#wow i did it yipppeeee
theabyssalmuses · 5 months
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[ @firestormmaidenanddragon sent in: Garrett was on the run from some very angry guards, he had something that belonged to them, and he needed to lose the heat, or at least, hand over the item in question to someone else for now and claim it back later, thus he'd rush and pick up a bouquet of flowers, making sure to pay before going, and then tucking the relic at the bottom in secret before finding someone to hold the item for now.
This person would be, by coincidence, Mash, he felt he could trust her, though what he was about to do was bound to be confusing for her as he began to hand over the bouquet while trying to play it cool in the small hope the guards would quit the chase.
"Hey miss, I have a gift for you, some beautiful flowers as beautiful as you on this warm day, may I ask, what's your name?" ]
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It was an entirely ordinary day by all accounts. The shieldmaiden strolled through the streets slowly- even now, off-duty, she still found herself contantly checking for danger or trouble. Surveying the area had shown nothing so far, just an ordinary settlement with ordinary people...though her trained ears soon picked up on something rather out of that ordinary. "Footsteps..? Heavy and fast, heading this way..." she thought to herself, turning on her heel to face the source of the sound. Steadfast and ready, she braced herself as a figure came running out from one of the back alleys! He seemed to be in a rush, but she couldn't identify anything about him that she would deem as a threat... in fact--
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"Ah-- excuse me?" Mash was taken aback at first, at a stranger offering her a bouquet of flowers of all things. It was unexpected, an event that didn't happen often after all. Still, her polite nature just didn't let her refuse. "Oh my, thank you very much...?"
With some hesitance, she took hold of the bouquet and held is close to her, bowing her head in thanks. It was tricky for her to wrap her head around- why would someone just give her this? Why were they being so nice, all of a sudden, to a stranger? But as she thought on it she realised- well, why not? Mash did always like to think people were generally 'good' - with that idea in mind, she reasons that his behaviour is no outlier.
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And so, with a smile, she introduces herself.
"My name is Mash Kyrielight. Could I also get your name-? After all, I'd like to know who to thank for these!" she says gleefully, glancing at the gorgeous flowers in her head- idly wondering how they smelled, but thinking it would be weird to sniff them right now...
"So what should I call you, Sir...?"
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