#you NEED the support structure. jesus christ man didn't you study film
lhazaar · 3 months
another james somerton post: i wish i didn't understand the desire to return to a career that you have invested so much of your persona in. i do understand it; i don't think he deserves it, but that's besides the point of this specific post, which is that it's so fucking stupid to do that with youtube BECAUSE of your disability. like Are You For Real. if you're going to hinge your argument on "i'm too disabled to do any other career", first of all, rude, second, that's Not true and you're picking a terrible option as someone with a tbi and a neurological disorder that makes emotional regulation hard. your career is reputation-based and sometimes you fuck that up! and you don't get to come back! why do you think that continuing to expose yourself to what is essentially an occupational hazard when you KNOW that it's already proven capable of making you suicidal. get out of the boat and start floating instead of trying to bail out the water, jameothies
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