#yes it could have been artificial insemination or surrogacy or something but the likelihood tilts more toward good old-fashioned sex
trollprincess · 1 year
I don't know how in the hell the YouTube algorithm got so screwed up in my case that it occasionally tosses me shorts by homophobic and transphobic people and not "Yellowstone" clips and dog videos.
Just now, it gave me one where a preschool teacher stated he got reprimanded for wearing a pride shirt during Pride month, and told they couldn't wear graphic T-shirts. The next day, a pregnant teacher in the school wore a "Bun in the Oven -->" shirt (with the arrow going down, obviously) ... crickets.
The preschool teacher says he's quitting teaching. He tells this specific story as what's clearly the latest in a long line of microaggressions, and I don't blame him one bit because they can only bend you back and forth every day before one day your metal fatigue gives out and you snap.
The video had been stitched by someone who immediately argued neither shirt should be allowed, because you shouldn't bring your personal life into the classroom. (I'm sorry, did this person GO to school? My one English teacher married a classmate's dad and a bunch of us were actually invited.) But then she singled out the pride shirt saying there should be no reference to sex on a shirt you wear to work.
Seriously? Like, for real? It's a flag. There's absolutely no indication of sex in that flag. There's more indication of sex in the Greendale Community College flag, and that's because it looks like a butthole. Sharing your sexuality does not actually mean you've HAD sex. I'm bisexual. I'm also a virgin. Me wearing my rainbow sneakers or my "I'm the bisexual pagan relative you're afraid of talking to at family gatherings" shirt doesn't change the fact I haven't had sex.
You know who probably has had sex though? The teacher wearing the "Bun in the Oven" shirt. Unless there's some other common way of getting a baby in there I'm not aware of.
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