#wouldn't it be funny if i built up giving Papa an actual name only to drop the chapter and call him something fucking stupid
lonelyvomit ยท 2 years
Hi, i got into ghost thanks to you๐Ÿ˜… Could you give me some song recommendations or any other info that could be useful?
HIIIII okay yes! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿฅฐ
for song recs I'd say Spillways, Mary On A Cross, Rats, Jigolo Har Megiddo, Cirice, He Is, Call Me Little Sunshine, Darkness At The Heart Of My Love, From The Pinnacle To The Pit. that's a mix of my personal faves and some of the most popular songs that people usually like ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ
things to know band lineup wise - Ghost is and has always been mostly Tobias + paid musicians. the current ghouls have been the same since 2018, just acquiring a few more since. there's a bunch of names used for the ghouls from different eras and it's only this year that couple of the ghouls have been publicly named (altho we been knew since nothing actually stays secret lmao), so presumably this lineup is gonna be sticking around for a good while, but they all have their other projects during Ghost's downtime and overall the songs & the entire image of the band is all Tobias. also if you see people calling Tobias random names starting with initials TF (Tender Father, Toe Fungus, Titty Fiddler uknow) it's remains from the era when Tobias' name was outed due to a lawsuit but he hadn't officially revealed his identity (until 2017 even Tobias' name wasn't public knowledge, the frontman was known as just Papa Emeritus), so out of respect & to keep the secret from those fans who preferred not to know, people wouldn't call him by his name, but make up the most stupid nicknames out of his initials. and even tho his name is well known now, some of us still do it as a joke because it's simply funny ๐Ÿ˜Œโœจ also also if you see fans talk about going to rituals - that's what Ghost live shows are called lmao. gotta be dramatic โœจ
also there's a shit ton of fantasy lore surrounding the band but you can dive into that as much or as little as you personally want to. the basic lore knowledge is just that the previous papas (1-3) were brothers & papa Nihil's sons, Cardinal Copia/Papa Emeritus IV is Sister Imperator's son, Nihil & Sister dated when they were young but broke up & none of the papas have been confirmed to be both of theirs kid. the previous papas were murdered from Sister's & Nihil's orders and by now Nihil is dead too cus he was old as fuck but he's still chillin around as a ghost. there's 14 episodes of like a lil lore series on Ghost's youtube channel that started when Copia arrived 4 years ago, and the fandom has built an entire alternative universe around the band, so like. if you're not the type to be into fantasy storylines, you don't need to, you can just enjoy the music. if you do enjoy more fleshed out story and universe you can contribute into yourself with writing or art or whatever, Ghost is the perfect sandbox for that too. you can get the basic building blocks from the youtube series and then just go nuts. also also also, the vocalist character will change again soon-ish. while it's always Tobias, every papa character from 1-3 made one album and stepped down. Copia has now made 2 albums - one as Cardinal Copia and one as Papa Emeritus IV. so he's already on borrowed time and his death has been hinted at in the latest lore clip. rat man's gonna go soon, don't get too attached. I'm totally not ๐Ÿฅฒ
okay that's a start asdfghjkl sorry & thanks for letting me ramble lmaooooo
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tsukidrama ยท 2 years
what do you think the name of annie's father is? calling him Papa is really cute. but i imagine he has a strong name
i always pictured that he just doesn't really use it that much because it's unpronouncable in the language they speak.
no idea what it could possibly be though... imagine if it just says [REDACTED] on his birth certificate lmao
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