#worlds quickest fix-it fic idfc
genderfreakxx · 8 months
[Camera pans up from DAVID’s naked, bloody body in the alleyway to show DAVID and JACK, back in the outfits they wore upon their arrival to the UK, DAVID’s eyes red from crying and JACK restored to his un-mauled state]
DAVID: I…I couldn’t do it, Jack. I’m sorry, I know you told me to end it- I just- I couldn’t-
[DAVID breaks off into a sob, upon which JACK rests a heavy hand upon his shoulder, the two of them seemingly looking down on DAVID’s dead body as police lights flash over them from off screen]
JACK: It’s okay, buddy. It’s over now.
[DAVID nods erratically, wiping snot from his nose and choking back more sobs. DAVID takes a shuddering breath and looks over to JACK at his side, JACK’s hand still firmly gripping DAVID’s shoulder. We see shadows pass over them both in the lights of the police cars, suggesting that the body is being attended to as a crime scene. JACK meets DAVID’s eyes and they hold each others gaze for a moment before JACK speaks again]
JACK: Hey, at least one of us got to shack up with a beautiful dame on this trip, huh?
[DAVID laughs, half hysterically, but we can see a little of the tension leave his shoulders as he begins to accept his fate alongside his friend]
DAVID: She was incredible.
[DAVID holds JACK’s gaze as he says this, laughing through his tears as he reaches a hand up to rest atop JACK’s which is still gripping his shoulder]
[The two men share a meaningful gaze as they both seemingly decide that it’s time to leave. They collectively turn toward the dead-end of the alleyway, hands collectively falling from DAVID’s shoulder, instead bumping shoulders comradely and haphazardly as they meander toward the brick wall behind them.]
DAVID: So…Debbie Klein was at your funeral, huh?
[DAVID’s tone is teasing, bumping shoulders with JACK once more. JACK bobs his head down with a breathy chuckle.]
JACK: God forgiving what happened afterwards? I’ll be riding that high for the rest of my afterlife.
[As their bodies fade into the night, seemingly into the afterlife, the camera pans over to the other corner of the alleyway, police lights and shadows still moving to suggest further commotion off camera, we see the six UNDEAD beings that were killed by DAVID the night prior, standing stiffly and glaring over to where JACK and DAVID’s forms have disappeared]
GHOST ONE: Did we die so that bastard could get laid?
[there is a notable silence as each of the UNDEAD heave an exasperated sigh]
GHOST TWO: Fucking Americans.
[All six UNDEAD exchange tired glances before turning towards the back alley wall, disappearing as they walk into the distance, also finally free to join the afterlife]
[camera pans out wide, revealing DAVID’s body to have been concealed in a black body bag, being heaved onto a gurney. ALEX is being held sympathetically in DR. HIRSCH’s arms as she mourns DAVID’s death, police frantically running around the crime scene as the red and blue lights continue to flash. Camera pans up slowly into the night, revealing the clear sky and it’s Full Moon. Blue Moon by Bobby Vinton plays it’s third reprise as the screen fades to black. Credits roll.]
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