#would live on gethen happily
werewolfest · 3 months
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I do not know if we were right
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fintan-pyren · 3 years
At some point within the last 15 or so years, Alvacker had a pet velociraptor.
Since it peed on Fitzy's lap, it appears that it was not housebroken, and therefore was probably relatively young.
The lifespan of a velociraptor in the wild is estimated to be around 20 years. Since the Vackeraptor was domestic and had access to elven medicine, it would likely live much longer, around 30-40 years. So it should still be alive today.
The Vackeraptor does not appear to be living at Everglen anymore, so Alvar must have brought it with him when he moved out. But he moved around a lot when he was working with the ogres, so it would've been difficult to keep it with him.
Conclusion: The Neverseen have a pet velociraptor. When Alvar first brought it to the hideout, the other Neverseen members were delighted. Many of them had strict parents growing up, so this was their first pet. They spent hours crying and hugging it and running around setting up the hideout so it could live with them. Ruy stole Fintan's favorite cloak to make a bed for it. Fintan didn't mind. Having a pet made the hideout feel like home. Alvar hadn't originally intended the raptor to stay at the hideout permanently, but he instantly changed his mind when he saw his friends' reactions to it. It was a lot easier than bringing it with him to Ravagog anyways. Even today, the raptor is still staying with the Neverseen. It sleeps curled up at the foot of their beds, sits next to the dining room table because it knows Gethen will feed it some of his fried carnissa root, and sits still as Trix dresses it in a little cape (Trix loves sewing little outfits for it). Its wings don't let it fly, but it can jump very well, as they discovered when it stole Ruy's favorite boot and spent hours perched in the rafters happily chewing on it before Umber managed to coax it down with a piece of mallowmelt. Whenever a new member joins the Neverfamily, the raptor instantly makes them feel at home.
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