#yoka star turban shell
encyclopika · 1 year
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #237c
Brought to you by a marine biologist and gastropods (who are also weird)...
Here's the last installment of the ACPC shells miniseries. The diversity of mollusks that AC shows is pretty great, though I wish some of these weirdos made it into the mainline games. Mollusks can be broken down into three major Classes the everyday person would recognize (there are others, but these are the well known ones) - Bivalvia, Gastropoda, and Cephalopoda. Today we're looking at the Gastropods, the snails and slugs and the most numerous of the mollusks at a hefty 70,000 species. Let's get into it~
Strawberry Top Snail
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In every way, the shell of the Strawberry Top Snail (Clanculus puniceus; STS from now on) is so reminiscent of a goddamn strawberry and I can't get over it. It's so bright and vibrant. The STS is native to the Western edge of the Indian Ocean near Madagascar, South Africa, and Mozambique. Top snails are named so because they look like an old-timey spinning toy. They are generally herbivores, scraping algae off rocks with their radula, a spiky tongue-like appendage in the mouth of Gastropods that lets them scrape food, whether that be plant, meat, or detritus. The STS is an herbivore and can generally be found in the intertidal zone stuck to a rock eating algae. What a life!
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By H. Zell - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41628798
Anatomical Murex
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If you think this shell is odd, I've got news for you - there are about 1,600 species within this animal's Family, Muricidae with growth like this. Most snails in this family have some of the most complicated yet beautiful shells with strange protrusions, spikes, bumps, and ribbing. These protrusions are called varices (singly: varix), and they are extremely important in identifying the species that have them. These snails are texture gods. The Anatomical Murex (Homalocantha anatomica), also called Pele's Murex, often has 5-6 varices per whorl in its shell. They can be found in the Red Sea, throughout the Western Pacific to Hawaii.
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By C. CHEN - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26698151
Guildfordia Yoka
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I honestly couldn't tell you why ACPC decided to call this by it's scientific binomial, but such is the mystery of AC. It's common name is the Yoka Star Turban (Guildfordia yoka; YST from now on), and it is a type of turban shell snail. It belongs in the Order Trochida along with the Strawberry above. That relation to top snails is more obvious in the picture below. The YST is a tropical species of the Indo-Pacific near Japan down to The Philippines.
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By Hectonichus - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=61829033
And there you have it! Fascinating snails, yeah?
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daryaartworks-blog · 6 years
Seashell obsession
I’ve been obsessed with drawing and painting seashells for a while now. Two weeks ago I purchased “The Book Of Shells” and it turned out to be a great source of inspiration. 
Here is my latest painting/drawing: GUILDFORDIA YOKA, or Yoka star turban - one of the most distinctive seashells, with a flattened shell that bears extremely long spines radiating outward. Guildfordia yoka lives in calm, deep waters of the Japonic region. .......... It is drawn at its actual size - approximately 10,5 cm in diameter - using watercolors and Faber Castell Polychromos pencils.
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daryaartworks-blog · 6 years
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Working on this little project today. Yoka star turban shell - another natural curiosity!
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