#yiren users
plutism · 2 months
yiren users by plutism .ᐟ
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rendios yirenluv slayiren
yireonu wanglow yirenzip
pomdios yiresito yivisual
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cherchersketch · 6 months
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No More Nice Sis / The Kind Sister is No More
The doormat sister finally snaps and decides to dump the trash man and sister and stand up for herself. blah blah blah, you know the drill.
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Summary No regression this time, baby girl sees her little sister kissing her fiance and decides that's the final straw. Time to ignore all these trash family members and find a new man. What a coincidence, our ML needs to get married to inherit his Duke title. You know what that means. That's right, it's CONTRACT MARRIAGE time. Contract marriages solve ~everything~.
Tropes   - this is just a contract marriage he/she would never love me   - just throw this whole family away   - these grandad dukes really love putting in a no-marriage no-inheritance clause
FL - Yiren Cheis
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- to-do list: break up with the trash man - sweet summer child deserved better  - super special awesome ~magic~ user (maybe, just some hints rn)
ML - Noel Cristan
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- richer than you’ll ever be (and not just from his inheritance) - apparently a ruthless mercenary but we don't see it much since it's mostly from FL's POV and he's so ~soft~ around her - him eyes glow when him ANGRY
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Rating: I enjoyed my time reading this  Look, I just a love a good cliche revenge as long as the romance is cute and the revenge is not too over the top Status (as of  3 Nov 2023)   Ongoing.
Same Same but Different      - Karina's Last Days   - Daisy - How to become the Duke’s Fiancee   - I don't Trust my Twin
full rec list  
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nenamatic · 19 days
MixerBox OnePlayer ChatGpt plugin is very popular. Here is little story behind it. In March, ChatGPT made big changes to their policies that let third-party devs create extensions for them and give them to members who paid for trials. You might not know MixerBox, but they've got player and a BFF app that's been downloaded over 300 million times worldwide. They're owned by 41-year-old Lai Junyu, who's the son of Asia Optical founder Lai Yiren. Following ChatGPT's announcement of their plugins program, they changed their products into plugins right away and became the only Taiwan company in the first batch of 70 vendors that offer 13 plugins. MixerBox player becomes MixerBox OnePlayer ChatGpt plugin! voxscript plugin What You Can Do With MixerBox One Player ChatGpt Plugin? Users can easily search for, play, and listen to their favorite music, podcasts, and videos from within the GPT programming language model by utilizing MixerBox's ChatGPT Plugin. This plugin provides users with access to a vast selection of songs and playlists, allowing them to enjoy music for extended periods of time. You can also create personal playlists and share them with your friends using MixerBox's OnePlayer feature. This feature makes it easy for users to discover new songs and share their favorite songs with their loved ones. In conclusion, MixerBox OnePlayer chatGPT plugin is one of the most powerful tools that can improve GPT's capabilities. It improves GPT's Language Model by providing users access to a huge library of Music, Podcasts and Videos. With the plug-in, users can enjoy endless listening and share their favorite music and playlist with their friends. If you can be more specific with what you're asking for, the more likely the plugin will do a better job. For example, instead of asking for a "music playlist" you might want to ask for a music genre or a certain mood. Don't be limited by one category - the plugin has a ton of different podcasts and music categories, so you can explore them and find new ones. Just make sure you use the right keywords when searching. Combining MixerBox OnePlayer and WebSearchG Combining the power of MixerBox with the power of WebSearchG, you have entertainment and knowledge at your fingertips. It’s easy to navigate the wide world of music, and information. WebSearchG allows you to explore the web, without ever leaving your chat interface. Whether you’re doing research, verifying the accuracy of a statement, or simply satisfying your curiosity, you’ll get top search results right in your chat. The OnePlayer plugin allows you to stream the latest songs and podcasts in high-quality. You can search music by name, or you can request playlists based on your favorite styles or genres. You can even explore Podcasts with categories ranging from comedy, to music news and so much more. You can ask for any and all songs you want, anytime, creating an easy and fun chat experience. MixerBox WebSearchG- More About This Plugin If you're looking for a way to enhance your ChatGPT chat experience, MixerBox WebSearch is the perfect plugin for you. It's a powerful tool that lets you browse search results from search engines and then extract summaries of web pages without ever leaving the chat. It's like the perfect combination of AI and web searches, and it's designed to make your chat conversations more detailed and useful. You can search by keyword or by URL. Conclusion At the end of the day, the MixerBox OnePlayer plugin on ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the music streaming industry. It combines the power of AI with the vast range of MixerBox, providing users with an enhanced and personalized audio experience. So, whether you’re a music lover or a podcast listener, you’ll definitely want to give this plugin a try. So, what are you waiting for? Take a look at the future audio streaming on ChatGPT with the MixerBox one player plugin.
0 notes
baeksu-krp · 10 months
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Nome: Deng "Meike" Meixiang Faceclaim: Wang Yiren, Everglow Data de nascimento e idade: 09.09.1999 — 24 anos Gênero: Feminino Etnia e nacionalidade: Chinesa, China
Moradia: Jung-gu Ocupação: Barista, 1987 Rooftop and Lounge Qualidades: Centrada, Observadora Defeitos: Ingênua, Tímida User: @bks_meixiang
TW: Divórcio conturbado e citação de sequestro
Para o casal Deng, o nascimento da pequena Meixiang foi uma última tentativa desesperada de impedir um divórcio da relação conturbada. Obviamente, uma criança é uma das piores alternativas para salvar um casamento, as brigas constantes pararam por um tempo, durante a gestação da mulher e do primeiro ano de vida de Meixiang, mas o amor que o casal sentia no começo da relação nunca voltou. Ambos amavam a Meixiang e era inegável isso, principalmente quando a garota recebia tantos presentes dos pais que nem eram tão ricos assim e era sempre motivo de orgulho nas falas dos pais. "A Meixiang é tão inteligente quanto o papai" e "ela é tão bonita quanto a mamãe" eram frases comuns de se ouvir na residência Deng enquanto o casal mantinha a relação passivo-agressiva em um esforço de fazer com que a pequena garotinha achasse que tinha uma família ajustada. Não demorou muito para todo o ato cair em um divórcio conturbado no tribunal, o problema não eram mais as brigas, depois do aniversário de um ano de Meixiang, o casal finalmente percebeu que o relacionamento não tinha mais salvação e era inútil continuar tentando, as brigas vieram por causa da garotinha, ambos os pais desejavam fervorosamente a guarda total da menina para que pudessem acompanhar cada segunda de sua vida, ambos tinham medo de perder os primeiros momentos de Meixiang. 
Foi assim que Meixiang acabou por anos pulando de casa em casa dos pais, enquanto os juízes nunca chegavam em um acordo - e quando chegavam, a outra parte sempre abria um novo processo numa tentativa de uma nova decisão mais favorável. Com 7 anos, sua mãe decidiu fazer uma loucura, com a guarda temporária de Meixiang, ela juntou as malas e se mudou para a Alemanha, se tornando uma procurada por sequestrar a própria filha na China. A mulher conseguiu fugir das autoridades por 8 anos, criando Meixiang sozinha na Alemanha, a garota adotou o nome de Meike no país, já que os europeus tinham uma grande dificuldade em compreender seu nome. 
Com 15 anos, Meixiang assistiu a prisão da sua mãe e foi "salva" por policiais que a mandaram de volta para a China onde ela voltaria a morar com o pai. Claro que Meixiang não odiava o pai, mas ela já havia acostumado a morar em terras estrangeiras e estar de volta à China foi um pouco decepcionante para a garota, mas percebendo o quanto o pai havia sentido sua falta e corrido atrás de seu paradeiro, Meixiang decidiu apenas focar nos estudos para que pudesse dar uma boa vida ao pai. 
Apesar de se focar nos estudos para entrar uma boa universidade, o sonho de Meixiang tinha muito mais a ver com moda. Não queria ser estilista, uma modelo de passarela ou algo do tipo, Meixiang passava horas assistindo vídeos no Douyin e Weibo sobre influenciers de moda e era isso o que desejava fazer, mas que não fazia ideia de por onde começar. Foi por causa desse sonho que, aos 17 anos, Meixiang inocentemente acreditou em um empresário coreano que prometia maravilhas e uma carreira de idol promissora na Coreia do Sul. O pai de Meixiang foi hesitante no começo, mas ao ver a animação da filha o coração do mais velho não conseguiu não se derreter e ele acabou aceitando. 
Meixiang treinou incansavelmente por 5 anos esperando o seu tão esperado debut, voltando a usar o nome de Meike, que informaram a ela que era muito mais marcante vendendo como "o nome de uma estrela", mas o debut nunca veio, a empresa apenas a expulsou um dia, a deixando com uma dívida milionária, colocando a culpa na garota com uma brecha no contrato. Desesperada e com vergonha de voltar para a China na casa de seu pai, a garota mentiu para seu pai, fingindo que ainda era uma trainee e fez de tudo para conseguir um emprego até se encaixar na posição de barista onde sua natureza observadora a fez rapidamente aprender os truques dos outros funcionários mais velhos, sem falar que a beleza baseada no padrão coreano chamava atenção de inúmeros clientes, principalmente homens, o que tornou Meike uma das funcionárias preferidas do lugar pela facilidade que seu sorriso atrai clientela. 
Até hoje, os clientes que conseguem acesso às redes sociais da barista tem a impressão de que as postagens são um pouco esquisitas, vídeos dançando, selfies fingindo estar cansada após um longo treino, o que seria uma rede social de uma trainee prestes a debutar, misturados com postagens para amigos próximos sobre sua vida dura no café, mas qualquer pessoa que tirasse um tempo para investigar notaria o chinês velhinho de sobrenome "Deng" que curte todas as postagens públicas da única filha que ele tem tanto orgulho. 
OOC: +18 Triggers: Caranguejo (imagem realista) e conteúdo sexual explícito (em qualquer mídia, texto/imagem/etc) Temas de interesse: Angst, Crack, Fluff, Friendship, Hostility, Shipping, Violence
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namjkuu · 3 years
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★ &&?? Yiren layouts !!!
★ &&?? Like or reblog.
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userstuf · 3 years
• iforyiren
• yirengrf
• yirenstil
• cutyiren
• kisyiren
fav/reblog if u save or use ✿ dont repost it
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artsooya · 3 years
yiren ⋆ felix users
yirenlix (i)
like or reblog if you use!
© jinvoices on twt
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plutism · 2 months
Hiii! Can you make yiren or everglow users?
hello ! sorry for the wait, but here are some yiren ones :3 hope you like them <33
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chaew9n · 3 years
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(ෆ ͒•∘̬• ͒)
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nenamatic · 4 months
MixerBox OnePlayer ChatGpt plugin is very popular. Here is little story behind it. In March, ChatGPT made big changes to their policies that let third-party devs create extensions for them and give them to members who paid for trials. You might not know MixerBox, but they've got player and a BFF app that's been downloaded over 300 million times worldwide. They're owned by 41-year-old Lai Junyu, who's the son of Asia Optical founder Lai Yiren. Following ChatGPT's announcement of their plugins program, they changed their products into plugins right away and became the only Taiwan company in the first batch of 70 vendors that offer 13 plugins. MixerBox player becomes MixerBox OnePlayer ChatGpt plugin! voxscript plugin What You Can Do With MixerBox One Player ChatGpt Plugin? Users can easily search for, play, and listen to their favorite music, podcasts, and videos from within the GPT programming language model by utilizing MixerBox's ChatGPT Plugin. This plugin provides users with access to a vast selection of songs and playlists, allowing them to enjoy music for extended periods of time. You can also create personal playlists and share them with your friends using MixerBox's OnePlayer feature. This feature makes it easy for users to discover new songs and share their favorite songs with their loved ones. In conclusion, MixerBox OnePlayer chatGPT plugin is one of the most powerful tools that can improve GPT's capabilities. It improves GPT's Language Model by providing users access to a huge library of Music, Podcasts and Videos. With the plug-in, users can enjoy endless listening and share their favorite music and playlist with their friends. If you can be more specific with what you're asking for, the more likely the plugin will do a better job. For example, instead of asking for a "music playlist" you might want to ask for a music genre or a certain mood. Don't be limited by one category - the plugin has a ton of different podcasts and music categories, so you can explore them and find new ones. Just make sure you use the right keywords when searching. Combining MixerBox OnePlayer and WebSearchG Combining the power of MixerBox with the power of WebSearchG, you have entertainment and knowledge at your fingertips. It’s easy to navigate the wide world of music, and information. WebSearchG allows you to explore the web, without ever leaving your chat interface. Whether you’re doing research, verifying the accuracy of a statement, or simply satisfying your curiosity, you’ll get top search results right in your chat. The OnePlayer plugin allows you to stream the latest songs and podcasts in high-quality. You can search music by name, or you can request playlists based on your favorite styles or genres. You can even explore Podcasts with categories ranging from comedy, to music news and so much more. You can ask for any and all songs you want, anytime, creating an easy and fun chat experience. MixerBox WebSearchG- More About This Plugin If you're looking for a way to enhance your ChatGPT chat experience, MixerBox WebSearch is the perfect plugin for you. It's a powerful tool that lets you browse search results from search engines and then extract summaries of web pages without ever leaving the chat. It's like the perfect combination of AI and web searches, and it's designed to make your chat conversations more detailed and useful. You can search by keyword or by URL. Conclusion At the end of the day, the MixerBox OnePlayer plugin on ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the music streaming industry. It combines the power of AI with the vast range of MixerBox, providing users with an enhanced and personalized audio experience. So, whether you’re a music lover or a podcast listener, you’ll definitely want to give this plugin a try. So, what are you waiting for? Take a look at the future audio streaming on ChatGPT with the MixerBox one player plugin.
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users-kpop · 3 years
like/reblog if u use
don't save if u won't use
reqs r open
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j98cult · 3 years
## Y1R3N M3SSY P4CKS!!
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• like or reblog if u save|use ☆
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lisarock · 4 years
yiren users
@.yirensvr @.yirenwr
@.yirenlub @.yirenpow
@.yirenweb @.yirengrI (L=i)
@.yirenboy @.yirenup
@.yirenvIog (L=i) @.yirenkiss
@.yirenshot @.yirengif
@.yirenpet @.yirendeviI (L=i)
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@Iisavlog on tt
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bloo-miz · 4 years
٠ ✦ :EVERGLOW users
، like/reblog and tell me if you use! ✦
، don't save them! ✦
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m00nbap · 2 years
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I skipped class to sit with you.
♡ or ↺
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byjenndior · 2 years
— everglow packs profile yiren and mia . . .
— like or reblog if use or save <3
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