#yes it’s about showing off wealth but it’s ALSO a statement from a historically conservative dresser
irregularcollapse · 2 years
guillermo de la cruz wearing versace is actually something that can be so personal
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D’Souza’s ‘Death of a Nation’ Shows Democrat ‘Plantation’ Still in Business
D’Souza’s ‘Death of a Nation’ Shows Democrat ‘Plantation’ Still in Business
Dinesh D’Souza, a filmmaker and author of several New York Times bestselling books, has debunked powerful political myths that are alive in our culture. In previous works, he has shown that the claim that the Republican Party is the party of racism is a lie. He has also shown that the notion that fascism and Nazism are ideologies of the “right,” rather than the “left,” is based on a false framing of history.
In his upcoming film and book, “Death of a Nation,” D’Souza delves into another piece of history, showing that the “plantation” system of the early Democratic Party lives on in systems of heavy taxation, government dependence, and identity politics.
“What the book does is it tells kind of a new story of how the plantation has defined the Democratic Party from the very beginning,” D’Souza said.
In his earlier movie, “Hillary’s America,” D’Souza showed the Democratic Party is the party of slavery, the southern Confederacy, the Klu Klux Klan, and segregation. He noted this is “undisputed, historically,” but the left re-brands this history by claiming the Democrats shifted over time to become the party of civil rights and support for minorities. D’Souza said his new book and film “debunk” this narrative.
The Democrat Plantation
The movie poster for “Death of a Nation.” (Courtesy of Dinesh D’Souza)
According to D’Souza, the plantation system of the Democratic Party has gone through five phases, starting with the plantations that used black slaves, leading to today’s plantation system where minorities are rendered dependent on Democrat policies, using wealth the party takes from American taxpayers.
The key shift from the slave system of the south into today’s plantation system started with Martin Van Buren, eighth president of the United States from 1837 to 1841 and a leader of the New York Democratic Party. “Van Buren figured out that in the south there are slaves, but in the north there are poor penniless immigrants pouring into America: the Irish, the Italians, the Jews, and so on.”
According to D’Souza, Van Buren had a realization that while he couldn’t directly use the slave system elsewhere, he could “create a system in which these immigrants can be completely dependent on the Democratic Party.” The Democratic Party would give them food, job references, and occasional help finding apartments; and in exchange the immigrants would vote the Democrats into power to enable them to take money from the U.S. treasury so they could finance the programs.
Through this system, D’Souza said, “the northern political machines which dominated the Democratic Party really for more than a century were themselves modeled on the slave plantation, except they didn’t use black slaves—they used newly-arriving immigrants.”
Under this new plantation system, D’Souza said, the Democratic Party conspired to “rip off the taxpayer, or the working man,” in order to finance the programs the party used to buy its votes. Meanwhile, he said, “the immigrant got the small end of the stick, because the immigrants were helpless. They didn’t know what was going on. They just ran into this Tammany machine in New York, for example, and it controlled their lives.”
As the Democrat plantation system developed over time, it eventually formed today’s plantation system. D’Souza described this as a “multi-racial plantation, in which the Democrats are essentially trying to reduce every ethnic group into a dependent constituency.”
The Democrat social welfare programs financed by heavy taxation have largely targeted minority groups, he said, and have led to the often hopeless situations in today’s ghettos, barrios, and Native American reservations. He said, “all these places are very similar—they’re places where people are poor, where education is terrible, where nobody gets ahead, where families are in dissaray, where there’s a lot of violence, and where there’s a lot of despair and nihilism, and where the vast, vast majority of people keep voting Democratic.”
The Lie of the ‘Fascist’ Right
D’Souza said the new film tells this story as well, but also includes elements from his recent book, “The Big Lie.” He said, “the core theme of the movie is to refute the race card and the fascism card. The race card is the Democrat idea that racism is now on the right, that’s it’s a phenomenon of the Republican Party and of Trump; and the fascism card is that fascism is on the right, and it’s now a phenomenon of Trump and the conservatives.”
“The movie takes on these two incendiary accusations,” he said, “and pins the racist and fascist tale not on the Republican elephant, but on the Democratic donkey.”
The notions that racism and fascism are elements of Republican Party, rather than the Democratic Party, he said, have been shaped heavily by the left’s control of academia and the media for close to two generations.
“They have done a lot to muddy these waters. They will say for example that because the Nazis were on one side of the war, and the Soviet Union was on the other side, it follows that since the communists were left wing, the Nazis have to be right wing. But this is bogus,” he said. “Communism and Nazism grew out of the same soil.
“They both were rooted in socialist economics, they both appealed not directly to the working class, but to a cadre of militants and revolutionaries, students, lawyers, journalists, ex-military guys: these were the core of Lenin’s revolutionary cadre, and they were also the core of both Mussolini’s and Hitler’s cadres.”
He noted that the main difference between communism and fascism is very minor: communism pushed for international socialism, and fascism pushed for national socialism. “That’s not a big difference. That’s smaller than the difference between say the Shia and the Sunnis in the Muslim world, and yet the Shia and the Sunnis have had bloody battles that go back for centuries. Sometimes groups that are quite similar ideologically have terrible wars based either on fine points of doctrine, or for competition for followers.”
Historically, even direct communist regimes such as the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist Party have switched between the ideas of “international socialism” and “national socialism,” depending on their varying objectives.
D’Souza said another part of the film focuses on debunking misinformation about former President Richard Nixon’s southern strategy, and on the violent clashes between Antifa and neo-nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia, in Aug. 2017.
“The Democrats will say, ‘yes, Dinesh you’re right, the Democrats have this sort of history, but you’ve got to remember they changed. The party switched platforms, Nixon converted the southern racists into Republicans, and then look at Charlottesville—here you’ve got these neo-Nazis in Trump hats—so racism today is clearly on the right,” D’Souza said. “And it is this claim that we destroy in the movie.”
To debunk this claim, D’Souza said he focuses on the “myth of Nixon’s southern strategy,” and he also interviews neo-Nazi organizer Richard Spencer and shows that his ideologies are on the “left,” not the “right.” He adds that “both in the new book and the movie, we show the leftist roots of white supremacy, which is a very eye opening thing to watch.”
D’Souza also noted that another neo-Nazi organizer of the Charlottesville riots was Jason Kessler, who “has a history of leftist politics—he was an Obama supporter, and he was an Occupy Wall Street guy.” He noted that Kessler’s leftist history was well known, and was even stated on the Southern Poverty Law Center website. A Charlottesville newspaper did an exposé on Kessler that also detailed this background, noting that he even broke up with his girlfriend because she was too conservative, D’Souza said.
“All of this was out there, but the press didn’t touch it,” D’Souza said, “because they knew that to expose Kessler as a leftist was to undermine the whole beautiful story in which Charlottesville was proof that white supremacy is a Trump phenomenon.”
“Think about it this way: there’s no evidence that neo-nazis or KKK members voted for Trump. No-one has ever done an empirical survey that shows that,” D’Souza said. “So the only proof of something that is taken to be conventional wisdom is a few images drawn from Charlottesville of white nationalists wearing MAGA hats and cheering Trump. This anecdote, this handful of guys, is supposed to clinch the whole case. And that’s why counter examples are devastating, because the whole case hinges on so few examples.”
When it comes to the actual white supremacists and neo-nazis, D’Souza noted that many of them are atheist, and many are also admirers of black nationalism, and even praise people like Malcolm X. “They support this notion of ethnic identity politics,” D’Souza said. “And interestingly ethnic identity politics is not a phenomenon of the Republican Party, it’s a phenomenon of the Democratic Party. In fact, the Democratic Party is based on it.”
Making an Impact
A portrait photo of Dinesh D’Souza. (Courtesy of Dinesh D’Souza)
D’Souza has faced plenty of pushback over the years for his work, yet is known for maintaining a calm demeanor when debunking arguments from critics and clarifying his findings on history.
He was given a full pardon on May 31, 2018, by President Donald Trump for exceeding limits on campaign finance donations in the New York Senate campaign of Wendy Long in 2014 and making false statements to the Federal Elections Commission.
D’Souza and others believe he was selectively prosecuted, and that his sentence was politically motivated. The charges followed his 2013 film that was critical of former President Barack Obama, “2016: Obama’s America.”
When he received a full pardon from Trump, D’Souza said the feeling “was absolutely exhilarating. I felt like I got my American dream back. I certainly got my rights back.”
He noted that when he appeared on CNN for an interview following the pardon, he was told that it took powerful people including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Trump to get him pardoned, and was questioned whether that was a form of favoritism.
“And I said no,” D’Souza said. “Because it was very powerful people like Obama, Eric Holder, and Preet Bharara to get me in the first place.
“So yes, it did take some powerful people to get me off because they had to undo what earlier group of powerful people had done. That’s my take on the whole pardon business.”
D’Souza noted that for most of his career he has been an author and speaker, but that part of his passion for making movies is that he believes they can reach a much larger audience.
“Books appeal to the head, but movies appeal to the head and the heart. So this is a way to reach people. Movies are, not just in terms of the intellect but also in terms of feelings and experiences,” he said. “That’s why I’m excited to have both.”
The book version of “Death of a Nation” releases on July 31, and the film releases nationwide on Aug. 3.
Read full story here
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ntrending · 6 years
There’s still time for us to save the Great Barrier Reef
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/theres-still-time-for-us-to-save-the-great-barrier-reef/
There’s still time for us to save the Great Barrier Reef
“It’s been pretty well established that if you take the present day coral and you put it into the future conditions, it will most likely die,” Mikhail Matz explains. The rather stark phrasing functions as something of an understatement these days. Just this week, a paper in Nature detailed the loss of fully half the coral on the Great Barrier Reef during the back-to-back bleaching of 2016 and 2017.
“But,” Matz goes on, lightly, “does it mean all the coral will die when they get to these conditions in real life? Not necessarily. This will depend on how much they would be able to evolve.”
Matz is an evolutionary biologist at University of Texas at Austin, and, for a coral researcher, his outlook can seem surprisingly hopeful. In a study published today in PLOS Genetics, Matz and coauthors calculated the likelihood of Australian corals adapting to—and, at least for a while, surviving—climate change. According to their model, some corals on the Great Barrier Reef will be able to stick around for at least another century, more than 50 years longer than current worst-case estimates, thanks to good old-fashioned evolution.
Unlike the models we usually talk about when we talk about climate change, the model Matz’s team built is genetic, not climactic. In other words, they didn’t just ask how modern corals would fare in a much warmer ocean; they asked how corals well would adapt to those warming waters over time. “The capacity of corals to adapt to climate change is the largest missing number of the equation to predict what will happen to them in the future,” Matz explains over the phone. To try to answer this question, Matz’s team sampled a common reef-building coral called Acropora from five locations along the Great Barrier Reef. They used the genotypes of these corals to estimate the total genetic diversity of the Great Barrier Reef as well as the pattern of dispersal of larvae along north to south currents.
It turns out there are three key pieces of information that, evolutionarily speaking, give the Great Barrier Reef’s corals a leg up. One, he explains, is that every species of coral on the Reef currently exists across a variety of conditions, including different temperatures. Corals on the northern part of the reef tend to experience warmer water on average than corals along the Reef’s southern stretch. The second important thing is that these corals adapt to a range of local conditions as well, tolerating hotter, sunnier climes closer to the surface of the ocean and cooler ones the deeper they are on a reef.
And for the third? Because of the way corals breed, releasing their eggs and sperm into the water in a single spawning event timed to the moon, fertilized larvae can drift along ocean currents for hundreds of miles before settling down to grow into colonies. The result is that roughly 1 percent of corals in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef originally came from the far north, where the conditions are much warmer, Matz explains. This means that adaptations developed in one set of conditions on the Reef have the potential to spread to other populations.
All this paints a picture of the Great Barrier Reef’s overall genetic wealth, a wealth that Matz says will likely survive even dramatic levels of population loss. It would take a reduction of much higher magnitude than the 50 percent population loss seen between 2014 and 2017 before the genetic variety of the reef could be noticeably reduced.
“Because the reefs that experienced strong die-off only represent a small fraction of the total species range, the species overall did not really experience much decline in numbers,” Matz points out. And even if you did lose half of all the individuals in a species, “What would you immediately lose? Half of the rarest genetic variants found in only one individual, yes,” he says. But as for more common variants, he goes on, you’d only lose a quarter of those genes present in only two individuals, one-eighth of those present in 3 individuals, and so on. Variants that are found in only 10 individuals (“Out of the whole species! Still pretty rare”) would only have about a one in 1000 chance of being lost.
“They have safety in numbers, in genetic terms,” Matz says. “It is like currency in your pocket, fuel for your car. If you have genetic diversity, you will go on for a while, because natural selection will always have something to choose from.”
In other words, the outlook for the Great Barrier Reef might be better than it looks through the lens of recent events: “Things will hold on for a while. There might be quite dramatic die-offs of reefs, then they will regrow,” Matz explains. “And as long as this cycle of regrowth continues, I believe that everything will be fine.”
The uncertainty lies in the “if” statements that Matz’s model is build upon, as he acknowledges. His model tends to low-ball the genetic diversity and advantage the reef has, he says, even considering the fact that his samples were collected before the heat wave that killed millions of Acropora colonies. But it also takes a potentially conservative view on how fast warming will occur in the future: just one tenth of a degree per decade. That’s the middle road in the range of climate predictions from best case scenario to worst, and there’s little that is moderate about the world’s current emissions path.
“The more dramatic the disturbances get”—drama like 2016 and 2017’s mass die-offs—“the more likely something could come in and mess up our predictions,” Matz admits. “Climate change is all about things becoming freakier and freakier. Every year is weirder than the one before.”
By definition, that kind of uncertainty is almost impossible to model. Computer models, whether of the climate or a population’s genetic survival, are built out of our understanding of how past events unfolded to create the present. Using records and observational data, we build an approximation of how the world has worked under certain variables, and then we try to peer into the future by dialing those variables into the unknown. Like tuning a TV with bad reception—or like a psychic with a good eye for your unconscious tells—these models can often show us the rough outline the future may take, but they cannot show things which have no historical analogue. If it’s never happened before, we are unlikely to be able to make it happen in a computer model, no matter how much data we have to start with.
“I hope the authors are correct,” says Ruth Gates, president of the International Society for Reef Studies and director of the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology. The ISRS issued a statement in 2015 predicting that the majority of the world’s reef would be gone by 2050, a good 50 years before Matz’ model predicts. “When we generated the statement, we had lost 30 percent of the world’s reefs as a result of two global bleaching events,” Gates says. “Today we have now lost 50 percent of the world’s reefs,” including a third of the Great Barrier Reef.
The gap between what has been lost to climate change and what remains to lose can often divide scientists and communicators alike. The urgency of drawing attention to the vast and unprecedented upheaval of entire global systems can often sink a listener, like a pinball fumbled between the flippers, into defeat and apathy. But paint too rosy a picture, and you risk giving a false sense of security. Matz has called out research into so-called “assisted evolution”—the idea that humans might need to boost the natural evolution of corals to help them keep pace with a changing world. He says that compared to the vast diversity of the reef itself, any lab-based experiment in evolution will be less powerful than the real thing. Other scientists, like Gates and her collaborator at the Australia Institute of Marine Biology, Madeleine van Oppen, have argued that it’s too late to not explore every possible avenue for coral survival, including assisted evolution.
Part of the tension comes from the fact that corals do have an ability to adapt or evolve to their environment, but it’s not clear how far that ability will be able to stretch. “There is evidence that some coral are able to adapt very rapidly,” says Andrea Grottoli, a coral biologist at Ohio State University. “But it is not the norm.”
In a study published last year, Grottoli examined “super corals” in the Red Sea, which are able to survive five or six times more heat stress than those that perished on the Great Barrier Reef between 2015 and 2017. “There are locations on the planet that are already pre-adapted, like those. We have also shown experimentally that some species can adapt to heat stress within a year,” she points out, suggesting that some adaptation is clearly possible.
“But that is probably not the norm,” Grottoli points out. And there are too many unknowns in the system to say that this will happen for sure. For example, a 2009 study subjected coral larvae to acidified ocean water as they tried to form their initial skeletal structures. “They just make a crappy skeleton,” she said—weak, brittle, poorly formed. A genetic capacity to deal with Red Sea-level temperatures once they’re adults isn’t very helpful if they can’t survive the larval stage.
“There are still a billion survivors out there, and they’ve gone through a hell of a natural selection event,” says Terry Hughes, lead author of the Nature paper that found half the Great Barrier Reef’s corals died between 2015 and the end of 2017. Hughes has a grimly determined glass-half-full attitude, perhaps the result of surveying Australia’s bleached-white reefs starting in 2016 and 2017. This week’s Nature paper is only the latest of a series of studies he’s published cataloguing and categorizing the losses. “Our focus now should be on ensuring that those survivors which are genetically diverse can rebound as much as possible. The recovery’s going to take a decade, and it’s contingent on how many bleaching events we get in that period,” Hughes said. Another “if” to content with.
“Much of what is seen when you talk about reefs becoming more resilient is the result of simple darwinian fitness—you know, the survival of the fittest,” says NOAA’s Mark Eakin, Hughes’ coauthor. In any event where you lose individuals but some survive, you’re generally left with the tougher members of the species. But, Eakin says, if the creatures continue to suffer hit after hit, then even the fit ones are going to eventually die. “A mass extinction is going to be made up of a whole lot of smaller extinction events that are added together,” says Eakin. “It’s not one big boom and instantly everything falls over.”
“There are still a lot of corals, genetic diversity is still pretty considerable,” Matz says. His model, and the extra decades of wiggle room it suggests, to him means we should be fighting twice as hard to reduce emissions and get climate change under control while we still can. “I’ve seen claims that corals are dying, that’s it, bye bye,” he says. If that’s the case, he says, it would be too late to do anything. Instead, he sees hope—for now. “If we don’t do anything, it will get desperate. There’s still time for us to come to our senses.”
Written By Amelia Urry
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dallasareaopinion · 6 years
The Pretentious left versus the alt right
I look at this statement and blindly think we could solve all our problems if we could remove these groups from American discourse. And of course, that is ignorant madness.
 Both groups are made up of a core that are definable, yet they also cross over into the mainstream side of liberal and conservative body politic.
 And the left also has another definable group that sometimes aligns with the pretentious left and is sometimes on its own. Progressives, as a stand-alone group, are becoming a stronger movement within the left.
 So, what gives here. Is this a real battle for control of our country? Or do we have just another ideological battle of two sides. You ask either side and you will get a resounding the other side is the problem, they are clueless and are destroying American. The fight is real. How much of it is ideological and how much of it is a power struggle is the question. And it is both. And right now, the alt right is winning.
 The alt right has been working harder than the pretentious left. The pretentious left tends to believe since they know everything, everyone should fall in line and go along to get along. Their attitude towards many Americans turns these people off. It does not matter if they are right or wrong, what has come about, is people do not like being looked down upon.
 There has and will be an “intellectual royalty”. A group that separates itself from the masses and holds their ideals above them. This by itself, is not a danger. Humanity needs someone to push envelopes; to take us further in our evolution as humans intellectually, culturally, scientifically, societally; yet we cannot fall into the backseat behind them. It creates mistrust and educational divides that hurt the whole of society. And this intellectual royalty needs to stay engaged with the people. Unfortunately for the general liberal this separation is causing a huge backlash and push back from the middle. This helped led to the current rise of the alt right.
 The alt right plays on the anger of a disaffected group of people. And when you throw in a growing wealth gap, deteriorating education levels, mistrust of institutions, angst towards the pretentious left, then this turns into a God send for the alt right to capture the emotions of the middle or some of it and move their cause forward.
 The alt right and the pretentious left have always been a negative counter balance to each other. In its ugliest form, we have right wing dictator ships. In its mildest form, we have ultra-nationalists on the outside looking to find a door way into the public discourse to spout their hate. Out of some aspects of the pretentious left, socialism and communism as philosophies were developed. In practice, they became dictatorships.
 Currently the United States and Europe is seeing the rise of the alt right. They found their doorway and with social media have found new ways to engage the disaffected majority of countries. Again, the wealth gap, education gap etc… gives them the avenues to continue their march. This march does not bode well for the evolution of humanity. Yet, the pretentious left does not have a strong counter balance. Their credibility is on the wane and the pendulum shift is favoring the alt right.
 I do not think a victory for the pretentious left is what we are needing. We do not need a victory for either side. The real battle is enlightening the overwhelming middle of a society, giving them the tools to be successful, education to make holistic choices that benefit the whole of society. When this has happened historically mankind moves forward.
 Sometimes we get lucky and the middle gains control. An example is the turn into the 20th century. The eventual break up of the monopolies (yes, they came back), right for women to vote, the birth of the labor union movement (a sad history that workers lost lives to have a decent work life), direct election of Senators, push for more education to the general population and more.  These were hard earned victories yet shows the ability of the general population to gain when people put the whole of the country first. It was not a perfect time, yet it is one we can build a foundation to achieve even better.
 The pretentious left and the alt right will never put the general population first. Their goal is to dictate how we live, who are the enemies, who is right and who is wrong, what we are doing wrong, etc… Our goal is to find within ourselves the true needs of the country and fight for a continued push forward.
 Neither side is inherently evil, however, the alt right tends to find hate as a tool much more often and the pretentious left looks down upon the masses with utter contempt. Not good a look to make a good impression.  
 In a perfect world, it would be nice for people to look after us and for people to define what are our values. We do not live in a perfect world; hence we must ignore the excesses from both sides and work to make ourselves educated, strong, and value based. This is how we succeed.  
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rfschatten · 7 years
"Human Greatness does not lie in Wealth or Power, but in Character and Goodness"  ~~~ Anne Frank
Where is the Goodness in such an Immoral character like Donald Trump? Damn!! I really would
like to know, cause the Republican Party has always bragged about being the Party of Morals and "Family Values", as the Conservative Middle-Class' protectors of America's Working Family.
All the GOP Sins committed since the Great Communicator, and created by all their phony Values...rewarded them with a Man called Trump!...but remember, Karma is in the batter's box, just waiting to cause havoc upon an already tumultuous American Administration!!
Trump style Immorality has been part of the GOP, ever since I can remember...they just left it home most of the week, and a little civil discretion helped, too.
Today, Christian Evangelicals and Right-Wing organizations are heavily promoting Immorality, Hatred, and Bigotry as the new Morality...normalizing it to an even lower standard...and a dreadfully Spineless GOP has embraced the bait...hook, line, sinker!
Now, with the Immorality of a President who lives for just that one sound-byte moment of Indecency, the same man who sets the tone for who "We, the People" are around the World...the Republicans have decided, in the zeitgeist of Trumpism, that Indecency and Immorality work just fine! Ahhyup! Example? Their preparation to royally screw the status of America's Health and commence the Death March for the first 200,000 Americans!
Oddly enough, a major portion of those Americans now condemned to death by the GOP's Trumpcare, are Trump's fanatic  Minions...you know?...the not too bright, not too educated ones Trump loves so dearly? Will their tush be surprised with the kick they are about to receive!! The GOP and their beloved Trumpo, the Orange Orangutan, are throwing them...the whole lot!... way, way under the Bus!
Yes! Mr. Stupid! It's not about his great plans for all those you don't agree with, or despise...they're coming for you too, asshole!! You're gonna love their "Repeal and Replace"!...at least, as you lay dying ...you won't need to call it "Obamacare" anymore! Hurry!! You can now, be proud of your new "Trumpcare" Plan...as you take your final breaths!    
It's amazing, this era of Donald J Trump!...easily, the most incompetent and poorly administrated
Administration in US History!! The United States has become the embarrassment of this entire Planet. Trump has committed an act of public embarrassment every single day of his 166 days in office, since becoming President!...he's become an embarrassment not just to America...but, throughout the World!
This Fool, who dresses as a President, has been exposed by Foreign Leaders around the World, as the perfect "mark"...it's going to be hard for the United States to command its influence or any influence for that matter, particularly in today's climate on the Political World Stage, when everyone knows that our "Leader" is a 70 yr. old psychotic cry-baby, who puts on a temper tantrum when ordinary people or the Press criticize him, also, if he's not the center of attention...or if he can't get his way!
Baby Donny comes out whenever the 70 yrs old fool, has a meltdown! He has no imagination or understanding of High School US Government 101 or World History, and thinks of himself as if he's the "Greatest Negotiator on the Planet"!
Real Leaders know how to skirt around Foolish Idiots. In this game of World Political Poker currently being played, overseas; Don the Con is the "Mark"...and Vlad Putin holds the Trump Card! "sad"
One short meeting and you know this man's character, his flaws and his vindictive strengths...yes! Macron, Merkel, and Trudeau are now, the new true Leaders of the Free World!
Meanwhile, Donald Trump gallivants around, praising his wonderfully indecent relationships with known murderers Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Rodrigo Duterte (who 'personally' commits all his own murders)...and his open admiration for Neil Farage and Marine Le Pen? His disgraceful attitude towards NATO? his crazy far out antics at the Paris Climate Accords and the G7 Summit Meetings? along with his visits to the Vatican, Saudi Arabia, and finally "arriving" in Israel from the "Middle East"!?!?
All the President's antics have made a lot of World Leaders, think twice and totally mistrust The United States. While Russia and Putin's computers continue to disrupt country after country, his Puppet continues on his mission.
The shameless acts and words that have cost our historical allies in France, Germany, and especially Great Britain, for the first time ever, mistrust the intentions of the United States of America!
Yes! We have reached that pinnacle of rotten, totally Incompetent Foreign Affairs Policies, and miserable Amateurish Diplomatic efforts, run by a very understaffed Amateur State Department with orders from an Amateur US Administration. What it means for our Country, and what it means for the rest of the world, is alarming! But, where's our National Dialogue? That's even more alarming!
Doesn't Donald Trump in his 70 yrs. on this earth, ever had any shame or any shred of moral decency?? We all know, he's got no backbone!!
NEVER! All the multiple shameful sins of his very overt private life! his ever-present public life, and now as President of an entire Nation!... a Nation in which he 'supposed' to be representing!...you know? those taxpayers that are paying his salary?!?!
My question still remains; Where are the Goodness and moral Character of this man called Trump?? Where is his Heart? 
ETHICS: How Ethical is his standards of practice? How Ethical is the failed Human Experiment named Donald Trump??
MORALS: The one thing that stands out most about Le Grande Orange, is his total spiritual lack of Empathy or Remorse, His embracement of Ayn Rand's philosophy on the Rejection of Altruism, and his sordid natural gift for his enormous Immoral Behavior, which he holds towards everyone in every sector of our Society, and around the World.
DIGNITY: Dignity? Besides constantly degrading the Dignity of his Office?...The Man is a Pig! His Dignity starts when he falls asleep after Tweeting the World to death, and it stops functioning a few hours later when he wakes up! It only takes one time to see 30 seconds of his facial expressions, to know why Donald Trump is the most undignified US President in this Nation's History.
CREDIBILITY: As a world renowned mega-compulsive Liar, who lies openly in public, and is Guinness Book's "Lies" Record Holder ...where is 'his' Credibility?
SELF CONTROL: The Man has absolutely no Self-Control in Life! Twitter exposed 'that'!...and it's his most dangerous Achilles Heel!
KNOWLEDGE: Remember, Donald Trump, graduated from High School cause Dad bought his Diploma! And Donald Trump graduated from College cause Dad bought his Degree! This Little Man has been exposed in America...and now, throughout the World...as a dumb Rich Kid with street smarts, who could only succeed in life by using confidence schemes, deceiving all his clients, ripping them off, and never paying his Bills!
Knowledge? He's been outed as a Fake by his own big fat mouth! By his constant use of extraordinarily horrible stupid remarks, he easily convinced the World of his one and only Truth...a permanent Dunce Cap throughout his school days could be the cause of his baldness that morphed into his terribly spectacular comb-over.
How knowledgeable is our Commander-in-Chief? Just remember he's a genius within his own imagination!...he really did say the remarkably dumb and embarrassing lame statement, that he arrived in Israel 'from' the Middle East!! And America is supposed to be impressed with this Clown??
CLASS: Donald Trump also proves that being from Upper Class doesn't necessarily mean you have any "Class". In his case, no class at all! All his rudeness and unapologetic actions and that of his family just prove to America...and the rest of the Planet...what so many already knew; the Family Trump, any way you cut it...has absolutely no Class!
So! Inquisitive people would still like to know; Where's is the Goodness of Master Donald?!?!
Start with a Man who privately has a serious personal hang-up with the opposite sex. An avowed Philanderer, A misogynist who enjoys groping women, and a man who loves to publicly degrade women. His love to hurt people is to elevate his sense of self-worth.
A Rapist who got away with the Law and believes that there's no such thing as "Marital Rape"! But Ivanna knows better! Where is the Goodness and Moral Character of Donald Trump?
A crazy Maniacal Egocentric with a such a bad case of Narcissism, that he needs tanning spray 24/7! It's his need from Baby Donny, the cry for attention and compliments!
Showing his toughness against CNN in an edited version of an old WWE tape, he got paid to perform years ago.
All his self-accolades about the "Brilliant Businessman", then goes out and uses a Fake Time Cover, that hangs in all his properties around the World!...
And his call for a Cabinet meeting, taking these people out of whatever work or meetings they had...just for them, to each stand up and make a short speech in front of all the cameras and the Press, on his tremendous personal Intelligence, his Superb Character, and Greatness of his Leadership and Job performance as President.
Pretty much a Meeting arranged by the President as a forced congratulatory ass-kissing, ego-lifting event! There's no honor in complimenting yourself, Mein Führer! Donald Trump's Human Greatness? Not in this lifetime!!
An incompetent uneducated President, a man with no Ethics, no Morals or Scruples, no Respect, no Dignity, absolutely no Credibility or Self-Control, and especially a man with no human understanding of the basics of education!
What's so good about Donald Trump?...he'll never know what true Greatness really is, or how it really feels. Pity!
A Man like this??...does it take a Donald Trump to wake up a Nation from this Batshit Kool-Aid addiction that produced a Donald Trump in the first place??
No one, not even Ivana, Marla, or Melania could ever tell you about his Goodness, cause in all honesty...there's just nothing Good about this Man!
And to anyone, if you still forever believe in the Greatness of The Donald, my question still forever remains; Where's all that Goodness of his?!?! And where in the hell is his Good Moral Character and that Good Heart?!?!
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