#yarn mystrade
johannadc · 3 months
Li'l Greg Gets a Football
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Look, Sherlock gave me a football! Now I can get out for a match with the lads.
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Gregory... (Mycroft takes Greg's hand) I urge you to let me have any gift of Sherlock's thoroughly inspected and disinfected before you touch it. You know how he is.
True. He'd probably think being covered in blood at a crime scene made a gift more special.
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M: Now, before you go out on the ... is it called a field?
G: Sure, that's fine.
M: I insist you eat a light but healthy meal. Here's a charcuterie platter, plenty of protein, and a green salad.
G: Aw, Myc, you take such good care of me.
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G: But what's this over here? Biscuits! Lots of types, too.
M: Of course you want to eat dessert first.
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G: I insist we share. Here's a heart-shaped one from me to you.
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johannadc · 4 months
Greg Brings Mycroft a Gift
One day, Mycroft is in his office, reading the paper and having a cuppa.
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He hears a muffled thud on the door. "Come in?"
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Greg staggers in, carrying something that appears heavy.
"Sorry for the noise, hands were full."
He gently drops it on the table.
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"Whew, that was heavier than I thought." Greg wipes his brow as Mycroft sets down his paper and comes over to take a look.
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"What is this?"
"Well," Greg replies, as he sits down on the sofa. "Since 'm spending more time here, thought I'd help decorate. Actually, saw it and thought of you, as it's got crowns and looks like the city. And there's a bit of a story behind it."
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"It's a lovely piece. You didn't need to gift me anything, but I am grateful. And I would enjoy hearing the story." Mycroft gets Greg a cup of tea before settling in next to him.
"Alright. See, there was this shop with all kinds of odd art, and I kept going by, but that sort's not cheap, y'know? I'd finally decided I liked it enough -- and thought you'd like it -- to plunk down the dosh. I opened the door, and this bloke cannoned into me. I stopped him, and it turns out he was a thief! The shop owner was grateful, and when I mentioned I was interested in this piece, gave it to me. So it was a gift to me, and 'm passing it along."
"How fortuitous! I shall appreciate it all the more -- and of course, you must visit it frequently to ensure I am taking proper care of it."
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johannadc · 3 months
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Gregory, given how much time you spend here...
Am I bothering you too much? I'cn come round less often.
Oh, no, no, as I was going to say... given your time, and that you've even begun leaving your, hrm, sporting accoutrements here, I thought it was about time you have a key.
Oh! Well, thank you. That's quite a lot of trust, to give me unaccompanied access to your ... wait, why do you call this an office when you don't have a desk?
I was wondering how long it would take you to notice that.
(And the author steps in because I want you to notice that Mycroft now has a proper pocket watch.)
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johannadc · 3 months
Mycroft Has a Proper Office
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M: Greetings, my dear.
G: Oooh, you've got a proper desk now.
M: Quite so.
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M: I'm not happy with the refinishing, as they couldn't match the mahogany...
G: Nah, it's a fine sturdy piece. Lots of drawers. Where were you keeping all this? Doing all this work?
M: The British government has a lot of storage space, and one may do a lot with modern technology, if needs must.
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M: Now, let's toast to the redecorating being done. Drink?
G: You have quite the drinks cart here!
M: I wasn't sure ...
G: You? Not sure?
M: You have asked me not to "mind read" you. So there's wine, martini, sidecar, g&t, and your standby, coffee. I am having champagne.
G: Great idea! Let's celebrate!
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johannadc · 5 months
Continuing With the Library...
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G: Brought you a present, Mycroft, to continue building your library. (Greg drops the case on the coffee table, as gently as possible given its weight.)
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M: Oh, more books! Ah, I see, dedicated to the works of my brother, very funny.
Greg pretends to cover a cough as he laughs.
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G: That's just a joke, love. Your real gift is underneath.
M: Oh, my childhood favorites!
G: It's the complete set of Winnie the Pooh books, including the poetry.
(Greg puts his arm around Mycroft as Mycroft puts his hands to his mouth in pleasant surprise.)
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(The two settle in on the sofa, with Mycroft reading a favorite piece to Greg.)
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johannadc · 5 months
Friday Afternoon in the Library
Greg's new favorite place to nap is Mycroft's office, with its bookish library feel.
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Mycroft's new favorite place to nap...
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... is on Greg's chest.
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johannadc · 5 months
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G: Why does undecorating feel so much more tiring than the decorating, Mycroft?
M: I could tell you it's about anticipation affecting our perceptions of exertion and fatigue, but you'd just laugh at me. Enjoy your martini instead.
I do appreciate your assistance, Gregory, as I'm expecting a new piece of furniture shortly.
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G: Well I can tell you're going to be organizing for a while, so I'll take a coffee break.
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johannadc · 5 months
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G: Hi, Mycroft! Thought I'd stop by while it's still quiet and see if you want to play a game. Surprised you haven't undecorated yet.
M: Well, it is just now Twelfth Night. The staff shall put away the festive trappings tomorrow.
(JDC: Me. I'm the staff.)
M: However, you are correct, it is quiet - in fact, it might just be the two of us here...
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G: In that case, I have another game idea. If you're interested.
(M holds out his hands, together.)
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johannadc · 5 months
Sherlock Invades the Library
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Greg's gift was such a success that Mycroft and Greg have begun making a habit of taking a tea break together. Greg gets off his feet while Mycroft reads a poem or two out loud.
Until one day... Sherlock storms in.
"Really, this is how a member of Scotland Yard and the British Government choose to spend their time, reading children's stories to each other?"
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Greg jumps to his feet as Mycroft puts the book down and looks away from his annoying little brother.
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Upon seeing that Mycroft has retreated to his umbrella as something to hold between him and the incursion, Greg pokes Sherlock in the chest. "Sunshine, what we do together is none of your business."
Then it strikes him. Sherlock just might be jealous. "Want to join us?"
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Sherlock sits next to Greg on the sofa as Mycroft starts another poem.
(I do love a protective Greg, don't you?)
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johannadc · 3 months
Mycroft Expands His Library
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What's that you've got there, Mycroft? More books?
Yes, Mummy has taken to "decluttering", she called it. Terrible American fad. She sent over my childhood library.
Knew you've always been a reader.
Mmmm, yes, some of my favorite afternoons were spent escaping into these worlds.
Show me what you've got? (Greg pours himself a cup of coffee and settles into a sofa corner.)
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These are my favorites as a boy. Classics, you know. Fantasy. Beatrix Potter. Alice in Wonderland.
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Then the adventures...
Didn't take you for an Austen or Bronte reader?
Romance and sacrifice? Not for me, you thought?
Now that you put it that way... 's true, everyone needs a happy ending to dream of.
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And finally, the horror. Ah, our Victorian forebears.
Knew you'd like Dracula, my well-dressed pale gentleman. Thanks for sharing a bit of your youth with me.
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(And after shelving the books, they each settle down with a favorite to enjoy. Greg is reading Robin Hood, while Mycroft has The Wind in the Willows.)
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johannadc · 2 months
Li'l Mystrade Pack for a Trip and Encounter a Surprise
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Mycroft: Hmmm... not sure there's enough...
Greg: What are you up to?
M: Isn't it obvious? I'm packing!
G: We're going for a weekend, love.
M: Yes.
G: All this for a couple of days?
M: Yes.
G: Four books?
M: Yours, mine, my backup, and the one I'm reading to you.
G: Laptop, phone, AND tablet?
M: The requirements of the role, my dear.
G: The papers?
M: Same.
G: The food?
M: We have higher standards than most transport companies. And you do like your snacks.
G: I do.
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Greg: Here, don't forget these.
Mycroft: ...
G: They're multi-purpose! If your brother shows up and wants me to arrest someone. If your brother shows up and is bored. If your brother doesn't show up...
M: Yes. Well. Perhaps once we're in our hotel room.
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Mycroft: Packing is so tiring.
Greg: There there. Put the phone down and show me the hotel again on your tablet.
M: It will be lovely once we're there, won't it?
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And so it was. Snacks, drinks, Cluedo and relaxing together.
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And then the giant bee attacked.
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(What, it's a Doctor Who homage.)
Greg and Mycroft, protecting each other.
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johannadc · 3 months
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The yarn boys are very very tired today (as is their office manager). Mycroft is so tired he thinks he's hallucinating his work self looking out for them.
But they had a scary difficult conversation about shared keys and know they're all the stronger together for it. They deserve a bit of a rest.
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johannadc · 1 year
Li'l Mystrade at 221B Con, Part 2
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"Floor bacon?" Mycroft says, sarcasm dripping from his tone.
"'s a tradition, love. Part of the con lore."
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"There's nowhere better to eat than food from a TRUCK?"
"The füd truck is another tradition."
"That's not how umlauts work, Gregory."
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"Dark, quiet, and a cocktail. This is much more my speed."
"I know, love. We all need time to decompress. But we've got one more activity, and I think you'll like this one."
"Thank you, Gregory. And for letting me lead."
The next morning...
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"I brought you tea."
"There are too many people out there."
"Should I leave you alone?"
"You're not people, my dear."
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"You were right, Gregory, tea made it better."
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"Why does this con have a thing with dinosaurs?!?!"
"Knew that brolly would come in handy."
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"I will never understand the fascination some people have with my brother."
"Aww, you miss him, dontcha?"
"... Perhaps."
And with that, Li'l Mystrade bid farewell to 221B Con for another year.
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johannadc · 1 year
Li'l Mystrade at 221B Con
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"I do not understand, Gregory, why they would have a panel titled 'The DI and the British Government' and not invite us to be on it."
"Would you have really wanted to take public questions about our relationship, Myc?"
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"Look! That nice @beltainefaerie made me a felt bee pin!"
"Don't go native, Gregory. We must maintain decorum."
"Aw, the con-goers are great, interesting people. Lots to talk about with them."
"I need a drink for this."
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"Don't you want to try one of the special cocktails, Myc?"
"I think we're better off sticking with old favourites. Another G&T please."
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The next morning.... breakfast in bed.
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"Gregory, there are more papers you could read."
"It's more fun to share, love."
"If you must. Don't get doughnut sprinkles on my shoulder."
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johannadc · 6 months
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Li'l Mycroft and his yarn friends wish everyone a very Happy Holidays -- from Li'l Mycroft, Li'l Lestrade, and the Li'l Holmes Brothers. (Li'l Sherlock is so excited his hair is trying to take off.)
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johannadc · 5 months
The Best Way to Spend a Snow Day
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It's snowing. Again. So the boys decided to have tea by the window and watch it fall.
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