#would be cool if one of those Ws was a big fat smooch from his bff huh? now wouldnt THAT really just get his ass
starhoodies · 17 days
i'm so in love with one of your last pieces, REBIRTH I think it is? It's so so good, was in inspired by anything in particular?? I'm just in love with it! Goshh I hope you get inspiration to finish it's accompaniment piece as well!
OH hey!! Sorry this is late!
The Rebirth WIP was for the previous soriku week's prompt, which I believe was "REVERSE // REBIRTH" (?)
I kinda knew right away I wanted to do "Rebirth", and the concept was initially inspired by a song that started off with "The End" and ended with "The Beginning" as its first and last lyrics.
I knew I wanted to go the pseudo baptism route because KH loves both subtle and unsubtle religious symbolism and so do I, especially when it comes to Riku. and YEAH IT'S ON THE NOSE, but so is haloing riku a billion times with the sun/literal halos in KH3 lest audience forgets hes gay jesus or whatever.
that's the short answer but I wrote more cause the adhd meds are bussin rn
so ok I wanted to do a companion piece that hearkened back to KHI's end from Riku's perspective. After everything he's done, his story ending in KHI being a perfect one for him in his eyes. One where he's cut loose from dragging his friends down with him. His vain attempt to gain power to alter the course of a destiny he feared resulting in losing himself and hurting the people he swore to protect. It's justice! It's his punishment. That's "THE END."
and then all of a sudden he's being roughly yanked outta the water by a frantic sora who has been looking everywhere for him.
Despite it all, he's dragged into a second chance. Through gaining control of his darkness and facing his fears in CoM, his choice to keep all his memories, his devotion to Sora, his last stand against Xemnas. Even after all he's done, even with the lengths he's gone to wake Sora up, and despite not even wanting to be found, he can still go home. (and he kinda doesn't get a choice cause sora and kairi were kinda ready to wrestle him to the ground lmao)
In the end, he gets his body back, gets his friends back, and even his old home welcomes him back, the same as it ever was.. KH2's end was super satisfying but it's also just the beginning. There's still much more weighing him down, even as he treads water back to the shore, but yknow...all in due time.
UHHH there's probably more to his I'm not explaining well enough but YOU get it. YOU'VE played the games. YOU know whats going on.
anyway I love it when riku looks at current circumstances and is like "yes this is how it should be, and is probably better than i deserve" and then the narrative hands him another W and he's like
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