#wyb is so beautiful 🥹🥹🥹🥹
accio-victuuri · 5 months
yibo-official update
"In the night where the tires were rubbing heavily, only the light was weak." The time and space tunnel flickers on and off, with phantoms traveling through it.
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
(zing) a famous make up artist talked about wyb in this interview. so he basically said that bobo is beautiful, and that he looks his best when he is on day day up since that’s the time that he has less make up on. he said that when he first saw wyb, he didn’t understand what makes him good looking. but when he saw him (wyb) take off all his make up, he understood. he said wyb is real and so handsome!
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i know some of you here have seen wyb in person and i’ve always been so curious about how different he is from the screen to irl. on btf + ono, the staff had to make him less handsome lol. give him flaws. i am a fan of his eyeshadow-era and all the idol make up but i have to agree that bare faced yibo is something else too.
which reminds me of when xz said he prefers wyb with light to no makeup at all 🥹🥹🥹
this was such a sweet moment, and i’m cackling at how wyb was probably embarrassed ( but happy on the inside lol ) ; the way he was speaking about “idol wyb and actor xz” hahahahahahaha!
xz saying stuff like “i like the natural-looking you” / “the way you are like this (light makeup) is pretty nice” and wyb’s face was all “go on clown, tell me more…” there seems to be a disconnect in this conversation. the way i see it, wyb was half flattered and the other is defending the way he prefers make up and how it’s necessary as an idol. xz on the other hand was truly complimenting wyb.
this is truly in my top 10 favorites for unreleased bts.
and the best part? xiao zhan’s freakin face 😂😂😂he’s like — how the hell did he interpret it like that??? i was literally saying how much i adore him??? that he is perfect just the way he is???
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
i have been doing cpn posts here and there about wyb’s alleged song list and here is another one. i’m just gonna name it wyb’s playlist cpn from now on. so the explanation is, some people know wyb’s personal qq music account so if you follow him you can see what he has been listening to. i am not really familiar with the app so idk how the settings work if he can hide some. no one is saying how they found out about the account, which makes sense for privacy. in a similar way that some fans know zz/wyb’s gaming account till now. feel free to not believe it cause i understand that things like this can be sus & people on the internet tend to lie.
for me personally tho, i love this cause i think music really speaks of what someone is feeling. and you have wyb who is not exactly big on social media so we rarely know anything. aside from his now extensive movie list, his playlist is something that is interesting too. not necessarily cpn-wise all the time.
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this post will cover golden hour & some recent eason chan tracks added. 🎶🎵
The first one is GOLDEN HOUR which was used in ZZ’s vlog in Milan. It was a pretty popular song back then but it became more know because of ZZ’s post and even the singer reacted to it. Since then, it’s been a favorite among BXGs considering the meaning of it too.
This is what WYB’s playlist looked like on 3/28/23 People who follow said he hasn’t updated it for a week and then suddenly this track is added in. A piano version of Golden Hour. They say WYB usually adds relaxing music like piano tracks and some of nature, but not often. So it’s interesting how this one was added. At the time, they just don’t know the relevance. ( this screenshot was taken 00:38 3/29 but it has been this way since 3/28 )
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and um hello to the rihanna songs! he is such a fanboy! as he should. and also kendrick! 👋🏼
then XZS posts the vlog with that BGM the next day.
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dude, what are the chances. these vlogs are edited real time, we know that xzs team were working hard to feed content so the song must have been decided then and there. wyb listening to that the day before, next day it’s the BGM for ZZ’s vlog? i’m just thinking about ZZ sending it to him first to watch then WYB decided to add the song to his playlist. Or maybe they have already been lovin it and decided to use it on ZZ’s vlog.
so sweet!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹
the most recent one is this updated 2/13 ( the 3rd track i blurred sung by faye wong, i already talked about here ) :
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The first one is this song ⬇️⬇️⬇️ which is about accompanying someone as a form of love. and isn’t that so them? it’s a known message that they both believe in, accompanying that person is a way of showing your love. screenshot 1 is from YT of a native speaker translating the title and that’s the one i’m going with.
also, sorry but i’m linking R1SE’s cover of the song cause it’s beautiful. 🫶🏼
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AND THESE LINES! WYB is such a romantic! I cannot! It’s so him! Someone who will like and love this one thing and will stick to it till the end. 🥹
Accompanying you to turn loneliness into bravery
I lost again and again, I didn’t leave
Accompanying is the longest love confession
How long is the future
Stay with you until the story is finished
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This is the second one, cloudy day. Which he was also allegedly listening to back in 3/2022 when he was filming and they haven’t seen each other for month.
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What does the sky look like
What is love like
Several clouds forgot where to go on a cloudy day
Missing and loneliness
Blowed into the left ear
Maybe I can’t remember, but I can’t forget the time
That secret happiness
What to say to the cloudy day
From what i can gather, it’s about thinking of love and the good things even if it’s a cloudy day. Usually it must feel sad, but this person still chooses to see the good in it. Again, this is so WYB. He sees it and does not mope, he remembers the blue sky and white clouds instead.
Eason Chan is a famous singer that a lot of people listen to so i know that WYB is not the only person in China who probably has one of his songs on his playlist. Compared to Golden Hour which was unusual and the timing being sus. However for this, the fact that it’s added close to Valentines Day? Is this what he is feeling? So freakin in love! ♥️🥹
Anyway, I hope they had fun with the time they had together last CNY break ( allegedly ) and that their love endures & flourishes in the years to come! 🫶🏼
sources: one // two
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
8/13/2023 : LRLG Contribution 🍓🥝
well… i didn’t expect this release today but i’m taking it and i’m happy that we have them back with us! and released on the 13th too. what a good number! 🫶🏼
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you all know how this works, let’s play a game and guess what the “scenes” are referring too 😂😂😂
everything is fake. fanfiction. i don’t have the permission to transfer the whole content. so some parts will be incomplete and others i will just explain what’s happening.
It starts with WYB talking to someone, and it’s obviously XZ.
WYB: 👀
WYB: "nice"
WYB: "Will not guard XZ's freedom to dress” ( I think this means Web won’t get in the way of whatever XZ wants to wear. )
WYB: it's beautiful
WYB: “Really nice”
WYB: I haven't changed yet, don't worry
WYB: come in a while
WYB: "oh"
WYB: "good"
WYB: Just take a picture and wear it. I'll be there later.
So this is 99.9% an event where they both attended and that’s two so far, Weibo Night and that gala in HK. My money is on Weibo Night tho, because WYB said he will come later. In the HK gala, WYB was visible very early in the venue even if technically XZ flew to HK before him.
The wedding clothes 💌
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and XZ can wear anything and WYB will probably go— “wow xiao laoshi!” 😍😍😍😍 some are also interpreting WYB’s words ( freedom to dress ) as a sort of comfort to XZ. He was probably hesitant to wear what he did and thought it would be better to play safe. But has a very supportive s/o ( WYB ) who knows what to say to boost XZ’s confidence.
The next part is, still not sure if this is a continuation of WB night. But a girl is saying XZ is beautiful and WYB is there with this expression on 🥹
XZ: "I told you I can not come"
WYB: “Um?"
XZ: “Just kidding, kidding"
XZ: "Do you want to shoot when you go back tonight?"
and then the girls, most likely staff told XZ they can continue and that he (XZ) should coax the child (WYB)
NEXT UP IS A RANDOM EXCHANGE, but cpfs think they are playing a game:
WYB: "Why don't I have a mask"
XZ: "Because you don't have an eyeshadow palette..”
WYB: "What to use"
XZ: "Small eyeshadow combined with big eyeshadow"
WYB: “boring”
XZ: “Don't play when you're bored"
WYB: "Who shared it with me"
XZ: "Don't order it"
XZ: "There are a lot of materials that you can't sell, but you can use them later.
WYB: "Kids don't play this.”
XZ: "Yeah, adults are playing"
WYB: “….”
Some are guessing it might be this — Dream Detective. I understand cause games like this are relaxing, you won’t be so stressed about it. Plus when I read the reviews, they said the graphics are good so maybe that’s why XZ likes it. So cute tho how WYB will try everything XZ recommends — he will also play with him even if it’s not his type of game. There are other guesses on what they’re playing but this is the one i’m going with.
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Then we have another block of text from WYB.
WYB: "When will there be a holiday for you?”
WYB: "Come and see me, come and see me if you're not tired"
WYB: "So are you coming or not"
WYB: "There is nothing missing, and you can buy it here"
WYB: "You and I can't buy it"
OMG MY HEART. Come and see me, come and see me if you're not tired. He’s just so 🥹🥹🥹🥹. How can you say no to that huh XZ? and WYB knows it’s inconvenient to meet but maybe there are days that he really needs company and XZ will grant him that. I’m just so happy they have each other.
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"There is nothing missing, and you can buy it here" >> CPFs also interpret this part as, we don’t need anything. You’re all i need, you are something money can’t buy. Anything else we can buy and replace.
I don’t fully understand the next exchange but it’s WYB talking to some people. Not sure if staff or cast. I can’t figure out of the context and looks like it’s not cpn-y. I could be wrong, again, some things on here are hard to connect. But what stood out is this exchange :
WYB: "You can't see both sides, right? You know whether he's skinny or fat."
👧: “Let's just say I've never paid attention to this issue"
👩‍🦳"Besides, you can see it in the video, you have to touch it to know."
So this is like Web who cares if XZ eats enough and he will know that by how XZ looks. If he’s grown too skinny or what. Years later, he’s still so attentive about XZ’s health! 😌😌😌
Then back to WYB again who is obviously talking about The Longest Promise / Yuguyao
WYB: “Didn’t eat, not very hungry”
WYB: "Will you be sad if I don't eat?
WYB: "( laughs ) they're all talking"
WYB: "they said you're good at acting, you're immortal
WYB: "If you don't believe me, ask them yourself"
WYB: “Rave reviews”
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Awww. He’s such a supportive boyfriend! I’m cackling tho at how he used that iconic line. In the drama it should be will you be sad if I die?
Kidding aside, yes Yibo. XZ will be sad ( and most likely angry at you ) if you don’t eat!!!
XZ: "Don't listen to this"
WYB: "Your hair can be braided.”
WYB: "Is it hot for you to wear a wig?"
XZ: "nothing to eat"
WYB: "Brother X went to buy it, it was delicious"
Then Web tells him to lie down for a while, an assistant said she will get a pillow and then WYB said he will go out and make a call ( so XZ can rest ).
THE HAIR! XZ’S LONG HAIR!!!!! This? In braids??? WYB i hate you for putting thoughts in my head!
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THEN THIS. Everyone’s favorite Chongqing pepper strikes again 🌶️🌶️🌶️
WYB: "Didn't I say come back when you're not tired?"
XZ: "I'm not tired on the road, I'm tired when I arrive"
WYB: "Thank you for coming all this way"
XZ: "I came all the way here and you still go out with your phone"
WYB: "I didn't call. I remember there was a massager, but I couldn't find it.
XZ: “neck pain”
WYB: “i’ll give you a massage”
OMG GG. 😂😂😂😂
Don’t worry, i’m sure WYB loves your more than his phone or whatever! LOL. and you have WYB who is good at coaxing and will massage XZ. God. They are so sweet. I hate them. 💀💀💀💀
There’s also a part of this, they are talking about food and ordering and XZ said he wants an egg custard tonight, so of course WYB made it happen.
There is an exchange where WYB said “"You scared them so much that they dare not eat!” I wanna know. Who was the group or person who sensed XZ’s hangry energy / face that it scared them 😂😂😂
That’s all!!!!
I enjoyed this LRLG and there is also some feeling of relief cause we thought they would be gone for good. Or they will return but not this early. I like reading about their simple life and interactions. Some turtles are also commenting about the two sides of Xiao Zhan and how WYB is the only one who gets to see this side of him.
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
This is part two of me talking about yibo cause i have lots of thoughts hahahahahaha! Whatever he is doing is effective in getting him out of that idol circle. Tho the title is there, especially him being a “traffic” star, it’s only a matter of time before he fully integrates into Actor Wang Yibo. Not that there is anything wrong with traffic cause it has it’s perks. I remember in an interview wyb said, only those who don’t have traffic would say they want it. I noticed how selective he is with projects that he will spend his time on and if he does— it serves his purpose as an actor ( but not forgetting to have fun too and he still has time for his hobbies ). As a fan, I have adjusted my expectations in what he is doing and trust his career choices. I would imagine that there are people out there who are interested in taking the same route as him because of how successful he is.
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I found myself thinking today what’s the difference between WYB and the majority of his peers? A lot of them are at ELLE Fashion Awards decked out in beautiful clothes and being the celebrity they are. In the meantime, WYB is at the GRA event because of his nomination as an Actor. That statement may sound like i’m shading the other artists but i’m only stating a fact. The ELLE event melons actually had WYB as a participant but we all knew he couldn’t because he had to attend GRA nominee ceremony.
My point is, c-ent is fiercely competitive. From the drama/movie projects, endorsements, spot in the hot search, trying to stay relevant etc but I have observed how all these things are not really WYB’s priority. He is focused with being an actor who churns out quality movie/dramas. I am aware that this comes with some privilege on his end that he can do this but he did take a risk with it too. In the entertainment industry, it’s really rare to find someone ( and at his age ) who is done with feeding their ego. It’s so refreshing. Maybe it’s why a lot of fans and even passerby are attracted to him and his energy. and why Antis are scratching their head trying to find faults with someone who doesn’t fit the mold.
I’m leaving the VCR for his GRA nomination here that was shown in the ceremony earlier. It’s amazing! I love Mister Ye! 🤍
Also this photo of him reading the certificate. I feel so somft. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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part one is here and more of GRA ceremony today
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
my boys are so beautiful. look at their expressions! such big eyes lol 🫶🏼
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I feel like my weekend will not be complete without clowning ….. so allow me to ramble….
let’s start small with this magazine spread featuring our boys. to be fair, i think when it comes to c-ent being popular overseas, these two have a solid ( and sadly, toxic ) following so it makes sense that they will be featured. if there will be anyone who will make c-ent and everything about it interesting to an international fan, it will be these two. it’s why they are such a good pairing/team! power couple!
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I am still hoping for them to be at the Hangzhou Asian Games events at some point. These two. XZ is the ambassador. Bobo did promotional stuff for it too so yeah. let’s wait & see.
Next is what was being talked about last night during the One & Only cast performance. Where WYB did not hold the girl’s hand ( they did tho at some point, when they raised their hand but i get what people mean ).
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this is actually usual for wyb. he doesn’t hold a girl’s hand casually, he tries to not touch more than necessary. out of respect. and of course, of who he is as wyb, he doesn’t want to be misunderstood if people say something about his closeness to a woman. but i also understand why turtles noticed this. thinking about all the unconscious hand holding he and xz do. that level of comfort around each other that’s not only the friendly type but something more intimate. and how at times, they also try to control their proximity and what they show the public.
also wyb’s sweet smile and how people put it side by side this lwj. imma cry. he is so precious! 🥹🥹🥹
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xz and wyb are killing us lately. with wyb being extra cute and sweet. making us proud with all his accomplishments. plus the whole evisu racing campaign. and then ZZ, who thankfully did some promo for WDB and his long luscious hair. we are the luckiest fans 💟
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THE SHUKE X BEITA CP parallel with them is also so strong. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I hope they see this and find it funny 😂😂😂😂 Shuke is Lei Yu’s call sign in BTF and people noticed that Chunsheng’s “look” when he drives his “motorcyle” is like beita’s. and the way he chose to post a live photo of himself looking like that for his finale post makes us suspicious. I’m sure he has lots to choose from but he used this. Does he know? 🤔
and allegedly taken 5/5/2022 @ 18:13. the numbers!
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THIS SCENE IN THE DRAMA. Looks familiar huh.
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there are so many other little things going around but it all points to the fact that our DNA moves ( lol i love this term and expression ) with certain things. from ZZ’s tongue twister exercise that in LRLG was shown that they both do it as a game. to zz’s “sleeping” posture shown in the drama that looks like would make sense with how wyb describes how he sleeps ( basically gg is the little spoon ). plus the way chunsheng in WDB adjusts his ring, like ZZ is used to doing it so it sorta proves our theory that he has one ( allegedly from wyb ofc ).
it never ends. all signs point to szd 😂😂😂😅😅
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
HAPPY FRIDAY! Time for Clowning! 🪷
A cast mate of XZ in ADLAD, made an XZ & Patient # 5 specific post on Weibo. It’s all good and nice but what cpfs noticed are the solo photos of XZ that she used. The first 2 are from the fan site 限時狂想丨0805x1005 , you can actually see the watermark was partially taken out. I’m 50/50 over this cause erasing the watermark doesn’t sit well with me. Maybe she got it from somewhere that removed the mark but it’s no-no to take that out of photos.
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It’s the question of how did she get the photo, XZ is not tagged, only the bjyx supertopic. so was she following that or going somewhere there? I know photos can easily be reposted/edited — and then tag xz or adlad. but yeah, another example of cp fansite photos being used. ✌🏼
CPN or not, this is an opportunity to appreciate the amazing CP fansites who give us beautiful photos in different events. 🫶🏼
Our dear ZZ also gave flowers to the cast — and a note was on it. People are divided on whether he wrote it himself, tho it looks similar to the handwriting in XZS vlog. but the CPN is, a line/message on the card is the same as a previous line in an LRLG post. 👀
As if we needed more proof to find LRLG really sus…
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In another BTF roadshow, a cast mate shared that WYB will sometime be in a corner and eat a candy that is good for the throat. This reminds us of the Ryukakusan CPN. or actually a fact, HAHAHAHAHA! It’s on video that ZZ asked his assistant back in Thailand FM to to give one to WYB cause his throat was sore. 🥹🥹🥹
He really takes ZZ’s health advice to heart, years later!
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Finally, XZS and YBO using the same symbols and format (?) in their captions 💕 XZSYBOSZD! Hahahahahaha! Their employees are dating! 😂
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