#you can always follow me on my ab blog @ anne-the-quene
Hello everyone!
So I’ve decided to press pause on this blog indefinitely. I’ve really enjoyed writing these stories and I’m so grateful to all of you who submitted requests. I’m not quitting writing completely, I just have other projects I’d like to pursue. Without giving too much away, for the past few years now I’ve been working on a novel about Anne Boleyn (yes, yes I know, as if there aren’t enough of those already) that I’m considering publishing. I also have some other Tudor-related projects in progress. Working on these projects requires a lot of research, plus I’m a full-time student (and, although I’m studying history, my specialty is not the Tudor period which means researching Tudor history is something I can only do in my limited spare time).
Like I said, I’ve really enjoyed having this blog and maybe one day I’ll be able to return to it. This isn’t goodbye forever, but it is goodbye for now. Thank you!
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