#yeah she worked on TEW btw. so.
meirimerens · 2 years
Heyyy Meiri! I know you're v into Patho rn (and many thanks for passing that brainrot along to me, I love it), but what would you say to someone who wants to start The Evil Within series? <- It's me. I want to start The Evil Within series.
i'd say Teehee Giggle (evilly) honestly! There's not much I can/want to tell you about it: it's very much like. Way More Approachable than Patho and draws way more on Mainstream inspiration and mechanisms than it. It's a good-hearted survival horror game that very much tried to get back to the #sources. The first one was directed by Shinji Mikami (he also worked on the second one but he wasn't director) so there are the very much like #bases of good ole survivor horror. It very much draws on the early REs & you'll see more of it as you play. It's kinda like.... they tried to make RE & SH have a baby & it came out kinda deformed. but we love her regardless ❤️️
some people prefer TEW2, i'd say it's prettier at the very least.
honestly go for it for real, it's approachable, fun, and not too #deep yet not too shallow. It's a perfectly acceptable little set of games that you might or might not get #silly over like i did. If nothing else it's a good time! go forth! i recommend it :3
also there are still loose ends at the end of TEW2 but like. we been waiting for TEW3 for like 5 yrs at this point. whenever they want!!!
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jihyoruri · 2 months
me when it’s time for the yearly anon confession potluck and I have to admit that to me… wowyn.. is just.. 🙂. I think she is a little toxic and the wonyn situation takes me out so bad like it’s genuinely the funniest thing to me EVER. like I can not explain why but the wonyoung is like eh ik u like me but I don’t rlly wanna deal with that so! uhm!.. anyway! and wowyn just… listens tew her😭😭like ur telling me wowyn breaks up w girls If wonyoung doesn’t like them LMFAOO😭
idk for some reason wowyn to me is more of a loser than loseryn not even in a mean way just.. I don’t know I feel like if I met her fr I’d be like.. ur such a sad person…
moving past this… who is your favorite yn? we all know mine…
(1. shamelessyn 2. richgirl yn 3. aespayn/firecrackeryn)
i may not be the president of the aespayn or richgirlyn fanclub but I’m actually both of their therapists btw. yeah Ik you guys don’t know but my side gig is actually fixing them. yeah no aespayn is in the trenches… it’s bad in these streets. (I love richgirlyn almost the same amount as shamelessyn I’m a cheater sorry)
also side note I am sat for anything u write but I hope you continue to explore richgirlyn’s dynamic with chaewon and the other members.. idk maybe it’s bc I grew up with a lot of money but the way ppl w wealth act has always been so.. weird tew me. like I know these r just sillay yn works but I feel like people who write rich characters forget like.. these r the most emotionally stunted people on earth. they never learned to socialize or explain their emotions 😭dealing w rich people is insane because no one talks abt anything or knows how to interact with regular people like they have such hard times w it for some reason?? (because they never had to)
ANYWAY sorry for the long ask 😞I hope we get some aespayn fans out here for 4/20 SHOW SUPPORT FOR UR GIRL😭😭
LOL babes imma have to correct you on some things. 😭
it’s not that wony is like “eh ik u like me but I don’t rlly wanna deal with that so! uhm!.. anyway!” she’s genuinely playing hard to get with yn, she feels like yn will always wait for her so she just doesn’t want to get into a relationship just as yet, I think I’ve mentioned it in early asks but wonyoung is playing hard to get with yn😭. wonyn is really a sad situation when you think about it because they’d be really good for each other but they’re not on the same page at all like wow!yn doesn’t think wonyoung likes her even tho wony does hold some feelings for her but she’s waiting it out but realizing that her time is running out. The only reason why wow!yn breaks up with people sometimes if wony doesn’t like them because wonyoung is genuinely her best friend if Giselle didn’t like one of yn’s gfs yn would probably break up with them as well, it’s so easy for her do that because she was just bored like she wasn’t in the relationship for real feelings if she acc had real feelings for the person it would be a different story take winter for example BOTH wonyoung and yujin didn’t like her and yn knew that but yn didn’t break up with her because she genuinely liked her but then she realized that she genuinely liked her so she broke up with her LMAOOOOOO. I wouldn’t call wow!yn a loser because she genuinely has problems, she has some mental instability. like her problems with her dad has definitely affected how she thinks about things and butchers how her mind functions in certain situations, she is a sad person tho. ANYWAYS moving on from wow!yn
my favourite yn and wow!yn and nwjns!yn THE SISTERS honestly I love wow!yn because she’s my most complex yn and honestly she’s just such a shit head and it’s so fun and amusing writing her and nwjns!yn is just a sweet mess like when I finally introduced her fic you guys will see what I mean, she’s the exact opposite of her sister 😭 (also a respectful mention of aespa!yn)
LOL they both need therapists for real so you got the job‼️ aespa!yn is a mess she’s a rich mess (I just took in that you like the two extremely rich yn’s LOL also firecracker!yn is always on someone’s favourite list and it always makes me laugh LMAOOO)
yes I am totally gonna explore richgirl!yn more, I tried my best to give a small peak into richgirl!yn having some problems I was so happy when you picked up on it in ur last ask for her
I honestly love long asks so much so this was fun to read LOL and thank you so much for reading and enjoying my works
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meirimerens · 4 years
Some TEW questions if I may please ask. How would you like the Sebastian and Joseph reunion to play out? How do you think Tango Gameworks will approach it? If you could direct that scene how would you like to see it unfold? What direction would you take, what actions/words would transpire between the characters, if any at all? Lots of thanks :)
yes queen/king
i’ve had Many Thoughts over the past 3 years about how i would like their reunion to play out, one i have. well. [extensively written] (that’s a link btw).
warning: prolly long post so i’m putting a read more and if it don’t work. well too bad.
Now. Now. i don’t have much hope for, like, a TEW3 or a DLC and idk how much i’ve come to terms with that (would i absolutely go batshit insane at the possibility of that narrative loop being closed? bet your ass. am i also aware the francise may be dropped for real? yeah bro). however. i think the reunion could go two ways: 1. in-STEM 2. out of STEM.
Now i’ve written about an out-of-stem reunion, so i’m going to focus on an in-stem reunion, which i think 1. would be epic 2. i’m rotating it in my mind i’m seeing it. ok.
it could go 2 ways and i’m going to talk about them. A. Joseph is conscious/himself B. Joseph has been “corrupted” in some way (ie. Haunted, boss, etc)
A. Joseph would have saved your ass a few times already, in the shadows. y’know? sniping enemies during close calls or having guided you in some way. you’d meet either at a safe house (à la TEW2), in a STEM-recreated Krimson City café (kinda like how you met Juli in TEW2) or in Tatiana’s little realm (TEW-like, she’s just having a fun time). I’m going to go with the Tatiana thought but know it would be more or less the same for any of the 2 others.
her: “there’s someone here who I thought you’d be glad to see, detective.” seb: “i’m not a detective anymore.” her: “you may have to tell him yourself.”
to which she steps aside and Joseph emerges from shadows. now i’d imagine he would have been a guest in STEM for all those years. he’d look rougher than last time you’ve seen him (obviously), i’m thinking no more vest over his shirt, sleeves more messily rolled up, hair less combed, stubble, likely. he’d have well-established scars on his arms, maybe his neck from fighting. he and seb would look at each other slack-jawed, trying to decipher each other. a same expression of “is it really you...?” on both of their faces. seb would try to take a step, only take a half from stumbling, joseph would flinch and recoil barely enough to be noticeable but his eye twitch in fear also (seen as the “camera” is a medium closeup/head&shoulders shot). seb would call joseph’s name first and that makes joseph “snap out of it” a bit. he would then call seb’s name. they do that back and forth for a while until seb takes a daring step, another one, grabs joseph by the arms (below the shoulders) or the hands. he’d say at some point that he’s here to get him out. joseph would look at him bewildered, still in shock, and then strength and life would animate his eye, he’d close his agape mouth, and nod firmly. “it’s good to have you back”, seb would say. and joseph would stick along until the end. (probably get a hug once they get back out of stem. maybe just a platonic, one-arm-around-the-shoulder hug, as to not scare the gamers, but they’d look at each other a bit, and I, among others, would Know. B. boss battle. boss battle. boss battle. i cannot think of a good monster/corrupted design for him, but i would like to find a way to mirror Myra’s “Matriach”‘s boss battle from TEW2, except where she was all light and white/green/grey in a sand, flat arena, Joseph would be very dark black/red/brown in a very busy arena, perhaps a crumbling building. he would have a LOT of mobilty to be a mirror of Myra’s anchored-in-her-ground monsters, and something would be done with Sight (maybe the Spotted mechanism could go wrong? maybe his monster is a lot of eyes? who knows) when you’d defeat him, make it a cinematic parallel to when Seb pulls him out of the bathtub in TEW, you know exactly the scene i’m talking about. seb would help him up. queue more or less what i’ve already mentionned for part A. ta-fucking-da.
i can’t write much more and i’m sorry i didn’t Quite reply to everything you asked, but i hope it’s sufficient. i miss these two a lot.... wanna draw them again.....
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