#yall are losers honestly who remind us more of neoliberals than anything else
Let me make something abundantly clear to all terfs and transphobic bigots, your argument comes down to conservatives are right about sex and no matter how much you try and say that your ideology differs from conservative ideology, it doesn't.
Here's why:
There is nothing in our biology that makes names, pronouns, or articles of clothing, length of hair or hormones inherently masculine or feminine. Both sexes have the ability to make both sets of "sexed" items, so really all transition is doing is inverting the balance of the dominant hormone in a person's biology to overcome their final sex chromosome.
If you knew how sex worked in humans, you'd know that it's your last sex chromosome that determines the expression of certain sex organs or features. I think that's how it works in all animals, but don't quote me on that I don't have a special interest in animal biology. But I know for humans, all our "sex" features are found in somatic chromosomes. Testicle production (which is just having external ovaries) is found on chromosome 17 (? I'm highly af right now) which means both males and females have the ability to produce testicles. The X chromosome suppresses the external representation of that gene and makes it internal to make ovaries and the final sex chromosomes determines whether or not gene 17 stays off indefinitely or turns back on to produce the testicle gene.
Evolutionarily speaking, nature tends to evolve in such a way that males have to fight to exist naturally. Like nature really hates having males come into existence and usually if a species is alive long enough, the males become biologically unnecessary. Anyways. Back to basic biology 601.
Nothing in our sex chromosomes is unique to one gender. All our sex chromosomes do is affect the expression of somatic genes in our body. Which means that ALL humans have the ability to present male or female, which is why scientists are classifying humans as sexually monomorphic now. Because they are realizing more and more how our culture affects our sexual expression and how studies show facial dimorphism for ex is location based which means that the only thing that males and females for sure have different in our phenotypical forms is our pelvices and that can be explained by structure function, not mate selection so it's not sexual dimorphism.
Theoretically, all species should have pelvic differences between the sex that carries vs the sex that impregnates because duh that makes sense why it'd be different if u hold a baby versus not. It doesn't mean it was selected by the opposite sex because it's physically appealing ? That doesn't make any sense which is what sexual dimorphism describes btw. PHENOTYPICAL differences between sexes selected through mating.
So, anyways, males are also only 15% bigger on average and many studies show that women can outperform men in gaining muscle mass, especially because of cultural history. Like black women were enslaved and forced to work manually, so they naturally have higher testosterone levels then both white men and women do because there was a genetic need for their sex hormones to naturally deviate from the white genetic needs of hormone levels between sexes. So black women have a greater ability to gain muscle mass than white men do in america especially. But even if we look through a fatphobic lens, black women were sexually selected by their mates to naturally have bigger ass and breasts and so in order to gain a lot of mass in your gluteus maximus muscles, you'd need to have more testosterone available since we know that the two are linked. So yeah, there are many different cultural lens that affect the expression of sex chromosomes because we know epigenetics is real and verifable by the science. And we know colonization was a huge environmental threat to black people but also to poor and uneducated white folks since they get exploited as through via capitalism and the side effects of harmful and restrictful narratives and ideals is that everybody has to adhere to them because we lead by example as a species and these ideas wouldn't have gained traction if people didn't think they were good ideas to spread.
But I've gone too far into sex production and I probably lost a lot of people but oh well, my point is this: nothing in those genes say that a human has to abide by certain group of names, pronouns, words or adjectives, nor do they have to present themselves in a certain way by dressing or not dressing in certain garments. Like, you can pinpoint on what gene testicle production is located (gene 17) but nowhere does that gene say that these testicle must use the name "Mitchell" instead of "Vanessa," or must use the word "man" to describe themselves.
Like, language is inherently abstract and is thought to be the reason for human dominance in the global ecosystem of nature. Often, our ability to self determine is linked to our ability to create sounds that make up words that are stand ins for not only concrete concepts like "grass" but abstract concepts like "atoms" or "sex chromosomes" or "love" or "quantum physics" or "money" or "names". Even clothing is a social construct, animals do not wear clothes and if they did they wouldn't fucking care about the genitals inside the article if clothing lmfao.
But you see where I'm getting at, in order to claim a person with a penis cannot go by feminine names, use feminine nouns to describe themselves or wear feminine things and participate in feminine culture, you are saying that there is something inherently feminine about all of these things, something in our biology that requires us to do these things and ONLY us to do these things.
This is why you agree with conservatives on sex, no matter how much you complain that "actually we believe women can do whatever they want, except for [insert traditionally masculine thing here] because that goes against her biology but other than that, women can do whatever they want."
Except for use the name Michael, use man to describe themselves, or cut off their boobs because they don't want them apparently? Like WHY can't a person with a vagina do these things? What makes it off limits for them to do these things?
This is why nobody but bigots agree with you, because your gender ideology isn't radical AT ALL but more of the old regurgitated bullshit we've heard for decades. You're not radical and you don't wish to "abolish" gender because if you did, you wouldn't give a fuck if a vagina calls himself Kyle.
This is why real gender abolitionists hate you, because nothing you're advocating for is radical or progressive. It's more of the same old shit, yall can't give me a reason for why a vagina having person must go by feminine names or feminine pronouns because there is no reason other than "I want them to" if there is truly nothing women can't do that men can, then that includes using the word man to describe themselves.
Like, why do yall care so fucking much about making sure people with penises use penis approved things and people with vaginas use vagina approved things? Why can't all bathrooms be gender neutral? Why can't all sports be divided by weight class instead of gender? Why can't locker rooms be gender neutral? What is so wrong with being naked or pressed up platonically against members of the opposite sex?
Maybe if you stop treating penises like dirty, loaded guns that could go off at any given time and who must be isolated and cut off from the rest of society, then maybe we could actually get rid of rape culture. If you normalize this belief, why would expect little penis havers to grow up and not fulfill the societal expectations set for them?
Like, it's social psych 101 honestly. If you treat a group like a threat, eventually they will become a fucking threat. Like there is nothing in the terf ideology that differs from conservative ideology, except for the fact that yall are implicit sexists instead of explicit ones.
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