hard to please?
he photosynthesizes. it cuts down on expenses so that he has more money for weapons and ship parts. he does not have a refined palette but he is picky once he finds something he really likes
09. How does your character feel about engaging in relationships—romantic and / or sexual—with others? What is their history like? Do they fall in love easily? Are they constantly in and out of relationships?
um WELL. he absolutely has no interest. there were a few people who have come onto him with sexual intent in the past. he indulged them but he has this incredible way of losing interest 2 minutes into whatever activity they start engaging in. he doesn’t develop feelings easily. he doesn’t like being that close to people because he’s allergic to the spectrum of human emotions and vulnerability. so it comes as a surprise any time someone develops a crush on him. he’s self aware enough to know he always disappoints those people when they realize his cool-guy-devil-may-care attitude is just him being a genuine asshole. 
10. What is your character’s pain tolerance like? Can they hold their own in a fight, despite injury? If someone hurts them with the aim of gaining information, how much can they take before they cave?
he’s not super smart but he is tough and stubborn. he learned early on that if he shows people he’s feeling the pain, they’ll think they got control over him. he’ll grit his teeth and bleed out from biting his tongue before he admits that anybody’s got the best of him.
11. What is your character’s weapon of choice? Are they more skilled as a melee fighter or do they have more skill with ranged weapons? What’s their fighting style like? What sort of training do they have behind them?
you know how krav maga’s philosophy is really based on instinct-based movements and using “weapons of opportunity” (if there is a lolipop nearby, he will stab you in the trachea with it) to attack your opponents? that’s how he fights. he’s scrappy and his “””instincts””” are pretty sharp. when you’re a pirate who isn’t given any weapons or even told where all the nearest exits are, you start getting creative so you don’t get your ass handed to you during a raid. he is skilled with blasters but he’s more of a friend-fire on type of person.
12. Does your character have any words or catchphrases that they say frequently? Tell us about how they picked them up.
he still says “crink” a lot which is the “fuck” equivalent for outer rim pirates. but don’t get him wrong he still says fuck a lot. he has a lot of stupid yet vulgar hutt imagery that he defaults to when he’s mad. like, “DEEPTHROAT A HUTT’S TAIL” or “choke on hutt slime.” there was a gunner back in his bounty guild who had a deep bias against hutts and vestir picked up on it. at first he thought it was just funny but now he can’t stop. so he played himself
13. Tell us about a negative experience your character has had with either the Jedi or the Sith, and how this has affected their standing. Whether currently aligned or unaligned with either faction, if forced to choose, how would they side?
well the sith empire withheld his pay a few times because he didn’t do a “good enough” job so he thinks they can deepthroat a hutt’s tail. a jedi once lectured him on his life’s choices. he generally just doesn’t like the jedis because he thinks they’re pompous and doesn’t get involved nearly as much even with their holier-than-thou attitudes. if he had to choose a side, he’d choose one that offers a longer life expectancy for himself
14. How would your character react to seeing a relative or friend on the opposing side of a battle or mission?
easy. they’re getting ONE warning shot so they can get a head start and then all bets are off. 
15. Describe a memory that your character finds embarrassing.
vestir and aerith were shipwrecked on a deserted area with nobody around for miles. the temperature dropped to frigid conditions. they made an executive decision to share a bed and huddle for warmth. vestir “never cuddled anybody” kano knee’d aerith in the ass. at some point he sneezed on the back of aerith’s neck.  
16. What goals does your character hold for themself and what steps have they taken towards achieving them? How far are they willing to go to reach them? What is their be-all and end-all?
he is always surprised that he’s able to live for another year. he has no long term goal. he has no idea what that is. he stays alive out of spite honestly. his captain told him he’d never live past 15 with that mouth of his so he never stopped mouthing off at everything since then. although there is a side of him that finds a certain sense of fulfillment from keeping his travel partner safe 
17. What is the one thing your character would change about their life if they were given the chance? What other lives could they have lived as a result?
CONTENT WARNING: human trafficking //// nothing. he feels like everything helped open his eyes to all the ugly truth under the gilded illusions he used to live in. his jaded outlook and “carefree” lifestyle gives him control of his life. also if it wasn’t him, it’d be some other kid. he knows he was hard headed enough to survive this life. he made himself useful and avoided being sold off at several points while he was with the crew. others may not be as fortunate.
18. Living in such a high-conflict time, how does your character feel about doing what they must to survive? Will they hurt or kill others—either directly or indirectly—to protect themselves and / or those close to them? If so, do they regret it when all is said and done?
No ragrets. he lowkey has stole someone’s bounty after they put in all the hardwork, which is a cardinal sin in bounty hunting. but he didn’t have a way to repair the engine and make sure aerith had enough food to last the upcoming long journey. he does what he has to. if he deems it necessary, he’ll do it
19. What is the biggest problem your character is currently dealing with?
finding aerith
20. Give us 3+ headcanons of any length or subject matter.
he cannot stand pets or animals in general. same with babies, really
surprisingly, he can dance. there’s literally nobody living who knows this fact though
every once in 120 years, all the moons of zelos ii are visible at once. he actually misses the moon festivals from his childhood
bonus. Give us a list of any length telling us why our “fave is problematic.”
stop playing we don’t have time for this. but to name a few:
he would pour milk first before the cereal
doesn’t know how to whistle
“i need a new gun” “there is no why” “I SAID I NEED A NEW GUN, AERITH” “I KNOW I HAVE PLENTY” “BECAUSE I LIKE THAT ONE”
will stop smiling if you look at him and remind him he’s showing an emotion
has made aerith cry
will sell you for a single cornchip and the pocket change in someone’s pockets
blames you for farting when it was literally his fault
does not want to better himself
pretends he was listening to you then interrupts you just to hit you with a “damn that’s crazy” 
that one time (plus 40 more times) where he ran off without his teammates during a gig
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monbabi · 7 years
beautiful in la fanacc!!
• waited in line for 9 mcfreakin hours it was so hot we all bonded over kpop and the wait and wanting to die • at 7pm we went thru security and stood in the pit!!!!!!!!!! very tight but it was fine we were jus chillin • there was a technical problem so the start of the concert was delayed for like 30 more min • thEN THE LIGHTS DIMMED AND THE VCR TURNED ON AND WE WERE LIKE SHAHSKDOSHAGSV • AND MONSTA X CAME OUT IN ALL THEIR BEAUTY AND WE WERE ALL SCREECHING • they got into their positions and performed beautiful it was one of thr most beautiful fucking performances i have ever watched i almost cried • then they went straight into incomparable WHICH WAS FUCKING AMAZING KIHYUN KEPT COMING UP TO THE FRONT AND I WAS LIKE BACK WHERE U CAME FROM DEMON!! I LOVE U SO FUCKING MUCH • i realize now i shouldnt talk abt every single performance bc tht would take way too long • THE SOLO STAGES WERE SO GOOD SEEING HYUNGWON PERFORM FROM ZERO WITH WONHO!!!!!!! GOOD SHIT!!!!!! • and 24k was so…….séxie like it was fun and everyone sang along but their hips are SIN!!!!!!!!! ESPECIALLY MINHYUK!!!!!!! • SHOWNU LIKE DID A SPLIT OR SMTH I DIDNT SEE IT COMPLETELY BUT I SAW HIM DROP AND I WAS LIKE HOLY SHIT?? • mirror was absolutely beautiful and it was such an emotional stage i almost cried kihyun and jooheon did amazing • can i jus say tht minhyuk is absolutely stunningly handsome like im a complete slut for kihyun but my eyes kept wandering to minhyuk bc hes so goddamn beautiful • yall theyre so good live like. ofc theres backtrack but u could hear them so clearly and they were so stable i almost cried • AH all of them did aegyo except changkyun who sang nothing on you by b.o.b and everyone sang along it was fun • omg in the first ment minhyuk was like “im gonna do smth ive been wanting to do in la…….im gonna say hows the weather outside and u say its sunny” and we were like jesus christ okay so he was like HOWS THE WEATHER OUTSIDE and we were like ITS SUNNY!!!!!!! • wonho talking abt how he was in such a good mood bc hyungwon was there w them and he kept making funny faces @ them before the stage • AND IDK I FELT LIKE JOOHEON SMILED A LOT DURING THIS CONCERT LIKE HE WAS ALWAYS SMILING WHILE DANCING AND IT WAS SO CUTE • SO WAS SHOWNU HE KEPT SMILING WHEN HE DANCED IN THE FRONT IT WAS SO NDHSUSDJHSHA • hyungwon seemed kinda tired i jus wanted to scoop him up into my arms and rock him to sleep he didnt talk thaaaaat much but he did whisper amongst the members and laugh like the snarky ass he is • kihyun kept talking to the 2nd floor which was so sweet !!!!!! ahhhhhh!!! im glad they werent left out of anything • oh my god at one point hyungwon like choked on his water it gave me a heart attack • during changkyuns part in 하얀소녀 he started like. swaying his hips and minhyuk kneeled down next to him and started flapping his jacket and wonho joined in it was wild • changkihyuk were hypin up jooheon like “hm ex girl and 하얀소녀 are really good songs……bc U MADE THEM!!!!!!” and jooheon got all shy and squat down in a corner then he stood up and was like “YEA I MADE THOSE SONGS” • wonho kept mouthing along with the translator it was so cute and funny um king of bilingualism? • they kept telling us to “Stop, Calm Down” bc we’re los angeles and we dont shut up ever it was so funny • jooheon said la has a funky way of grooving to the rhythm but out of all the other us concerts we do it the best LOL • wonho: takes off jacket • jooheon: EVERYBODY MAKE SOME NOISE FOR HIS MUSCLES • wonho: turns around and flexes • they were throwing out candy during white sugar but i didnt catch any bc short arms dnhshansbd and they didnt really throw to the front middle pit kihyun kissed one and threw it out i hope tht person who caught it treasures it forever • I WAS MAKING SEVERAL DIFFERENT HEARTS @ KIHYUN USIN MY ARMS AND FINGERS AND SHIT AND HE GAVE FINGER HEARTS AND THREW BIG ARM HEARTS AT ME I ALMOST PASSED THE FUCK OUT • I TURNED AROUND TO SCREAM AT MY FRIEND AND HE WAS LAUGHING AT US AND I CROUCHED DOWN BC I WAS SHY AND DIDNT WANT HIM TO SEE ME SO STUPIDLY EXCITED • i feel like i made a lot of eye contact w shownu and jooheon like idk they couldve been looking at the crowd in general but it felt so personal and directed towards me, the sweaty girl w glasses, a broken lightstick, and a bear phone case so im gonna let my delusional ass believe tht • the hi touch holy fuck the hi touch okay so it was like?? ~20 minutes after the concert ended everyone was chillin in the pit and then monsta mcfreakin x walked out and we all screamed then security lined us up • the order was kihyun, hyungwon, wonho, minhyuk, shownu, jooheon, changkyun * i was praying tht kihyun wouldnt be first so i had time to emotionally prepare but tht didnt work out • so um i. held his hand his grip was pretty firm and i panicked and forgot everything i wanted to say and i was like “marry me” and he laughed and said okay so um BITCH IM ENGAGED TO YOO KIHYUN? his hand was so beautiful okay everyone talks abt kihyuns small ass hands but they were bigger than i imagined and he has some big meaty claws • they were standing on a small platform behind a table so everyone was really tall so high fiving hyungwon was a little hard for my 5'1" body i had to reach for the stars his hand was so bony but it was Large and i said i love u and he smiled i was ready to sink into the ground and lay myself to rest • lets get smth straight wonho is short hes like jus a little taller than kihyun but boy hes Built and he has this cute little smile on his face and his hand was SO SOFT AND SO WARM I WANTED TO CRY i told him i loved him and he said thank u yea haha time to DIE • minhyuk has yaoi hands yall • his hands were so mf gigantic like the hi touch went by fast but holding his hand was so. wow like his hands were really big and warm and i was like i love u!! and he said yea and i laughed jshsgdffjf • SHOWNU IS SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL IRL PICTURES AND VIDEOS DONT DO HIM JUSTICE??? like he was GLOWING and he has such a large and warm presence and his hands are so warm like i felt like my hand was gonna melt yall i was abt to cry he was smiling so big too and i told him i love him and he jus nodded and said me too snshaudhdfshdhf • jooheons hands were kinda cold but they were so soft and beautiful my legs almost gave out he was so cute and smiley and soft and our fingers tangled weirdly and i was like SORRY and he laughed a bit BUT OHM NYOGD I INTERLOCKED FINGERS WITH LEE JOOHEON AND IT WAS AMAZING • changkyun was last and they were starting to rush the line so i could only high five him and say i loved him :(( he said thank u his voice is really attractive guys and he was such a chill dude i wanna be best friends w him • after the hi touch we were immediately lined up again for the group photo which was a ~15 min wait? • they numbered us off then let us in and immediately ppl are looking for spots in front of them someone took the spot in front of kihyun so i was like okay tell me to die first NDHAHDJFGS but my friend found a spot in front of wonho and minhyuk and i stood next to her in front of minhyuk and shownu • it was so funny my friend stumbled a little in front of minhyuk bc she was walking fast and he was like OH MY GOD OH MY GOD and shownu was laughing • STANDING IN FRONT OF THEM JUS MADE ME REALIZE HOW GORGEOUS THEY ARE LIKE,??,,????? • i turned around to look at minhyuk and shownu and felt a piece of me die and i said hi then turned around covering my face bc i got so fuckin embarrassed theyre so HANDSOME • my friends fave is wonho so she turned around and told him she loved him and held his finger I WAS ABT TO SCREAM • AH as they were putting more ppl in the front and this really tall girl stood in front of me and i was like I Am Five Foot One so as a joke before they took the pic i tippytoed and did peace signs and bunny ears my head just barely peeked over her shoulders and i think shownu and minhyuk and jooheon were laughing behind me i hope they were laughing at me i’ll gladly make a fool of myself for them • luckily the rows after us kneeled down! • after the pic they started shooing everyone off and i yelled KIHYUN I LOVE U GOOD NIGHT i dont think he heard me but oh well • SHOWNU SAID BYE TO ME BEFORE I LEFT AND I SAID BYE BACK I ACTUALLY FELT MY LEGS GIVE A LITTLE and changkyun was waving to everyone hes really cute and calm in person i wish i oculdve talked to him more • we walked out completely dazed like we were jus sitting on a bench outside looking fuckin faded
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