#you and i be exchanging tea in the askbox lmaoo
yestrday · 5 months
To make it short, after he graduated first we didn't really talk much but have some short convos here and there from time to time until came my sweet seventeen birthday which was like 3 months ago and he didnt even wish me a happy birthday because his reason was "he want me to focus on my studies" like mf couldn't even lend 10 seconds of his time to just message me a short "happy birthday!" (I found this out because I literally had to have our mutual friend ask him about it) So yeah I ended any form of communication with him.
Like honey I wished you a happy birthday on your birthday and you didn't do the same on my special day???? Me and my current bf weren't even dating at the time and he was one of the first person to wish me a happy birthday 😭
Also damn your inbox being our little gossip room for a few mins (also merry christmas eve! And merry christmas too!!)
what??? like ok i personally dont really care if someone didnt wish me a bday, but it raises eyebrows that he uses THAT as a flimsy excuse. just straight up say you forgot or don't care anymore, damn.
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