#xl at hc's murders: gotta crack a few eggs to make an empire what's a couple assassinations between bros?
nootbook · 2 years
Actually maybe Xie Lian isn't insane... Taking a step back, I love making jokes about Xie Lian accepting Hua Cheng's feelings despite him being outed as an obsessive maniac cuz he's just like "it's cute tho [also a maniac]"
But Hua Cheng is not the only person Xie Lian has been stalked by! He had a pretty fuckin bad time with his other stalker! And I think having expeirences with both of them to compare and contrast, Xie Lian can see stark differences in their intentions.
Jun Wu wants to possess Xie Lian so he can raise him in his image. He fell in love with something he wasn't, and clung onto that feeling by trying to make Xie Lian into the person he wanted. And uh [looks at notes] murdered his whole kingdom and ended his career and life as he knew it in the process.
Hua Cheng has admired him just as long, but he didn't even think about imposing himself until he thought he was worthy of Xie Lian's attention, and even then he was self conscious. He wanted to earn his friendship, his affection, on his own merit by impressing him and granting every wish he's ever had. That's a completely different kind of devotion, and his love is evident in everything he does (For Xie Lian Specifically). His and Jun Wu's actions are totally different.
When the obessions are revealed, it puts the past into a new light. Everything Jun Wu and White No Face did is already horrible, not a single good thing to look back on, and it becomes even more traumatizing when you add the stalking. Hua Cheng has only ever protected and adored Xie Lian, so looking back it's like. Well, he never hurt me or made his obsession my problem and I like him the way he is, so why should I care that it's a little unhinged?
And I mean like,,,, Hua Cheng did still stalk him and stalking shouldn't be excused just because the guy is cute.... but it's also evident that Hua Cheng feels bad about it?? He KNOWS it's creepy. He Did Not Want anyone to see the cave of 10,000 gods lol and the relationship would probably have gone on as normal has Xie Lian never found out. And then Jun Wu is like "I'm right tho you should let me keep you like a bug in a jar."
Xie Lian doesnt care about the wack things Hua Cheng did because all the things he's done right speak way louder.
He also doesn't care about all the people and gods Hua Cheng has murdered in his name tho so he defs has a screw loose somewhere.
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