#yeah i was thinking like wow is luke time travelling now? is his jumper older than we thought? but no he is rather tall in those frames
magpie-trinkets · 23 days
You have an analysis of Luke's clothes, but aren't these the same clothes he wears in the first trilogy? I remember Eternal Diva takes place between Last Spectre and Miracle Mask. Any thoughts on this?
As a matter of fact, I was wondering exactly that! I was waiting to see if the frames offered another clue, but let's try and tackle this.
If what you've said is true, that means this movie does take place pre-Miracle Mask. Let's analyse his clothes for those games, for the exercise.
Last Specter:
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This is Smol Luke. He's so tiny omg. But he's notably not wearing a blue jumper, which is what he's wearing in the frame. He's wearing a newsboy cap, which is easily identifiable by the button at the top. His trousers are blue and not green, and his suspenders are green, not brown. Most notably, though, is his size and hair horns. They're slightly angled downwards from his 1st trilogy look. He's also shorter. Like, that's significant.
Miracle Mask:
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He has changed a bit here: he's wearing a blue vest/waistcoat and green trousers. Quite curiously, we can't see his big brown buttons of his white shirt. His hair has moved upwards this time, but just slightly at the tip.
And, as we know, his jumper-I-don't-fix-my-suspenders look comes from the first trilogy.
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It is rather pretty obvious that we are seeing first trilogy Luke in the Eternal Diva frame (bunched trousers, blue jumper, big brown button, flatcap, suspenders not correcly worn, sharper horns). What could this mean?
If we eliminate the impossible, we arrive at this: the frame is taking place during the 1st trilogy timeframe. But, if the Eternal Diva takes place during the 2nd trilogy, this raises some contradictions.
I do have a theory, with the minimal information we have at the moment. I suspect we are in some Random, Insignificant Investigation and Layton is about to drop the "Luke, my boy, remember the Diva case from some years ago?" and Luke will be like "Professah, yeah, but why bring it up now?" and then the screen will shake and some whimsical sound effect will play, and the entire movie is a flashback.
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