#ww would love to know your thoughts 🥺🥺🥺 pls reblog 🥺 with your t tt thoughts 🥺
ihatedean · 1 month
Mmmhhhhnnnnmmhhmhm I mean
how much does it matter that you know which season/era a fanfic is set in? like as a writer, if I say it's "bunker era" would you need to know exactly which season/arc specifically? or are you alright with the vague-ish setting?
this happens a lot to me w the earlier seasons, probably because there are a lot of changes in their relationship during those first years and each have a very specific sort of tension between the boys, a different kind of crash. maybe with the bunker/weecest it blends more easily to me because "well, they live together" so that domestic feeling is a lot easier to focus on than whatever Bad Thing is going on.
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