#yeah sure fine whatever use characters as an accessory or plot device
possamble 27 days
I think the most egregious case of "tagging a background f/f ship" is when the f/f ship is an established couple that spends most of their screentime trying to get the m/m or f/m ship together. They barely even flirt. Many such cases. :(
I know there are real problems I could get heated about but this one truly makes me want to book a rage room
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millennium-puzzle 3 years
Oh yeah almost forgot: Top 10 fave character review whenever i finish a season, now unlike s2 that introduced tons of characters, in s3 most major characters were put on bus for almost the entire season, like Rishid, Mai and Bakura, with very few addictions; this season was mostly abt developing the old characters and relationships tbh, for the better or worse, but even if Bakura or Ishizu aren't in my Top 10 anymore it doesn't mean i like them less
10) Rishid: as i said he was mostly in coma this season but for the few scenes he was awake he was pretty cool, i must admit that the manga handled his talk to Malik about keep living way better than the anime, which is a shame, but i guess the anime couldn't give me the exact scene i imagined in my head; anyway i love Rishid and that would never change
9) Mokuba: i always liked Mokuba since the moment i saw him because i'm weak for characters with long dark wild hair like him or Raditz but he didn't really stood out to me because he is mostly used as a plot device or to develop Kaiba; but i really think that s3 actually fleshed him out more than Seto; we finally get to hear a lot of his thoughts and opinions on his past, brother, or the whatever is happening, and his weird friendship with Noah was truly interesting even if i wish we saw them bonding on screen a little more, i do find cool in the end Mokuba was the one to redeem Noah and Save the Day but i kinda wish we got even more of him as "Mokuba" and less as "Seto's little brother"
8) Shizuka: tbh she is my favorite girl after Mai, as much generic she can be i genuinely think the writers actually tried to make her develop her personality as individual rather than accessory to someone else, like sure she is always Jounouchi's Little Sister but when i feel that most of her interactions with other characters like Honda, Ryuji or Mai are meant to develop her character rather than the opposite
For example, Honda lying saying he trained her brother to get Shizuka's admiration serves to show the audience that Shizuka is naive and prone to idolize people that helped her brother rather than uuhhh show us Honda is a liar?
Or even Mai, Mai's comatose state doesn't provide just manpain for Jounouchi but for Shizuka too as she gets many flashback of Mai helping her and supporting the gang while guarding her comatose body; in the end as simple Shizuka is i like her little arc is about a child being confronted with the harsh reality of life and having to grow to keep up with her brother and friends; it's a shame we won't see her for a long time :/
7) Yugi: again he is kinda low but i must admit this season really shafted him :/, unlike s1 and s2 where he gets to duel Pegasus, Rebecca and Malik!Jounouchi; in this season he never gets to duel, like c'mon the B5 gets filler 375753 duels but not Yugi???? 馃あ馃あ
Outside that he is fine, him being the only one to not demonize Noah and trusting him was cute and a nice reminder that Yugi's good heart, kidness and empathy are always supposed to be traits that YY and the viewer should always look up too; but outside that i don't really remember any significant moment with? Like i feel like YY replaced Yugi as "The Role Model" like when YY lectures Kaiba about loosing, pride, "inner demons" and all that stuff sometimes; let me see my boy!!!
6) Noah: i had a huge essay on why i like him but i lost it 馃槶馃槶馃槶
Anyway, in few words, he is fave Kaiba and my 2掳 fave villain, he was really smug, sassy and cruel which made him really fun to watch; his deck was amazing and really fitting of his personality/occupation (he uses Spirit Monsters, cuz you know he dead; he hates Kaiba's fiend-type monsters being in his virtual world/personal paradise, cuz you know he dead; his theme is genesis/creation themed and ace is an angel because he see himself as the owner of his own afterlife making himself more similar to a god than an actual human)
He kicked Kaiba's ass (thanks a lot) and mocked him for not taking him seriously, then when YY duels him with all his might; Noah actually starts to crack down (i swear he gets angrier and more upset everytime he draws) which is really ironic
As said before i appreciate his relationship with Mokuba but i'm also interested in the way he is a better foil to Atem than he is to Seto; a young "prince" who was strictly raised to fulfil his father's legacy but due reasons he died too young (and weirdly enough their were both replaced by Seth/Seto) and are in currently stuck in a half-live/half-dead limbo
I would pay money to see ygo au with Noah as rival where in the end both him and Atem learn they don't have die and understand they too deserve long and happy lives with their friends
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