#wright says this so matter-of-factly as if it isn't one of the most insane concepts i've ever entertained
trillscienceofficer · 4 months
Dark Passions Susan Wright Book 1 - January 2001 (232pp) Book 2 - January 2001 (200pp) Before Kira and Bashir stumbled upon the mirror universe, there was plenty of intrigue going on. Agent Annika Hansen of the Obsidian Order has been ordered to to eliminate the new Overseer of the Alliance, Kira. Even assassins don't appear immune to her considerable wiles, however. Familiar characters play evil and manipulative to the hilt. When Kira obtains an Iconian transportal device, no one is safe from her wrath. Susan [Wright] said, “I'm fascinated with parallel universes. ‘Mirror, Mirror’ was my favorite TOS episode, and I enjoyed the DS9 mirror universe episodes. So when my editor at Pocket Books, John Ordover, said he wanted me to write a ‘bad girls’ of Trek, I was up for it. I created the story for one book, and afterwards it was expanded to two books. I made Seven of Nine and Intendent [sic] Kira the two main characters, and put them into a relationship. I thought it was great that Paramount allowed the interaction. I loved writing characters that were familiar yet fundamentally different. For example, Seven was trained as a Cardassian assassin since there is no Borg in the mirror universe.”
From “Voyages of Imagination: The Star Trek Fiction Companion” by Jeff Ayers (2006)
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