#yes this is based off that one dirk strider meme
alianarepasa · 1 year
To those who are new and confused to the title, it is based on this post and the artwork I made during early 4/13, where I drew SMG4 and SMG3 as their classpect, Prince of Blood (SMG4), and Bard of Light (SMG3). I got a permission of my friend to at least borrow their reasoning on their classpect, and use it for the analysis, and they agreed.
Note: Do remind that to take this analysis as a grain of salt, and don't take this as an "official classpect" for them, as me and my friend @sleepytimetem (which I will call by their name "Mars" for easier reading) basically used the unofficial official wiki, mainly the personality information. You have been warned!
SMG4 - Prince of Blood
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Prince: One who destroys aspect or destroys through aspect for themselves
Blood: Literal meaning (Blood), Metaphorical meaning: (Unity, Bonds, Brotherhood, Friendship)
Prince of Blood is one who destroys Blood or destroys through Blood for themselves. They either literally destroy your own blood or destroy the connection with someone or themselves.
For SMG4, this classpect is shocking, yet make total sense when you realized his action, and his personality, as one of my friend, Mars, stated that SMG4 is always the leader of his crew (which makes sense as Blood players are theorized to be the leader), but he would pushed everyone out by lashing out (example: SMG4: Mar10 Day) due to him wanting to be focused on him alone. This is also due to SMG4 trying to ghost the opposite aspect of his, which is Breath, which means Air in literal sense, while metaphorically, it means Freedom, Adaptability, and in this case… Detachment. You could say that SMG4 is trying to detach himself from the others just to create a perfect video. 
For bigger example how he is connected with this classpect, take a look on one of the three-episode, High School Mario, Mario University, and The Mario Hustle, those three are pretty much close to how Prince would do to their teams, tricking them, with The Mario Hustle being the big one, as Mars stated “tricking his friends into doing shit for him?... it’s def the Thief/Prince vibes' ' (which btw, that is the secondary class that they can think off). Another example of this is how he treated SMG3 in the past. 
Based on what my friend said regarding his classpect, this cause me to connect to this idea that SMG4 is destroying SMG3’s way of getting connection, whether those two in meme school days (although seems unintentional and not knowing what he is doing with SMG3), where SMG4 is the golden student with everyone adore him, causing SMG3 to be the outcast in the school, or SMG4 destroying SMG3’s studio, in which as a Prince of Blood cases, trying to destroy the connection between SMG3 and his Snitch Production’s fanbases, and his crew. He also tried to destroy SMG3’s connection with his fanbase again in “SMG4… Are you ok?”, although unsuccessfully (it is also possible that he didn’t try to destroy it, just asking why he gets 3 million views, which makes this part just me overanalyzing it). In the same video, he possibly unintentionally destroys himself with his connection to his fanbase as he tries to create “better” content, and started to use the Toads, which leads to mistreatment of them, before SMG3 intervenes and cancels SMG4, which if we use Homestuck’s classpect logic, SMG3 is using his classpect, Bard of Light (which I will explain later on).
Now, that doesn’t mean that SMG4 is evil since Prince (and also Bard) class in Homestuck are usually viewed as antagonists, oh no no! That’s just wrong! While yes, Prince is the active destroyer class, that doesn’t mean they are evil, it’s mainly due to how the canon Princes (Eridan Ampora, and unfortunately Dirk Strider in HS: Epilogue and HS^2 (sorry Kurloz)) are written to be one, which makes it hard to see a official Prince player that are good person, according to Mars. Think of the Destroyer class in any session they are in as like a big asset of either yours or their teams, while trying to maintain them into a correct path, in SMG4 sense, his crew is pretty much that team to make sure that he is in check, even if he is showing his own ego, and/or his insanity just for a perfect video in It's Gotta be Perfect "arc"/saga. 
TL: DR, the reason SMG4 is a Prince of Blood is mainly due to how he is destroying his own, or others’ (mainly SMG3) connection, just for his own benefit, which is himself, which also causes the effect of the current “arc”/saga, It’s Gotta Be Perfect “arc”/saga (both during and post event of it).
SMG3 - Bard of Light
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Bard: One who destroys aspect or destroys through aspect for others
Light: Literal meaning (Light), Metaphorical meaning (Fortune, Luck, Probability, Enlightenment, Relevancy)
Bard of Light is one who destroys Light or destroys through Light for others. They literally would destroy the light itself, making everyone have “bad luck” or removing you from plot significance.
Here is a fun fact about SMG3’s classpecting. When my friend read the information on SMG3, they gave out the idea that SMG3’s aspect is either Light or Mind aspect, with Light being the winner due to one thing that always describe what SMG3 has wanted, “Spotlight”, which makes sense since Lightbound players are based on plot significant aka being relevant. But Mars also stated that SMG3 is hard to get his class, which is either Thief or Bard. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Mate! Your friend is right on the idea that SMG3 is a Lightbound player, but why did your friend pick the Bard class rather than the Thief class? Didn’t SMG3 try to steal SMG4’s video and fame? Wouldn’t that make more sense?” And guess what? You’ll be right! It would make sense based on the context of his characterization back then, I even jokingly guessed it to them, and they said that it's a good guess! Except… There is one problem, and that is how my friend stated that they thought about it, but they scratched that idea for a time being until they got to the Bard or Thief dilemma. We have to pick which one, either giving SMG3 the Thief class, making him one of the character that has the canon Homestuck character that has that classpect, which is Vriska Serket, or a Bard class, where we basically just have him in Gamzee Makara cosplay but in Lightbound paint on it than Rage ones, which at first, we didn’t like the idea, until I asked them that which one leans way more, and they said this statement:
“I’m thinking Bard, He ghosts Void, having literally no idea how to film properly unlike 4, Then once he gets the crisis, he tries to seek the fame. I’m thinking Bard of Light”
In short, we basically agreed on the idea that SMG3 would be a Bard of Light which unfortunately yes, there is a chances he gets a codpiece, WHICH I DON’T RECOMMEND RESEARCHING IT FOR THOSE WHO ARE CONFUSE ON WHAT THE HECK IS A CODPIECE!, and that was originally going to be it, SMG3 is a passive destroyer of fame, he ghosted a Void aspect (which means literal void or darkness in literal meaning, while metaphorically, it means irrelevant, or plot insignificance), and tried to destroy SMG4 by passively destroying his spotlight due to jealousy. That’s about it… right? Well, I would say yes, until my brain went into a mode where I realized why this actually makes even more total sense beside the obvious reason, and that is one single thing that I somewhat left out in the information that I gave to my friend, but at the same time, did have it in, just probably didn’t get the highlight, and that is this… INTERNET GRAVEYARD!!
…Let me explain.
If Bard can passively destroy anything, and Light metaphorically can also represent relevancy, wouldn’t that mean SMG3 is passively destroying the memes that are relevant without interfering or knowing about it? I mean think about it this way, SMG3 is a Ruler/Lord of the Internet Graveyard, where he takes cares and protects dead memes or in this case, irrelevant related stuff on the internet who are landed into the Graveyard itself, until they become relevant again in the internet's eyes and back to the "living" world it goes, causing the effect of the meme lifecycle. Meaning, if we use Homestuck’s classpect ability logically, SMG3 is passively using his aspect to destroy something relevant, but this time for good, in which if you remember what I said about the episode, “SMG4… Are you ok?” When I explained for SMG4’s classpect, SMG3 intervenes and has cancelled SMG4 due to him trying to make a "better" content and mistreating the Toads, however, instead of destroying SMG4 for having a spotlight, he is destroying it so he can stop SMG4 from trying to damaging himself. In that case… SMG3 went from a destructive Bard player to a healthy Bard player, due to him, like SMG4, has someone to keep him in check, as Bard class is pretty much the passive version of Prince class.
TL: DR, SMG3 is a Bard of Light, who once tried to destroy SMG4’s spotlight destructively, although passive in the past, until he started to use it on memes who are relevant without intervening with or knowing about it.  
And that's about it! Remember, take this as a grain of salt, and who knows, maybe you have an idea on what's their possible classpect! so... yea!
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nonbinary-morro · 2 years
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(based off this post by @senseiwu)
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hootpoop12 · 5 years
Theory time
Alright, so we all know through the context of this being written in a fanfiction/a03 format that this is all a play about canon VS fanon. What is a little hard to decipher is what are the things that are plays off fanon and which qualities are the true aspects of the characters(canon)? ANYWAY here are just a few of the things I am ASSUMING are plays off fanon based on my years in the fandom and sheer obsession of consuming this shit (trigger warning for everything taken place in the epilogue FYI):
-Dave: I think some of the main aspects of fanon influencing his epilogue version is intertwined with “woobifying”, “Slow burn”, and even possibly even “sexuality”. 
        -Woobifying is a fandom concept of reducing a character to “a cinnamon roll too pure for this world” someone you wanna baby (often applied to trans guy characters whether canon or headcanoned). This one is a bit of reach I’ll admit because it DOES makes sense that after years of living with Karkat the dude would soften up but there were times in the epilogue even Dave admits he’s gotten softer and the dude just plain out was very passive. In my time I’ve seen tons of depictions of Dave as a lot more emotional than shown in the comic or a lot more woobified in fics (like in meteor fics where he often has very dramatic emotional outbursts) By the way this is NOT me shitting on you if you like viewing Dave in that way because a lot people with trauma relate to him and use him for “cathartic release”(me fucking too lol). It’s more a guess/observation of maybe why he’s developed in this way due to the comic now being a strange sponge absorbing all fanon, good and bad, into it weird ass grasp.
        -Slow burn is likely the trope that plays into why the hell it took so fucking long for him AND Karkat to admit their feelings. If you have literally ever consumed Davekat content I’m sorry but 99% of it is slow burn lmao every meteor fic is pining, every coffee shop AU is the budding of a lifelong partnership, and every Harry potter furry inflation pwp crossover WHATEVER fic is 10k words building of sexual tension like......To bring their other relationships in canon into this we can see that Dave was able to flirt with Jade and Terezi and entered a relationship with them at a pretty normal rate WHICH can totally be attributed to the fact he views them as girls and himself as heterosexual so was much more comfortable making a move- sure. Looking at Karkat, however, and you see the dude is a little shy about romance sure but he was still able to flirt with Terezi and make awkward moves on John so like......I can’t help but to feel like something outside (us?) was influencing them?
        -Sexuality is another sort of reach but I think it’s something to consider. In terms of the comic....when exactly DID canon end? You could argue at the end of act 7.......or the moment John used his retcon powers to create a new timeline. Fandom Dave (on the tumblr side at least) was usually consider queer and a lot people shipped Dave with another dude. Perhaps John going back and rewriting canon helped bring our influence over Dave’s sexuality into the comic? I remember finding out Davekat was canon and confirming my “Dave is bisexual” headcanon and just thinking in wonder how it felt like Hussie was plucking my desires straight from my head and incorporating them. Which made me HAPPY by the way. If this is anywhere even near truth it’s not like he didn’t do a fantastical and natural job of incorporating it into the comic which shows how “incorporated fanon” is not a totally horrendous thing. The comics always done it with fandom memes and such. 
-Rose Lalonde. Not too sure what fanon influenes were brought onto her to be honest? In candy she was almost like a creepy stepford wife which is. Bizarre to me. Rose is the most contrary and rebellious character so seeing her settle down like that (OR FUCKING DOING SOME GUYS LAUNDRY) is a little strange. In meat she insists that she is an individual despite being married but that could have EASILY been Dirk’s influence? Also her biggest fandom stereotypes off the top of my head is Know-it-all smug meddler, alcoholic, and elegant. Really none of that was applied so still need to consider her more. The most damning thing however is where is all the piss?? If you look at the amount of piss kink rose fanfiction one has to wonder......and I can’t even continue this joke.
-Jade Harley: Gonna keep it real with ya’ll. I feel like this epilogue gave Jade Harley way more character. She wasn’t given much in canon except for lonely silly girl so it makes sense to me why she’d grow up desperate for physical bonds and inserting herself into relationships. I liked her telling John that she wasn’t some princess in a tower anymore cause it shows she KNOWS how everyone has always viewed her and that’s a little sad. As for tropes around her character.....yep people pleaser, silly girl, hippie, shoved aside for literally any other character......Need to think about her more, too. 
-Jake fucking English. What even is there to say? He more than anyone was influenced by fanon and it doesn’t take too much thought to see how. In a lot of fandom jokes and in fanfiction he is basically treated as a stupid piece of meat. I genuinely don’t read much fanfiction about him except from a trust few fans who I know care about him and will write him in a full rounded way. In any case we see a single moment in which Jake has this oppressive narrative taken away from him and it was when he was talking to Dave and Karkat during their election conversation. If that wasn’t already hard enough to read we can look back at the implied rape that took place with him in the beginning of Jane’s relationship with him or over the course of it. John, the one person supposedly not influenced by fanon as he’s still tied to the comic via retcon powers, is even the one to tell people that Jake is basically being raped. So yeah. Good times. I’ll get to Dirk in terms of Jake in a moment L M A O. Imagine that being the saddest lmao you ever just read.
-Jane Crocker: Welp hope you weren't a Jane fan lmao. What can I say except it FEELS like all the subliminal messaging really got to her and she’s like......warped by the condesce? I think if in the comic they showed more of her political takes then maybe this wouldn’t have come as such a shock. Like, I flat out am disgusted by her character now? She’s a facist, abusive, rapist(that was hint, unfortunately)? WOW good take homestuck writting staff?? I mean I know one of you used to write like incest pedo rape porn but aight??????????? Anyways in fanon Jane is treated as the girl who gets in the way of dirkjake so kinda that early 2000s bitchy yaoi girl brand, boring person in the background, or the hottie. They obviously kept saying she was “easy on the eyes” so there’s the hottie trope but that’s about it.
-Roxy Lalonde: Out of ALL the Alphas they fucking escaped with their goddamn dignity PFFT. So in terms of tropes: trans Roxy, alcoholic, and flirty “boy obsessed”. 
        -So with trans Roxy this is like Dave’s sexuality thing I discussed where a widely celebrated headcanon influenced canon and that not necessarily a BAD thing. Like I said, this theory is that canon is just absorbing fanon for better and for worse. I saw people were bummed they weren’t a trans girl but I am actually down with this for two reasons. 1) being all those memes “what’s your gender?” “the void” and 2) a part being friends with someone who’s trans is.....not being used to seeing them as the gender they actually are but taking the time to learn these new unfamiliar pronouns- and get the fuck over it. It’s their choice and you just gotta accept it despite your feelings. 
        -alcoholic Roxy was not at all incorporated which is the biggest fanon about her (not as much in recent years thankfully) so honestly? Kinda diminishes my argument. It’s not like the writers were worried that tossing out their progress as person was bad writing lol look at Dirk.
        -Flirty Rox. In candy they were SUPER fast moving in their relationship with John and despite towards the end they said that Dirk dying made them wanna do something with their life I just....don’t buy it? Mainly because john who is uninfluenced by the fanon tropes even noticed how fast they were moving and how stepford agreeable wife she’d become. 
-Dirk Strider. Aight. So. Here we go. fandom tropes are controlling puppet master, abusive, and cold/uncaring.
        -Dirk is a naturally controlling man, yes. Every version of himself struggles with this, yes. Even if we work on issues does not mean old flaws will never leak out, yes. However, after in the comic itself we see conversations with some of his closest companions and the effort he was making and ready to continue making was completely obliterated. Dirk is someone who takes his projects a little too seriously so why would he toss out this one- the most important one in his life? ANYWAY........Dirk in canon is shown that he’s also not great at multi-tasking or really anything that he really makes himself out to be AMAZING at. Don’t get me wrong I actually view Dirk as a complement dude cause he did get all the alphas into the session in a smoothish fashion (yes hal is him so it still counts) but, like, even when Dirk sounds like an AWESOME engineer to Jake he even admits that he basically had the future’s technology to help and it wasn’t that impressive. So now he’s claiming he’s the BEST? Wack.
        -Abusive Dirk......The sheer amount of people in the fandom who still misconstrue his character as heartless and the sheer amount of fanfiction of sociopathic Dirk might’ve done something. If he is truly becoming his “ultimate self” and he is heart aspect.....all these fanfiction splinters are getting applied to him as well, ya’ll. INCLUDING one of the epilogues writers who literally used to write fanfiction depicting Dirk as a brutally abusive and manipulative version of himself. With the similarities between their big fic and the homestuck epilogue I can’t help but to wonder if they’re subtly trying to incorporate that? After all Alt Calliope goes into detail about how the writer/narrator is IMPORTANT and when one is someone who enjoys viewing dirk as such....well who’s to say pfft Everything about how Dirk treated Jake was some of the most shocking to me. How did you get the guy taking most of the blame for a relationship gone wrong to a man who in a very rapey way makes someone obsessed with him, stupid, and unable to ever receive respect? Horrifying stuff to read, lads. It makes much more sense to me if you look at this fandom’s perceptions on DirkJake. My god there are some bad takes and there’s a whole section of the fandom who was hellbent on making the ship out to be the most problematic ship to ever occur. So whereas in the comic you have Dave pointing out that both sides had issues and everyone was willing to talk things out you had half the fandom insist that it was all Dirk’s fault and he just COMPLETLY forced himself on an unwanting Jake. Yep, sound familiar?
        -cold uncaring. yep tons of depictions of Dirk being cruel to his friends and family and sorry but go reread Homestuck I don’t even know what to tell you if you actually believe that. There’s literally nothing here I could write to help you. As if the whole thing about his character isn’t about how the people around him helped prevent him becoming like that and he hasn’t said in a dozen different ways how much he loves them and wants to treat them better. Get out of here with that shit lmao 
I guess all can be said about Dirk at this point is either 1) the absorption of the vast amount of terrible Dirk depictions from ascending to his ult self has warped him 2) he’s playing a villain just because Homestuck being over means not existing which TERRIFIES him and existing is a higher priority than treating the people around him right or 3) caliborn influence
        1) For the ascending I’m pretty sure this is the theory that’s gonna be right
        2) playing the villain is probably not what it is because on twitter all of the writers are saying the transphobia is literally just him and they’re boosting a lot of theories say “this is a story about friends you love disappointing you and you moving on” So. Yeah. Take that depressing nugget of information. (I literally will be fucking dead inside if that really is where this story is taken. No joke I will probably quit this fandom lol don’t know if any of you really know how big that is for me to say
        3) Caliborn? eh maybe who the fuck knows after typing that last bullet point out I’m too bummed to continue this hah
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katanahime · 7 years
Every time Jake English says “fuck”
(I happened to be doing this search for reasons. And thought since it took me some time, and Jake’s dialogue is priceless anyway, that I’d share the fruit of my labor.)
This rabbit im sure youve noticed is armed to the stitches! Hes got all four of the funny little weapons i mentioned thatre all deadly as the fucking dickens but that doesnt mean they are meant exclusively for the paws of mr terry kiser. (That is the name i call him.) Heck no. 
GT: But do you happen to know where the devilfucking dickens mr strider might be?
GT: I think i might be fucked.
GT: Jesus christmas you are such a fucking douche.
GT: Oh for fucks sake.
GT: Are you still fucking with me??
GT: Fuckin....... GT: SHUCKS buster. :(
GT: Fuck that also sounded kinda dirty!!! God dammit.
GT: Does this mean i passed the test or whatever the fuck.
GT: What the fuck is it doing now?
GT: There are a fuckload of irons in the fire jane!
GT: Holy fucking mackerel. This is amazing!
GT: Oh shoot dirk he just got blurry and disappeared! What the actual fuck?
GT: So how does humanity fuck up? Is it the nuclear holocaust? Or is it robots? Gotta be the robots right? As per the terminator.
GT: Jesus christofer kringlefucker and here i thought i was rugged!
GT: Fuck this witch i have lots of guns and reckless bravado and i want to stop her. Ill pick up where my grandma left off!
GT: Oh my god you can be one opaque motherfucker just clue me in bro!
GT: So because the witch really hated that guy she took on his name as sort of a big ole fuck you to the woman?
GT: With all your future mindfuckery you made me completely forget about your vaunted hollywood sibling.
GT: Fuck yes the sbahj films RULE.
GT: Then what the fuck is going on! Who am i talking to?
GT: Cheese and fucking crackers when do i just get to talk to the actual dirk?
GT: Oh fuck.
JAKE: (You are psyching me into having dirty thoughts get fucking lost you interloping brain douche!!!)
JAKE: I could kick back in my eligible bachelors limousine and never fuck up or ever say anything awkward like i have been doing non stop so far in this dream.
GT: I dunno about crucial buddy i see you have trolled me with like 50 copies of this dumbfuck social media software for cool bros in hats but ok.
GT: Augh not that fuckin meme again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GT: I just wish we could actually kill the fucking things. Even the little ones can absorb so much damage before yielding any spoils!
GT: Fuck.
GT: Im also just really fucking chagrined over how i treated her.
GT: My head is KILLING me! Augh grandma why did your sweet skull based computing technology have to be such a BRAIN FUCKER!
JAKE: Am i at least permitted to put on a respectable pair of fucking shorts???
JAKE: Thunderations what a fucking clod i am.
JAKE: No i think i wont on second thought tavvy sounds fucking stupid.
JAKE: I havent the foggiest fucking idea who sleeping tavros is supposed to be.
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